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Mooltripakdee International School

Year: 9 Class: Conrad
Final Exam Term 3
June 2024
Teacher: Mia De Wit

• No food to be brought into the examination room. Water in a transparent bottle with the
label removed is permitted.
• No cell phones or any other e-devices including a smartwatch are permitted. You will be
disqualified and receive zero for your exam if you are found with one.
• No talking during the examination period.
• No pencil cases allowed, bring only the writing materials that you need for the exam.
• At the end of the exam, remain silent until you are outside of the building as there are
other exams in progress.
• Do not leave the examination room until the teacher has dismissed you.


Unit test/ 20 marks/ Impersonal passive/ 10 marks / Grammar 1/ 10

marks / Vocabulary/ 10 marks / Reading comprehension / 10 marks /
Skellig Novel Study 40 marks
Total score: 100 marks
Unit 9 Test
Questions 1–10
For questions 1–10, match the word with its definition.
Example: 0. E

Word Answer Definition

the number in the middle of a set
0. tally E A
of numbers
the study of large amounts of
1. percentage B
[1] numbers
a picture or diagram that shows
2. frequency C
[1] numbers in a visual way

3. range D how often something happens

a way of counting how many
4. chart E
[1] times something happens: IIII II

5. data F another word for ‘number’

the number that appears most
6. statistics G
[1] often in a set of numbers
an amount out of one hundred,
7. figure H
[1] which uses this symbol: %
the difference between the
8. mean I smallest and largest numbers in
[1] a set of numbers
the total of the numbers divided
9. mode J
[1] by how many numbers there are

10. median K another word for ‘information’


[Total: 10 marks]

© Cambridge University Press 2018 1

Grammar 1
Questions 11–15
For questions 11–15, use the information below and the word in brackets to
complete the sentences.

0. Games are the most popular (popular) type of app for boys.

11. Girls have ……………………………..…… (interest) in games than in news

apps. [1]

12. Boys are ……………………………..…… (interested) in video and photography

than girls. [1]

13. ……………………………..…… (fewer) girls are interested in music apps than

boys. [1]

14. Boys use social media apps ……………………………..…… (frequently) than

girls. [1]

15. ……………………………..…… (popular) app for both boys and girls is video
and photography. [1]

[Total: 5 marks]

© Cambridge University Press 2018 2

Grammar 2
Questions 16–20
For questions 16–20, rearrange the words into complex noun phrases to complete
the sentences.
0. A five-year study has shown that wearing uniforms can benefit students.

year study five

16. Each school should have a clear ……………………..…………………………….. .

uniform school policy


17. A ……………………..…………………………….. has shown that wearing

uniforms can benefit students.

published survey recently


18. The results are particularly good for students from

……………………..……………………………. .

income families low


19. Results improved by 5% in ……………………..…………………………….. after

uniforms were introduced.

year the school


20. The ……………………..…………………………….. have led other local schools

to introduce uniforms.

exam improved results


[Total: 5 marks]

© Cambridge University Press 2018 3

Data Handling Vocabulary (10 points)
Instructions: Read the definitions carefully and write down the correct vocabulary word from
the list below that matches each definition. Use your knowledge of data handling to complete
the exercises.

Vocabulary Words: tally, percentage, frequency, range, chart, data, statistics, figure, mean,
mode, median

1. The average of a set of numbers, calculated by adding all the numbers and then
dividing by the number of numbers.

2. A visual representation of data, such as a bar chart, pie chart, or line graph.

3. A way of organizing data by recording occurrences in groups of five, using four vertical
lines and a diagonal line across the fourth line to mark a set of five.

4. A mathematical term that represents a number out of 100, often used to show how
much of something is contained in a whole.

5. The difference between the highest and lowest values in a set of data.

6. A collection of facts, numbers, measurements, or observations.

7. The value that appears most often in a set of data.

8. Numerical facts collected for analysis.

9. A graphical or written representation of a number.

10. The middle value in a set of data when the data is arranged in order.

Part 1: Complex and Compound Sentences: Fill in the Blank and Identify (5 points)

Complex andFill in the blank
Compound with the Fill
Sentences: correct
in theconjunction to complete each sentence. Choose from the
Blank and Identify
following conjunctions: and, but, or, because, although, since, when, if, until, unless. After filling in the
blank, indicate if the sentence is compound or complex.
Complex and Compound Sentences: Fill in the Blank and Identify
1. She wanted to go to the party, __________________ she was too tired. (___________)
(5 points)
2. He didn't see the stop sign ________________ he was looking at his phone. (___________)

3. I will call you ___________________ I arrive at the airport. (_____________)

4. I like to read books, ___________________ I enjoy watching movies. (____________)

5. ________________________ it rains, we will cancel the picnic. (_____________)

Part 2: Fill in the Blanks (3 points)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners or predeterminers.

6. ___________________________ single-use plastic bags were found during the beach cleanup.

7. _______________________________community members support the new recycling program.

8. ____________________________ environmental policy has its own advantages and challenges.

Part 3: Sentence Punctuation Correction (2 points)

Instructions: Rewrite the sentences with the correct punctuation.

9. She said I can't wait for the weekend to start because I have so many fun plans


10. Although it was raining we decided to go for a walk and we had a great time

Impersonal Passive (10 points)

Part 1: Multiple Choice, circle the correct answer (2 points)

1. Which of the following sentences is an example of the impersonal passive?

a. The cake was eaten by the children. b. She is considered to be at home. c. The book was written by
the author. d. It is said that he is a great singer.

2. In which of the following sentences is the impersonal passive used correctly?

a. It was told to me that she left early. b. They were rumored of dating. c. It is expected that the company
will launch the product next month. d. It can be thought by many that he was guilty.

Transform the following sentences into the impersonal passive:

Part 2: Sentence Transformation (4 points)

3. People believe that she is very talented.

4. Everyone says that the new restaurant is fantastic.

5. They think that the manager will resign soon.

6. It is known that he lied about his qualifications.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses to create impersonal passive

Part 3: Fill in the Blanks (2 points)

7. It __________________________(say) that he works 18 hours a day.

8. It __________________________(expect) that the company will launch the product next


Part 4: Error Correction (2 points)

Identify and correct the errors in the following impersonal passive sentences:

9. It was believed for many that she had disappeared.


10. It is considered by many that he is a genius.

Reading Comprehension: The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution, a period of profound transformation in the late 18th and early 19th
centuries, fundamentally altered the socio-economic landscape of the world. Originating in
Great Britain, it rapidly spread to other parts of Europe, North America, and eventually the rest
of the world. This era was characterized by the shift from manual production methods to
machine-based manufacturing, leading to significant increases in production capacity and

One of the pivotal inventions of this period was the steam engine, initially developed by
Thomas Newcomen in the early 18th century and later significantly improved by James Watt
in 1769. Watt's modifications made the steam engine more efficient and versatile, enabling its
widespread application in various industries, including textiles, mining, and transportation.
The steam engine not only powered factories but also propelled steamships and
locomotives, revolutionizing travel, and trade.

The textile industry was at the forefront of industrial innovation, with inventions such as the
spinning jenny, the power loom, and the cotton gin dramatically increasing the production of
cloth. These advancements were facilitated by the establishment of factories, which brought
together machinery, labor, and raw materials under one roof, leading to the rise of urban
industrial centers.

However, the Industrial Revolution was not without its drawbacks. The rapid industrialization
led to the exploitation of labor, particularly among the working class. Factory workers,
including women and children, endured long hours, low wages, and hazardous working
conditions. The living conditions in industrial cities were often squalid, with overcrowded
housing and inadequate sanitation.

The environmental impact of the Industrial Revolution was also significant. The widespread
use of coal as a primary energy source led to air pollution and the degradation of natural
resources. The unregulated discharge of waste into rivers and streams resulted in water
pollution, affecting both wildlife and human populations that relied on these water sources
for drinking and irrigation.

Despite these challenges, the Industrial Revolution laid the groundwork for modern industrial
economies. It fostered technological innovation, improved transportation, and
communication networks, and led to the rise of a new middle class. The increased production
and availability of goods also contributed to a rise in the standard of living for many,
although this benefit was not evenly distributed.

The Industrial Revolution also had profound social and cultural impacts. It led to the
emergence of new social classes and changed traditional ways of life. The growth of cities
and the migration of rural populations to urban centers created new social dynamics and
Comprehension Questions (10 points)
1. In what century did the Industrial Revolution begin, and where did it
originate? (2 points)
2. Describe the importance of the steam engine in the Industrial
Revolution and the improvements made by James Watt. (2 points)
3. How did the textile industry play a key role in the Industrial Revolution?
Mention at least two inventions that were crucial in this sector. (2
4. Discuss the negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution on labor and
the environment. (2 points)
5. In what ways did the Industrial Revolution contribute to the rise of
modern industrial economies? (2 points)
Skellig novel study (40 points)

Multiple Choice Questions (5 points)

1. Who is the main protagonist in "Skellig"?

A) Mina
B) Michael
C) Skellig
D) Leakey
What is the name of the creature Michael finds in the garage?
A) Eragon
B) Skellig
C) Gollum
D) Dobby
What is Michael's sister's name?
A) Sarah
B) Mina
C) Jessica
D) None of the above
4. What does Mina teach Michael about?
A) Birds
B) Painting
C) Poetry
D) Music
5. What does Michael's mother do when she finds out about Skellig?
A) Calls the police
B) Helps him
C) Ignores him
D) Moves away

True or False Questions (3 points)

1. Michael moves to a new house because his sister is born.
o True
o False
2. Skellig is initially found in the attic of Michael's new house.
o True
o False
3. Mina is homeschooled and lives next door to Michael.
o True
o False

Short Answer Questions (10 points)

1.Describe the relationship between Michael and Mina. How does it develop throughout
the story? (2 points)

2. What role does the hospital play in the novel? How does it affect Michael and his
family? (2 points)

3. How does Michael's relationship with his father change throughout the story? (2

4. What is the significance of the blackberries in the novel? (2 points)


5. Compare and contrast the characters of Michael and mind. How are they similar and
how are they different? (2 points)

Fill in the Blank Questions (2 points)

1. Michael's sister is born with a ___________, which is a serious heart condition.

2. The novel "Skellig" is set in ___________, which plays a significant role in the story's
Matching Questions (5 points) Match the vocabulary with their descriptions:

A. Sufficient in size, amount, or extent;

0. Filthy abundant
B. Sufficient in size, amount, or extent;
1. Ample
C. Dirty or contaminated with dirt,
2. Stench
grime, or waste material.
3. Eerie D. To bring up gas from the stomach
to the mouth, typically making a
4. Belch noise.
E. Creating an unsettling or frighten-
5. Congealed ing atmosphere; strange and mys-
F. (of a liquid) thickened or set into a
semi-solid state, especially by cool-

Creative Writing Prompt (10 points = 5 for content, 5 for language)

1. Imagine you are Skellig. Write a diary entry from your perspective, describing your
feelings and experiences after being discovered by Michael.
















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