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State-wide Asbestos Plan –

Implementation plan
July 1 2013
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© WorkCover NSW
Implementation plan
Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
1 Provide epidemiological/ Commission research. HACA Ongoing
research studies and report
on trends and risk profiles Produce annual report. • • • •
using data from available
sources including Workers
Compensation Dust
Diseases Board (DDB), the
Australian Mesothelioma
Registry and the Dust
Diseases Tribunal. Seek
funding sources including
NHMRC to support
2 Assess the cost/benefit of Assess cost/benefits of DDB 2 years •
current screening practices current health surveillance
and develop evidence screening/monitoring
based guidelines for screen practices (also see
and health surveillance initiative 5).
monitoring. Develop evidence based •
3 Develop evidence-based Develop evidence – based ADRI/Health 2 years •
guidelines for the diagnosis guidelines. Endorsement
and treatment of malignant of guidelines by Australian
Mesothelioma. Health Ministers Advisory
Committee for approval then
Publish and promote •

4 Maintain a biobank to Maintenance of biobank. ADRI Ongoing • • • •

provide a research resource Use of biobank data for
for the development of early research purposes including
diagnostic markers and early diagnostic markers and
new treatment options for new treatment options.
5 Conduct research to Engage a research team ADRI/DDB Ongoing • • • •
develop: over a three period to
best practice protocols develop evidence-based

for asbestos-related guidelines for the screening
disease management technology and protocols
for the early detection of
• screening technologies asbestos related-diseases.
for disease detection.
6 Review literature, incidents Commission ADRI to HACA/ADRI Ongoing •
and issues to establish conduct literature review.
a watch list of emerging Produce annual report. • • •
asbestos hazard issues
to monitor, manage and
promote information and


Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
7 Review research priorities Develop a ‘roadmap’ for HACA 2 years • •
into asbestos-related issues: future research priorities.
• exposure assessment
and reducing exposure
• typical exposure levels
for different asbestos
• the size and extent of
asbestos in the built
• the size and extent
of naturally occurring
• efficient disposal
methodologies as part of
a long term disposal plan
• practical control
• health outcomes.
8 Facilitate NSW government Develop a ‘roadmap’ for DDB/WorkCover 2 years • •
agencies’ participation in future research priorities Grants Scheme/
partnership grants to fund that includes identification Environmental
priority research areas. of potential research funding Education Trust
Encourage partnerships sources and opportunities
and collaboration through for funding partnerships.
interdisciplinary research
and centres of research
excellence in asbestos.
9 Develop an education Develop and implement AEC Ongoing •
campaign with a focus on Asbestos Awareness
‘home renovators’ by: Campaign 2013.
• alerting those people to Promote Betty the • • • •
the dangers of asbestos ADRI House throughout
• alerting those people as metropolitan, regional and
to what products may rural areas of NSW. Promote
contain asbestos and
where those products as a national resource.
may be found in existing Initiate annual Asbestos • • •
households or other Awareness Campaign
environments through the Asbestos
• advising those people Education Committee.
as to the steps that
ought to be taken by
people planning home
renovations or who
otherwise identify
asbestos products in
their home or other

Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
10 Encourage media Promote Betty the ADRI WCA Ongoing • • • •
organisations to help House and asbestos
promote asbestos awareness website through
awareness through the use magazine articles and other
of articles and television media.
segments on asbestos
risks and safety in relevant
shows, magazines and other
11 Review all current guidance The Demolition and HACA/DACC 1 year •
material to ensure Asbestos Consultative
accuracy, consistency and Committee (DACC) to
completeness. identify and prioritise
asbestos related guidance
material requiring review.
Review of identified •
guidance materials.
12 Work with communities in Initial scoping of project HACA/LGNSW 2 years •
regional, rural and remote in consultation with Local
regions of NSW, including Government NSW and
the Aboriginal Land NSW State Aboriginal Land
Councils and communities, Council.
to promote the safe Development of an action •
management of asbestos. plan.
Implement and promote the •
actions under the action plan
(refer to Initiative 49).
13 Develop a database of Develop image gallery HACA/WCA 2 years •
asbestos-containing database specifications and
products to improve governance arrangements.
knowledge of asbestos- Source images and content
containing materials and from agencies, councils and
provide a reference tool for industry.
occupational hygienists, Launch and promote image •
asbestos assessors, gallery.
industry and the general
14 Undertake a coordinated Refer to initiative 9. HACA/ADFA/ Annual • • • •
government awareness AEC
raising campaign during
National Asbestos
Awareness Week held
annually in November.
15 Develop and issue a Model Implementation of Model LGNSW 2 years ✔ •
Asbestos Policy for NSW Asbestos Policy launched in NSW Councils (2012)
councils. November 2012. HACA/DLG
Issue of Model Policy under •
Section 23a by Division of
Local Government.


Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
16 Assist councils to adopt Monitoring and assistance LGNSW/HACA 2 years • •
and implement the Model provided to NSW councils
Asbestos Policy. for adoption of Model
Asbestos Policy. Liaise
with NSW councils through
specifically designed
workshops, circulars,
LG Weekly and relevant
conferences and forums
in metropolitan, regional
and rural NSW. Respond
to queries with advice and
contacts for councils.
17 Develop specific educative Deliver presentations to LGNSW/WCA/ 1 year •
tools for training and council staff members at EPA
workshops for local councils. conferences and forums and
circulate presentations.
Prepare information
resources for councils such
as guides, flow charts or
18 Develop a fact sheet for Development of fact sheet. DPI 1 year •
persons undertaking an
exempt development that
has identified asbestos is
19 Promote the local council Liaison with NSW councils HACA 1 year •
asbestos fact sheet for to ensure local council
inclusion on local council fact sheet is uploaded or
websites. incorporated into the council
20 Coordinate and disseminate Provide information and LG NSW 2 years • •
information to local educational resources for
government through contact councils to offer the public.
with individual councils
and LGNSW to assist local
government to ensure
consistent information and
advice is available to the
21 Provide awareness initiatives Liaise with professional WCA/DPI 2 years • •
for relevant government institutes such as
agencies, local government Environmental Health
planners, council and private Australia and the Planning
certifiers, environmental Institute of Australia to
health and building deliver targeted workshops
personnel and environmental that earn Continuing
regulators/educators on Professional Development
roles and responsibilities in Points.
relation to asbestos issues.

Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
22 Review the role of private Liaison between DPI and WCA/DPI 2 years • •
and council certifiers in WorkCover.
relation to the certification
of building works where
asbestos is present through
consultation with the
Building Professionals Board.
23 Develop practical guidelines/ Liaison between WCA, WCA/EPA/ 1 year •
protocols for the control EPA and DTRIS to develop DTRIS
of the risks of naturally guidance material.
occurring asbestos during
excavation, building, mining
and road works.
24 Develop a practical guide Liaison between WCA and WCA/EPA 1 year •
for safe management of soil EPA to develop guidance
contaminated with asbestos- material.
containing materials.
25 Provide improved mapping of Develop improved mapping DTRIS/EPA/ 1 year •
naturally occurring asbestos and disseminate to NSW WCA
and contaminated land sites councils.
in NSW to assist councils Maintain up-to-date maps
with land use planning. based on current knowledge.
26 Manage the stabilisation and Public and council DTRIS/ Ongoing •
risk mitigation works for the consultation on closure of Woodsreef
Woods Reef Mine site. Mine Road. Taskforce
Species Impact Statement •
and Environmental studies
required to determine impact
on large pie eared bat.
Engage a consultant to •
develop and implement the
Air Monitoring and Health
Risk Assessment Project
on site.
Remediation work according • • •
to schedule.
27 Alert importers and suppliers Heads of Workplace WCA/HWSA/ Ongoing • • • •
to the risks and control Safety Authorities (HWSA) Australian
measures to prevent the Imported Materials with Customs
illegal import of asbestos Asbestos Working Group and Border
goods. to develop a rapid response Protection
protocol and other strategies
for the detection and control
of prohibited asbestos
containing imports.


Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
28 Identify high risk imported Establish liaison protocol WCA/HWSA/ Ongoing • • • •
goods that could contain between Australian Customs Australian
asbestos including the and Border Protection and Customs
purchase of asbestos state jurisdictions through and Border
products online. the HWSA Imported Protection
Materials with Asbestos
Working Group for improved
communication of imported/
exported detection issues.
29 Promote implementation of Asbestos and demolition WCA Ongoing • • • •
workplace asbestos Work Webinars. Industry liaison
Health and Safety Regulation through the Demolition
2011 and codes of practice and Asbestos Consultative
which commenced from Committee.
1 January 2012.
30 Develop and maintain a Develop and implement WCA/DACC Ongoing •
comprehensive demolition Demolition and Asbestos
and asbestos strategy to Consultative Committee
ensure the health, safety (DACC) Work Plan 2013.
and wellbeing of workers is Revise and implement • • •
protected. Demolition and Asbestos
Consultative Committee
(DACC) Work Plan (refer to
initiative 34).
31 Target high risk occupations Establishment of Electrical WCA Ongoing ✔
such as asbestos Industry Asbestos Safety (2012)
removalists, building, Working Group to ensure
construction and electricity the effective management
industry supply workers, and control of asbestos in
waste and landfill operators, the NSW electrical industry
carpenters, plumbers, and to secure good practice
electricians and automotive management of workers with
mechanics to improve asbestos-related diseases.
awareness, knowledge and Review training requirements •
skills in the safe handling and conduct compliance audit
of asbestos-containing of Electrical Industry and
materials. develop improvement plan.
Incorporate trade information •
on asbestos awareness
website to increase asbestos
knowledge across all
construction and building
Promotion of trades •
information (refer to
initiative 33).

Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
32 Undertake an annual Conduct planned and WCA Annually • • • •
compliance and enforcement targeted audits on licence
monitoring and targeted audit holders and asbestos
program for licensed asbestos assessors with a focus on
removalists and asbestos training, health monitoring,
assessors with a focus on safety management
training, health monitoring, systems and safe disposal
safety management systems of asbestos waste.
and safe disposal (checking of
landfill receipts).
33 Ensure ongoing inclusion Liaise with National Skills WCA Ongoing •
of information on asbestos Council to seek incorporate
safety in training for asbestos awareness training
apprentices in the building, into apprenticeships for all
construction, automotive construction and trades
and electrical supply trades. courses.
Report on incorporation • • •
of asbestos awareness in
trades courses.
34 Develop and foster industry Work and liaise closely with WCA/DACC Ongoing • • • •
networks such as the the Demolition and Asbestos
Demolition and Asbestos Consultative Committee
Consultative Committee (DACC) to identify annual
to promote the safe Work Plans to help promote
management of asbestos. the safe management of
asbestos within their industry
(refer to initiative 30).
35 Require NSW government Liaison with Government WCA/GP NSW Ongoing •
agencies to be exemplars of Property NSW to establish
asbestos management and program to identify and
ensure that all government assess status of government
buildings, including properties asbestos
government owned housing, registers and asbestos
have current asbestos management plans. Develop
management plans and action plan to address any
asbestos registers. areas of non-compliance.
Follow up action plan with • • •
government agencies as
required to ensure asbestos
registers and asbestos
management plans are in
36 Ensure sufficient procedures Asbestos Assessor WCA Ongoing •
are in place for the approval Applications Forms released.
of asbestos assessor A guide to completing •
licenses responsible for air the asbestos assessor
monitoring and clearance application forms released.
inspections/certificates for
friable asbestos removal Develop standard criteria and •
work. procedures to the asbestos
assessor approval process.
Compliance program for • • •
asbestos assessors (refer to
initiative 32).


Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
37 Develop guidance Develop guidance material WCA 1 year •
material to assist asbestos for asbestos assessors
assessors for undertaking (refer to initiative 11).
the assessment of friable
asbestos removal work.
38 Publish a listing of licensed Development and WCA 1 year ✔
asbestos removalists, implementation of asbestos (2012)
demolition contractors and and demolition licence
asbestos assessors on the holder web search facility.
WorkCover website. Promotion of web search •
facility to all asbestos and
demolition contractors.
39 Increase the awareness Promotion of Betty the ADRI AEC Ongoing • • • •
of the homeowners when House and the asbestos
purchasing or renovating/ awareness website
maintaining a property that throughout NSW and at
may contain asbestos. key events such as the HIA
Sydney Home Show.
40 Implement a pilot program Launch of Waste Less, HACA/EPA 3 years •
of home renovator asbestos Recycle More Initiative
removal kits similar to a through the EPA.
program implemented by Development and scope •
La Trobe Council, Victoria to of pilot project for home
promote the safe removal asbestos kits.
of asbestos in small home
renovation jobs. Conduct Pilot Program. •

41 Develop guidance material Liaison with emergency WCA in 2 years • •

for the laundering of services and current consultation
asbestos contaminated laundry facilities authorised with emergency
clothing and equipment for to accept contaminated services
emergency personnel. clothing and equipment organisations
to develop accurate and
consistent guidance
42 Promote bi-annual exercises Review learning from 2013 HACA/ Bi-annually •
to test current emergency emergency responses Emergency
guidelines to ensure and develop an approach Services/LG
appropriate response levels for biannual emergency NSW.
for asbestos incidents. exercises.
Conduct bi-annual exercise. Emergency • •
43 Promote asbestos-related Review learning from 2013 HACA 2 years •
emergency response emergency responses
plans through relevant and develop a template of
government and council asbestos-related emergency
websites. response plans.
Promote template through • •
Update Asbestos •
Blueprint to reflect agreed

Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
44 Encourage the use of Launch of Waste Less, HACA/EPA Ongoing •
economic incentives through Recycle More Initiative.
the waste levy scheme to EPA to consult with HACA • • •
support the safe handling members on the design
and disposal of small and delivery of actions
(household) quantities of relating to asbestos in the
asbestos waste. Illegal Dumping Strategy.
Development and scope
of actions contained in the
Illegal Dumping Strategy of
the Waste Less, Recycle
More Initiative.
45 Promote and expand the Launch of Waste Less, EPA/LGNSW Ongoing •
existence and use of the Recycle More Initiative
Regional Illegal Dumping through the EPA.
Program in regional and rural Establish, monitor and report • • •
areas to improve appropriate on RID Programs.
disposal of asbestos waste.
46 Promote the piloting of Launch of Waste Less, EPA Ongoing •
waste tracing technology. Recycle More Initiative
through the EPA.
Promote and report on the • • •
piloting of waste tracing
47 Provide public land Launch of Waste Less, EPA/WCA Ongoing •
managers with information Recycle More Initiative
and technical support. through the EPA.
Develop and promote •
information and provide
technical support to public
land managers in regard to
Illegal Dumping Strategy.
Report on activities (refer to • •
initiative 45).
48 Consider and plan to Launch of Waste Less, EPA/LG NSW Ongoing •
accommodate future Recycle More Initiative
expected needs of disposed through the EPA.
asbestos materials and Review and consider •
reduce barriers for safe implications from the Office
disposal. of Asbestos Safety research
into capacity of landfill sites
in Australia.
Develop, plan and • • •
implement agreed landfill
site management initiatives
contained in the Illegal
Dumping Strategy of the
Waste Less, Recycle More


Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
49 Undertake an annual Plan and conduct annual EPA Annually • • • •
regulatory campaign targeted audit program.
focussing on illegal dumping
in regional, rural and remote
regions of NSW, including
the aboriginal communities,
to help promote the safe
management of asbestos.
50 Undertake an annual Plan and conduct annual EPA Annually • • • •
regulatory campaign targeted audit program.
focussing on recycled waste
products such as aggregate,
green waste and concrete to
assist industry with meeting
their regulatory obligations.
51 Undertake an annual Plan and conduct annual EPA Annually • • • •
regulatory campaign targeted audit program.
focussing on the transport
and disposal of asbestos
removalists to assist
industry with meeting their
regulatory obligations.
52 Review the Guide: Liaison between WCA, EPA, EPA/WCA/ 1 year •
Management of asbestos in DACC to review and amend DACC
construction and demolition the Guide: Management
waste (catalogue no. of asbestos in construction
WC02772) to incorporate and demolition waste
other forms of recycling (catalogue no. WC02772) to
products such as concrete, incorporate other forms of
green waste and compost. recycling products such as
concrete, green waste and
53 Provide education to Liaison between WCA and EPA/WCA 1 year •
landfill operators on the EPA to develop guidance
requirements relating to the material to assist landfill
disposal of asbestos waste. operators with the safe
disposal of asbestos waste,
including operators of
council operated landfills
(refer to initiative 48).
54 Identify opportunities for Representation on cross HACA Ongoing •
improved coordination jurisdictional working
and a national approach to party to assist with the
asbestos issues, including development of the National
participation in the National Strategic Asbestos Plan.
Asbestos Management Participate and assist with • • •
Review. initiatives outlined in the
National Strategic Asbestos
Plan as required.

Initiative Key activities Lead agency/ Timeframe 2013 2014 2015 2016
support agency
55 Monitor and review the Conduct an annual review HACA Annually • • •
NSW State-wide Asbestos of the initiatives outlined in
Plan. the State-wide Asbestos
Plan to ensure the outcomes
are met within the set
timeframes and to identify if
any further amendments or
inclusions are required.
Release Annual Review in • • •
56 Review and promote the Liaison with NSW Councils LG NSW/HACA 2 years • •
Asbestos Blueprint which to promote the roles and
outlines the roles and responsibilities outlined in
responsibilities of local the Asbestos Blueprint (refer
government and state to initiatives 16 and 17).
57 Monitor and review the Survey councils to determine LG NSW 1 year •
implementation of the the number of councils to have
Model Asbestos Policy for adopted an asbestos policy
NSW councils. or refined an existing policy
based on the Model Policy.
58 Work with other state and Provide policy input into the DDB Ongoing • • • •
national jurisdictions to Select Council of Workplace
encourage consistency in Relations Minister’s
compensation arrangements consideration of this issue.
for victims of asbestos-
related disease.
59 Promote collaborative Conduct regular meetings Cross agency Ongoing • • • •
information, advice and of the HACA and HACA
regulatory services across Working Group to
agencies. promote collaboration and
consistency in approaches.
Provide Year in Review • • • •
Report on HACA activities
(refer to initiative 6).
60 Identify, develop and Maintain a database of HACA Ongoing • • • •
progress partnerships with stakeholders contacts
stakeholders, local councils including NSW Councils,
and government agencies. industry, unions and
government agencies to
promote HACA activities and
partnership opportunities.
61 Undertake coordinated Report on monitoring and WCA/EPA/ Ongoing • • • •
monitoring and enforcement enforcement programs Health/NSW
of asbestos removal and (refer to initiatives 32, 35, Councils
disposal work. 36, 49–51)
62 Strengthen cross agency Develop a HACA database WCA/EPA/ Ongoing • • • •
information sharing of of asbestos enforcement Health/NSW
regulatory monitoring, actions – notices, Councils
enforcement actions and prosecutions etc. Provide an
statutory breaches of work annual report on compliance
health and safety, and and enforcement actions.
environmental legislation.


Catalogue No. WC04886 WorkCover Publications Hotline 1300 799 003
WorkCover NSW, 92–100 Donnison Street, Gosford, NSW 2250
Locked Bag 2906, Lisarow, NSW 2252 | WorkCover Assistance Service 13 10 50
ISBN 978 1 74341 395 1 © Copyright WorkCover NSW 0713

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