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Chapter 7

Human Resource Selection and

Development Across Cultures

McGraw-Hill/Irwin .
1. IDENTIFY the basic sources that MNCs can tap when
filling management vacancies in overseas operations.
2. DESCRIBE the selection criteria and procedures when
making final decisions.
3. DESCRIBE the training process, the most common
reasons for training, and the types of training that often
are provided.
Chapter 7

1. Sources for Human Resources

2. Selection Criteria for International Assignments
3. International Human Resource Selection Procedures
4. Training in International Management
5. Compensation
1. Sources of Human Resources
• MNCs can use four basic sources for filling
overseas positions
1. Home-Country Nationals

2. Host-Country Nationals

3. Third-Country Nationals

4. Inpatriates
1. Sources of Human Resources
Home-Country Nationals
• Expatriate managers who are citizens of the
country where the multinational corporation is
• Expatriates/expats: manager who live and
work outside their home country.
Discuss: Reasons to use home-country nationals?
Home-country nationals: reasons to use
1)To start up operations;
2)To provide technical expertise;
3)To help the MNC maintain financial control
4)To provide promising managers with international experience…
5)To maintain and facilitate coordination and control;
6)The unavailability of managerial talent in the host country;
7) Foreign operation as short lived;
8)The host country’s multiracial population, and selecting a manager of
either race would result in political or social problems;
9)To maintain a foreign image in the host country;
10) The belief that a home-country manager is the best person…
Discuss: Is the trend of using home-
country nationals increasing or
decreasing? Why?
1. Sources for Human Resources
1.2. Host-Country Nationals: Local managers hired by
the MNC
• Common reasons to use:
o Familiarity with the culture
o Knowledge of the language
o Good public relations
o Less expensive.
1. Sources for Human Resources
1.3. Third-Country Nationals (TCN)
• Managers who are citizens of countries other than the
country in which the MNC is headquartered or the one in
which the managers are assigned to work
• Reasons to use?
o Salary and benefit package usually is less than that of a
home-country nationals
o Knowledge of the region or speak the same language as
the local people.
1. Sources for Human Resources
1.4. Inpatriates
• Individuals from a host country or third country who
are assigned to work in the home country.
• Help MNCs develop their global core competencies.

Is the trend of using inpatriates increasing or decreasing?

2. Selection Criteria for International Assignments

o Typically, both technical and human criteria are

o Firms that fail to consider both: rate of failure is
often quite high.
2. Selection Criteria for International Assignments
3. International Human Resource Selection

 Testing: not extremely popular

o 80% MNCs did not use test!

 Interview: extensive interviews of candidates

provide the best method of selection.
o 52% of U.S. MNCs interview both managers and
spouses; sometimes children!
4. Training in International Management
• Training
• The process of altering employee behavior and
attitudes in a way that increases the probability of
goal attainment.
• What topic should they be trained on?
• Who should be trained?
• How they should be trained?
4. Training in International Management
4.1. The Impact of Overall Management Philosophy on Training


geocentric Management

EPRG Model
4.1. The Impact of Overall Management Philosophy on Training

 An ethnocentric (vị chủng) MNC puts home-office

people in charge of key international management
 A polycentric (đa tâm) MNC places local nationals in
key positions and allows these managers to appoint
and develop their own people.
4.1. The Impact of Overall Management Philosophy on Training

 A regiocentric MNC relies on local managers from a

particular geographic region to handle operations in
and around that area.
 A geocentric (địa tâm/toàn cầu) MNC seeks to
integrate diverse regions through a global approach
to decision making.
Assignments are based on qualifications, and all subsidiary
managers are regarded as equal to those at headquarters.


geocentric Management Polycentric

Philosophy (host-country

May be third-
country nationals
Review Which philosophy:
1. High costs?
ethnocentric 2. Suitable for high-level
3. Requires managers to have
geocentric Management a high adaptability to
Philosophy polycentric various different cultures?

4. Training typically conducted

in the home/host country?
What philosophy is the best?
4.2. Reasons for Training
• Organizational reasons
• To improve communication flows
• To increase overall efficiency and profitability
• Personal reasons
• To improve the ability to interact effectively with local
people (including language).
• Increasing numbers of training programs address social
topics: how to take a client to dinner, apologize to a
customer, appropriately address colleagues, how to help
others “save face”…
4.3. Types of Training Programs

Standardized: Small firms usually rely on

standard training programs.

Larger firms tend to design their own (Tailor-

4.3. Types of Training Programs

Tailor-made: programs are designed for the

specific needs of the participants.
• For whom? Expats, family members, especially
• When should training take place?
• Where should training be conducted?
5. Compensation
Common elements of compensation packages:

taxes salary  2-5 times as much as
incentives benefits counterparts
 10 times as much as
allowances local nationals
5. Compensation
1) Base salary
• Amount of money that an expatriate normally receives in
the home country
2) Benefits
• 1/3 of compensation.
• MNCs provide with extra vacation, special leaves
• Many MNCs pay the airfare for expats and their families to
make an annual visit home, for emergency leave
5. Compensation
3) Allowances
• Cost-of-Living Allowance
• Payment for differences between the home country and
the overseas assignment.
• Including relocation, housing, education, and
4) Incentives
• A growing number of firms have replaced the ongoing
premium with a lump-sum premium
5. Compensation
5) Taxes
• An expatriate may have two tax bills for the
same pay (in US, if exceeds $100,800)
• MNCs usually pay the extra tax burden (tax
Chapter 7
1.Sources for Human Resources
2.Selection Criteria for International Assignments
3.International Human Resource Selection Procedures
4.Training in International Management
5. Compensation
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