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003 SAMPLE PAPER ENGLISH By Padhleakshay Time Allowed : 3 Hrs Maximum Marks : 80 (READING SKILLS) 20 Marks 1. Read the passage given below. 10 1, Hobbies help us grow as.a person. The best way to have a new hobby is to try something new. All of us are unique, and this is the reason why our hobbies and interests are different. Once we find an activity we are passionate about, we can explore that activity more, When you get hooked, you will realize that your hobby has become an integral part of your life. Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and refreshes us. Hobbies help us to ‘manage our leisure and unplanned time more productively. Italso affords you the opportunity to learn new skills in your work. But these are not the only benefits of having a hobby. 2. It feels great to be skilled and good at something, doesn’t it? And this is what that makes you confident. It can take some time to develop your hobby so that you may be able to tell that you are skilled. But, the journey of experiencing your hobby is very rewarding in itself. With the exposure to different types of activities these days, it doesn’t matter which activity you choose. Whether you are pursuing a craft, sports, puzzles, or skill development, your hobby should be a diversion and a passion. Simultaneously, if your hobby gives you a sense ‘of purpose, then you will be more confident about challenging yourself in your hobby and help you prepare for leaning new things at work. 3. Hobbies give you an opportunity to enhance your life Hobbies allow you to destress yourself while remaining ‘mentally productive. Having hobbies promotes better health and may lower the risk of having high blood pressure. Enjoying a few hours of your hobby a week can also reduce the risk of depression and dementia. Hobbies refocus your mind on to something that you enjoy doing, Hobbies that include physical activities create chemical changes in your body that help to reduce stress. 4, Even ifit doesn’t involve physical activities, you can still reap the benefits of having a hobby. Getting a short break from work and doing something you are passionate about can rejuvenate your mind and help prepare you to handle challenges in the future in a better way. ‘5. Hobbies may provide an opportunity for you to socialize with people and that can be an additional benefit for ‘your overall well-being. You can connect with people who enjoy doing the same things that you do, You can ‘meet new people, discuss your hobby and get connected to a bigger circle that may even help you turn your hobby into your profession. The internet provides numerous groups and forums to connect with people that enjoy doing the same things that you want to do. 6. Some hobbies require creativity and if you develop creativity through your hobby, it can be beneficial. Creativity ‘can help you experience new things at school and work. The skill of being creative is essential in today’s world. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below: ‘4x10=10 (@ When a person gets hooked on a hobby, he realises that : 1 (q) ithas become an integral part of our life. (©) it has much more benefits than we realised. (C) itis much more enjoyable to have a hobby. (d) itis quite essential for us to learn some skills through our hobbies. (ii) No matter which sort of hobby you are pursuing, be it a craft, sports, puzzles, or skill development, your 1 hobby should be : (@) useful for you in the long run. (®) a skill that improves your present circumstances. (6) a diversion and a passion. (@) followed through till the end. www. (iif) The journey of experiencing a hobby is quite : 1 (a) challenging for a person. (6) rewarding in itself (0) demanding in itself, (@ inspirational for a person. (iv) State any one way through which hobbies enhance your life? 1 (») Getting a hobby means having a short break from work and doing something you are passionate about which can 1 (a) give you a peace of mind from all the other problems of daily hectic life and make you feel refreshed. (4) help you enhance and improve your skills and push you forward on your path to success. (0) make you enjoy and appreciate your life much more as you are happy pursuing what you love. (@) rejuvenate your mind and help prepare you to handle challenges in the future in a better way. (vi) List any two benefits of having a hobby. 1 1 2. if) What is essential in today's world? 1 (iii) Give an appropriate ttle for the passage. 1 (é) Supply 1 point to justify the following: 1 Hobby provides you with an opportunity to socialise with people. () Choose an option that is clearly a synonym of the word ‘hooked’ 1 (@) opposed (6) indifferent (© willing (@) captivated IL, Read the passage given below. 10 1, The ocean is one of the most unexplored parts of our planet, with a magnitude of undiscovered species and mysteries. It tums out from the studies conducted over the last few decades, this magnificent environment is under serious threat from human intervention, with plastics set to outnumber fish by 2050. 2. Marine life, as we know it, is suffering irreparable damage from the chemical pollution of the waters and the millions of tons of mismanaged waste dumped in the oceans each year. The result is a planetary crisis with over 100 million marine animal’s lives get lost every year, and the decay of the occan’s ecosystem. ‘Shocking Ocean Pollution Statistics: +100 melon marine animals die each year from plastic waste alone. + 100000 marine animal die from getting entangled in plastic yearly - this is just the creatures we find. +1 in 3 marine mammal species get found entangled in litte, 12-14000 tons of plastic are ingested by North Pacific fish yearly. + In the past 10 years, we've made more plastic than the last century. By 2050, the pollution of fish will be ‘outnumbered by our dumped plastic. + The largest trash site on the planet is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, twice the surface area of Texas, it ‘outnumbers sea life there 6 to 1. * Chine is ranked #1 for mismanaged waste and plastics. However, the US is in the top 20 with a more significant waste per person contributions. + 300 Million tons of plastic gets created yearly, and this weighs the same as the entire human population, and 50% is single-use only. * There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waster estimated to be in our oceans. 269000 tons float, 4 billion microfibers per km2 dwell below the surface. + 10% of our debris sinks into the ocean's ecosystem, 15% floats and 15% lands on our beaches. + In terms of plastic, 8.3 million tons are discarded in the sea yearly. Of which, 236000 are ingestible microplastics that marine creatures mistake for food, + Plastics take 500-1000 years to degrade; currently 79% is send to lands or the oceans, while only 9% is recycled, and 12% gets incinerated. www. + 1950-1998 over 100 nuclear blast tests occurred in our oceans. + 500 marine locations are now recorded as dead zones globally, currently the size of the United Kingdom's surface (245000 km2) + 80% of global marine pollution comes from agriculture runoff, untreated sewage, discharge of nutrients and pesticides. + 90% of the worldwide ocean debris comes from 10 rivers alone, 3. Almost 1,000 species of marine animals get impacted by ocean pollution, and we now have over 500 locations recorded as dead zones where marine life cannot exist. How did this happen, what is causing the most damage, find out everything above in the marine pollution statistics round-up, 4. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a floating island of debris, accumulated in the North Pacific Ocean by an extensive system of currents called gyres. It is built up from two other waste patches, the western garbage patch near Japan and the eastern garbage patch near America’s west coast near California and Hawaii. 5. The North Pacific Subtropical Convergence Zone links the east and westem garbage patches, acting as a highway for waste to move from one to the other. Because of this, a small item of debris dropped near California can travel across to Japan, then eventually get sucked up by these swirling garbage patch vortexes. 6. The great pacific garbage patch size is quite shocking. These patches of trash are said to be twice the size of ‘Texas and float on the surface but do drop several meters into the ocean in places, which makes the correct size challenging to measure. The world’s largest garbage site is mainly made up of microplastics creating a vast cloud, with newer items of debris that haven’t broken down as much floating around like chunks in a soup. The ‘great pacific garbage patch effects on marine life are extremely significant. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below: 1x10 (d Infer one reason for the following, based on information in paragraph 5: 1 A small item of debris dropped near California can travel across to Japan. (ii) According to the passage, what is set to out number the fish in the ocean by the year 2050? 1 (a) pollution () garbage (© plastics (@ human waste (iii) The largest trash site on the planet, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, is twice the size of which city? 1 (@) Arizona (6) Florida (©) Colorado (@) Texas (i») Which country is ranked number one for mismanaged waste and plastics? 1 (®) Which of the following is not a place from where 80% of global marine pollution comes? 1 (@) agriculture run-off (6) untreated sewage (6) discharge of nutrients and pesticide (@) factory waste disposal (vi) State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE: 1 700 marine locations are now recorded as dead zones globally. (ii) Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option: 1 An extensive system of currents in the North Pacific Ocean is called _. (a) debris (b) vortex (c) convergence @) gyres (viii) Substitute the word ‘irreparable’ with ONE WORD similar in meaning, in the following sentence from paragraph 2: 1 Marine life, as we know it, is suffering irreparable damage from the chemical pollution of the waters. (é) Choose an option that is an antonym of the word ‘unexplored”? 1 (a) known (6) undiscovered (0) inrelevant (@ unimportant 1 (x) Based on your understanding of the text, list 2 reasons for the follo Marine life is suffering from irreparable damage. 1. 2. www. mt. (GRAMMAR) 10 Marks Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions. 10 (i) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence. 1 AAs the earth turns on its axis, day became night. (a) becoming (b) becomes (©) become (d) became (i) Read the conversation between Shoemaker and Customer. Complete the sentence by reporting customer's reply Correctly. 1 Shoemaker: Here are your shoes; sir. Customer: You are a big blockhead. I told you to make one of the shoes larger than the other and, instead of that, you have made one of them smaller than the other. When Shoemaker presented Customer with his shoes, Customer got angry and called Shoemaker a blockhead and said that he had : (iii) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line. 1 If hadn’t taken a cab T for you at the train station for hours. (a) had to wait (© had to have waited (6) might have been waiting (@ ought to have been waiting (iv) Sclect the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line. 1 To Hasan’s good luck he met a magician who agreed to sell him a magic wand for many gold. @ met meet ® who which Oy sell sold @ many some (0) Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option. 1 At the Lakme Beauty Parlour I got my hair straightened and (@) style © styled © styles @ styling (va Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket. 1 Ben got frightened when he (hear) footsteps on the stairs. (vid) Report the dialogue between Tom and _his mother by completing the sentence. 1 Mother: Tom, don’t be late for dinner, your granny is visiting us. ‘Tom: I won't be late, mother. I will buy her a bunch of flowers on my way home, Mother asked Tom not to be late for dinner as his granny was visiting them, Tom answered (viii) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction. 1 Last weekend I 1"t went to the beach. (éx) The match got over. Anu asked Sandhya about it. Report Anus’s question. 1 ‘Anu: Who was the champion of the boxing match? ‘As Sandhya had witnessed the boxing match, Anu asked her www. () Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, 1 assist you? (a) shall (6) would (c) will (@) must (xi) Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between father and daughter, 1 Daughter: When will my brother Sunil come home? Father: He will come tomorrow, Daughter asked her father when her brother Sunil would come home. Father replied that (a) he is coming tomorrow (6) he is coming the next day (0) he will come tomorrow (d) he would come the next day (xii) Identify the error in the following sentence and supply the correction. 1 The Aldrich is opens today from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. error correction Vv. (CREATIVE WRITING SKILLS) 10 Marks Alll the names and addresses used in the questions are fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is purely coincidental, 1, Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5 A, You are Aayush, resident of 43/9, Geet Enclave, Delhi. You visited Dalhousie with your family during the summer vacation. You booked two double suites at Lake View Resort. The facilities provided during your stay at the hotel fell far short of the description in the brochure. Write a letter of complaint to the Customer Service Department to refund your expenses met on the stay. (100-120 words) OR B. You are Navya/Devansh, Science Teacher of Arise Academy, 432, Defence Colony, Amritsar. Your school hhas been invited to participate in the Inter-State Science Exhibition at Bloom Public School, 785, Najafgarh, Amritsar. Write a letter of enquiry to the Coordinator of Bloom Public School asking for the details of the exhibition 2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5 A. The table below gives information about some of the world’s most studied languages. Give an analytic description in a paragraph highlighting and reporting the main features. Don’t forget to make comparisons where relevant. (200-120 words) eee rid mapeage =] Nea cepanie | cab oraalne | ~~ |Nearning the language |'~" “speakers = “| Shea tine. sen] aos teh estat or Bhatt wud Urs 4 yn Engi 1Stilion 527 milion French 82 million 118 million 51 Chinese 20 milion 139 %ilion 3 Spanish 14S milion 389 milion 3 tala Smilon milion » Jepanese 3 milion 123 milion 25 Hindi 120 million 637.9 million 23 www. OR B, Read the following excerpt from a magazine. This year children of many schools in Delhi took a vow not to use crackers and other fireworks on the occasion of Deepawali t0 reduce air and noise pollution and also to register their protests against the child Jabour involved in this industry. The students can play an effective role in drawing attention to the various ills afflicting society. Write a paragraph in 100-120 words to analyse the given argument. ‘You could think about what altemative explanations might weaken the given conclusion and include rationale / evidence that would strengthen / counter the given argument. (LITERATURE) 40 Marks Reference to the Context 10 1, Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 5 A. “We, who were outlaws not so long ago, have today been given the rare privilege to be host to the nations of the world on our own soil. We thank all of our distinguished international guests for having come to take possession with the people of our country of what is, afterall, a common victory for justice, for peace, for human dignity.” Questions (@ Why are guests at the spectacular ceremony being called distinguished? 1 (i Itisa victory for ‘human dignity’. Pick the option that lists the correct answer for what ‘human dignity’ would include. 1 (@) (1) equality (2) liberty (3) indecency (6) (1) liberty (2) indecency (3) self-respect (6) (immorality (2) self-respect 3) equality (d) (1) equality (2) liberty (3) self-respect (iii) The speaker says that it isa ‘rare privilege” because his people seldom been given this honour. (TRUE/FALSE) (is) How do you think the speaker feels? Choose the option that best fits his state of mind. 1 (@) (1) emotional (2) elated (3) unmindful (6) (1) elated (2) unmindful (3) overwhelmed (©) (overwhelmed (2) elated (3) honoured (@) (I) elated (2) honoured 3) unmindful (©) Pick the option that showcases the usage of ‘host’ as in the extract, 1 (a) He was praised for his hospitality as the host of the party. (b) She was able to host the event without any hindrance. (c) She met the host and apologised for her friend’s misbehaviour. (d) He is the best host that one can ever come across. www. OR B. “didn’t get any real results," he said. “But | went ahead and showed that I had tried the experiment. This time I won.” The next year his science fair project was testing the theory that viceroy butterflies copy monarchs, ‘The theory was that viceroys look like monarchs because monarchs don’t taste good to birds. Viceroys, on the other hand, do taste good to birds. So, the more they look like monarchs, the less likely they are to become a bird's dinner. Ebright’s project was to sce whether, in fact, birds would eat monarchs. He found that a starling ‘would not eat ordinary bird food. It would eat all the monarchs it could get. Questions (@ What theory did Ebright try for the next year? (i) Choose the option listing Ebright’s qualities as depicted by the above extract. (1) persevering (2) visionary @) determined (4) liberal (8) conceited (@) 1,2 (35 O13 O45 (iid) According to the dictionary, “fai” as a noun, shows the following meanings. 1 Choose the option that lists the meaning similar to the usage to that in the extract. (a) A gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment. (b) A competitive exhibition showcasing products or ideas. (0) A periodic gathering for the sale of goods. (@ An annual exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc. held by a town, county, or state. (i) Choose the option that is true for the two statements given about the information in the extract. 1 Statement 1- Starling feeds on viceroys. Statement 2- Starling does not eat seeds and insects. (a) Both statements are clearly mentioned in the extract. (6) Statement 1 cannot be clearly inferred from the text and statement 2 is true, (0) Statement | is false and statement 2 cannot be clearly inferred from the extract. (d) Both statements need to be inferred from the given extract. (») State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE. Ebright wanted to explore the possibility of monarchs getting eaten by birds. . 1 2, Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given below. ‘A. An.ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy All his young days into the harbour where ‘Ashe stands rigid, trembling, staring down His ball went. I would not intrude on him; Questions (O Why does the speaker choose not to intrude? 1 (i) The poet uses the word ‘ultimate’ to describe the boy’s reaction. 1 Pick the meaning that DOES NOT display what ‘ultimate’ means in the context given. (@) consequent (6) final (0) conclusive (@) fateful (ii) The boy is very young in this poem. As a mature, balanced grown-up, he might look back and think that his reaction of ‘ultimate shaking grief’ was 1 (1) disproportionate to the loss (2) pretension to procure anew toy (3) according to his exposure and experience then (4) a reaction to the failure of retrieving the toy (5) justified and similar to what it would be currently. (a) Sand2 (6) Land3 (©) 2and4 (@ 3ands www. (iv) Pick the option that lists the boy's thoughts, matching with the line—"“As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down.” 1 (2) Good riddance! Now I can get a new ‘one, I've been waiting for a while. (1) I wonder how I can retrieve the ball. I guess I'll need help. (4) Ohl I’ve lost it-It’s gone. It's gone (@)I think I can catch it if T run forever. That was all the time-I had. through this alley. I must cut it off before it falls into the harbour. fait (a) Option 1 (6) Option 2 (c) Option 3 @ Option 4 (©) Choose the option that lists the meaning of ‘harbour’ as used in the extract. 1 Noun: (1) aplace on the coast where ships may moor in shelter. (2) aplace of refuge. Verb: (3) Keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one’s mind, especially secretly. (4) shelter or hide (a criminal or wanted person) (@) Option 1 (6) Option 2 (©) Option 3 (@ Option 4 oR B. Belinda giggled till she shook the house, When Custard cried for a nice safe cage. ‘And Blink said Weck! which is giggling for a mouse, | Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound, Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age, ‘And Mustard growled, and they all looked around. Questions (@ Fill in the blank with ONE WORD only. ‘The repetition ‘suddenly, suddenly’ emphasises that an unexpected. was heard. 1 (i A cage means captivity. Why is Custard inclined to remain in a cage despite what it symbolises? 1 This is so because he viewed it as a: (1) sanctuary (2) guardhouse (3) cubicle (4) refuge (5) booth. (a) 1,2and 5 (6) Land 4 (0) 3,4 and 5 (@ 3 ands (iii) Why has the poet used the word ‘weeck" to signify the giggling of the mouse? 1 (a) The poet uses it to add suspense in the poem. (b) ‘The poet has imagined how the mouse would sound in this mood. (©) The poet has mocked at the mouse for giggling at Custard. (@ The poet uses it to create a scary effect for readers. (iv) Pick the option with the correct matches for columns A and B. 7 1. chuckle |A._ to smile in a half-suppressed mocking way 2. snigeer B. to smile in an irritating, conceited manner 3._ smirk [C._to let out a quiet and suppressed laugh [D._to let out a laugh heartily and loudly (a) 1-D, 2-4, 3-C ( 1-C,2-A,3-B (6) 1-B,2-D,3-C @1-A,2-€,3-D www. (%) ‘Dragons are brave and feared” is in contrast to Custards behaviour in the extract. (TRUE/FALSE) 1 VL. Attempt ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each. 4x3=12 (@ Did the narrator meet the pilot of the black aeroplane? How did he and his aeroplane disappear in the sky?3 (i) How does Natalya react when she comes to know that Lomov has come to make a marriage proposal to her?3 (iii) Why was the baker, the friend, companion and guide of the children? 3 (iv) Lookat the line“A novice might nonplus”. How would you write this ‘correctly? Why is the poct’s “incorrect” line better in the poem? 3 (») How did Custard face the pirate differently than Belinda and her pets? VIL. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. (@ What precautions did Horace make before reaching the safe? Name three of them. (i Do you think that deep divide between Mrs. Matilda’s grand dreams and ordinary living was the cause of her unhappiness? What did she dream of? 3 (iii) Why does Noodle say that those sandwiches are actually communication sandwiches? Does **Think-Tank’ confirm it? 3 VIII. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 word: 1x6=6 (@ Write a page of about three paragraphs on the following topic. Have you made a joumey that was unforgettable in someway? What made it memorable? 6 OR (@® Much of the humour in the poem arises from the way language is used, although the ideas are funny as well. If there are particular lines in the poem that you especially like, share these with the class, speaking briefly about what it is about the ideas or the language that you like or find funny. IX. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words. 1*6=6 (@ How was Horace Danby arrested for the robbery of the jewels in a house at Shotover Grange? Do you think his own foolishness was responsible for his arrest? Give a reasoned answer. 6 OR (i Why were the two boys surprised and fascinated when they saw fresh muddy imprints ofa pair of bare feet? ‘What was the explanation of this mystery and who was causing it and why? www.

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