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“Exploring the Digital Language of Social Networks and its


In the world of social networks, language transforms and adapts to the speed of
clicks. Since today teenagers use keywords to send texts either on social networks
or in a contact or online communication application.

The abbreviations and language used on social networks are due to space
limitations, users resort to abbreviations and acronyms to communicate efficiently.
For example, "lol" (laugh out loud) or "OMG" (oh my God), etc.
-Emojis: These small visual symbols express emotions and reactions quickly and
directly, for example, when the person who sent it sends an emoji to that person
who wants to send or express what they feel at that moment.

Colloquial Syntax:
- On platforms like Twitter, the syntax resembles everyday conversation.
Sentences can be fragmented, and grammar is sometimes sacrificed for the sake
of brevity. For example, the words we use daily and almost at all times like hello,
good morning, etc.
- The temporal context is crucial: the messages may lack verbs or pronouns, but
they are understood thanks to the previous context, whether what they are
communicating or talking about, that is, whether they are telling jokes or making
fun of something or etc. A word that is used the most often is lol (intense laughter).

Linguistic resources:
- Precise Word Choice: Despite the brevity, users select terms that convey their
message effectively and quickly to facilitate keyboard clicking whether on a phone,
laptop or PC. And each word or sentence conveys a message quickly and
- Construction of Coherent Sentences: Although the sentences are short, they
must be coherent and logical and used in an appropriate context.
- Rhetorical Figures: Sometimes, metaphors, alliteration or hyperbole are used to
emphasize or persuade in order to use these famous words that are used today by
adolescents in most social networks.
## Responsible Use of Social Networks

To navigate the vast digital ocean consciously and positively, consider the

Verify Information:
- Before sharing news or information, verify its veracity. Avoid spreading false or
misleading information and believing everything, for example fake news or a rumor
from someone you don't know but due to the publication's popularity, several
people begin to publish it as well.
- Be critical and look for reliable sources where the information is true and reliable
and that is a guide to publish it, that is, if it is important that other people know or
find out about this information, if you can publish it, but if it does not have these
aspects, it is It is preferable not to publish anything to avoid problems with other

Respect others:
- Courtesy never goes out of style. Be kind and considerate with other users on
social networks, for example today even teenagers are still kind when sending a
message such as: "hello, good morning" and this makes the person respect you
and you can count on them. the in some favor for respect.
- Avoid offensive or harmful comments since nowadays there are people on social
networks who, in a publication or photo that a person uploads, either out of envy or
because they are not friends, begin to criticize this person and post offensive or
harmful comments. for that person.

- Adjust your privacy settings according to your preferences. Do not share
personal data recklessly as it can be a risk for you because of the people there are
- Think twice before publishing photos or intimate details since anyone else can
take them in the wrong and take advantage of this event and use it against you and
blackmail you.

4. Use Time:
- Set limits to avoid falling into the spiral of infinite scrolling. Prioritize offline
activities since, as we say, it can be a risk.
- Don't let social media dominate your life.

5. Take care of your Mental Health:

- Do not compare your life with the idealized appearance of others on networks.
We all have ups and downs.
- Disconnect when you feel like you need a break. And don't be addicted to social
networks since it can be a problem for you, both for your mental health and for your
personality, which can criticize or affect you.

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