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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

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Seismic pounding between adjacent buildings: Identification of parameters, T

soil interaction issues and mitigation measures
Mahmoud Miaria, , Kok Keong Choonga, Robert Jankowskib

School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland


Keywords: Structural pounding has been observed in many previous earthquakes due to insufficient gap commonly pro-
Structural pounding vided between adjacent structures. The collisions usually generate large impact forces and short duration ac-
Impact models celeration pulses which may result in significant damage to the colliding buildings. Because of that, earthquake-
Fixed-base buildings induced structural pounding has been intensively studied and investigated for the last three decades. Results of
Isolated buildings
some of these investigations are compatible, whereas others contradict. This work reviews previous research
Soil structure interaction
Seismic gap
studies concerning earthquake-induced structural pounding aiming to better understand pounding phenomenon
Mitigation Measures itself and the reasons behind the contradictory results. The effect of pounding on buildings with fixed bases,
isolated buildings, and buildings resting on soft soils are discussed. Then, aspects of a sufficient recommended
gap are considered. Appropriate mitigation measures are also addressed and directions of the future research
studies on structural pounding are recommended.

1. Introduction Prieta earthquake (1989) where 200 buildings out of 500 surveyed
structures experienced pounding [7]. Pounding between adjacent
Structural pounding is referred to collisions that occur between structures was also observed in recent earthquakes, such as in Lorca
adjacent structures during earthquakes. Such collisions are due to the (Spain 2001) [8], Wenchuan (Sichuan Province in China in 2008) [9],
insufficient gap provided between adjacent structures and their out-of- Christchurch (New Zealand 2010) [10,11], Christchurch (2011)
phase vibrations. The gap provided in the metropolitan cities is mostly a [12,13], Gorkha (Nepal 2015) [14–19]. Most of the damage due to
narrow gap or null due to financial and architectural issues. For in- pounding in these earthquakes occurred to masonry, then to concrete
stance, statistics of Eskisehir City (Turkey) shows that only 36% of their structures.
adjacent buildings are well separated [1]. The collision between Pounding phenomenon is enhanced when adjacent structures vi-
structures might generate a high impact force and short duration ac- brate out-of-phase due to the difference in their natural periods which is
celeration pulses (spikes) on both buildings, which is not considered in the common case, as most of the adjacent buildings are of different
engineering design, thereby causing both global and local damages. The dynamic properties (Fig. 1) [4,6,20].
phenomenon of structural pounding has been observed in many Pounding scenarios are mainly classified into two types: slab-to-slab
earthquakes. Damages due to pounding during the Mexico earthquake collision (floor-to-floor collision) and slab-to-column collision (floor-to-
(1985) were the largest ever reported; in about 15% of buildings with column collision) [21]. The first type occurs when the colliding build-
major damage or collapse, some evidence of pounding was found and in ings have the same floor heights, while the second type takes place
20–30% of these cases pounding could have been a significant factor in when the colliding buildings have different floor heights (Fig. 2). The
the structural damage [2–5]. The earthquake statistics estimate that second case is considered to be more significant than the first one due to
around 10,000 people were killed, 50,000 were injured and 250,000 high shear forces developed at the mid-height of the impacted column
became homeless [6]. The same phenomenon was observed in the Loma [4].

Abbreviations: SDOF, Single-degree-of-freedom system; MDOF, Multi-degree-of-freedom system; IDR, Interstorey drift; 1D, One dimension; 2D, Two dimension; 3D,
Three dimension; C.M, Centre of mass; C.G, Centre of gravity; SRSS, Square root of the sum of the squares; SSI, Soil-structure interaction; ABS, Absolute sum; DDC,
Double difference method; CQC, Complete quadratic combination; FV, Fluid viscous; MR, Magneto-rheological; TMD, Tuned mass damper; PTMD, Pounding TMD;
STMD, Shared TMD; RNC, Roll-in-cage isolator

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Miari).
Received 18 December 2018; Received in revised form 14 February 2019; Accepted 23 February 2019
Available online 18 March 2019
0267-7261/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

Fig. 1. Seismic behaviour of adjacent buildings.

Fig. 2. Pounding scenarios.

Fig. 3. Pounding configurations.

Structural pounding can also be classified more generally by using Some researchers consider also a separate sixth type of pounding
five categories (Fig. 3) [21]: configurations which is totally devoted to collisions between masonry
buildings (see [13] for example). It is due to the fact that masonry
1. Floor-to-column pounding structures are especially vulnerable to damage due to pounding.
2. Pounding of heavier building with adjacent lighter building Floor-to-column pounding, pounding between taller and shorter
3. Pounding of taller building with adjacent shorter building building as well as end building pounding were the main causes of
4. Torsional pounding (eccentric pounding) damage during the Wenchuan earthquake (Sichuan Province in China
5. End building pounding in 2008) [9]. The contribution of these configurations to pounding

M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

Table 1
Contribution of pounding configurations during the Christchurch (2011) and the Taipei earthquakes.
Earthquake Floor-to-floor Floor-to-column Pounding between heavier Pounding between taller Eccentric End building Pounding between
pounding pounding and lighter building and shorter building pounding pounding masonry structures

Christchurch (2011) 31% 33% – 28% 15% – 75%

Taipei 9% 14% 8% 60% – 14% –

Fig. 4. Flow chart of the studies reviewed in this work.

during the Christchurch (2011) [13] and the Taipei [22] earthquakes v2 v1
based on surveys of 119 and 708 buildings, respectively, are sum- v1 v2 (3)
marised in Table 1.
where m1 and m2 are the masses of the colliding bodies. The coefficient
Due to its significant effect, a lot of researchers have focused their
of restitution e can be obtained on the basis of Eq. (4) by dropping a ball
studies on earthquake-induced structural pounding to better under-
from a height h1 onto a rigid plate and measuring the rebound height h2 .
stand this phenomenon, the factors that influence it and to propose the
It represents the level of plasticity and other energy losses in the impact
best mitigation measures for it. The uncertainties in the dynamic
and it is between 0 and 1; the value 0 means fully plastic and the value
properties of adjacent structures may show non-uniform trend in
1 means fully elastic.
structural displacement histories. This leads to high complexity of
pounding phenomenon making it more difficult in studying. This fact e2 =
explains the contradiction between certain research results. The present h1 (4)
study thus reviews the aspects of structural pounding between adjacent
It should be added that the stereomechanical approach is very rarely
buildings providing possible applicable mitigation measures and re-
used in structural pounding problems, as it ignores the period of impact,
commendations for future research. Fig. 4 shows the flow chart of the
assuming that it lasts negligibly short time, so it does not directly
studies reviewed in the work indicating that the interest in the
evaluate the impact force during contact.
pounding phenomenon is rapidly growing in time.
The second approach of impact models is the force-based approach
which contributes the introduction of a spring with stiffness simulating
2. Impact models the impact stiffness of the colliding structures. The spring is active only
when there is contact between buildings. The first developed model
2.1. General definitions based on this approach is the linear spring model (Fig. 5a). The impact
force, F (t ) , based on this model is shown in Eqs. (5) and (6).
The accurate estimation of the impact force during collision, as well
as the prediction of its behaviour, provides valuable knowledge in the k (t ) (t ) > 0
F (t ) =
assessment of structural pounding. Several impact models of impacts 0 (t ) 0 (5)
have been developed and described in the literature. The models mainly
follow one of two approaches: stereomechanical or force-based ap- (t ) = u1 (t ) u2 (t ) d (6)
proach (known also as penalty approach). The stereomechanical ap- where k (N/m) is the stiffness of the spring (which is equal to the im-
proach uses the law of the conservation of momentum and energy. This pact element stiffness at the contact location), (t ) is the inter-
approach relates directly the impact velocities (post-impact velocities penetration depth, u1 (t ) and u2 (t ) are the displacements of the two
v1 , v2 and the prior-impact velocities v1, v2 ) to the coefficient of res- adjacent structures and d is the initial separating distance.
titution e (see Eqs. (1), (2) and (3)) [23]. The main drawback of the abovementioned model is that it assumes
m2 v1 m2 v2 elastic impact and it ignores the plastic behaviour and energy dissipa-
v1 = v1 (1 + e )
m1 + m2 (1) tion during collision. To overcome this drawback, the linear viscoelastic
models (known as Kelvin-Voigt model) was considered by
m1 v1 m1 v2 Anagnostopoulos [24,25] (Fig. 5b). It contributes the introduction of a
v2 = v2+(1+e )
m1 + m2 (2) damper (dashpot) in parallel with the spring to represent the energy

M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

(a) linear spring model (b) linear viscoelastic model

(c) Hertz model (d) Hertzdamp model

Fig. 5. Impact models.

dissipation. The model is defined in Eqs. (7), (8) and (9). k (t ) + c (t ) (t ) (t ) >0 and (t ) > 0
F (t ) = k (t ) (t ) > 0 and (t ) 0
F ( t ) = k (t ) + c (t ) (t ) > 0 0 (t ) 0 (10)
0 (t ) 0 (7)
c (t ) = (t ) (11)

m1 m2 3k (1 e 2)
c=2 k =
m1 + m2 (8) 2e 2 (v1 v2) (12)
Indeed, Mahmoud et al. [28] also modified the linear viscoelastic
lne model to omit the tensile forces. The impact force estimated from this
2+ (lne )2
(9) model is presented in Eqs. (13), (14) and (15).

where (t ) is the relative velocity between colliding elements, c (kg/s) k (t ) + c (t ) (t ) > 0 and (t ) > 0
is the impact damping coefficient, and is the impact damping ratio. F (t ) = k (t ) (t ) > 0 and (t ) 0
The main drawback of this model is related to the fact that it considers 0 (t ) 0 (13)
uniform dissipation of energy in the approach and restitution phases of
collision which results in negative forces (tensile forces) at the end of m1 m2
c=2 k
impact which has no physical meaning. To overcome this issue, Ko- m1 + m2 (14)
modromos et al. [26] proposed to modify the linear viscoelastic model
by omitting these tensile forces, so as to have always F (t ) 0 . Pant 1 e2
et al. [27] developed another modification of the linear viscoelastic e (e ( 2) + 2) (15)
model to overcome its drawback. The impact force estimated from this Another spring model is the nonlinear Hertz model (see Eq. (16) and
model is shown in Eqs. (10), (11) and (12). Fig. 5c). This model has been used by several researchers, e.g. Davis

M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

[29] and Chau and co-workers [30–33] to introduce the nonlinear the friction force (the 2D problem considers only impact force in the
stiffness during impact. direction of the ground motion while omits the friction which is in the
1.5 (t )
perpendicular direction), structure eccentricity and asymmetric plan
K (t ) > 0 (which means omitting torsional pounding), spatial movement of the
F (t ) =
0 (t ) 0 (16) colliding structures (which omits the exact impact location) as well as
1.5 the contact geometry. Therefore, Polycarpou et al. [48–50] developed a
where K is the impact stiffness parameter (N/m ).
new impact force model to investigate the 3D multi-degree-of-freedom
The Hertzdamp model was developed later to introduce the non-
linear damping to the nonlinear Hertz model (see Eqs. (17), (18) and
(19) as well as Fig. 5d) [34,35].
2.2. Parameters of the models
K 1.5 (t )+C (t ) (t ) (t ) > 0
F (t ) =
0 (t ) 0 (17) Different approaches have been applied to determine the impact
stiffness coefficient (k ) (linear models) as well as the impact stiffness
C (t ) = 1.5 (t )
(18) parameters (K , K ? ) (nonlinear models). In both cases, the parameters
are used to simulate the stiffness of buildings at the contact location,
3K (1 e 2)
= which is often considered to be related to the axial stiffness of the stiffer
4(v1 v2) (19) structure [51].
where C (t ) (kg/s) is the impact damping parameter. Ye et al. [36,37] The most basic equation for the impact stiffness coefficient, k , is
showed that the value of the impact damping ratio, , for this model shown in Eq. (26) [51].
leads to inaccurate results and suggested a new equation for the impact EA
damping ratio of the Hertzdamp model (Eq. (20)). k=
L (26)
8K (1 e ) where E , A and L are the modulus of elasticity, area and length of the
5e (v1 v2) (20) colliding structural element of a building, respectively.
Furthermore, a nonlinear viscoelastic model was developed by Cole et al. [52] developed a new formula for the impact stiffness on
Jankowski [38–41] to include the nonlinear response in impact mod- the basis of impact elements properties and the collision duration (Eq.
elling. The impact force estimated from this model is shown in Eqs. (27)).
(21), (22) and (23).
( )( )
m1 m2 2
m1 + m2 tc
K 1.5 (t )+C (t ) (t ) (t ) > 0 and (t ) > 0 k= 2
F (t ) = K 1.5 (t ) (t ) > 0 and (t ) 0 1 2 + (lne )2
0 (t ) 0 (21)
where tc is the impact duration.
m1 m2 Xu et al. [53] developed another formula for the impact stiffness
C (t ) = 2 K (t )
m1 + m2 (22) (Eq. (28)) of linear models and then compared it to the axial stiffness
formula (Eq. (26)) and Cole's formula (Eq. (27)). The comparison re-
9 5 1 e2 sults show that the developed equation gives more accurate results than
2 e (e (9 16) + 16) (23) the other two formulas.
where K (N/m ) is the impact stiffness parameter and C (t ) (kg/s) is 2(lne)
the impact damping parameter in the nonlinear viscoelastic model. The k= k1 e
+ (lne )2

modification of the impact damping parameter, C (t ) , was considered by m1 + m2 (28)

Naderpour et al. [42] (see Eq. (24)). where T1 T2 and k1 is calculated for the first structure based on Eq.
e (v 1 v2)(1 e ) (26) (when T1 > T2 , m1, m2 and k1 will be replaced by m2 , m1 and k2 ,
C (t ) = K 1.5 (t )
(t ) (24)
Polycarpou et al. [48] developed a simple formula for the impact
where (t ) is the relative acceleration between colliding elements while stiffness in the normal (Eqs. (29) and (30)) and tangential (Eqs. (31)
and are the parameters of the model obtained by fitting the ex- and (32)) directions in the case of 3D pounding.
perimental data using the least squares method (the typical values are: 1
= 0.01557 , = 0.2706 ). 1 p12 1 p22
k= +
Khatiwada et al. [43] developed a viscous elastoplastic impact EDyn,1 EDyn,2 (29)
model (a modified model of the nonlinear viscoelastic model) to include
the elastoplastic behaviour. The impact force estimated from this model EDyn, i = 5.82(Est , i ) 0.63 [GPa] (30)
is shown in Eq. (25).
1.5 (t ) 1.5 (t )
2 p1 1 p22
K + C (t ) (t ) K + C (t ) (t ) < FE and (t ) >0 k= +
GDyn,2 GDyn,2 (31)
FE K 1.5 (t ) + C (t ) (t ) FE and (t ) >0
F (t ) =
K 1.5 (t ) K 1.5 (t ) < FE and (t ) 0 EDyn, i
GDyn, i =
FE K 1.5 (t ) FE and (t ) 0 2(1+pi ) (32)
(25) where EDyn, i is the dynamic modulus of elasticity for normal strength
where FE is the yield strength of the structural element at the contact concrete (determined based on work by Salman and Al-Amawee [54]),
point. Est , i is the static modulus of elasticity and pi is the Poisson's ratio for
Other impact force models have also been developed [44–47]. structure i.
Most of the above described impact force models concern 1D and 2D Khatami [55] developed a new methodology to consider the non-
problems. However, this consideration has many drawbacks, as it omits linear stiffness of the spring (Eq. (33)).

M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

F1 (t ) F2 (t ) the effectiveness of different pounding models. Komodromos et al. [26]

K n (t ) =
u1 (t ) u2 (t ) (33) showed that his results [26] as well as results obtained by Anagnosto-
poulos [24] and Jankowski [38] are similar, apart from the numerical
where F1 (t ) and F2 (t ) are the impact forces of the first and the second model used. Jankowski et al. [62–64] concluded that the nonlinear
building at time instant t, respectively. viscoelastic model has higher accuracy in estimating the impact force
Furthermore, the structural response due to pounding was found to than the nonlinear elastic Hertz model, Hertzdamp model and the linear
be insensitive to the high values of the impact stiffness coefficient. For viscoelastic model. However, the Hertzdamp model has higher accuracy
instance, Ghandil and Aldaikh [56] found that the pounding-involved than the nonlinear viscoelastic model in estimating the impact velocity
response is insensitive to the impact stiffness coefficient when its value (see [64] for example). Khatiwada et al. [65] indicated that the
is higher than 1010 N/m. Meanwhile, Naserkhaki et al. [57] suggested Hertzdamp model shows inaccurate results whereas the linear viscoe-
that the impact stiffness coefficient should be 50–100 times larger than lastic model, the modified Hertzdamp model and the nonlinear vis-
the lateral stiffness of the building. On the other hand, Jankowski [38] coelastic model are more precise. Indeed, the model described by Pant
found, by equalizing the maximum impact force obtained numerically et al. [27] has been found to be more rational in estimating the impact
with the value obtained experimentally, that the value of the impact force and the interstorey drift as compared to models considered by
stiffness coefficient and the impact stiffness parameter is 9.35·107 N/m Komodromos [26] and Ye et al. [37] (see [27] for example). Mavro-
and 1.13·109 N/m1.5 for the linear and nonlinear viscoelastic models, nicola et al. [66,67] compared the effectiveness of five models de-
respectively. However, these values are applicable to the specific ex- scribed in the works of Anagnostopoulos [24], Komodromos et al. [26],
periments and cannot be generalised. Moreover, the axial stiffness of Ye et al. [37], Mahmoud et al. [28] as well as by Pant et al. [27]. The
the colliding element (beam/slab) depends on the supporting system, results of the study indicate that the accuracy of models depend
i.e. whether the supports consist of columns at the edge or there is a somehow on the impact stiffness and the coefficient of restitution taken
shear wall along the length of the beam/slab. This issue has a con- into consideration in the analyses. Therefore, no final conclusion con-
siderable effects on the estimated pounding force [58]. To date, no cerning the most precise model can be reported here. Further research
formula has been developed to consider the supporting system which is on the impact models and their accuracy is recommended.
still a gap in the impact modelling.
Fundamentally, the coefficient of restitution is defined as the ratio 3. Influence of pounding on dynamic properties of adjacent
of the impact velocity after collision to that before collision (Eq. (3)). buildings
However, the parameter is different for various materials. Jankowski
[59] proposed four formulas for the coefficient of restitution for steel, 3.1. Fixed-base buildings
concrete, timber and ceramic materials in terms of the prior impact
velocity v (see Eq. (34)). If the impact occurs between elements of Several research studies have been conducted to study the effect of
different materials, then the coefficient of restitution is evaluated on the different structural dynamic properties (mass, storey height, total
basis of Eq. (35). height, etc.) and ground motion characteristics on the response para-
0.0039v 3 + 0.0440v 2 0.1867v + 0.7299 steel to steel meters of colliding buildings (acceleration, displacement, interstorey
0.0070v 3 + 0.0696v 2 0.2529v + 0.7929 concrete to concrete drift, impact forces, shear forces, etc.). The works of Anagnostopoulos
e= [24] as well as Anagnostopoulos and Spiliopoulos [68] are considered
0.0043v 3 + 0.0479v 2 0.1971v + 0.7067 timber to timber
0.0040v 3 + 0.0474v 2 0.2116v + 0.8141 ceramic to ceramic as ones of the pioneering studies that investigated the factors influen-
cing structural pounding using single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) sys-
tems and multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems, respectively. These
e1 E1 + e2 E2 studies concluded that pounding would be more crucial if there is a
E1 + E1 (35) significant difference in the masses, periods or heights of the colliding
buildings. Indeed, pounding leads to considerable increase in the peak
Apart from the above considerations, the coefficient of restitution interstorey drift (IDR), residual IDR, floor peak accelerations, shear
was assumed without any reference formula in most of the studies by forces and impact forces while the displacement response depends on
taking the constant value of 0.65 (which corresponds to damping ratio the dynamic properties of the colliding buildings (it may increase or
equal to 0.14 for the linear viscoelastic model and 0.35 for the non- decrease) [69–76]. The structure response is amplified in the direction
linear viscoelastic model) [38,56]. This is referred to several studies, of pounding and unaffected in the other direction [77] and this am-
including the work of Polycarpou [60], which concluded that the im- plification highly depends on the dynamic properties of the structure
pact model results are insensitive to the values of the coefficient of (mass, ductility, damping ratio, period, etc.) [78,79]. The decrease in
restitution and the impact stiffness. However, Naderpour et al. [42] the displacement in certain cases is attributed to the fact that pounding
investigated the impact force and its dependency on the coefficient of blocks the movement of vibrating buildings. However, this decrease
restitution and stiffness of the impact spring and the results reveal that could not be considered beneficial, since the generated impact forces
the impact force uniformly increases with the increase in the stiffness of due to this phenomenon leads to a significant damage. Crozet et al.
the impact spring and uniformly decreases with the increase in the [80,81] performed Monte Carlo simulations based on Sobol's method of
coefficient of restitution. Khatiwada [61] found that the coefficient of SDOF systems to investigate the influence of the dynamic properties on
restitution is sensitive to the mass of the striker slab, mass of the pen- structural response under pounding. The results indicate that the fre-
dulum and the ratio of masses of the striker and the struck slabs. The quency ratio has the largest influence on the maximum impact force
results indicated also that the coefficient of restitution increased when and ductility demands while the frequency and mass ratios have the
the striker slab is more flexible and decreased when the striker slab is largest influence on the impact impulse (mass ratio is predominant for
more rigid. Anagnostopoulos [24] concluded that the displacement due low frequency range).
to pounding is insensitive to the impact stiffness and the coefficient of Karayannis et al. [82,83] examined the global and local behaviour
restitution, while the values of velocity and acceleration are sensitive. of buildings subjected to transverse pounding with two cases: case 1
These contradictory results need to be investigated in future studies. (floor-to-floor pounding) and case 2 (floor-to-column pounding). In the
case of floor-to-floor pounding, the columns of both buildings at the
2.3. Effectiveness of different models contact area experience significant increase in the ductility demands.
Moreover, the ductility demands of these columns may exceed the
Numerous studies have been focused on the comparison between available ductility values. However, in the case of floor-to-column

M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

pounding, only the columns of the taller building at and above the affected mostly at the top columns regarding shear and flexural de-
contact area experience significant increase in the ductility demands. mands and the bottom columns regarding flexural demands.
The column subjected to collision from the slab of the adjacent shorter Impact forces are transferred to the colliding buildings in the form
structure becomes critical in the contact buildings case (in this case, the of different internal forces: normal forces (beams and slabs), shear
ductility demand exceeds the available ductility), and also experiences forces (columns), torsion (beams and columns) and bending (beams and
a significant critical increase in the shear demand in all cases exceeding slabs). Ehab et al. [106] studied the flow of the impact forces in the
the shear strength. It was also concluded (see [83] for details) that collided structure by comparing the performance of the slabs, beams,
significant difference in the storey numbers (up to 4 times) of the col- columns and shear walls. It was found that the contribution of the slabs
liding structures in the case of floor-to-column pounding decreases in the distribution of the impact force is high (due to its very high in-
significantly the ductility and shear demands of the column of the taller plane axial stiffness relative to the flexural column/wall stiffnesses), the
building that is subjected to the collision with the top slab of the shorter contribution of columns is low in the case of floor-to-floor pounding
structure, as compared to the case when the difference in the numbers and high in the case of floor-to-column pounding, and the contribution
of storeys is smaller. Also, the shear demand exceeds the available shear of shear walls and beams is low in the direction perpendicular to the
strength in the case of torsional pounding of buildings with different earthquake propagation direction and high in the direction parallel to
storey heights [84,85]. The conflict of the difference between the the direction of earthquake propagation. Thus, considering frame
pounding of the slab and the column at the its mid-height or at its structures (beams and columns) underestimate the results and rather
lower/upper parts is still not with clear results, as Dogan et al. [1] “frame + slab” structures should be considered [77]. In addition,
concluded that pounding at lower/upper part of the column is more considering the infill has a substantial effect on the structure behaviour
significant than pounding at the middle of the column which is in under earthquakes, and hence, pounding. Infilled frames have a higher
contradictory to the work of Rajaram [86] which concluded that stiffness than the bare frames (frames without infill), and hence,
pounding at the mid-height is more significant. pounding is less significant to infilled frames [107,108]. The first mode
In general, pounding amplifies the response of flexible building and is usually the dominant one for the case without pounding while higher
has insignificant effect on the stiff structure response [59,87–95]. This modes are experienced for pounding-involved structural response.
is due to the transfer of the pounding forces from the stiffer structure to Thus, infilled frames experience much smaller displacements than the
the flexible one [96,97]. In contradiction to that, pounding was found bare frames which means that the infilled frames require much smaller
to amplify the response of stiffer structure and supress the flexible seismic gap than the bare ones [109]. However, for the floor-to-column
structure response in other works (see [31,98,99], for example). Di- pounding, the column subjected to pounding of the adjacent slab is still
mitrakopoulos et al. [100,101] performed dimensional analysis to in- in a critical case for the infilled frames as the ductility and shear de-
vestigate the influence of the dynamic properties of the building on the mands may exceed the available values [110]. The shear and ductility
structural response for pounding between two SDOF systems as well as demands for the column subjected to pounding is higher in the case of
for pounding of the SDOF oscillator with a rigid wall. The results of the the infilled frames, as compared to the case of the bare frames [111].
study indicate that the flexible structure response is amplified for low This means that, although infill increases the stiffness of the building, it
frequency range of the ground motion while the stiff structure response does not eliminate the excessive shear and ductility demands for the
is amplified for high frequency range of the ground motion. Indeed, the columns that experience impacts from the adjacent slab.
response of the structure with lower mass, is generally amplified with Furthermore, the abovementioned studies focused on the symmetric
few exceptions. Changhai et al. [102] performed also dimensional (translational) pounding while the asymmetric (torsional) pounding
analysis for the same reason considering two 2D three-storey frames was ignored. The asymmetric pounding occurs if one of the two col-
idealized as MDOF systems. The results show that the flexible structure liding structures is asymmetric or when the contact area is asymmetric.
is more sensitive to the change in the dynamic properties of the ad- The first case is observed when there is eccentricity (ex or ey) between
jacent structure (stiffness ratio, mass ratio, yield stiffness, yield dis- the centre of mass (C.M) and the centre of gravity (C.G) (known also as
placement and separating gap). However, the response of both adjacent eccentric pounding) while the second case occurs when the colliding
structures (flexible and stiff) experienced three phases of change with buildings are not on the same row (Fig. 6). The asymmetric pounding
the change of the aforementioned dynamic properties which are am- induces torque in the colliding buildings. The torsional effect of this
plified, de-amplified, and unaffected. Chenna et al. [103] concluded type of pounding has been an interest for several researchers.
that when the two structures vibrate at a period/frequency close to the Irregular structures (soft storeys) are more vulnerable to eccentric
period/frequency of the ground motion, the response of the stiff pounding than the regular structures due to the presence of eccentricity
structure is more significant than the response of the flexible structure. between the centres of mass and gravity. Building irregularity has a
However, if the frequencies of the vibration and the ground motion are substantial influence on the peak displacement, shear forces, impact
not close, the response of the flexible structure becomes more sig- forces and ductility demands [112]. The impact force increases as the
nificant than the response of the stiff structure. Fujii et al. [104] found setback degree increases [86]. Indeed, asymmetric pounding (torsional
that the response of flexible-stiff structures under pounding differs if pounding) is more critical than the symmetric pounding (translational
both buildings are of the same height or have different heights. Thus, no
general trend can be illustrated for the increase or decrease in the re-
sponse of the flexible (or stiff) structure since it significantly depends on
the adjacent stiff (or flexible) structure and the ground motion char-
With regard to the material effect on pounding between adjacent
buildings, Jankowski [59] performed shaking table experiments of two
adjacent towers with different materials. The steel towers experienced
the highest peak displacement, followed by concrete and ceramic
towers, while the timber towers experienced a displacement less than
that when the two towers vibrate separately. Favvata et al. [105] stu-
died pounding between concrete and steel structures. The results show
that the RC structures are mostly affected at the top columns regarding (a) Structure asymmetry (b) Contact asymmetry
flexural and ductility demands and the bottom columns regarding shear
and ductility demands. On the other hand, the steel structures are Fig. 6. Asymmetric pounding.

M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

pounding) due to torsion affect. Torsional pounding is more complex occurring during collision (the friction force has a significant effect on
than that of the solely translational pounding. Moreover, torsional the displacement of the flexible structure and insignificant effect on the
pounding leads to a considerable increase in the number of collisions, displacement of the stiff structure, but the ductility demand of the stiff
building displacements, shear demands, torsion demands, and ductility structure increases due to pounding with friction while the flexible
demands [32,84,113–115]. However, the maximum torsional impact structure remains elastic) [94].
velocity is insensitive to the changes in the eccentricity and the se-
parating distance during pounding [114]. The increase in torsional 3.2. Isolated buildings
demand depends on the number of storeys of the shorter structure
(direct proportional) [84]. Indeed, higher asymmetry leads to higher Isolation systems are being used for preventing damages in struc-
torsional responses [84,85]. The torsional response increases as the tures under seismic excitations [128]. These systems decrease the re-
stiffness of the shorter building increases. The highest value of the lative floor displacement and acceleration of the superstructure while
torsional moment is experienced in the case of contact buildings and leading to large displacements at the isolation level (especially for long
larger gaps lead to lower torsional moment [84]. In addition, the tor- period ground motions) by inducing flexibility to the base of the
sional movement of the buildings significantly affects the distribution of structure which can prevent resonance with the dominant frequency
the developed shear in the columns. High shear forces are developed in [129,130]. Isolated buildings require large gaps so that pounding due to
the columns in the direction normal to the direction of the propagation the large displacements experienced at the base is prevented. The
of the ground motion [84,85]. The column that is subjected to collision seismic isolation system at the base is in danger of experiencing
from the adjacent slab (in floor-to-column pounding case) experiences pounding due to the commonly narrow provided gap. Pounding of
significant increase in the ductility and shear demands. The ductility isolated buildings has been experienced, for example, in the Northridge
and shear demands increase as the stiffness of the shorter building in- earthquake (1994) [131]. In addition, pounding of isolated buildings
creases. The highest shear forces are developed in the case of contact occur either with the adjacent moat wall, adjacent fixed base structure
buildings [84]. Moreover, the torque demands are increased for both or adjacent isolated building, mainly at the isolation level.
structures but are more substantial in the case of stiffer structures [99]. Komodromos and co-workers [26,132,133] studied the performance
The results of the aforementioned study shows that the bi-directional of isolated buildings subjected to pounding with moat walls. The results
ground motions should be used in the two-way eccentricity and uni- of the studies indicate that pounding of isolated buildings amplifies the
directional ground motion can be used only in one-way eccentricity acceleration at both base and floor levels (with substantial increase at
[99]. the isolation level since it is the level of impact) and the interstorey drift
Moreover, the ground motion characteristics have a significant in- at the top of the superstructure. These response amplifications (accel-
fluence on the response of colliding buildings [51]. Near field ground erations, base shear and interstorey drift) increase with the increase in
motions cause higher increase in the response of the colliding buildings the flexibility of the isolation system. In addition, two-sided pounding
(particularly peak pounding force, acceleration at impact and top le- with moat walls (in the left and right) is more significant than one-sided
vels, base shear and storey drift), as compared to the far field ground pounding. The response of the superstructure highly depends on the
motions [116]. The response amplification due to pounding for both stiffness of the moat wall. Higher stiffness of moat wall induces higher
regular and irregular structures are higher under repeated earthquakes impact forces, accelerations and displacements [134]. Pant et al.
than under single seismic events [117,118]. In addition, when the ex- [135–137] studied the influence of isolated bound properties (lower
citation period is between the periods of both buildings, the excitation and upper) effect under unidirectional and bidirectional ground mo-
period will be equal or close to the pounding period. This may lead to tions. The results reveal that the response of the superstructure is
the critical pounding and may result in the increase in the impact ve- governed by upper bound properties when no pounding occurs and by
locity, storey displacements, storey shear, etc. [31,88]. Polycarpou lower bound properties when pounding takes place. Moreover, near
et al. [119] studied the influence of the excitation angle of the ground field ground motions have higher effect (mainly on acceleration at the
motion on the pounding behaviour in contrary to most previous works base level) than the far field ground motions. The influence on the
which mostly regarded the incidence angle as either 0° or 90°. The re- structural response is higher under bidirectional ground motions. Fur-
sults show that the maximum response amplification due to pounding is thermore, the stiff isolated structure (stiff superstructure) is subjected
at an excitation angle different from 0° and 90°, wherein the response at to higher damage (higher demands and impact forces) than the flexible
this angle could be 4 times larger than that at 0°. Moreover, the ex- isolated structure (flexible superstructure) when pounded with adjacent
citation angle, where the response amplification is maximum, is not moat wall [138,139]. This is due to the sudden increase in the storey
constant and it depends on the structure and the excitation character- drifts of the stiff structure, which is not experienced by the flexible
istics. Indeed, the vertical component of the earthquake has negligible structure. Polycarpou et al. [140] investigated the effect of the vertical
effect on the structural response but has a substantial effect on the local location of the impact of base isolated building pounded with moat
structural damage [120]. The nonlinear time history analysis must be wall. Specifically, two buildings were studied, the first one without
used instead of response spectrum concept because the response spec- basement (the isolation system at the ground floor) while the second
trum underestimates the response of colliding buildings [96,97]. It is with one-storey basement (the isolation system is under the basement).
worth mentioning that Rahimi et al. [121] developed a new statistical The second building experienced higher accelerations and lower dis-
method to develop the incremental dynamic analysis curves instead of placements during pounding. Moreover, Mavronicola et al. [141] in-
performing nonlinear analysis, thereby highly effective in saving time. vestigated the effect of the incidence angle of the ground motion ex-
Other several parameters influencing pounding between adjacent citation and the mass eccentricities on the behaviour of isolated
buildings have been rarely studied. These parameters include: P-delta buildings pounded with moat wall. The laminated rubber bearings were
effect (neglecting the P-delta effect will underestimate the impact force) used as the isolation system. The results show that the incidence angle
[122,123], structure type and cracked/uncracked sections [51], of the excitation considerably affects the response of isolated buildings
lumped/distributed mass models (lumped mass models lead to mis- with and without pounding. The mass eccentricities lead to asymmetry
interpretation of the real behaviour of buildings where distributed mass of the buildings, even if both structures have the same geometric
models should be considered to include the wave propagation) properties. This mass eccentricity substantially amplifies the response
[52,124,125], elastic and inelastic responses (consideration of the of isolated buildings during pounding.
elastic behaviour will overestimate the response) [87,126], linear and Polycarpou et al. [60,142,143] investigated pounding of isolated
nonlinear response (consideration of the linear response of buildings buildings (with rubber isolators) with moat walls and adjacent fixed
due to pounding leads to inaccurate results) [127] and friction force base structure. The results show that pounding with fixed base structure

M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

is more critical than pounding with moat wall. In the case of pounding the torsional effect due spatially varying ground motions. In this study,
with moat wall, collisions occur at the isolation level, whereas collisions by using bidirectional spatially varying ground motions, the base shear
take place at the isolated and floor levels in the case of pounding with of both structures was reduced, the torque was reduced in asymmetric
fixed building (especially at the top floor). This is due to the flexibility structure and became larger in the symmetric structure, as compared to
provided in fixed base structures which is not provided by moat walls. the uniform ground motions. The effect of spatial variation of the
This result indicates that the gap to be provided between isolated ground motion is higher in the case of small eccentricities. In this case
buildings and fixed-base buildings is higher than the gap between iso- (using spatially varying ground motions), bidirectional ground motions
lated buildings and moat walls. When calculating the sufficient seismic must be used since the unidirectional ground motions underestimate
gap, the deformations at the isolated level and at the top storey have to the response results.
be considered in the case of isolated buildings adjacent to fixed base
buildings. The square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) is in- 3.3.2. Soil structure interaction
sufficient for preventing pounding of isolated buildings due to the high The assumption of ignoring the effects of SSI is applicable only for
displacements induced by the isolation system. In addition, pounding of stiff soil (rock soil). On the other hand, especially for soft soils, the
isolated buildings substantially depends on the number of storeys of the response of the structure under seismic excitation is substantially in-
fixed-base building. Pant et al. [144] investigated pounding between fluenced by SSI [152]. It has been confirmed that the SSI decreases the
isolated buildings and fixed base buildings with different storey heights stiffness of the structure due to the movement of the flexible base/soil
(floor-to-column pounding). The results indicate that the storey shears [153]. Hence, SSI has also a considerable effect on pounding phe-
are amplified due to floor-to-column pounding, but failure results from nomenon. Naserkhaki et al. [154] investigated pounding between
flexural behaviour rather than from the shear forces exceeding the buildings with different heights considering SSI. The results indicate
shear demands. that, due to pounding, the tall building experiences lower displacement
Mehmet et al. [145] studied pounding between two adjacent iso- at all storeys. Shear forces decrease in the storeys below the pounding
lated buildings with different dynamic properties considering inelastic level (top storey of short building) while increases in the storeys above
response. The results reveal that the flexible structure is significantly the pounding levels. This is referred that pounding of the tall building
affected by pounding and its response is sensitive to the variation of the with the shorter building prevents the movement of the storeys below
gap size, structural stiffness, structural mass and friction coefficient. the pounding level, while the higher storeys move freely. This sudden
However, the response of the stiff structure is insignificantly affected by jump in the relative displacement causes this considerable increase in
pounding and insensitive to the mentioned parameters. Liu et al. [146] the storey shears above pounding levels. However, the storey shears
investigated pounding of two base-isolated buildings with two different and displacement of the shorter building increase in all storeys. In ad-
types of isolation systems (lead rubber bearing isolators and friction dition, pounding is significant in the case of soil-pile-structure inter-
pendulum isolators). Both buildings experienced amplification in the action [155]. The flexible structure was found to be more sensitive to
impact force and storey shear forces, velocity and acceleration due to pounding with SSI comparing to the stiffer structure [56,156–158].
pounding. The amplification is higher in the case of building with When the heights of the shorter and taller buildings are somehow si-
friction pendulum isolators, as compared to the structure with rubber milar, then pounding will have short magnitude and duration. When
bearing isolators. Moreover, the acceleration amplification experienced the difference in heights of the shorter and taller buildings is significant,
is higher than that of the velocity and displacement. Mahmoud et al. collisions will take place with low magnitude and long period. The most
[147] studied three cases of pounding: pounding between fixed base critical pounding scenario is when the shorter building height is half of
buildings, pounding between fixed and isolated buildings and pounding the height of the taller structure [56,154]. Moreover, near field earth-
between isolated buildings taking into consideration isolated buildings quakes are more significant than the far field earthquakes considering
with stiff and flexible superstructures. The results indicate that, in all SSI [159,160].
cases, pounding has a substantial influence on the building response. In Most studies indicate that the response of the superstructure re-
addition, pounding effect significantly depends on the type of the base garding displacement, shear forces, pounding forces, base forces and
of the building. The variation in the storeys response of the isolated acceleration is higher in the case when SSI is considered
building is insignificant while for the fixed base buildings is significant. [56,154,157,161–164]. In other works, it was found that considering
SSI leads to the reduction in the peak displacements, shear forces, im-
3.3. Flexible soil-based buildings pact forces and energy (dissipated yielding energy, dissipated damping
energy and absorbed energy) while it leads to the increase in the ac-
The studied cases related to the effect of soil have considered two celeration at all storeys and the number of impacts [156,159,160]. The
aspects: spatial variations of the ground motion and soil-structure in- difference in the results is attributed to the types of soil used in the
teractions (SSI). investigation, i.e. whether it is stiff (reduction in displacements) or
flexible (increase in displacements) and the foundation type.
3.3.1. Spatial variation of the ground motion Mahmoud et al. [165] investigated the influence of SSI on the iso-
Several researchers [78,148–150] investigated the effect of spatial lated buildings with rubber bearings which were subjected to pounding
variations on structural pounding. The spatial variation has significant with moat wall. The results reveal that, with regard to the super-
effect on the acceleration (amplification), impact forces (amplification), structure response, the displacement, acceleration and number of im-
number of collisions (amplification) and the displacement (increase or pacts increase while the impact force and dissipated energy decrease
decrease) of both structures, especially when the colliding buildings when taking SSI into consideration. With regard to the isolated base
have similar natural periods. However, the spatial variation has insig- considering SSI, the acceleration decreases while the displacement is
nificant effect on the shear response. In the case of similar natural insensitive. The response is higher when the soil is softer and when the
periods, the spatial variation of the ground motion is the primary source ground motion is near the site.
of pounding. In addition, the higher level of spatial variations of the
ground motion leads to a higher effect of pounding and its influence on 4. Seismic gap
the colliding buildings. The spatial variation effect is more substantial
for the stiffer structure, especially in the case of out-of-phase shifts The best approach to eliminate pounding effects is to provide suf-
between the spatial vibration ground motion and the structure/ ficient seismic gap that is capable to eliminate collision between
pounding vibration modes. Pounding is more significant also when the structures. Increasing the gap will not significantly decrease the
building response is nonlinear inelastic. Gong et al. [151] investigated pounding effects unless it is large enough to eliminate collisions at all

M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

[77,99]. On this basis, the development of different formulas of the 2) When T2 > Tm T1, the DDC formula is not always conservative
required seismic gap was considered by many researchers. This issue is neither unconservative. This depends on the relation T1/ T2 as fol-
also addressed in the modern seismic codes. Some differences were lows:
observed between the details described in the design codes regarding
the seismic gap, but the design philosophy is the same. – when T1/ T2 <0.75 , the formula is always unconservative.
The required seismic gap to be provided can be simply calculated as – when T1/ T2 >0.75 , the formula is always conservative. The degree of
the absolute sum (ABS) of the peak displacements of both buildings conservatism of the formula increases with the:
when they vibrate separately (Eq. (36)). This equation can be found in – increase of T1/ T2
more than one code, including the Uniform Building Code 97 (UBC 97) – increase of T1 and T 2 when T1/ T2 is constant
[166]. The formula is a conservative one and overestimates the re-
quired gap since its unlikely that the buildings would have their peak 3) When T2 = Tm T1, the DDC formula is always conservative.
displacements at the same time. Because of that, Anagnostopoulos [24]
suggested that the adequate seismic gap is equal to the square root of Hong et al. [180], Garcia [181], and Hong et al. [182] examined the
the sum of the squares (SRSS) of the peak displacements of both CQC formula in the case of a two-sided crossing taking into con-
buildings vibrating separately (Eq. (37)). The formula was later em- sideration different cases with or without uncertainty of structural
bedded in the UBC 97 code [166]. Several studies have shown that this properties of adjacent buildings, including damping ratios and natural
formula is conservative [167,168]. However, this formula is un- periods. The numerical results of this study illustrate that the CQC
conservative when pounding occurs between buildings with different formula underestimates or overestimates the required gap. The relation
structural systems [106], when the nonlinear response is considered between the required separating distance, Drequired , to that calculated
[169], or in the near-collapse limit state when the peak response due based on CQC formula with a two-sided crossing, DCQC , is as follows:
the ground motion is analysed [170]. Therefore, Jeng et al. [171]
proposed a third equation on the basis of spectral difference method, 1) Drequired = 0.9DCQC when 0.8<T1/ T2 <1.2
known as the double difference method (DDC) or the complete quad- 2) Drequired = 1.0DCQC otherwise
ratic combination (CQC) method (Eq. (38)). The DDC formula is con-
sidered to be more accurate than the SRSS one. However, this formula Wang et al. [183] extended this work by using a nonstationary ex-
requires the evaluation of the correlation factor, , which represents the citation. The results were generally consistent with the previous ones.
uncertainties in the pounding phenomenon (Eq. (39)). Several ap- However, the relation between the required separating distance,
proaches have been proposed to evaluate the correlation factor - see Drequired , to that calculated based on CQC formula with a two-sided
papers by Filiatrault [172,173], Kasai [174], Penzien [175] and Valles crossing, DCQC , is as follows:
[176]. Lopez-Garcia et al. [177] investigated these four methods for
nonlinear systems and concluded that results of the four methods are 1) Drequired = 0.9DCQC when 0.75<T1/T2 < 1.25
less accurate than those of the SRSS approach. Moreover, Lopez-Garcia 2) Drequired = 1.1DCQC otherwise
[178] also studied the accuracy of the DDC method using nonlinear
systems and concluded that the DDC formula provide both conservative This work also proposes a criterion for evaluating the required gap
and unconservative (when the periods of adjacent buildings are very on the basis of safety levels.
close to each other) results. Then, a new method for the evaluation of Shrestha [127] compared the ABS, SRSS and DDC equations with
the correlation factor was proposed and it was illustrated that the DDC the analytical required gap taking into consideration linear and non-
formula (based on the proposed correlation factor) provides more ac- linear models. The results indicate that the ABS method is always
curate results than the ABS and SRSS formulas. conservative and overestimates the gap, the SRSS approach is con-
S = U1 + U2 (36) servative when the natural periods of both buildings are close to each
other and unconservative if the natural periods are different, and the
S= U12 + U22 (37) DDC formula is the best one for predicting the separation gap. However,
only one ground motion was considered in the study, thereby indicating
S= U12 + U22 2 U1 U2 (38) that the results have to be confirmed by further research using other
ground motions. Barbato et al. [184] also found that the DDC formula is
( + )( )
8( 1 2) 2
1 T1
the most accurate one, while ABS and SRSS methods give un-
= 2 conservative results.
( )
T2 2
1+( ) ( ) + 4(
T2 2
( )
Furthermore, the Taiwan Building Code (TBC) [185] takes the
T2 2 2) T2
1 +4 1 2 +
T1 T1 T1 1 2 T1 (39)
plastic deformations into account in the required seismic gap formula
where S is the sufficient seismic separation gap, U1, 1 and T1 are the (Eq. (40)).
design displacement, damping ratio and natural period for the first
S = 0.6( u1 + u2 ) (40)
building and U2 , 2 and T2 are the design displacement, damping ratio
and natural period for the second building (T1 < T2 ) , respectively. In- where u1 and u2 are the allowable plastic displacements of buildings
deed, Lopez-Garcia et al. [179] assessed the DDC formula and checked and 0.6 is the reduction factor, taking into account the fact that the
up to what extent it is conservative. The results show that the accuracy peak displacements of two buildings are rarely observed at the same
of this formula depends on the natural periods of both buildings (T1 and time. The allowable plastic displacements can be calculated based on
T2) and the predominant period of the earthquake excitation (Tm ) . As- Eqs. (41) and (42).
suming that T1 < T2 , the accuracy of the DDC formula is summarised as
u1 = 1.4 y R1 e1 (41)

u2 = 1.4 y R2 e2 (42)
1) When T2 < Tm T1, the DDC formula is always conservative. The
degree of conservatism of the formula increases with the following: where 1.4 is the over strength factor, R1 and R2 are the allowable duc-
tility factors, y is the first yielding amplification factor and e1 and e2
– increase of T1/ T2 are the elastic displacements due to the seismic forces. Lin et al.
– decrease of T1 and T2 when T1/ T2 is constant [186,187] proved that this formula is conservative and overestimates
the gap.

M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

In addition, the minimum required separation based on the ASCE [112,169]. These shear walls decrease the maximum out-of-phase dis-
7–05 code [188] is shown in Eq. (43). placements of the colliding buildings [192]. In addition, it decreases the
Cd top displacements and number of impacts but increases the maximum
max , e
(43) impact force. However, it has a higher capacity to absorb energy than
moment resistant concrete frames, thereby decreasing the effect of the
where Cd is the total deflection amplification factor, max , e is the max- high impact load [193]. These walls also limit the ductility increase in
imum elastic displacement and I is the importance factor. the case of pounding compared with the case without collisions
Moreover, other codes relate the required seismic gap to the [194,195]. Buildings with collision walls experience local repairable
building height. The Australian code (AS1170.4–2007) [189] suggests damage due to pounding, especially at the point of pounding of the slab
that the required seismic gap should be calculated as 1% of the total of the adjacent structure but no structural collapse will occur. These
height of the taller building, Hmax (see Eq. (44)). walls also protect the other parts of the structure from damage and only
S = 0.01Hmax (44) damage to non-structural elements might be observed due to the ac-
celeration spikes.
Several studies verified this formula and concluded that it is a Several methods have been proposed to overcome the problem of
conservative approach [149] and overestimates the required seismic the high acceleration spikes developed due to pounding. The effect of
gap [190]. The inaccurate results of the ABS and SRSS methods, as well the use of impact absorbing materials on the response of colliding
as the formula described in the Australian seismic code, are due to the buildings was investigated by several studies on fixed base buildings,
fact of ignoring the in- and out-of-phase vibrations. Naderpour et al. such as rubber shock absorbers [196–198], polystyrene, [199,200] and
[190] developed more accurate formula for the required seismic gap polymers [201,202] and on isolated buildings [132,203] (Fig. 8). The
which takes into account the in- and out-of-phase vibrations (Eq. (45)). results reveal that the shock absorbers reduce the peak acceleration and
impact forces of colliding buildings but increase the number of colli-
S= U12 + U22 2SFU1 U2 (45)
sions. This is due to its softness behaviour.
where U1 and U2 are the design displacements (peak displacements Another common mitigation measure is to connect adjacent build-
without pounding), and SF represents the separation factor which de- ings with links to make the structural vibrations in-phase. The results of
pends on the periods of both buildings, as shown in Eq. (46). several studies indicate that the use of various types of links (such as
spring links, dashpot links or viscoelastic links) between the storeys of
SF = 10.5(T2 T1) two adjacent structures decrease significantly the response (displace-
T1 (46) ments) of the flexible building and has insignificant effect on the re-
where T1 < T2 sponse of the stiff structures [204–206]. Several types of dampers have
The abovementioned equations are based on the assumption that also been proposed and investigated. Patel et al. [207] as well as Tu-
damping is proportional. However, non-proportional damping may baldi et al. [208] investigated the influence of the use of the viscous
highly influence the building behaviour. In this case, the above- dampers, its arrangement and its impact damping on pounding miti-
mentioned equations will provide inaccurate results. Yu et al. [191] gation. The viscous dampers were found to be effective in reduction of
proposed a new and more accurate method (general spectral difference damaging impacts. The use of viscous dampers at the isolation level of
method) for the calculation of the gap between structures taking into isolated buildings has also been proposed for controlling the large
consideration the non-proportional damping. structural displacements and mitigating pounding [60,209]. By de-
The above described formulas for the seismic gap size between two signing the viscous dampers with optimum parameters, we are able to
adjacent buildings concern fixed-base structures. On the other hand, reduce the displacements of isolated buildings and mitigate pounding
flexible base buildings (due to SSI or seismic isolation) require larger between adjacent isolated buildings. Licari et al. [210] developed a new
gap to be provided (the sufficient gap in the case of soft soil might be model, named multi-link viscoelastic system, which allows us to con-
even 3 times larger than the recommended one) [56,163,164]. nect the two adjacent buildings with dampers combined with in-parallel
springs. This system is characterised by damping variation with respect
5. Mitigation measures to time. It is also better than other approaches that use constant
damping and more effective in mitigating pounding because it leads to
Although providing a sufficient gap is usually the best solution, it is a considerable decrease in shear forces. Roshan et al. [211] compared
often rejected by property owners and engineers due to financial and the difference in the effects of viscous dampers and viscoelastic dam-
architectural issues. In addition, this solution is inapplicable for pers. The results indicate that the effects of both dampers are similarly
buildings that are already built without sufficient seismic separation. effective in reducing the response of both buildings, with a bit higher
Thus, the development of mitigation measures, as an alternative to the reduction when using viscoelastic dampers. Since the viscoelastic
sufficiently large seismic gap, is apparent. dampers are more expensive than the viscous dampers, this makes the
The use of collision shear walls (Fig. 7) and bracing systems for use of viscous dampers more favourable than the viscoelastic dampers.
pounding mitigation has been presented in several studies and found to Rawlinson et al. [212] designed, developed and tested two prototypes
be effective in mitigating earthquake-induced structural pounding of dampers to mitigate pounding between isolated buildings, i.e. pure
viscous dampers and two-phased viscoplastic dampers (that include a
friction devise in addition to viscous damper).
The use of friction dampers is also effective in pounding mitigation
[192]. Furthermore, the use of fluid viscous (FV) dampers [213–216] is
not only an adequate technique of mitigating pounding but it also in-
creases the general safety of the building. The results show that using
FV dampers leads to the decrease in the normal forces, shear forces and
bending moments by 42%, 39%, and 32%, respectively, as compared to
the no pounding case (free vibrations). Moreover, linking adjacent
buildings with magneto-rheological (MR) dampers, as a method for
mitigating pounding phenomenon, has been under study by several
researchers. The results reveal that the use of MR dampers with passive-
Fig. 7. Collison shear walls layout (plan view). off, passive-on (active) (with different voltages), semi-active and fuzzy

M. Miari, et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 121 (2019) 135–150

passive and active controls [228–233]. In addition, Agarwal et al. [234]

suggested the use of friction-varying base isolation system (isolation
system with varying coefficient of friction) that can reduce building
response in certain situations. Moreover, Rawlinson et al. [235] de-
veloped a new passive damper to mitigate pounding for base isolated

6. Conclusions and directions of future research

In this study, the detailed state of the art review has been conducted
concerning the topic of earthquake-induced pounding between adjacent
Fig. 8. Rubber shock absorbers. buildings. Particularly, pounding effects on fixed-base buildings, iso-
lated buildings as well as buildings resting on soft soils have been ad-
dressed in terms of the influencing factors (mass, frequency, ground
controllers decreases the displacements, accelerations and the required motion characteristics, etc.) and the affected parameters (shear de-
gap and leads to the total synchronisation of the response of the two mands, ductility demands, etc.). Then, the aspects of sufficient se-
adjacent buildings [217–219]. The fuzzy controller has the largest in- paration gap have been considered by revising the modern seismic
fluence on the reduction of these parameters, as compared to other codes and recommendations of different research studies. Finally, the
types of controllers. In addition, the passive-on (active) controller with appropriate pounding mitigation measures have been discussed in
a high voltage has a substantial effect on the reduction of these para- terms of their efficiency and applicability.
meters. In the case of this type of controller, as voltage of the active The most important recommendations extracted from this review
damper increases, the damper force increases, hence, leading to larger are listed below:
capability to resist pounding. The main advantage of this controller is
the possibility of controlling the MR damper output force by controlling 1) The effect of the impact stiffness and the coefficient of restitution on
the induced voltage. However, the variation of the voltage of the pas- impact modelling are significant, while they have been ignored in
sive-on is sudden, while that of the fuzzy controller is adaptable and many of the previous studies. This calls for further studies to
soft, thereby making the use of the fuzzy controller more preferable. quantify both parameters for different configurations of colliding
Indeed, the use of coupled dampers is more effective in mitigating buildings.
pounding than the single link elements [217]. Tuned mass dampers 2) The dispersion in the results of pounding problems, while using
(TMD) were also proposed as an effective technique in pounding miti- different models of structural pounding, has been observed from a
gation by reducing the peak displacements of buildings during earth- number of studies. The development of new models, that could more
quakes [220]. Several researchers (see [221–225]) developed pounding effectively simulate collisions between different types of buildings,
TMD (PTMD), a modified version of TMD, which includes a viscous is recommended.
material to absorb the energy of TMD during pounding. This method is 3) Several parameters have been omitted in the evaluation of structural
more effective in reducing the response of the structures, as compared pounding during earthquakes, e.g. P-delta effect, angle of incidence
to TMD. Abdullah et al. [226] used passive shared tuned mass (STMD) of ground motions, structural system, etc. Further studies, taking
dampers (one single TMD on each building connected with a spring to these parameters into consideration, are apparent.
the second structure instead of two separated TMDs) (Fig. 9) which is 4) Effective formulas designed for evaluating the seismic gap needed
also found to be more effective in preventing pounding, as compared to for preventing pounding between buildings during various ground
TMD. Kim [227] suggested the use of semi-active shared tuned mass motions face certain problems. Most of the recommended formulas
dampers controlled by multi-input multi output fuzzy logic controller. either overestimate or underestimate the sufficient gap. Further
This system, which consists of two dampers connecting both buildings research focused on this issue is needed.
and has half of the TMD system mass, reduces the displacement, ac- 5) A number of the proposed mitigation measures have certain draw-
celeration and drift more effectively than the TMD. However, applying backs, i.e. space needed for damper connectors, damage to shear
these dampers is restricted due to the large space needed for installa- walls, etc. Future research to overcome these difficulties is sug-
tion. Further research to overcome this restriction is necessary. gested.
Ismail et al. suggested the use the roll-in-cage isolators (RNC) to 6) Different types of analysis, such as Monte Carlo simulation, have
control large displacements resulting from installation of the isolation been conducted to investigate the most influential dynamic para-
system at the isolation level. By performing numerical analysis on this meters on structural pounding using SDOF systems. The verification
type of isolation system, the method was confirmed to be effective in of the results for MDOF systems is necessary.
controlling both translational and rotational pounding through using

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Competing interest statement

Declarations of interest



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