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Quarter 2 Grade Level: 6 DATE: OCTOBER 26, & NOV.

9, 2022
Week: 9&11 Learning Area: HELE 6
MELC/  Identifies family resources and needs (human, material, and nonmaterial). (no code given)
S:  Enumerates sources of family income (no code given)
 allocates budget for basic and social need such as: 1.1.1 food and clothing 1.1.2 shelter and education 1.1.3 social needs: social and moral obligations (birthdays, baptisms, etc.),
family activities, school affairs savings/emergency budget (health, house repair) (no code given)

1  Identify family Management of Begin with classroom routines: Activity 1

needs and Family Resources – Make your family budget. Consider the previous
resources. Family needs and  Prayer lessons as your guide in doing the budget. Show it to
Resources the class for comments and suggestions.
 Reminder of the classroom heath and protocols
 Checking attendance
After answering your activity, take a picture of it and
upload it to our Google Classroom. Just click the “Add
A. RECALL or Create” button and choose the file. Don’t forget to
Participating in Video and Audio Conferences “Turn In” your activity.

Have the students look at the picture and ask their opinion about it.

Family Needs
The family has several needs to survive and live a good and modest life. These
needs can be categorized as basic and social needs.

Basic needs refer to the things needed by a family to stay alive. Below are
examples of basic needs.

1. Food, water, and oxygen – As humans, of course, a family needs

food, water, and oxygen for their human bodies to keep functioning
2. Clothing and Shelter – A family needs clothing and shelter to
protect themselves from the environment's rain, heat, cold, and other
unfavorable environmental conditions.
3. Safety and security – A family should live in a place and within a
community where they can feel safe and secure.

Social needs – refer to one’s need for love, acceptance, appreciation, trust,
and a sense of belonging. These needs are met by having social interactions
with other people. That is why a family has social and moral obligations such
as attending events of people they know and being present in family and
school affairs. Social activities help family members live in harmony with each
other and with the people around them. The following are examples of social
events and activities that a family considers as social and moral obligations.

1. a relative’s or a family friend’s important event such as a birthday, wedding,

baptism, and burial
2. family reunions and outings
3. school affairs such as graduations

Family Resources
Resources are the means used to get one’s needs and reach one’s goals. A
family would need to use their resources such as money, talents, or skills to
get their needs such as food and shelter. To keep having money, a family,
especially the parents, need to make use of resources such as knowledge,
energy, time, and skills to do work and earn money.

Family resources can be categorized into two types – human and


1. Human Resources – are less tangible resources that originate internally

and constitute personal characteristics or attributes. Some resources are more
tangible than others. They are used for productive purposes. Human resources
play a vital role in creating a satisfied and successful individual. The potential
of human resources is often not realized and they tend to be overlooked.
These include time, skills, talents, energy, and knowledge.

2. Nonhuman Resources - on the other hand, are things that anyone can
have or use. These are also known as material resources. These are easily
identified and are essential for the achievement of most of the family goals.
Material resources include everything possessed by the family and by the
community to which the family belongs. They include money, land, house,
goods, and facilities.

While making use of the limited family resources the important goal of the
well-being of the whole family should be kept in view. The interests of all the
members should be taken into consideration. By doing this the family will enjoy
happiness and satisfaction as there will be a proper balance between the
needs of the family and the family resources.

The family has several needs to survive and in order to live a good and modest
life, ask the learners what are the basic needs of things that are needed by a
family to stay alive and explain them in the class. Let learners ask clarification


Let the learners give examples of human resources and nonhuman resources
and let them explain their answers.

Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
_____1. Effective management of a family’s resources and needs is very
important in attaining family goals.
_____2. Without non-material resources, family members will be able to
perform their duties and responsibilities at home, school, and work.
_____3. Families must not invest in material resources like houses and lot,
jewelry, and others.
_____4. Human resources, material resources, and non-human or non-material
resources are types of family resources.
_____5. Family resources are those that the family possesses and make use of
to achieve family goals.

Explain the Home-based activities that they need to accomplish.

2  Enumerate the Management of Begin with classroom routines:

sources of family Family Resources –
income. Family income,  Prayer
 Enumerate the expenses, and budget.  Reminder of the classroom heath and protocols
components of a
 Checking attendance
family budget.
Family needs and Resources

Where is your family money entered in your household coming from? Daily
job? Extra cash received from extra work? Spouse income? Or a long-distance
family member helping out with your expenses?

Any source of money that an individual or business receives in exchange for

providing goods or services is called income. Total income earned by all the
members of the household is called family income. A household needs income
to meet its basic need and to enjoy the wants it desires.

Family Income
Money can be seen as the most needed resource for the family to survive since
it is used to buy basic needs such as food and water. Family income is the
money that is earned by the members of the family for the welfare of the
whole family.

Below are some sources of family income.

1. Salary and Wages – money earned from employment is the most
common source of family income. Salary is earned either by working for an
employer or being self-employed. Profit earned from a family business or
home-based business contributes a lot to the family income. It is best if the
family members, including the children, know different sidelines such as selling
simple products to generate more income.
2. Investment – this is a way wherein one’s money is the one doing the work
for him or her. Additional family income can come from buying a property and
having it for rent, putting money in interest-bearing accounts, and joining the
stock market and mutual funds.

3. Government assistance – some indigent families qualify for government

assistance such as scholarships for the children and medical assistance. The
government also offers social security benefits for people with disabilities and
senior citizens.

Family Expenses
Family expenses refer to things or goods bought or services availed using the
family income as payment. There are two types of family expenses.

1. Fixed expenses – these are expenses that must be paid regularly and
always cost the same amount of money over some time. Examples are school
fees, rentals, and payments for electricity, water, food, and transportation.

2. Flexible expenses – these are the ones that are paid for with the money
that is left after paying for fixed expenses. Examples are clothing, recreation,
entertainment, medical and dental care, and other personal expenses.

Family Budget – one of the most ways in handling money is through

budgeting. A family budget is a plan for wise spending on the family income.
Planning the budget is done to save money for predictable and unpredictable
future needs. Its main goal is to save money for emergency purposes. While
preparing the budget for the family is not easy, executing the budget as
efficiently as it is made is all the more difficult. A budget is a spending plan or
schedule, while budgeting is allocating the family income to the different
expenses of the family.

The Components of a Family Budget

A family needs to record their daily, weekly, and monthly expenses. This will
be included in designing a family budget. Some of the components of a family
budget are:





Food Housing
Clothing Education
Miscellaneous Medical and Dental Care
Transportation Savings
Operating Expenses

1. Food – this is where the biggest part of the family budget goes since the
health and life of the members of the family depend on it.
2. Housing – it includes house rental or monthly amortization, tax, and
property insurance.
3. Education – It includes tuition fees, books, and other school needs.
Children studying in public or private schools need daily allowances, aside from
their transportation fees.
4. Operating Expenses – they are expenses in running households such as
payments for electricity, water, telephone, internet, cable subscription, and
salary of the household helper. Updated payments will mean continuous
services and enjoyment.
5. Medical and Dental Care – the family budget should be flexible enough
to include emergencies. Hospitalization of family members needs a portion of
the budget for medications and payment for hospital bills or dental expenses.
6. Miscellaneous expenses – they are expenses such as gifts, recreation,
contributions, and tithes and offering to the Church.
7. Savings – this is the amount set aside for buying needed appliances and
furniture, social plans, and family emergencies.
8. Clothing – this is the amount set aside for buying clothes for the family
9. Transportation Allowance – it includes the transportation allowance of
working members of the family.

Ask the learners why is it important to have a family budget and explain them
in class. Let learners ask clarification questions.
Let the learners prepare a food budget based on the income of their family
show it to the class for comments and suggestions and let them explain their

Enumerate the Components of a Family Budget:

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