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Why? Why do you looked at me like that. I am your valedictorian.

These medals, I deserved this. I worked hard on these.
I reviewed all night to perfect the exam. I studied all my life to be the brightest
I can do anything because I’m smart.
Of course Smart, yeah. Sounds like a brand name unlike the others synonyms. But no, nevermind.
I’m the smartest now no one can take this away from me.
But why are the police are here in my momentous day? Why are you cuffing me? You don’t
understand! I made hard for this!
I need my pill, I need it I need it pleaseeeee. I need to stand strong, I have competitions after
I wanna go homeeee.
It is something that makes me awake, to review, one take and everything fires like a bullet rain. It
works every time but I don’t know why it doesn’t right now!
Its all blank and I am trapped in these horrible competition to play. Its like a jigsaw puzzle and every
pieces was all over the place!

Why do you need my confession? I didn’t do anything wrong, am I wrong? I just took what’s mine
But I’m glad she’s dead
Why are you shocked? She got all the attention. She was a student leader, she was on the media, she
got to compete various compenevermind

(But you also got them)

That’s not the point!
Its about the competition. Being the best. There is no second place
She always gets top and it wasn’t fair. She never studied and I worked hard but she was smarter than

( Its not true)

It is true! I am the smart but she was a genius. And she never let me forget it. I tried to be friend her
but she wasn’t even talking to me. Not a word like I was too insignificant, too stupid to waste of
breath on.
But I am not stupid, I just wanna be the best I. was never fair so I asked her to take the test but she
always refuse. So why she couldn’t let me win, huh, just once. So I can prove myself and be the
smartest at school.I never get the chance to talk with her so I followed her in her way to see her guy
friend but she just couldn’t get away from me.
( Stop It, that’s enough!)
Don’t tell me what to do!
Don’t tell me what to do!
Im sick and tired of everyone always telling me what to do, what to say, how to say, what to act. I
just wanna talk to her, to be friends with her. At first, I hesitated. Something tells me to stop because
it’s wrong, something tells me the odds, but more of me wants her to be gone.
But then she screamed at me “why was I following her” she called me a loser, pathetic and dumb and
I was only at top because my parents can afford it and I wouldn’t even make it alone like her.
She tried walking away so I grabbed her arm and she pushed me so I jabbed her times with my pen
and she pushed me again so I pulled her hair and smashed her hair over and over and over again!
Nobody sees us fighting
Everyone was inside because it was raining
She tried screaming for help but no one would hear her because the train started to blow that’s when
she fells down and I pushed her into the river.
I’m number 1 now, Mom. Aren’t you happy for me?

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