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The Golden God defeated

Shadow Nightingale, a warm-hearted, bold, not very modest 16 year old stared out onto the endless stretching path from a window
of one of her sick patient’s bed. She hated being trapped in this boring place, while everyone else is on the quest to defeat the
Golden God. It is the ultimate shadow covering the rest of the world (except Shadow’s little village, which seems to be destined to
defeat the Golden God) in darkness for eternity.

But nobody would let her go.

“You’re too young. And you run a hospital! What would we do without you?”
Shadow glared straight into here father’s stern little eyes. “So what?” She yelled. “You can run the hospital while I’m gone! And
I’m much more brilliant than some of the adult villagers, I’m sure that I’ll do a great job on the Quest.” Maybe, Shadow is right,
considered her father.
“All right, you can go. You can take your swords and your pet eagle, but she will notify me on how you’re doing at the end of each
day. You will have to be careful, for it is very dangerous.” Shadow’s father agreed after a long time.
“Yes!” She punched the air triumphantly. “Feathers! Come on, we’re finally going!” Shadow called over her shoulder. “Bye, Dad,
see you when I get back!”

Hmm, she is doing well, for a girl here age, mused Shadow’s father. 1 day and she’s progressed as much as a grown man would
have. Perhaps I underestimated her. Feathers squawked loudly. “Yes, you can go now.” He told her. He gazed at the little brown
dot getting smaller and smaller, with tears in his eyes.

Many weeks passed and Shadow was proceeding further than anyone else in her village. Finally, Shadow and Feathers stood at the
entrance of the battle arena, dreading to fight the Golden God, for she strongly doubted that she will win. Feathers deserted with fear
and flew away to safety. The gates opened, and Shadow was sucked into the arena, unable to escape.

She dodged and ducked the Golden God’s attacks. It’s too strong, panicked Shadow. I have an ultimate kill that will destroy not
only the Golden God, but me as well. At least it will save the world, and I’ve always wanted to be a hero. People bowing down to
me, while I’m perched on a solid gold throne surrounded by mounds of jewels. I just have to wait for the right moment…

The right moment came, and Shadow unleashed her last power.

The Golden God vanished in a cloud of black dust. The dead body of Shadow Nightingale was nowhere to be seen; she was lost
forever. The world was free of the infinite darkness; the people were saved. Back at Shadow’s village, there was still something
wrong. “Hey, the Golden God is dead!”
“How did someone defeat it?” The villagers wondered aloud.
“It’s impossible to defeat it. He probably died of old age.” Shadow’s father answered. He had no memory of his brilliant daughter
anymore. Nobody acknowledged Shadow Nightingale for her sacrifice and victory.

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