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05/11/2023 | Carlos Rea

A month with a lot of Holidays

I would describe these last two weeks as a pleasant time to be with our families and friends, it
is true that Halloween is not a well-known celebration here in Ecuador compared to the United
States, but this year there was some kind of celebration because of this holiday, in the principal
Avenue here in Riobamba the major of the city did this activity called “Boulevard” regarding not
only Halloween but also this German celebration known as “Oktoberfest” where they celebrate
the month of the beer, so this activity was a mix of both celebration, the streets were closed for
cars and it became a “just for walk” street and there was a bunch of activities you could do and
see, besides you were able to buy some things too, like beer (if you were over 18 of course) or
some candies for Halloween as well as costumes for the occasion too.

All these activities made this past Halloween holiday one of the best I have ever had because I
got the opportunity to spend time not only with my family but with my friends too, I also dressed
up this Halloween as a Men In Black and I love that costume, I even got the glasses from the
movie and the credentials.

I celebrated the “Day of The Dead” holiday with my family, we did the famous “Colada
Morada” and it was delicious, it was my first time trying to make it from zero, but it was an
amazing experience, even though I was a bit sick and injured, I was able to enjoy this holiday
with the people I love.

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