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Editorial arrangement and Chapter 1 © Stewart Fotheringham, Peter A.

Rogerson 2009

Chapter 2 © Robert Haining © 2009 Chapter 14 © Luc Anselin 2009

Chapter 3 © David Martin 2009 Chapter 15 © D. Ballas, G. P. Clarke 2009
Chapter 4 © Urška Demšar 2009 Chapter 16 © Lance Waller 2009
Chapter 5 © Shashi Shekhar, Vijay Gandhi, Pusheng Chapter 17 © Andrew B. Lawson, Sudipto
Zhang, Ranga Raju Vatsavai Banerjee 2009
Chapter 6 © Marie-José Fortin, Mark R.T. Dale 2009 Chapter 18 © Peter A. Rogerson 2009
Chapter 7 © David Wong 2009 Chapter 19 © Geoffrey M. Jacquez,
Chapter 8 © Robin Dubin 2009 Jaymie R. Meliker 2009
Chapter 9 © Peter M. Atkinson, Christopher Chapter 20 © Manfred M. Fischer 2009
D. Lloyd 2009 Chapter 21 © Harvey J. Miller 2009
Chapter 10 © Eric Delmelle 2009 Chapter 22 © Morton E. O’Kelly 2009
Chapter 11 © Chris Brunsdon 2009 Chapter 23 © Atsuyuki Okabe, Toshiaki Satoh 2009
Chapter 12 © Vincent B. Robinson 2009 Chapter 24 © Michael F. Goodchild 2009
Chapter 13 © A. Stewart Fotheringham 2009 Chapter 25 © Reginald G. Golledge 2009

First published 2009

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Acknowledgement: Research presented in Chapter 13 was supported by a grant to the National Centre for
Geocomputation by Science Foundation ireland (03/RP1/1382) and by a Strategic Research Cluster grant
(07/SRC1/1168) from Science Foundation ireland under the National Development Plan. The author gratefully
acknowledges this support.
Harvey J. Miller

21.1. INTRODUCTION of computational science and the complexity

of natural processes. It also reviews the
Geocomputation concerns the application of motivations for geocomputation, its rela-
high-performance computers to explore and tionship to spatial analysis and geographic
analyze digital representations of the Earth information systems (GIS), and elements
and related phenomena. Geocomputation of a theory of geocomputation. The next
is predicated on the belief that computa- major section reviews selected techniques to
tional techniques are useful for explaining illustrate the application of geocomputation
and predicting geographic phenomena. This principles in spatial analysis. The final
is due to three reasons: (1) astonishing section concludes this chapter by briefly
increases in computational power allowing discussing the future of GC.
new forms of modeling, analysis, and simula-
tion; (2) greater capabilities for collecting and
storing geographic data, allowing unprece-
dented detailed representations of geographic
phenomena, and; (3) a postulate that compu- 21.2. COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE
tation is meaningful for understanding reality AND COMPLEXITY
beyond the computational process itself, and
21.2.1. Computational science
perhaps better than traditional, analytical
approaches. In contrast with computer science or
The next section of this chapter reviews the the study of computers and computation,
conceptual foundation for geocomputation. computational science (CS) uses comput-
This includes discussions of the broader field ers to study other scientific problems.

CS involves the development and appli- Moore’s Law

cation of computational techniques using The now famous Moore’s Law of Integrated
high performance computers to explore Circuits best describes the incredible growth
massive databases and to simulate com- in computing power. In 1965, Gordon Moore
plex and intricate processes. This com- (one of the inventors of the integrated circuit
plements the use of traditional scientific and then Chair of Intel, Inc.) noted that the
techniques such as experimentation, ana- surface area of each transistor being etched
lytical modeling, and statistical techniques. on an integrated circuit was being reduced
These techniques are limited since they by about 50% every 12 months. In 1975,
can only explore a small portion of the he revised this to 18 months. This is known
vast information spaces implied by some as Moore’s Law: the processing capacity of
phenomena and often require harsh assump- the integrated chip doubles every six months.
tions that are not met in reality, or by Figure 21.1 provides evidence of Moore’s
the data acquired through measuring reality Law (Kurtzweil, 1999).
(Openshaw, 2000). Moore’s Law implies exponential growth
One motivation behind CS is that comput- in computational power. We have orders of
ers have become incredibly powerful and will magnitude more computing power available
continue to do so for the foreseeable future. to us than to researchers as recently as
These potent platforms can provide new, rev- 10 years ago, and many orders of magnitude
olutionary tools for scientific investigation. more than the time when many of our analyt-
Another motivation is the collapse in costs of ical, statistical and experimental techniques
data collection and storage. were developed. Perhaps we should re-think

8 000 000

7 000 000

6 000 000
Number of transistors

5 000 000

4 000 000

3 000 000

2 000 000

1 000 000

1972 1974 1978 1982 1985 1989 1993 1995 1997

Figure 21.1 Evidence of Moore’s Law – the number of transistors on Intel IC chips (based on
Kurtzweil, 1999).

our tools and methods given this growth in This may sound far-fetched. But until
computing power (Openshaw, 2000). recently, science has worked under a similar
but equally pervasive metaphor, namely,
universe as machine. This assumed that the
Data collection and storage universe behaved much like an engine, with
Paralleling the astonishing increases in com- continuous and well-behaved processes with
putational power is an equally stunning effects that are proportional to causes. Most
collapse in the cost of collecting and storing importantly, this implied that the whole is
digital data. The computerization of many equal to sum of the parts, and we can
government and business transactions as understand the whole by studying its parts
well as the increasing capabilities for direct independently. The tools for this exploration
digital data capture through devices such were algebra and calculus: these are tools that
as bar code scanners and environmental examine quantities (magnitudes) in continu-
sensors has greatly reduced the cost of data ous mathematical space (Flake, 1998).
collection. At the same time, database, and There is a fundamental reason why com-
data warehousing techniques have become putation may be a better description of nature
more powerful and affordable (Chen et al., than mechanics: frugality. Natural processes
1996). The hardware costs of storing data have a remarkable ability to extract much
are also a minute fraction of the costs a from a minimal investment of resources:
decade or two ago. These trends are shifting consider, for example, the surface area
science from a data-poor to a data-rich generated by the leaves of a tree or in
environment. the interface between the lungs and the
circulatory system. Similarly, a great deal of
biological complexity results from a code that
consists of only four symbols, namely, DNA.
21.2.2. Nature and complexity
Similarly, computing tries to obtain the most
Just because we are drowning in CPU with the least investment of computational
cycles and data does not mean we should resources and, similar to biological growth,
apply them to understanding non-computer simple computational rules can result in
related phenomena. Computers may not be complex behavior that is not predictable.
appropriate tools for gaining new scientific The property of complexity from simplicity
understanding about reality apart from the in both nature and computation means that
computational process itself. Perhaps com- the whole is greater than the sum of the
puters should just be used to manage our parts: phenomena cannot be understood
data and documents, run our personal digital entirely by independent analysis of their
assistants and cell phones, and coordinate components. This implies a middle path to
transportation and logistics. In other words, scientific knowledge: instead of looking at
just because computers are great for solving the individual or aggregate, we see how the
engineering problems, does not mean that aggregate emerges from the interactions of
they are useful to discover knowledge individuals (Flake, 1998).
about the Earth. However, computational There are some powerful mechanisms in
science is also predicated on a belief that both nature and computation that facilitate
computation can mimic natural processes. complexity from simplicity. These principles
Nature may behave much like a computer; are parallelism, iteration, and adaptation
in fact, perhaps the universe is a computer (Flake, 1998). Complex systems are often
(Kelley, 2002). highly parallel collections of relatively

simple units, for example, consider an there are surprising and useful patterns
ant colony (ants), a brain (neurons), an in these data and representations that are
ecosystem (animals), or a city (people). not being discovered by the analytic and
Parallel systems are more efficient and statistical methods in traditional spatial
robust than sequential systems since they analysis.
can specialize, explore a wider range of Another motivating force for geocompu-
solutions simultaneously, and survive the tation is the increasing recognition of the
failure of many components. Iteration over complexity of the spatio-temporal systems
time allows feedback from the environment of concern in geography and the Earth
to determine the success or failure of sciences (Fischer and Leung, 2001). For
different units and their strategies. Iteration example, the dynamic evolution of an urban
also supports the closely related concept of system emerges from the individual agents
recursion or self-reference. Finally, adapta- of change, their interactions and the co-
tion is a consequence of parallelism and evolution of the context in which these
iteration within an environment with scarce interactions occur. This suggests not only
resources and therefore competition. Many that these systems are more complicated
of the techniques used in computational than previously supposed, but also that we
science incorporate some or all of these cannot engineer their growth; rather, we
principles. can only influence or shape their evolution.
We have seen this time and time again
when a relatively modest change in infras-
tructure or policy (e.g., a new highway
interchange, a change in zoning regulations)
21.3. GEOCOMPUTATION leads to wildly disproportionate outcomes
(e.g., traffic congestion, urban sprawl). This
21.3.1. Motivation
is not defeatist; rather, it suggests humility
Similar to CS, a factor motivating geo- and the need for sophisticated, nuanced
computation is the increasing ability to approaches to understanding and directing
capture, store, and process digital geographic these systems to efficient, equitable and
data. In particular, it is increasingly pos- sustainable outcomes.
sible to capture geo-data at high levels In addition to increasing recognition of the
of spatial and temporal resolution as well complexity of geographic phenomena, it is
as manipulate very detailed representations also likely that intrinsic complexity of these
of geography using geographic information systems is increasing. As the world continues
systems (GIS) and related technologies. to become more crowded, mobile and
Geo-spatial data capture technologies include connected, small local actions can have large-
intelligent transportation systems, hyper- scale outcomes. Saturated road networks
spectral, and laser-based remote sensing mean that an accident in one location results
systems, environmental monitoring devices, in traffic jams across town. Airline networks
and location-aware technologies (LATs) that distribute diseases across continents and
can report their geo-location densely with around the world within hours. The Internet
respect to time. GIS allow analysis of spreads innovative ideas and wild rumors
geographic relationships and morphology throughout the globe nearly at the speed of
at levels of detailed hardly imaginable light. Interconnected financial networks mean
even a short time in the past (Miller that decisions made in a conference room can
and Wentz, 2003). It is possible that have huge economic consequences for large

regions thousands of miles away. Population Two major properties conditioned by a

pressure and consequent desertification in geospatial framework are spatial dependency
Central Asia creates air quality problems in and spatial heterogeneity; these refer to the
North America. A crowded planet with high tendency of attributes at locations that are
consumption, mobile and connected lifestyles proximal with respect to shortest paths to
creates complex spatio-temporal dynamics at be related and the tendency of processes to
all geographic scales. vary by location in geospace (respectively).
Many in geography and other Earth Rather than confounding, these properties
sciences have known for quite some time are rich sources of information about spatial
that the world is more sophisticated, and processes (Fotheringham, 2000). In addition,
becoming even more sophisticated, than the many geographic entities cannot be repre-
mechanical metaphor bequeathed to us by sented as simple points in an information
18th century science. The problem is that we space without significant loss. Geographic
did not have the tools or data for dealing entities have morphological properties such
with basic and applied scientific problems as size and shape that can have non-trivial
from a complex system perspective. The effects on their evolution and interactions
geocomputational revolution is shattering (see Miller and Wentz, 2003). GC is the
this barrier. development and application of compu-
tational techniques that are sensitive to
spatial relationships and spatial morphology
inherent in geo-spatial phenomena.
21.3.2. Distinctive features of
An increasing recognition of the complexity
21.3.3. Relationship to spatial
of geographic systems and the collapse in
analysis and geographic
the costs of capturing and storing geographic
information systems
data does not necessarily justify a separate
field of study. It is possible that standard CS At its core, the argument for GC being
techniques could be applied to geographic unique with respect to CS is identical to
phenomena with the same success with which the arguments for the uniqueness of spatial
they are applied to other scientific questions. analysis with respect to statistics, and GIS
What is it about GC that makes it distinct being a unique subset of information systems.
from CS? What, if anything, makes GC unique with
A major distinction is the emphasis on respect to spatial analysis and GIS?
the geospatial framework that conditions the Fotheringham (2000) distinguishes bet-
phenomenon under investigation (Openshaw, ween computer-based spatial analysis and
2000). A geo-space is a set of locations with GC. Computer-based spatial analysis uses the
defined shortest path relationships between computer merely as a convenient tool (i.e.,
all pairs (Beguin and Thisse, 1979). These nothing more than, say, a very fast slide rule
locations often correspond to the Earth’s or abacus). GC refers to the case where the
surface, although this is not necessarily computer drives the form of spatial analysis
the case. Shortest path relationships are instead of just being a convenient vehicle.
usually based on physical distance, but In other words, in GC the computer plays a
other relationships such as time, direction pivotal role.
and connectivity, or some combination, are GC is more concerned with finding
possible (see Miller and Wentz, 2003). numerical approximations rather than precise

analytical solutions. While this may sound We have also been constructing, storing
like a drawback (and it is), this is a and using maps for 5000 years. In other
necessary trade-off. Traditional modeling words, we can ‘do’ GIS even without
methods rely on simplistic representations computers, although it would be very slow
of space and behavior in order to facilitate and tedious. GC is about what we could
precise analytical solutions. GC determines not do before the development of powerful
numerical approximations of solutions for computers.
systems with more complex representations In sum, GC uses the traditional techniques
of space and behavior. The argument is that of spatial analysis (statistics, mathematical
it is better to have an approximate solution modeling) and GIS as parts of a more flexible
to a richly represented system than an exact and expansive tool kit. GC is concerned
solution to a sterile representation. Numerical with the use of computational techniques
approximations are necessary consequences and technologies within a scientific frame-
of richer, more accurate representations of work. This involves GIS as the data and
geographic phenomena. information manager, computational methods
Much of the digital geographic data as the tools, and high performance com-
available to researchers no longer meets puting as the driver (Fischer and Abrahart,
many of the assumptions of inferential 2000; Fischer and Leung, 2001; Openshaw,
statistics, including the more relaxed assump- 2000).
tions of spatial analysis. Geographic data is
increasingly no longer carefully structured
and limited samples from a much larger
21.3.4. A theory of
population. Rather, digital geographic data
are often monitored entire populations (in the
statistical sense) collected using ill-structured Couclelis (1998a, b) provides a more skep-
and ‘noisy’ methods. Computational tech- tical view of GC. She argues that GC is
niques that do not require strict assumptions in fact a loosely connected ‘grab-bag’ of
are better suited for these rich but sloppy data techniques rather than a focused scientific
(Atkinson and Martin, 2000). endeavor. She challenges the GC community
GIS provides a source of data and a to develop a rigorous computational theory
toolkit environment for GC. GC is distinct of spatiotemporal processes that justifies the
since it emphasizes dynamic processes over prefix ‘geo.’
static form and user interaction over passive Couclelis points out that computational
receipt of information. GC is about matching science is based on the theory of computation,
technology with environment, process with a highly developed and rigorous theory
data model, geometry with application, anal- of what can (and cannot) be computed
ysis with local context, and, philosophy of and how things that can be computed
science with practice (Longley, 1998). We should be. This involves questions such
can also make a distinction between GIS as determining which processes in the
and GC that is similar to Fotheringham’s world can be described in the precise
(2000) distinction between computer-based manner required by computation, and what
spatial analysis and GC. In many respects, the is the appropriate language for describing
computer is nothing more than a convenient specific processes. These are much deeper
vehicle for GIS. For example, the overlay questions than what available computational
operation pre-dates much of the development technique is best for a particular data set
of computer-based GIS (see McHarg, 1969). or problem. (For an excellent introduction

to the theory of computation, see Sipser 21.4. GEOCOMPUTATIONAL

Noting the formal equivalence between
the theory of computing and the theory of This section reviews selected geocompu-
algebra, Couclelis (1998b) also develops a tational techniques, specifically, fractals,
rough typology that demarcates the types of dynamical systems and chaotic behavior,
techniques that can legitimately be called cellular automata, agent-based modeling,
geocomputation. In Table 21.1, the upper and artificial neural networks. This is not
left quadrant contains techniques that are an exhaustive list. Other techniques such as
definitely geocomputational. The lower right geographic knowledge discovery, visualiza-
quadrant contains techniques that are defi- tion, local spatial statistics, and optimization
nitely not geocomputational. The upper right techniques such as genetic algorithms could
and lower left quadrants contain borderline also be included since these are data and
cases. computation-hungry techniques where the
Couclelis also distinguishes between hard computer plays a pivotal role. However, some
GC and soft GC, paralleling a similar of these techniques are better treated indepen-
distinction between hard and soft artificial dently, as indeed they are elsewhere in this
intelligence. Hard GC involves efforts to volume. The survey below intends to provide
understand and represent complex geograph- illustrative examples of geocomputation, as
ical processes using computational tech- well as demonstrate the pervasive theme of
niques. Soft GC refers to the development of complexity from simplicity that underlies
geographic problem representations and solu- most geocomputational techniques.
tions using spatially oriented computational
Couclelis’ (1998a, b) challenge has
21.4.1. Fractals
yet to be met by the GC community.
Answering these fundamental questions Platonic objects such as points, lines, poly-
can indicate the deep connections between gons and solids are simple, smooth and
different geocomputational tools as well as ideal, and typically only result from delib-
between different geographic phenomena; erate design. In contrast, naturally occurring
this will undoubtedly advance the field as objects such as coastlines, clouds, trees and
well as provide it with a more rigorous the human circulatory system are highly self-
foundation. similar, hierarchical and irregular. Each part

Table 21.1 A general classification of geocomputational

and non-geocomputational techniques (Couclelis, 1998b)
Spatial Nonspatial
Operands Spatial Cellular automata Map classification
Shape grammars Neural networks
Fractals Multimedia imaging

Nonspatial Cartographic labeling Traditional modeling

Global statistics

appears to be a scaled-down version of the becoming important in spatial analysis and

entire object, these self-similar features form geocomputation (Goodchild and Mark, 1987;
a hierarchy, and the boundaries of these Longley, 2000). Fractals can also serve as
objects are highly irregular (Mandlebroit, the basis for spatial sampling strategies and
1983). Also, many human-made objects such other forms of spatial analysis (e.g., Appleby,
as transportation networks and cities that 1996; De Cola, 1991; Lam and Liu, 1996).
grow in a bottom-up, organic manner also Because of their natural look, fractals are
appear irregular, hierarchical and self-similar also becoming popular in computer graphics,
(Batty and Longley, 1994). particularly for rending natural landscapes
A fractal is a class of complex geometric such as mountains or other complex terrain
shapes that have fractional dimension, a con- (Clarke, 1993; Illingworth and Pyle, 1997).
cept first introduced by the mathematician Fractals also provide principles for spatial
Felix Hausdorff in 1918. Benoit Mandelbrot data structures that map two- and three-
coined the term ‘fractal’ from the Latin word dimensional data to the one-dimensional data
fractus (‘fragmented,’ or ‘broken’) since structures in computers; examples include
the shapes are irregular rather than smooth space-filling curves such as the Peano
(Batty and Longley, 1994; Encyclopedia curve and the Hilbert curve (Goodchild and
Britannica, 2000). For example, points, lines Mark, 1987).
and polygons have dimensions of zero, one
and two, respectively. In contrast, a fractal
curve has a dimension between one and Measuring the fractal dimension
two, and has a highly irregular and complex As the properties discussed above suggest,
shape, while a fractal region has a dimension fractals are more complex than Platonic
between two and three. objects. The fractal dimension is a measure
Fractals were discovered well over a of this complexity: Mandlebroit (1983) noted
century ago, but were considered to be that the often paradoxical properties of
‘pathological’ and ‘monsters’ (Mandlebroit, fractals (such as enclosing a finite space with
1983). The rise of the digital computer has in infinite boundary, or packing an infinite
facilitated the analysis and appreciation of length into a finite space) are a result of their
these monsters since they seem to be based ‘dimensional discordance’.
on the computational principles of iteration The complexity of a fractal object relates
and recursion. Indeed, it is possible that to scale-dependency when measuring its
many natural objects and processes exhibit size. The first person to notice this was
fractal properties since iteration and recursion Lewis Richardson, although this recognition
are efficient ways to grow objects. Many may go back to the ancient Greeks (Batty
fractals can be generated through recursive and Longley, 1994). In 1967, Mandelbroit
functions that are very compact and require published a paper based on Richardson’s
little information to encode their algorithm. insight entitled ‘How long is the coast of
Fractals are also very good at maximizing Britain?’ (Mandlebroit, 1967). The apparent
functionality with minimal resource inputs. length of a coastline seems to increase
Fractals such as the Koch snowflake and whenever the resolution of the measurement
Peano curve can cram an incredible amount unit is increased: higher resolutions mean
of length (in fact, infinite) into a finite area that smaller and smaller features become
(Flake, 1998). relevant, increasing the measured length.
Since many natural and geographic phe- At the extreme, using an infinitely precise
nomena display fractal properties, they are measure, the coast will appear to be infinite

in length. Therefore, we must conclude that De Keersmaecker et al., 2003; Shen, 2002)
the length of this naturally occurring object land cover patterns (De Cola, 1989), land-
is meaningless, independent of the scale of scape analysis (Burrough, 1993; Clarke and
measurement. Schweizer, 1991) and riparian networks
We can estimate the fractal dimension of (Phillips, 1993a). Wentz (2000) uses a fractal
an entity by comparing the growth in its dimension measure as a component of a
apparent length or size with the change in the general, trivariate shape measure.
scale of the measurement. Essentially, this is
an attempt to estimate the following power
law (Peitgen et al., 2004): Simulating fractal growth
In addition to fractal analysis of geographic
d patterns, it is also possible to simulate fractal
growth using rule sets and iterated systems.
Simulating fractal growth from finite systems
where y is the size of the object, x is the such as rule sets and iterated systems
measurement scale, and d is an empirical captures a key property of fractal growth
parameter related to the dimension of the in the real world: the ability to generate
object. In practice, estimating this relation- highly complex entities using very simple
ship is complex: there are several definitions processes. Physical, biological and human
and measures of the fractal dimension, not all systems evolve from some baseline appar-
of which agree (see Lam and De Cola, 1993; ently without encoding complex information
Moon, 1992; Peitgen et al., 2004). Common such as systems of simultaneous equations,
fractal dimensions include the similarity, constrained optimization problems, or partial
capacity, and Hausdorff–Besicovich dimen- differential equations to govern their growth.
sions (Batty and Longley, 1994; Goodchild Rather, real world phenomena may emerge
and Mark, 1987; Williams, 1997). Methods through simple growth mechanisms applied
for calculating these dimensions include recursively. Many methods for simulating
box-counting, compass, area-perimeter, and fractal growth use the powerful technique of
variogram methods (Burrough, 1993; Peitgen recursion to generate complex structures with
et al., 2004). minuscule base information.
Measuring the fractal dimension of geo- Two well-known recursive methods for
graphic phenomena allows determination generating fractals are iterated functional
of its scale-invariance (self-similarity at systems (IFS) and L-systems. The IFS algo-
different scales) as well as other fractal rithm starts with a seed object and maps a
properties such as space-filling and irregu- point on that object back onto itself through
larity. The increasing availability of digital some randomly chosen affine transformation.
geographic data as well as GIS tools This recursive process iterates and the object
for handling these data can support these approaches a fractal object consisting of the
analyses, allowing more detailed examination union of smaller copies of the seed object (see
of the relationships between spatial process Batty and Longley, 1994; Barnsley, 1988;
and geographic form (Batty and Longley, Flake, 1998). L-systems simulate biological
1994; Longley, 2000). Applications include growth through a rule-based system that gen-
spatial population distributions (Appleby, erates progressively complex strings through
1996), transportation network morphology recursively applying the production rules to
(Benguigui and Daoud, 1991), urban mor- the axioms and the strings generated through
phology (Batty and Longley, 1987, 1994; these applications. This results in structures

with fractal properties that can be visualized discrete-time dynamics, with rates of change
using systems such as turtle graphics (Flake, expressed in terms of differences in the
1998; Peitgen et al., 2004). values of variables at different points in time.
Other methods that simulate fractal growth For many years it was assumed dynam-
include tessellation methods such as cellular ical systems exhibited one of three types
automata (White and Engelen, 1993; also of behavior with respect to time (Flake,
see below) and diffusion-limited aggrega- 1998): (1) fixed point (static); (2) periodic
tion (Batty, 1991; Fotheringham et al., (orbit), and; (3) quasi-periodic (orbits that
1989); these methods have been applied never quite repeat themselves). However,
to simulating urban dynamics. Brownian it was also known that certain types of
motion methods have been applied to sim- dynamical systems exhibited behaviors that
ulate natural objects with fractal proper- were intractable analytically. In particular,
ties such as riparian networks, geological non-linear dynamical systems were known
time series and terrain (Goodchild and to be notoriously difficult. Since the rise of
Klinkenberg 1993). the digital computer, it has become easier
Fractal analysis and fractal simulation to study non-linear dynamical systems using
appear to be powerful methods that can numerical simulation. This has led to the
reveal or mimic the structure and processes discoveries that these systems are not just
underlying many natural and human systems. intractable: they show very complex behavior
The critical question remains whether explicit now referred to as chaos.
linkages can be identified between fractal Chaos is not randomness: completely
processes and the natural and behavioral deterministic systems can exhibit chaotic
mechanisms identified from the domain sci- behavior. Yet this behavior is seemingly
ences. It is important to note that some fractal random with respect to prediction: fore-
algorithms are heuristics that imply unrealis- casts about these systems over the long-
tic growth processes. To this end, correspon- run are poor, even though the mechanisms
dence between fractal processes and central of the system are known. In particular,
place theory (Arlinghaus, 1985; Arlinghaus chaotic systems are highly sensitive to
and Arlinghaus, 1989) and von Thünian initial conditions: small differences in the
theories of urban structure (Cavailhès et al., starting points can lead to huge differences
2004) have been established. in their trajectories later in time. Chaotic
behavior seems to be inherent in many
types of nonlinear dynamical systems, even
those with very simple structures: population
21.4.2. Dynamical systems and
dynamics, predator–prey dynamics, weather,
chaotic behavior
and the stock market are all examples of real
A dynamical system is a system that world processes that can be difficult to predict
experiences some change or motion. Many even if we know the underlying mechanics
(if not most) natural and human made (Flake, 1998).
systems are dynamic. The traditional way
to study dynamical systems is through
differential equations and difference equa- Chaotic behavior and strange attractors
tions. Differential equations are continuous- Two well-known non-linear systems that
time equations where one or more of the generate chaotic behavior are the Lorenz
variables are rates of change expressed attractor and generalized Lotka–Volterra
as derivatives. Difference equations capture systems. The Lorenz attractor consists of

three linked differential equations that (Flake, 1998; Peitgen et al., 2004; Williams,
model convection flow in weather sys- 1997).
tems. Generalized Lotka–Volterra systems
model predator–prey relationships through
n linked differential equations, where n is Spatial chaos
the number of species. This system displays The non-linear dynamical systems we have
of wide range of dynamic behavior under discussed thus far exhibit temporal chaos,
different parameterizations, including chaotic that is, chaotic behavior in the dynamic
behavior (Flake, 1998). evolution of aggregate system parameters.
The Lorenz attractor and generalized A reasonable question is whether temporal
Lotka–Volterra systems capture many of the chaos can lead to spatial chaos or complex
characteristics of chaotic dynamical systems. spatial patterns that exhibit a high degree
Both are non-linear and incorporate feed- of sensitivity to conditions at particular
back: for example, in Lotka–Volterra systems locations. Theoretically, it turns out that
the number of predators affects the number spatial chaos can emerge from temporal
of prey through culling the latter, while in chaos under very broad conditions: unless
turn the number of prey affects the predators the system is perfectly isotropic with respect
that can be supported. Both systems are very to space, spatial chaos will emerge and
simple, but generate very complex behavior – increase over time (Phillips, 1993b, 1999a).
behavior that often cannot be distinguished Given the broad conditions under which
from randomness. However, the trajectories spatial chaos can emerge, it is not surprising
of these systems contain order, at least in that spatial chaos has been detected in
a global sense. Finally, these systems are physical and human geographic models
hypersensitive to initial conditions, with the and data. These include physical systems
consequence that while short-term behavior such as geomorphologic, hydrological, and
can be predicted, long-term predictions are ecological systems (see Phillips, 1999a, b),
meaningless (Williams, 1997). retail dynamics (Wilson, 2006), economic
An attractor is the bounded region within systems (White, 1990), urban systems (Wong
the phase space towards which dynamic and Fotheringham, 1990), and spatial choice
systems evolve: examples include the fixed processes (Nijkamp and Reggiani, 1990).
point, period, and quasi-periodic behaviors There are three general approaches to
mentioned above. Chaotic systems are char- detecting spatial chaos (Phillips, 1993b). One
acterized by strange attractors. The system method is to test for sensitivity to initial
evolves within a finite space, but with an conditions by analyzing the Lyapunov expo-
infinite period: visiting every location within nents: these describe the average rate of con-
the region but never the same location twice. vergence or divergence of two neighboring
Consequently, the calculated dimension of trajectories in phase space (Williams, 1997).
chaotic trajectories will often be fractional: A second method is numerical simulation:
contained within a finite area, but space- simulate and plot the behavior of the system
filling. These trajectories are often infinitely in phase space, and analyze the plot using
self-similar: increasing the resolution of the graphical techniques. A third approach is to
calculations and subsequent trajectory plots examine an empirical temporal or spatial
will reveal the same structure repeatedly. series for signatures of chaos, with the
Thus, there is a deep linkage between fractals latter series derived by generating a spatial
and chaos: both exhibit the computational gradient by choosing some transect across
principle of complexity from simplicity space (see Phillips, 1993b).

Although techniques exist for detecting organization, configuration, pattern, dynam-

spatial chaos, this is nevertheless challenging ics, transformation, and change (White and
since chaos often co-exists with stochastic Engelen, 1997).
uncertainty in real-world systems. Therefore,
it can be difficult to extract the chaotic
signature, particularly with systems that CA components
have a large number of variables and/or A cellular automaton consists of the fol-
with datasets that are small and imperfectly lowing components (Batty, 2000). The basic
measured. Consequently, a major challenge element of a CA is the cell. A cell is
is to develop detection techniques that work a memory element that stores different
given these real-world conditions (Phillips, states. In the simplest case, each cell can
1993b; Williams, 1997). have the binary states 1 or 0. In more
complex simulation the cells can have several
different states. The cells are arranged in a
regular, discrete spatial configuration, usually
a lattice. However, the grid configuration is
21.4.3. Cellular automata
not required; see O’Sullivan (2001) and Shi
Cellular automata (CA) are discrete spatio- and Pang (2000). The state of each cell for
temporal dynamic systems based on local the next time step is based on the states
rules. Using relatively simple rule sets, CA of the cells in its neighborhood. Common
can generate very complex spatio-temporal definitions of neighborhoods include von
dynamics, including chaotic behavior (Flake, Neumann (a neighborhood with radius = 1
1998). The potential for CA in spatial following the rook’s case), Moore (an
analysis has been recognized for quite some enlargement of the von Neumann neigh-
time. In a pioneering paper, Waldo Tobler borhood to contain diagonal cells), and
describes the theoretical foundation for a extended Moore (a Moore neighborhood
cellular geography and defines five general with radius = 2). It is also possible to
classes of models, with CA being one relax the assumption of neighborhood to
of these classes (Tobler, 1979). Couclelis allow non-local effects (see Takeyama and
(1985, 1988) followed this with discussions Couclelis, 1997).
of the potential of CA for capturing micro– Transition rules determine the state of a
macro spatial dynamics and the emergence cell at time t + !t based on the pattern
of complex geographic systems from simple of cell states within its neighborhood at
behaviors. time t. The set of transition rules are finite
CA are becoming very popular in geo- and constant across all cells. The number of
graphic research for a number of reasons. possible transition rules can be enormous.
One is that they are inherently and explicitly If " is the number of possible states and
spatio-temporal. A second reason is that h is the size of the neighborhood, then the
they are computationally efficient and can number of possible cell patterns is p = "h .
be applied to problems with very high Given these patterns, there are R = "p
spatial resolution. There is also a natural different transition rules for the cell. For
link to GIS. GIS provides a platform for example, in a Moore neighborhood with
managing the spatial data required for CA. binary states, there are 29 = 512 possible
In return, CA allow GIS to go beyond static, cell patterns and 2512 = 1.340780793 E 154
geometric representations to include non- possible rule sets; a number that is larger
localized spatial processes such as spatial than the number of elementary particles

in the universe (Batty, 2000). However, Despite the increasing popularity of CA

although the number of possible transition in geocomputational modeling, standard CA
rules is enormous, in practice the rules are have some restrictions that can cause some
typically very simple and refer to aggregate concerns when modeling geographical pro-
properties rather than detailed patterns within cesses. One limitation is the assumption of
neighborhoods. time–space stationarity: a cell’s future state
Empirical studies by Wolfram and others is completely characterized by the states in
show that even the simple linear automata its neighborhood according to static transition
above behave in ways reminiscent of rules. Cells have no inherent characteristics
complex biological systems. For example, that can affect its transitions. Therefore,
the fate of any initial configuration of a given configuration of cells in the neigh-
a cellular automaton is to (1) die out; borhood of that cell will result in the same
(2) become stable or cycle with fixed transition regardless of that cell’s location in
period; (3) grow indefinitely; (4) grow and space and time (White and Engelen, 1997).
contract in a complex manner (Wolfram, Phipps and Langlois (1997) note that time–
1984). The important implication of these space stationarity is particularly problematic
properties is that models of complex systems when modeling geographic processes such as
need not be complex themselves: simple land use dynamics. The location of a parcel
rules can generate the complex behav- of land with respect to the rest of the system
ior we associated with biological entities, can affect its land use over time. Similarly,
ecosystems, economic systems, and cities the conditions that affect land use at one
(Couclelis, 1988). time can change; for example, zoning laws
may change as vacant parcels are filled and
pressure builds to relax zoning restrictions.
Global from local Another problem is the assumption of
A very important property of cellular unconstrained transitions: the number of
automata is the emergence of global patterns cells in each state is determined endoge-
from local rules. The transition rules that nously by the application of transition rules
drive the system are purely local: each cell’s to the current configuration with no recog-
future state is based on neighboring cells nition of potential exogenous constraints.
only. Yet, higher-level global patterns and Li and Yeh (2000) address the unconstrained
structure emerge from these purely local transition problem by incorporating environ-
rules. The system self-organizes at the global mental constraints into their CA-based urban
level: there are no overarching rules yet dynamics model.
global patterns emerge. Applications of CA A third weakness of using CA to model
span a wide range of emergent geographic geographic processes is that a deterministic
phenomena: these include urban dynamics rule set is unrealistic. Other unobserved fac-
and land-use (Clarke and Gaydos, 1998; tors (such as individual choice) can influence
Clarke et al., 1997; White and Engelen, state transitions. Phipps and Langois (1997)
2000; Xie, 1996; also see Benenson and develop a stochastic framework for CA-based
Torrens, 2004, chapter 4), wildfire propaga- modeling of land-use dynamics. Also see
tion (Clarke et al., 1994), traffic simulation de Almeida et al. (2003), Batty (2000), and
(Esser and Schreckenberg, 1997) as well Wu (2002) for discussions and examples of
as physical geographic phenomena such as stochastic CA.
forest succession, land cover, and species Scale is also a critical issue in CA model-
composition (see Parker et al., 2003). ing of geographic phenomena. Scale issues

are inherent in the choice of cell size as The objective is to simulate the dynamics of
well as the neighborhood definition. Ménard complex systems through the behaviors and
and Marceua (2005) perform a sensitivity interactions of its individual agents. Agents
analysis of scale and the resulting spatial can represent people, households, animals,
patterns and dynamics in a CA model of land- firms, organizations, regions, countries, and
cover change. They discover substantial, so on, depending on the scale of the analysis
non-linear relationships between these scale and the elemental units hypothesized for
issues and the simulation results. that scale.
Similar to CA, ABM in many respects
exemplifies the geocomputational approach.
ABM is motivated by the view that many
21.4.4. Agent-based modeling
geographic phenomena are emergent: sim-
An agent is some independent unit that ple processes generate complex structure
tries to fulfill a set of goals in a complex, and patterns. In addition, the increasing
dynamic environment. These goals can be availability of high-resolution data and GIS
‘end goals’ or ultimate states that the agents tools for handling these data facilitate
try to achieve, or they can be some type ABM in geographic research (Benenson and
of reinforcement or reward that the agent Torrens, 2004).
attempts to maximize. The environment can
be very general, and often includes other
agents. An agent is autonomous if its actions Generative geographic science
are independent, i.e., it makes decisions ABM is a critical tool in a distinct, generative
based on its sensory inputs and goals. An approach to science that focuses on the
agent is adaptive if its behavior can improve following question: How could the decen-
over time through some learning process tralized local interactions of autonomous
(Maes 1995). Agents interact by exchanging agents generate a given pattern? The analyst
physical or virtual (informational) resources. attempts to answer this question by situ-
These interactions are typically very simple: ating an initial population of autonomous
they can be described by a small set of agents in a relevant spatial environment
rules. From the pattern and intensity of these and allowing them to interact according
interactions emerge complex behavior that is to simple rules, thereby generating the
not completely predictable or controllable: macroscopic regularity from the bottom up.
it materializes from the interactions of these If the analyst can reproduce the macro-
rules (Flake, 1998). scopic pattern, than the microspecifica-
The agent perspective is very general: tion is a candidate explanation (Epstein,
many systems can be viewed as collections of 1999).
autonomous, adaptive, and interacting agents. ABM is well-suited as a central tool in gen-
In agent-based modeling (ABM), we are erative science due to the following realistic
concerned with simulated agents (software characteristics (Epstein, 1999): (1) hetero-
representations) as opposed to embodied geneity – agents represent individual entities
agents (such as humans). Multi-agent systems with unique characteristics that can change
(MAS) are ABMs that contain a distribution over time, as opposed to the static, aggregate
of simulated and interacting agents (Boman representative agents in traditional social
and Holm, 2004). ABM and MAS are and other sciences; (2) autonomy – there
bottom-up, individual-based approaches to is no central control over individuals in
simulating physical and human phenomena. agent-based models, except for feedback

between macrostructures to microstructures and human movement at micoscales (Batty

(such as newborn agents learning social et al., 2003).
norms or shared culture), and therefore no Automata-based modeling such as ABM
need to postulate an abstract central authority and CA does have some substantial weak-
or governing equations to facilitate the nesses and challenges (Epstein, 1999). First,
modeling; (3) explicit space – agent behavior automata-based modeling lacks standards
and events occur in an explicit space, whether for model comparisons and replication of
it is real (e.g., geographic) or abstract (e.g., results (Axtell et al., 1996). Unlike analytical
social networks); (4) local interactions – modeling, subtle design differences (such
agents interact only with other agents and as asynchronous versus synchronous agent
environmental factors within some bounded updating) can make huge differences in
regional of space and time; and (5) bounded the results, and there are no standards for
rationality – agents have limited information, reporting these decisions. Second, solution
often based on their local neighborhoods, and concepts are weak: a simulation run is
limited abilities to process this information. only one possible path of a (typically)
Similar to CA, explicit representations of stochastic process, not a general solution.
space and local neighborhoods for interaction Consequently, there is need for careful
make ABM a natural tool for analyzing experimental design to fully explore or
geographic phenomena. Unlike CA, the sample from the information space implied
neighborhood over which an agent interacts by the model. However, this leads to a
can be more fluid and flexible. In addition, third challenge. While the parameter space
an agent can be mobile: in addition to given a postulated rule set is usually
changing its state, it can change its location small, the space defined by combinations
in space over time. In some respects, these of possible agent rules can be enormous
distinctions are arbitrary and historical: CA and difficult to explore fully (recall the
and ABM can be seen as special cases earlier discussion regarding the number of
of a more general geographic automata potential CA rules). However, this can be
system containing spatially fixed (CA) and mitigated to some degree by theory: similar
non-fixed (ABM) automata (Benenson and to any good modeling, theoretical correctness
Torrens, 2004). Similarly, Boman and Holm should help distinguish between plausible
(2004) argue that time geography (see and implausible rules.
Hägerstrand, 1970) can serve as a unifying
principle for ABM and the older tradition
of microsimulation by providing a more
21.4.5. Artificial neural networks
explicit representation of real-world spatial
and temporal constraints on agent behaviors Continuing development and deployment
and interactions. of technologies for capturing geographic
ABM have been applied in diverse information such as remotely sensed imagery,
domains such as economics (see Epstein, vehicle-based GPS receivers, flow gauges,
1999; Tesfatsion and Judd, 2006), environ- and automated weather reporting stations
mental management (Gimblett et al., 2002; are generating huge but error-prone datasets.
Hare and Deadman, 2004), land-use/land- To exploit this noisy data requires tech-
cover change (Parker et al., 2003), urban niques that are robust (fault-tolerant) and
dynamics (Benenson and Torrens, 2004), scalable (process large databases in rea-
societies and culture (Epstein and Axell sonable, perhaps even real, time). Artificial
1996), transportation (Balmer et al., 2004), neural networks (ANNs) are an important

class of computational techniques that can Also, integrating ancillary information into
exploit noisy data, as well as solve difficult remote sensing to aid in classification also
optimization problems. increases the complexity of the problem
ANNs are an analog to biological neu- (Fischer and Abrahart, 2000). ANNs have
ral networks such as the brain. Biologi- considerable promise as pattern classifiers
cal neurons adjust their firing frequencies that can effectively handle the vast and noisy
over time to other neurons in response information in remotely sensed imagery and
to the firing frequencies from their input imagery combined with ancillary data (see
neurons. Some of these neurons are con- Foody, 1995; Gong et al., 1996; Hepner
nected to external sensors (such as eyes). et al., 1990).
Through a learning process, the biological In contrast to pattern classification, we
neural networks adjust firing frequencies often have the case where we do not have any
until an appropriate response is achieved pre-specified categories for the data. Instead,
(e.g., ideas, behavior). An ANN replicates we wish to find natural groupings or clusters
(on a very limited scale) the behavior of the data based on inherent similarities
and connectivity among biological neurons and dissimilarities. Cluster analysis refers
in a brain. ANNs adapt their structure to attempts to classify a set of objects into
based on subtle regularities in the input classes or clusters such that objects within
data. They are robust with respect to error a cluster are similar while objects between
and can find patterns in noisy data in a clusters are dissimilar. Unsupervised ANNs
short amount of time. ANNs offer these such as Kohonen Maps are a type of neural
advantages over ‘brittle’ statistical methods clustering where weighted connectivity after
that require strict, well-behaved and known training reflects proximity in the information
error distributions (Fischer and Abrahart, space of the input data (see Flexer, 1999).
2000). ANNs have been used to cluster river flow
data into different event types (Fischer and
Abrahart, 2000).
ANN application modes ANNs can also be viewed as a type
ANNs are very flexible and can be of universal function approximation tech-
applied in many different modes, including nique. Assume a large stream of paired
pattern classification, clustering, function inputs and outputs generated from some
approximation, forecasting, and optimization unknown noisy function. We can view
(Fischer and Abrahart, 2000). ANNs as an attempt to approximate the
Pattern classification involves assigning unknown function with an approximate
input patterns into one of several prespecified function determined by the pattern of
categories. Supervised classification is one of weights in the ANN (Fischer and Abrahart,
the central problems in remote sensing: each 2000). Applications of ANNs as function
pixel must be classified into one of several approximations include spatial interaction
known land cover classifications based on its (Fischer and Gopal, 1994; Gopal and Fischer,
spectral signature and perhaps other spectral 1996; Mozolin et al., 2000; Nijkamp et al.,
signatures in its neighborhood. However, tra- 1996) and spatial interpolation (Rizzo and
ditional methods for supervised classification Dougherty, 1994).
in remote sensing are failing relative to The problem of function approximation is
the vast amount of information available in very similar to the problem of forecasting
emerging remote sensing technologies that events over space and time. Formally, the
have high spatial and spectral resolution. problem is: given a set of n samples of

a time series, predict the value(s) of n + 1, processes across networked computers,

n + 2, . . . . (Fischer and Abrahart, 2000). exploiting unused resources in these
See Hill et al. (1996) for more detail on clients. Grid environments can rival
ANNs in time series forecasting. Applications the performance of a high-performance
in physical geography include rainfall-runoff mainframe at a fraction of its cost (Armstrong
responses (Smith and Eli, 1995; Fischer et al., 2005).
and Abrahart, 2000). Gopal and Scuderi Over the longer run, computational power
(1995) use ANNs to predict sunspot cycles should continue to increase at its exponential
and solar climate conditions. ANNs are rate for several more decades. Moore’s
also being used to predict traffic conditions Law was developed specifically to describe
and flow within transportation networks; see electronic computing based on the integrated
Dougherty et al. (1994). circuit. However, Kurtzweil (1999) notes
ANNs have also proven effective at that an exponential increase in computing
solving complex optimization problems. This capabilities has been occurring for over a
requires transforming a given optimization century. This includes the mechanical com-
problem to a neural network representation. puter (1900–1930), electromagnetic comput-
Applications to classic optimization problems ers (1930–mid 1940s), vacuum tube comput-
include the traveling salesman problem, ers (mid-1940s to 1956), transistor computers
scheduling, and the knapsack problem (see (1956–1968), and the current paradigm of
Peterson and Söderberg, 1993). integrated circuit based computing (1968–
2030?). Thus, Moore’s Law of integrated
circuits is only a special case of a more
general trend that may continue through the
21.5. CONCLUSION: THE FUTURE 21st century. Limits to integrated circuit
OF GEOCOMPUTATION engineering techniques, as well as the
laws of physics, could, however, mean
The future of geocomputation can be summa- an end to this growth sometime within
rized in the following sentence: more data, the next few decades. But even with a
more power, and greater access to both. conservative estimate of reaching the limits
Data collection and storage costs continue in the year 2030, we are still looking
to fall, and computational power continues at over twenty more years of continued
to increase and will likely increase through exponential growth in computing. It is also
the mid-part of the 21st century, perhaps possible that another computing paradigm
beyond, and the nature of computer interfaces may emerge that may shatter these limits.
is changing. For example, quantum computing would not
Currently emerging are new computing only shatter these limits, but would also
environments that have great potential for require an entire new theory of simultaneous
geocomputation. Parallel processing has computation.
promise in geocomputation and GIS since The nature of the interface between
most procedures can be decomposed into computation, data collection, and information
parallel tasks or data streams. However, access is also changing. We are currently
this decomposition is not trivial due to in an era of ubiquitous or pervasive com-
the overhead involved (see Healy et al., puting characterized by the connection of
1998; Mineter and Dowers, 1999; Turton, things in the world through computational
2000). Grid computing environments devices that are small, lightweight, embed-
software (called middleware) can distribute ded in other things (such as automobiles,

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