Grammar Test For Class 4

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Question.1: Mark the correct answer from given options.


(I): The meaning of ache is.

Hurt )d( Having )c( Loss )b( Comfort )a(
(II): A ______ noun is a name given in common to every person , place or thing.
Material )d( Collective )c( Proper )b( Common )a(
(III): A _______ noun is a the name of a particular person, place or thing.
Material )d( Collective )c( Proper )b( Common )a(
(IV): Which one is a common noun.
All Of These )d( City )c( Cat )b( Book )a(
(V): Which one is a proper noun.
Park )d( Mano )c( Lake )b( Woman )a(
(VI): _________ are used in place of nouns to avoid the repetition of nouns.
Collective )d( Pronoun )c( Proper )b( Common )a(
(VII): Which one is Objective Pronoun?
We )d( Us )c( Hers )b( Mine )a(
(VIII): Which one is possessive pronoun from following?
Yours )d( Me )c( Him )b( He )a(
(IX): He ______ going to the Zoo.
Had )d( Have )c( Do )b( Was )a(
(X): They _____not complete their work.
Are )d( Did )c( Does )b( Was )a(
(XI): Ali _____ not read this book before.
Had )d( Am )c( Do )b( Was )a(
(XII): Choose the correct helping verb.
All Of These )d( Have )c( Do )b( Has )a(
(XIII): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Again )d( Vein )c( Vain )b( Pain )a(
(XIV): ________umbrella is under the table. Choose the correct articles.
None Of These )d( The )c( An )b( A )a(
(XV): ______ devices are helpful to interpret idea of a paragraph in a sentences.
Cluster )d( Pronoun )c( Noun )b( Transitional )a(
(XVI): Choose the correct word which rhyme with the word "vain":
Beautiful )d( Cool )c( Nest )b( Pain )a(
(XVII): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Aching )d( Aeching )c( Achaing )b( Acheing )a(
(XVIII): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Breaiking )d( Breaking )c( Briaking )b( Breakinng )a(
(XIX): The meaning of 'ease' is.
Opinion )d( Comfort )c( Loss )b( Showing )a(
(XX): They are going to _______ university. Choose the correct article.
Am )d( The )c( Is )b( Are )a(
(XXI): _______ join the ideas and sentences to one another.
Transitional Devices )d( Phonetics )c( Similes )b( Homophones )a(
(XXII): The weather was cloudly and cool breeze was _______.
Blew )d( Blowing )c( Blows )b( Blow )a(
(XXIII): The word "messed" means:
Untidy )d( Good )c( Delicous )b( Achieved )a(
(XXIV): Zain love to play with _______ cat.
Hers )d( Him )c( Her )b( His )a(
(XXV): Last ________ I visited a bank.
Week )d( Waak )c( Week )b( Weak )a(
(XXVI): Choose the helping verb from the sentence: Sana was drinking juice.
Was )d( Juice )c( Drinking )b( Sana )a(
(XXVII): Rida _______ present today.
Had )d( Have )c( Am )b( Is )a(
(XXVIII): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Responsibility )d( Responsibilety )c( Responsibelty )b( Responsebility )a(
(XXIX): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Anemited )d( Animeted )c( Anemated )b( Animated )a(
(XXX): They saw a _____ in the zoo.
Brae )d( Bere )c( Bare )b( Bear )a(
(XXXI): Who advised Ahmed to show patience?
Mother )d( Father )c( Brother )b( Sister )a(
(XXXII): Your friends are ________ at the door.
Waiting )d( Sitting )c( Clapping )b( Cleaning )a(
(XXXIII): The meaning of "Anxieously" is:
Delicious )d( Impatiently )c( Untidy )b( Achieved )a(
(XXXIV): Ramla and ______ brother played tennis.
She )d( Her )c( Him )b( His )a(
(XXXV): Choose correct preposition. We get up early _____the morning.
Above )d( In )c( On )b( At )a(
(XXXVI): They _____ good students.
Did )d( Is )c( Have )b( Are )a(
(XXXVII): It is our responsibility to perform our tasks______.
Ourselves )d( Herself )c( Himself )b( Youselve )a(
(XXXVIII): Which from the following has short "e" vowel sound?
Dose )d( Bite )c( Met )b( Meet )a(
(XXXIX): Choose the long vowel "e" sound.
Lame )d( Soup )c( Shine )b( Sleep )a(
(XL): Fill in the missing letter: "sup___ort".
E )d( P )c( O )b( A )a(
(XLI): Compound words are made up of ______nouns:
Four )d( Three )c( Two )b( One )a(
(XLII): Choose the correct compound word.
All Of These )d( Playground )c( Outside )b( Upstairs )a(
(XLIII): Choose the correct objective pronoun.
His )d( Me )c( I )b( Mine )a(
(XLIV): It _______ work.
Were )d( Have )c( Does )b( Do )a(
(XLV): Choose negative sentence.
.We Are Sleeping )d( .I Am A Student )c( He Is A Good )b( He Has Not Written )a(
.Student .A Letter
(XLVI): Choose positive sentence.
When Were They We Were Not
.We Were Sleeping )d( )c( ?Were We Sleeping )b( )a(
?Sleeping .Sleeping
(XLVII): How many parts a narrative paragraph has.
Five )d( Four )c( Three )b( Two )a(
(XLVIII): Change into negative sentence. "It does work".
All Of These )d( It Is Not Working )c( ?Does It Not Work )b( It Has Not Worked )a(
(XLIX): The meaning of "combat" is.
Ideas )d( Fight )c( Support )b( Motivated )a(
(L): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Patrioteo )d( Patriotec )c( Patreotic )b( Patriotic )a(
(LI): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Combent )d( Combat )c( Combit )b( Combet )a(
(LII): Choose the correct pair of rhyming words.
Fight, Might )d( Fight, Raised )c( Flight ,Pilot )b( Fighter,Might )a(
(LIII): The meaning of "gleaming" is
Shining )d( Objects )c( Decorate )b( Grand )a(
(LIV): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Splendoer )d( Splondoure )c( Splandour )b( Splendour )a(
(LV): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Mesmerize )d( Mesmenze )c( Mesmarize )b( Mesmereze )a(
(LVI): Choose the joining word.
All Of These )d( But )c( Or )b( And )a(
(LVII): They can play hockey and cricket. Choose madal verb:
And Am )d( Hockey Are )c( Can Will )b( Play Will )a(
(LVIII): ________ is a list of terms in a special subject field or area with definitions.
Meaning )d( Joining Words )c( Glossary )b( Word )a(
(LIX): Choose the correct pair of rhyming word.
Place,Guide )d( Look, Took )c( Inside,Tour )b( Look,Inside )a(
(LX): Choose the correct joining word. Should I stay, _____ should I go?
At )d( On )c( In )b( Or )a(
(LXI): Choose correct modal verb. We ______ drink water a lot.
Could )d( Should )c( Might )b( Would )a(
(LXII): Faisal is washing his bike. Choose correct possessive adjective.
His )d( Bike )c( Washing )b( Is )a(
(LXIII): Choose correct paired adjectives sentence.
The Noor Mahal Is A These Portraits Are
He Is A Funny
All Of These )d( )c( Famous And Well )b( Lovely And )a(
.Young Boy
.Known .Beautiful
(LXIV): What is the meaning of "guidance"?
Short )d( Advice )c( Learn )b( Process )a(
(LXV): Fill in the missing letter " gui____ance".
B )d( D )c( U )b( C )a(
(LXVI): Choose noun from these options.
Support )d( Decide )c( Act )b( Actor )a(
(LXVII): Choose correct verb from these options.
Actively )d( Act )c( Policy )b( Decision )a(
(LXVIII): Choose adjective from from these options.
Supportively )d( Supportive )c( Support )b( Supporter )a(
(LXIX): Choose correct correct sentence with Simple Present Tense.
They Completed Ali Is Playing
)d( .Ali Wrote A Letter )c( )b( .She Writes A Letter )a(
.Their Work .Football
(LXX): The dog chases the cat. The underlined word is:
H.Verb )d( Subject )c( Object )b( Verb )a(
(LXXI): Are you hungry ______not?
But )d( For )c( Or )b( Of )a(
(LXXII): I am looking _________ a job.
But )d( Or )c( For )b( Of )a(
(LXXIII): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Cramming )d( Craming )c( Crimming )b( Cremming )a(
(LXXIV): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Stidy )d( Stady )c( Stedy )b( Study )a(
(LXXV): Which one is subjective pronoun:
Me )d( She )c( Mine )b( Your )a(
(LXXVI): Choose second form of verb.
Complete )d( Completed )c( Playing )b( Write )a(
(LXXVII): Choose the correct plural form the sentence: Two women were talking to eachother.
Talking )d( Were )c( Women )b( Two )a(
(LXXVIII): Choose correct structure of the sentence which has Simple Past Tense.
Sub+3Rd Form Of Subject+2Nd
All Of These )d( )c( )b( .Sub+Baseform+S/Es+Obj )a(
.The Verb+Obj .Form+Objects
(LXXIX): Choose the correct preposition.
On )d( Sister )c( He )b( Share )a(
(LXXX): We use singular verb with singular_______.
None Of These )d( Pronoun )c( Subject )b( Object )a(
(LXXXI): The dog _____ the cat.
Chaseded )d( Chaseing )c( Chases )b( Chase )a(
(LXXXII): Fill missing letter "__pset".
I )d( U )c( E )b( A )a(
(LXXXIII): What is the meaning of rover?
Good )d( Quickly )c( Look )b( Wanderer )a(
(LXXXIV): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Pekked )d( Peeked )c( Pekeed )b( Peked )a(
(LXXXV): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Spleanedid )d( Splendid )c( Splendeed )b( Splened )a(
(LXXXVI): What is the rhyming word of "play"?
Way )d( Run )c( Fun )b( Take )a(
(LXXXVII): Choose correct pair of rhyming words.
Game,Aim )d( Give,Aim )c( Take,Way )b( Fun, From )a(
(LXXXVIII): Fill in the missing letter." s_____ing".
N )d( O )c( W )b( U )a(
(LXXXIX): Which one is past form of verb?
Playing )d( Played )c( Plays )b( Play )a(
(XC): I saw a snail ______ a tortoise.
And )d( So )c( Or )b( But )a(
(XCI): The baby cried _____he was afraid of a dog.
So )d( But )c( Of )b( Because )a(
(XCII): Which one of following is form of comparison?
Alliteration )d( Simile )c( Subject )b( Object )a(
(XCIII): He swims like a fish. This sentence is an example of:
Simile )d( Alliteration )c( Imagery )b( Metaphor )a(
(XCIV): Which part of speech describes an action?
H.Verb )d( Object )c( Subject )b( Verb )a(
(XCV): The girl got the position. The underlined word is:
H.Verb )d( Object )c( Subject )b( Verb )a(
(XCVI): Question word is:
All Of These )d( Whose )c( Who )b( Why )a(
(XCVII): Use correct punctuation make in the sentence: "Who is coming today "
, )d( ! )c( ? )b( . )a(
(XCVIII): The second form of eat is:
Eaten )d( Ate )c( Eating )b( Eat )a(
(XCIX): Which of these options is effected by the action of a verb.
H.Verb )d( Object )c( Verb )b( Subject )a(
(C): Simile is introduced by words such as: _______.
A , B Both )d( Of )c( Like )b( As )a(
(CI): "went" is past form of?
Going )d( Gone )c( Go )b( Goes )a(
(CII): What is the meaning of "pavement"?
Dreadful )d( Something )c( Footpath )b( Horrible )a(
(CIII): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Pavement )d( Pvament )c( Pavment )b( Paveement )a(
(CIV): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Awsful )d( Awaful )c( Aweful )b( Awful )a(
(CV): A/An ______ question has more than one answer.
Simple )d( Interpretive )c( Interrogative )b( Definite )a(
(CVI): Choose the correct pointing word:
All Of These )d( These )c( That )b( This )a(
(CVII): My name is Ali
, )d( ? )c( ! )b( . )a(
(CVIII): Choose the correct sentence which has Past Continuous Tense.
Ali Sleeps )d( .Ali Was Sleeping )c( .Ali Slept )b( .I Am Playing )a(
(CIX): Choose correct exclamatory sentence.
What A Beautiful
)d( .Do Not Tell A Lie )c( .Please Keep Quiet )b( .Do Not Drive Fast )a(
(CX): Imperative sentences express_________.
All Of These )d( Advice )c( Request )b( Command )a(
(CXI): She________ reading the book.
Was )d( Are )c( Has )b( Had )a(
(CXII): Was Ahmed helping them ______
! )d( , )c( ? )b( . )a(
(CXIII): Choose the correct imperative sentence.
First Fold The Piece Do Not Yell In The
.Can You Help Me )d( )c( !May You Live Long )b( )a(
.Of Paper .Class
(CXIV): Choose the correct sentences structure which has Past Continuous Tense.
S + Does/Do + Not +
S + Was/Were + 1St S + Will/Shall + 1St +S + 2Nd Form + O
)d( 1St Form Of Verb + )c( )b( )a(
).(+Form + Ing +O ).( + Form + O ).(
).( + O
(CXV): Choose the correct negative sentence.
She Was Studying We Were Not Going Was Ahmed Helping She Was Reading A
)d( )c( )b( )a(
.Properly .To Anywhere ?Them .Book
(CXVI): What is the meaning of "gear up"?
Get Ready )d( Feeling )c( Calling )b( Lost )a(
(CXVII): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Sacrifece )d( Sacrefice )c( Secrifice )b( Sacrifice )a(
(CXVIII): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Tribuute )d( Tribute )c( Tribbute )b( Tributte )a(
(CXIX): Fill in the missing letter "S___irit.
N )d( P )c( A )b( E )a(
(CXX): Choose the sentence which is Simple Future Tense.
We Shall Have Won We Shall Win The
We Win The Match )d( .We Won The Match )c( )b( )a(
.The Match .Match
(CXXI): Choose the correct plural:
All Of These )d( Boxes )c( Cats )b( Cities )a(
(CXXII): Choose the correct singular:
Apples )d( Cars )c( Babies )b( Book )a(
(CXXIII): The plural form of country is?
Country )d( Countries )c( Countryies )b( Countrys )a(
(CXXIV): Choose the correct irregular plural?
Apple )d( City )c( Book )b( Men )a(
(CXXV): Which one is base form of verb?
Firing )d( Fire )c( Fires )b( Fired )a(
(CXXVI): ________ are the boys hiding?
None )d( Which )c( Where )b( Who )a(
(CXXVII): Which is used to ask about number?
How Many )d( How Much )c( Why )b( When )a(
(CXXVIII): Choose correct regular verb______:
Catch )d( Arise )c( Eat )b( Rest )a(
(CXXIX): How many apples did they eat
, )d( ! )c( ? )b( . )a(
(CXXX): Choose irregular verb:
Sing )d( Spoil )c( Rest )b( Pay )a(
(CXXXI): I ______ not come to the party.
Does )d( Has )c( Shall )b( Will )a(
(CXXXII): The plural form of dish is:
Dishies )d( Dishes )c( Dishs )b( Dish )a(
(CXXXIII): What is the meaning of "Shun"?
To Avoid )d( House )c( Recall )b( Panic )a(
(CXXXIV): Choose correct pair of rhyming words.
All Of These )d( Honesly, Policy )c( Words, Swords )b( Say, Day )a(
(CXXXV): Which one has silent "b".
Better )d( Basket )c( Thumb )b( Book )a(
(CXXXVI): ________ is a combination of two letters producing one sound.
Trigraph )d( Digraph )c( Graph )b( Cluster )a(
(CXXXVII): The words which have more than one syllable are called ______.
Multi-Syllabled Two-Syllabled
All Of These )d( )c( )b( One-Syllabled Words )a(
Words Words
(CXXXVIII): Which one of the following is a countable noun?
Rice )d( Water )c( Cat )b( Sugar )a(
(CXXXIX): How many syllables are there in the word "information"?
6 )d( 5 )c( 4 )b( 3 )a(
(CXL): We use __________ before a word beginning with a consonant sound.
All Of These )d( The )c( An )b( A )a(
(CXLI): Fill in the blanks with correct article. Please pass me _______ inkpot.
None )d( The )c( An )b( A )a(
(CXLII): ________ is a word that describes nouns or pronouns.
Noun )d( Adjective )c( Adverb )b( Verb )a(
(CXLIII): Identify the adjective shape.
Interesting )d( Oval )c( White )b( Happy )a(
(CXLIV): Which phrase tells us about the people.
Unkind )d( Yell )c( Tell A Lie )b( Speak The Truth )a(
(CXLV): _________ is a combination of three letters that produce one sound.
Syllables )d( Tri-Graph )c( Di-Graph )b( Graph )a(
(CXLVI): _________ nouns can be counted.
Proper )d( Common )c( Uncountable )b( Countable )a(
(CXLVII): Tick correct article. They were hiking across ________ Himalayas.
All Of These )d( The )c( An )b( A )a(
(CXLVIII): Which one is multi-syllabled word?
Watch )d( Going )c( Way )b( Loveliness )a(
(CXLIX): Which one is an uncountable noun.
Lion )d( Sugar )c( Dog )b( Cat )a(
(CL): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Parlour )d( Parlur )c( Parler )b( Parlar )a(
(CLI): Ahsan likes to read ________ novels.
All Of These )d( An )c( The )b( A )a(
(CLII): "Pakistani" is an adjective of _________.
Origin )d( Quality )c( Shape )b( Size )a(
(CLIII): The meaning of "restless" is:
Quality )d( Love )c( Cheerful )b( Impatient )a(
(CLIV): Choose the word with long vowel sound.
Train )d( Sun )c( Top )b( Cat )a(
(CLV): Which one is action word:
Girl )d( Letter )c( Sit )b( Boy )a(
(CLVI): Fill the missing letter. t ____ lerance
U )d( E )c( A )b( O )a(
(CLVII): Identify collective nouns/noun.
All Of These )d( Pile Of Books )c( Bouquet Of Flowers )b( Cluster Of Trees )a(
(CLVIII): Choose correct article. Ali is _______ honest boy.
None Of These )d( The )c( An )b( A )a(
(CLIX): Choose the adjective of origin.
Speak )d( Turkish )c( Shawl )b( Bought )a(
(CLX): Choose the proper noun.
Book )d( Week )c( Sharing )b( Salman )a(
(CLXI): What is the meaning of affection?
Quality )d( Love )c( Impatient )b( Cheerful )a(
(CLXII): Which one of these has short vowel sound?
Cat )d( Goat )c( Huge )b( Bike )a(
(CLXIII): Which one is a naming word?
Rest )d( Top )c( Ali )b( Dark )a(
(CLXIV): Fill in the missing letter to complete the wors. Rub ____ ish.
O )d( E )c( A )b( B )a(
(CLXV): Choose correct article. _______ wrong answer.
None Of These )d( The )c( An )b( A )a(
(CLXVI): Tick the adjective.
African )d( People )c( Pair )b( Bought )a(
(CLXVII): Tick the is proper noun.
All Of These )d( Pakistan )c( Faisal )b( Salma )a(
(CLXVIII): Identify the adjective of origin in the following sentence: The Pakistani people are very
Are )d( Hospitable )c( Pakistani )b( People )a(
(CLXIX): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Petience )d( Pataence )c( Patience )b( Patence )a(
(CLXX): __________ is a group of two vowel sounds in a single syllable.
Pronounciation )d( Clusters )c( Phonics )b( Diphthong )a(
(CLXXI): Which one is a regular noun.
Tooth )d( Day )c( Child )b( Oxygen )a(
(CLXXII): The superlative degree of adjective is:
None Of These )d( Biggest )c( Bigger )b( Big )a(
(CLXXIII): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Fuestivals )d( Fastivals )c( Festivals )b( Festevals )a(
(CLXXIV): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Cherighan )d( Chiraghan )c( Cheraghan )b( Chiraghan )a(
(CLXXV): The meaning of "magnificent" is:
Grand )d( Stress )c( Work )b( Freedom )a(
(CLXXVI): _________ is a larger meaningful unit of thought.
None Of These )d( Pragraph )c( Sentence )b( Word )a(
(CLXXVII): The plural of mouse is:
Mouses )d( Misee )c( Mise )b( Mice )a(
(CLXXVIII): The irregular noun from following is.
Man )d( Horse )c( Dish )b( Paper )a(
(CLXXIX): _________ noun always starts with capital letter.
Abstract )d( Collective )c( Proper )b( Common )a(
(CLXXX): The word 'unique' means.
Distinctive )d( Absorbed )c( Small )b( Appreciate )a(
(CLXXXI): The plural of "sheep" is:
Sheepies )d( Sheepes )c( Sheeps )b( Sheep )a(
(CLXXXII): _______ tells us about physical and mental action.
Pronoun )d( Adverb )c( Verb )b( Noun )a(
(CLXXXIII): Choose the action words.
All Of These )d( Stop )c( Need )b( Make )a(
(CLXXXIV): Ali speaks loudly. The underlined word is:
Collective Noun )d( Verb )c( Adjective )b( Adverb )a(
(CLXXXV): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Exhibition )d( Exhibetion )c( Exhebition )b( Exhibitiun )a(
(CLXXXVI): Choose the word with correct spellings.
Fenially )d( Finaaly )c( Finaly )b( Finally )a(
(CLXXXVII): Make correct diphthongs from "ou".
All Of These )d( Around )c( Out )b( Loud )a(
(CLXXXVIII): _________ is relating to speech sounds.
Interjection )d( Punctuation )c( Contractions )b( Phonics )a(
(CLXXXIX): The word 'praise' means:
Crafting )d( Treating )c( Appreciate )b( Distinctive )a(
(CXC): What is the cause of climate change?
All Of These )d( Deforestation )c( Pollution )b( Wildfires )a(
(CXCI): Fill the missing letter: " p____int".
N )d( U )c( E )b( A )a(
(CXCII): _______ is a word game, in which we rearrange the letters of word to make another new word.
Anagram )d( Phrase )c( Homophones )b( Simile )a(
(CXCIII): Choose the action word.
Tan )d( Star )c( Some )b( Save )a(
(CXCIV): Tick the correct word which is made by rearranging the letters of the word "earth".
Tearh )d( Heart )c( Reath )b( Heatr )a(
(CXCV): Pick out the 'action word' in the sentence: The gardener watered the plants.
None Of These )d( Plants )c( Watered )b( Gardener )a(
(CXCVI): His ________ was grand.
Bedroom )d( Palace )c( Room )b( House )a(
(CXCVII): Everyone was ______ at the quick decision of king.
Shocked )d( Happy )c( Mocked )b( Surprised )a(
(CXCVIII): What is the meaning of expensive?
Costly )d( Past )c( Angry )b( Cheap )a(
(CXCIX): The noun of the 'decide' is.
None Of These )d( Deciding )c( Decided )b( Decision )a(
(CC): Fill in the missing letter "______ise".
C )d( N )c( W )b( M )a(
(CCI): Which is a compound word.
All Of These )d( Cupcake )c( Sunglasses )b( Flowerpot )a(
(CCII): ________ words are joined together to make a new word.
Bold )d( Clusters )c( Compound )b( Common )a(
(CCIII): The feminine gender of "nephew" is:
Niece )d( Wife )c( Woman )b( Girl )a(
(CCIV): Neuter gender these options is:
Lion )d( Man )c( Wife )b( Book )a(
(CCV): Which one is adverb pf manner.
All Of These )d( Always )c( Often )b( Loudly )a(
(CCVI): ________ noun refers to a male gender.
Masculine )d( Common )c( Neuter )b( Feminine )a(
(CCVII): Which word was initial consonant cluster?
Grants )d( Screw )c( Jumps )b( Lamps )a(
(CCVIII): The adjective of care is:
Cares )d( Caution )c( Carefully )b( Careful )a(
(CCIX): Fill in the missing letter ______ntique.
M )d( I )c( A )b( E )a(
(CCX): Starfish is a ______ word.
Action )d( Describing )c( Interjection )b( Compound )a(
(CCXI): The masculine of wife is:
Father )d( Brother )c( Husband )b( Woman )a(
(CCXII): Adverbs of _____ describe how and in what way the action of verb is performed.
Origin )d( Quality )c( Frequency )b( Manner )a(
(CCXIII): Choose the correct verb from the following. The train is passing through the fields.
Fields )d( Through )c( Passing )b( Train )a(

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