M2W4 Xi

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Class XI (CBSE/ICSE): Test

Subject – Mathematics
Topic: Sequence and Series
T.T- 1.5Hr

SECTION – A (One mark each)

2 ⁡ 𝑥+cos3 ⁡ 𝑥+⋯∞
Q1. For which of the following values of 𝑥 is (0∘ < 𝑥 < 90∘ )161+cos⁡ 𝑥+cos = 256 ?
(a) 30∘ (b) 45∘ (c) 60∘ (d) 15∘
Q2. If the sum of n terms of an A.P., Sn is given by Sn = np + 2 n (n – 1) q, then the common difference of
the A.P. is:
(a) 2p + 3q (b) p + q (c) 2q (d) q
Q3. If the sum of the first 11 terms of an arithmetical progression equals that of the first 19 terms, then the
sum of its first 30 terms, is:
(a) equal to 0 (b) equal to – 1 (c) equal to 1 (d) non unique
Q4. If the arithmetic mean of two positive numbers a and b (a > b) is twice their geometric mean, then a: b is
(a) 2 + √3: 2 − √3 (b) 7 + 4√3: 7 − 4√3 (c) 2: 7 + 4√3 (d) 2: √3

SECTION – B (Three marks each)

Q5. In an A.P., the first term is 2 and the sum of the first five terms is one-fourth of the next five terms.
Show that 20th term is –112.
Q6. Find the sum to n terms of the sequence, 8, 88, 888, 8888… .
Q7. The sum of first three terms of a G.P. is 39/10 and their product is 1. Find the common ratio and the
Q8. Find the sum of integers from 1 to 100 that are divisible by 2 or 5.
Q9. Between 1 and 31, m numbers have been inserted in such a way that the resulting sequence is an A. P.
and the ratio of 7th and (m – 1)th numbers is 5 : 9. Find the value of m.
3×13 5×(13 +23 ) 7×(13 +23 +33 )
Q10. Find the sum of series + + +. … … . . + upto 10th term.
12 12 +22 12 +22 +32

Q11. Find four numbers forming a geometric progression in which the third term is greater than the first
term by 9, and the second term is greater than the 4th by 18.
Q12. Dipesh writes letters to four of his friends. He asks each of them to copy the letter and mail to four
different persons with the request that they continue the chain similarly. Assuming that the chain is not
broken and that it costs 25 paise to mail one letter, find the total money spent on postage till the 8th set of
letters is mailed.


Email: featcareer@gmail.com, website: www.feateducation.in, Ph 7906128108, 7055327084
SECTION – C (Four marks each)
Q13. The sums of n terms of two arithmetic progressions are in the ratio 5n + 4: 9n + 6. Find the ratio of
their 18th terms.
Q14. The sum of three numbers in G.P. is 56. If we subtract 1, 7, 21 from these numbers in that order, we
obtain an arithmetic progression. Find the numbers.
If a and b are the roots of x 2 – 3x + p = 0 and c, d are roots of x 2 – 12x + q = 0, where a, b, c, d form a G.P.
Prove that (q + p): (q – p) = 17:15.
Q15. Find the sum of the first n terms of the series: 3+ 7 +13 +21 +31 +…



Email: featcareer@gmail.com, website: www.feateducation.in, Ph 7906128108, 7055327084

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