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Martin Luther King and Malcolm X - Struggles

and Legacies

Martin Luther King and Malcolm These 2 very important characters who played very
important roles in the search for racial equality and social justice, which were one of
the biggest problems that existed in that decade due to all the segregation and
discrimination that existed on the part of white people towards African-Americans
and blacks where they were treated as inferiors before society and the law. The
perspectives and the way in which they helped people was very different, one more
peaceful than the other and yet the legacy of these 2 endures to this day, inspiring
new generations of activists who seek to fight for the equality that they did. they
searched at the time.

That decade saw one of the most difficult moments in history, because the cold war
was taking place that affected millions around the world, but in addition, many
activist groups began to rise around the world where equality was sought. among all
people, for example in the United States there was a racial division that was strong
and even continued to see segregation laws that affected the African American
community, there was injustice, inequality and because of this leaders began to
emerge who challenged normality and wanted a change for the better and advocated
for radical change in society both in the United States and in the world.

Martin Luther King was known as the leader of the movement to defend nonviolent
resistance, he was a passionate defender of racial equality and social justice, where
his main speech, the one that he is most remembered for, was 'I have a dream'
where he talks about a world without inequality, a world where people can live freely
and everyone equally, because of this speech and his ability to speak and transmit
his message, he inspired millions around the world, making his message of equality
and justice was known by millions, giving a great precedent for peaceful strikes,
demonstrating that violence is not needed to change the world but a message that is
capable of uniting millions as one

While on the other hand another fighter for people's rights Malcolm X had a different,
more radical approach and a message that was about black pride, he became a
symbol, a symbol of resistance and self-determination for African Americans and
Like marginalized people, he was known for his conflict with his religion and for
seeking justice and equality where he sought to defend the rights of African

These two characters with a general objective that was the search for the rights of
Afro-Americans, their approaches and their philosophies differed from each other
while Martin Luther King was rooted in non-violence and the belief in reconciliation
between the entire world through of the master and peaceful resistance, he believed
that we should work together with all people from all over the world, of all colors and
all shapes to achieve positive and doubtful change, because if everyone was not
together there would always be that inequality or those stains of history of hatred
towards people that we continue to see to this day, meanwhile Malcolm Different
from Martin Luther King's non-violence movement, Malcolm made there be 2 main
movements in the rights of African Americans, the pacifist one of Martin Luther King
and the violent one of Malcolm X

The impact that these 2 characters had was too important and significant, so much
so that we can see the consequences of their actions to this day, transforming the
way in which the fight for civil rights was perceived, giving people the opportunity to
see what They really had a voice and a vote and that fighting for equality and justice
was right and should be done, through their words and actions they managed to
inspire millions of people around the world to rise up both peacefully and violently,
achieving a change in society that we continue to see to this day with movements in
search of equality for different groups.King and Malcolm X left an indelible legacy in
American history, becoming symbols of courage, determination and resistance in the
face of oppression and racial discrimination. Their sacrifice and commitment to
justice continue to inspire present and future generations to continue fighting for a
more just and equal world for all.
These two historical figures in American history in the civil rights struggle had both
similarities and differences, both as people and in the movements they believed in,
they had a main objective, a common objective that led them to meet and talk to
each other. The other, this objective was the emancipation of Afro-Americans and
achieving racial equality, something that was very difficult to achieve, due to the
marked racial discrimination. These 2 were very passionate defenders of the civil
rights of their people, which led them to fight tirelessly almost throughout their lives
for justice and equality for all citizens, causing one to be murdered and the other to
die in suspicious ways.

Just as they had their similarities in their movements, they had very marked
differences in their ideals and their movements, these 2 fought for the equality of
people but both carried it out in a very different way, one through pacifism,
non-violence, love and mutual respect that without those things he believed that it
would not really be possible to see a positive and doubtful change, while Malcolm a
violent way before a peaceful way, in addition to that he advocated
self-determination and black pride as the necessary tools for the emancipation of
African Americans, showing us that although they had the same objective, the way in
which he wanted to carry it out was very different. from the other

Martin Luther King Jr. and X represent two fundamental pillars in the history of the
fight for civil rights and racial equality in the United States. Their legacies endure as
beacons of hope and catalysts for change in a society that, while making progress
toward equality, still faces significant challenges in terms of inclusion and justice for
all, the bravery demonstrated by King in leading peaceful demonstrations and
challenging oppression with love and determination, as well as the audacity of
Malcolm socially and politically of the nation.The unwavering commitment of both
leaders to the cause of racial equality has left an indelible mark on the collective
conscience, inspiring subsequent generations to speak out against injustice and to
promote tolerance, understanding and solidarity among all communities.The legacy
of King and Malcolm Their lives and sacrifices are an eloquent testimony of the
human capacity to overcome adversity and transform social reality for the sake of a
more inclusive and just future.Ultimately, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm
regardless of your origin or skin color.
These 2 characters for me had a great impact on the history of the world, 2 of the
main characters in the fight for civil rights, they in their lives regardless of the fact
that it seemed very complicated to achieve change and although they knew that it
could cost them their life and it cost them their lives, they fought for their ideals, for
their principles and for justice throughout the world, they fought and battled for it and
that is something worth admiring, fighting for something that seemed almost
impossible and continuing, continuing and To continue until you achieve it is
something surprising, something that requires patience, courage and perseverance
that not everyone has, in addition to their speaking ability, their ability to transmit
their message is very exceptional, something worthy of admiration, since these two
iconic figures of the 60s managed to move the world in a surprising way, each in
their own way but they did something that continues to have a very significant impact
to this day.

National Geographic. (2024, 28 febrero). Icono de la lucha por los derechos civiles en Estados Unidos, el Dr.

King luchó por la justicia social a través de la protesta pacífica y dio algunos de los discursos más

legendarios del siglo XX.

Lewis, D. L., & Carson, C. (2024, 25 mayo). Martin Luther King, Jr. | Biography, Speeches, Facts, &

Assassination. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Outline, The Philosophy of Nonviolence. (s. f.). The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research And Education Institute.

The Nobel Peace Prize 1964. (s. f.).

Mamiya, L. A. (2024, 15 mayo). Malcolm X | Biography, Nation of Islam, Assassination, & Facts. Encyclopedia

Britannica. Editors. (2024, 22 febrero). Malcolm X. Biography.

Malcolm X: Life and Death 1925-1965, MLK - Wesleyan University. (s. f.).

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