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1. A human adult has 206 bones.

2. A newborn 300 bones.
3. The appendicular skeleton is represented by the bones of the upper and lower limbs.
4. A ligament connects two bones.
5. A tendon connects the bones and muscles.
6. A joint is a point where two bones meet and are connected together by a ligament.
7. Immovable joints do not show any active movement.
8. The skull has immovable joints.
9. The femur, or thighbone, is the longest and strongest bone of the human skeleton.
10. The stapes, in the middle ear, is the smallest and lightest bone of the human skeleton.
11. Muscle strain results when a muscle is overstretched Thus, it is also called muscle pull. A
person with muscle strain may experience swelling of the affected muscle
12. Sprain is a damage in the ligaments that may be caused by twisting of the joints.
13. Carpal tunnel syndrome happens when the carpal ligament narrows in the wrist, squeezing the
nerves of the hand this brings pain, numbness, and weakness in the hands.
14. Scoliosis is a condition wherein the backbone is bent, forming a C or an S shape.
15. Osteoporosis is the weakening of the bones due to decrease in bone mass and Strength loss.
16. The bones forms and produce red blood cells.
17. Cardiac muscle is found in the heart.
18. Calcium and potassium are stored in the bones.
19. The skeletal system supports and forms the whole body.
20. The skeletal muscle attaches to the bone to allow movement.
21. The muscles allow movements of the body and body fluids, such as blood and urine.
Kinds of Joints
22. Jorel plays thumb wrestling with his father. Saddle joint
23. Mr. Lakan is doing weightlifting to develop his biceps. Hinge Joint
24. A group of grade six pupils performed a hula dance. Ball and socket Joint
25. Sonny holds his pencil to write the hypothesis of his experiment. Condyloid joint
26. Danny plays soccer for the junior league. He kicks the ball so hard that it reaches the goal,
gliding Joint
Integumentary System
27. The epidermis is the outermost and thinnest layer of the skin.
28. Keratin holds the skin cells together for protection.
29. The dermis is the middle layer of the skin. It contains blood vessels, sebaceous glands, sweat
glands, hair follicles, and muscles.
30. Sweat glands help the body dispose of wastes. Sweat is composed of water, salt urea, uric acid,
and nitrogenous wastes.
31. The third layer of the skin is called hypodermis, or subcutaneous layer. This layer is filled with
fat tissues.
32. Your skin is generally covered with hair. The hair root originates from the hypodermis and
extends as a hair shaft to the dermis and epidermis. The hair follicle that reaches the
epidermis are dead keratinized cells because they are far from their source of nourishment.
33. Nails protect the ends of the fingers and toes.
34. The cells of the nails are grown at the base where you can see the half-moon shaped region called
35. Acne is most commonly seen on the face neck and upper chest. Acne commonly comes out
during teenage years because the sebaceous glands are very active.
36. A keloid appears like an exaggerated scar.
37. Scabies is a skin infestation by a parasite called itch mite,
38. Head lice infestation is common among children. This condition is transmitted directly by
physical contact with an infected person or indirectly by using infested items, such as combs,
brushes, hats, towels, pillows, blankets
39. Hives, also known as urticaria, is characterized by swelling and itchiness. It is an allergic
reaction that can be a symptoms of immune disease.

Digestive System
40. Mechanical Digestion is the breaking down of food into smaller pieces. This occurs in the
41. Chemical Digestion changes the chemical composition of the food using enzymes.
42. Mouth it breaks down the food into smaller pieces. This is where initial digestion occurs.
43. Saliva moistens and softens the food in the mouth.
44. Pharynx allows the bolus to pass through the esophagus.
45. Esophagus passageway of bolus down the stomach.
46. Peristalsis is an involuntary wavy movement of food on the esophagus and stomach.
47. Stomach is a J shaped organ that digest the food.
48. Small intestine it further digest the chime/food.
49. Villi fingerlike projections in the small intestine that absorbs nutrients.
50. Large intestine substances not absorbed are passed here.
51. Liver is the largest organ inside the body. It ensures that the blood that circulates the digestive
tract is clean.
52. Gall bladder stores bile.
53. Pancreas is found under the stomach it creates pancreatic juices that aids in digestion.
54. Peptic Ulcers are painful sores in the esophagus and stomach.
55. Pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas.
56. Cholera an intestinal infection caused by bacteria.
57. Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver.
58. Kidney is the primary organs of the excretory system. The kidney cleans about one liter of your
blood every minute to remove wastes and extra water.
59. Urinary bladder stores the urine until it is full enough to be emptied
60. The bladder drains urine out of the body through a tube called urethra.
61. Ureters are the passage way of urine from the kidney to the bladder.
62. Kidneys have filtering units called nephrons.
63. Lungs removes carbon dioxide from the blood.
64. Liver breaks down extra amino acid from the protein that we eat.
65. Liver produces bile which is stored in the gall bladder.
66. Bile emulsifies or digests fats.
67. Large intestines- collects and turn undigested food into solid waste.
68. Urinary Tract Infection- infection of the pathway of urine.
69. Escherichia coli bacteria that causes UTI.
70. Kidney Stones forms due to less water intake that causes solidification of calcium salts.
71. Renal failure kidney stops filtering metabolic waste.
72. Chronic renal failure filtration process of the kidney slows down gradually.
73. Acute renal failure kidneys suddenly stops its filtration process.
74. Dialysis is the process of cleaning blood.
75. Hemodialysis is the most common type of dialysis.
76. Ways of taking care of the excretory system.
a. Drink plenty of water
b. Do not hold your urine.
c. Gently wash your genitals.
d. Wear loose and clean undergarments.
e. Avoid salty food.
f. Exercise regularly.
77. The heart is made up of a strong and thick muscle called myocardium.
78. It is covered superior vena cava by a protective sac of connective tissue called pericardium
79. A septum separates the right and left sides of the heart.
80. The right side of the heart carries deoxygenated blood while the left side carries oxygenated
81. The upper chambers are called atria (atrium. singular).
82. The lower chambers are called ventricles. The walls of the ventricles are thick.
83. An electrocardiogram, also known as EKG or ECG, is a test that records the electrical activity
of the heart.
84. The heart cycle is also known as cardiac cycle. Each cardiac cycle consists two heart sounds.
85. The heart rate can be heard by an instrument called stethoscope.
86. The blood vessels serve as the highway for the blood to go to its destination.
87. The artery carries blood away from the heart.
88. The vein carries blood toward the heart.
89. The capillary is the smallest blood vessel that allows only a single pile of blood cell to pass
90. Approximately five liters of blood travel throughout the body.
91. The plasma is a light, yellow liquid comprising the largest component of your blood.
92. These blood cells are formed in the bone marrow.
93. The red blood cell is a known as RBC, or erythrocyte. It contains hemoglobin, an iron-based
pigment where oxygen attaches itself It has a life span of 120 days.
94. The white blood cell is also known as WBC, or leukocyte. The WBC protects the body against
infections such as bacteria viruses, and fungi. Its number increases whenever there is an
95. It is the largest vein is the vena cava
96. It is the largest artery aorta
97. It is the strong muscle that makes up the heart. myocardium
98. Pulmonary Artery is an artery that carries carbon dioxide-rich blood
99. Heart serves as the traffic enforcer that directs the flow of blood.
100. Heart attack caused by a blockage in the coronary artery.
101. Arteriosclerosis build-up of fat deposits and cholesterol on the arteries.
102. Anemia a condition of low number of red blood cells in the body.
Taking Care of the Circulatory system
a. Eat fruits and vegetables. Avoid fatty and processed foods.
b. Engage in physical activities.
c. Drink at least 8 glasses of water.
VERTEBRATES animals with backbones
1. Mammals - Gives birth to live young x. dog, cat, cow carabao
2. Amphibians Can live both on land and in water Ex. Frogs, salamander
3. Reptiles Cold-blooded animals that live on land Ex. Snake turtle crocodile
4. Fish Have gills for breathing and fins for swimming
5. Birds warm blooded animals protected with feathers.
INVERTEBRATES animals with exoskeleton
1. Sponges- Have bodies full of pores. Ex. sponges
2. Flatworms Have soft, flat bodies with only one opening Ex tapeworm
3. Segmented worms Have segmented bodies divided by a septa Ex earthworm
4. Roundworms has long round bodies Ex ascaris, hookworms
5. Echinoderms Known as spiny-skinned animals with five arms Ex starfish sea urchins
6. Mollusks Have soft bodies protected by an outer shell Ex clams, mussels, scallops
7. Arthropods Have segmented bodies made up of two or three parts. Ex lobsters, dragonfly
8. Cnidarians have jelly like bodies Ex jellyfish
9. Arachnids has eight legs
10. Insects has 6 legs

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