Module 4

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Paranaque National High School – Baclaran
Rimas St., Dimasalang Ext., Baclaran, Paranaque City
S.Y. 2019-2020
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
Module 4
Elements and Principles of Contemporary Art Form

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to:
A. determine the different elements and principles of Contemporary art form
in the Philippines;
B. appreciate how and why Contemporary artist/artisans motivated to do
their work
C. to create a Contemporary art based on elements and principles it


Thing Needed
A. Module 4: Elements and Principle of Contemporary Art Forms
B. Things Needed: Projector, Laptop, Learner’s Materials
C. Value to be inculcated: Unity and Creativity of Contemporary Art Forms
D. References:
Ramirez, Veronica E. Contemporary Philippine arts from the
regions. Vibal Group Inc. 1253 Gregorio Araneta Ave., Quezon
City. Manila, Philippines 2016
Datuin, Flaudette May, et al. Contemporary Philippine arts from
the regions. Rex Printing Company Inc. P. Florentino St., Sta.
Mesa Heights, Quezon City. Manila, Philippines. 2016


A. Pre-test
Direction: Choose the correct answer.
1. Principle of Contemporary Art Form that uses spray paint and wall as medium.
A. Live Art C. Internet Art
B. Graffiti Art D. Street Art
2. Element of Contemporary Art Form that concern on the things used in the art.
A. Artistic Elements C. Subject Matter
B. Artistic Principles D. Material
3. Art movement that originated in 1970’s that aims to empower women.
A. Mysoginist Art C. Feminist Art
B. Womenist Art D. Masculinist Art
4. Principle of Contemporary Art Form that uses real human body as medium.
A. Body Art C. New Media Art
B. Post-minimalism D. Installation Art
5. Element of Contemporary Art Form that concern on the thing that the art
Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

A. Artistic Principle C. Material

B. Subject Matter D. Artistic Elements
6. Principle of art that captures artist’s spontaneous emotions
A. Environmental Art C. Digital Art Abstract
B. Feminist Art D. Expressions

7. Principle of art that uses machines and objects moving

A. Environmental Art C. Digital Art
B. Kinetic Art D. Abstract Expression
8. Element of art that pertains to the artist’s artistic point of view
A. Artistic Principle C. Material
B. Subject Matter D. Artistic Elements
9. Principle of Contemporary Art that pertains to drawing or painting that show
near-reality picture
A. Hyperrealism C. Faux-Realism
B. Realism D. Absurdis
10. Principle of Contemporary Art that depicts less is more
A. Microism C. Macromalism
B. Minimalism D. Maximalism

B. Explore
Gallery walk and talk
Direction: The class will be divided into 3. Each of the group will look into
different artwork and will have their exchange of opinions on what is the
artwork all about. The course will take 5 minutes

Guide Questions:
1. What did you observe?
2. How do you feel about the artwork?

3.Compose of what materials that makes it beautiful?

4. What is the relation of the activity to the module?

Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

C. Firm-Up

Direction: The class will be divided into 4 groups and will be given a box
filled with different things. They will be given 5 minutes to think of what they
will do with it. Everyone is expected to cooperate and do the activity.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the assign materials you’ve been used in your artwork?
2. How do you feel while doing this activity? Explain.

3. Explain what you have learned from this activity.


D. Discussion
Contemporary Art Forms in the Philippines
Contemporary Arts in the Philippines is alive. It started way back 1960’s up
until now, it continuously grow. From different parts and regions of the
Philippines, art is making its way to the crowd as something to show how
someone’s society work, politics and even emotions.
Part of Contemporary Arts is the elements and principles is possesses.
Elements pertains to the things and components used to create it such as paints,
and other things. Meanwhile, principle pertains to the motivation of the artist or
doing such things. This might be affected by the time.

Elements of Contemporary Philippine Art Form

Subject Matter
- It is the depictions seen in the artwork. It might as well pertains to the
wholeness of the work.
Heroism and Identity
▪ National Heroes and their mausoleum.
Heroism and Ecology
▪ National Heroes and their Ecological Identity.

Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

Spirituality, Ecology and Everyday Life

▪ Society and their aesthetics.
- It is the objects used to create the art.
Artistic Elements
- It pertains to the visual quality of the art. How colors, lines space and other
elements to create the visual image.
Line An element of art defined by a point moving in space. Line may be two-or three-
dimensional, descriptive, implied, or abstract.
Shape An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width.
Form An element of art that is three-dimensional and encloses volume; includes
height, width AND depth (as in a cube, a sphere, a pyramid, or a cylinder). Form
may also be free flowing.
Value The lightness or darkness of tones or colors. White is the lightest value; black is
the darkest. The value halfway between these extremes is called middle gray.
Space An element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of
depth achieved in a work of art.
Color An element of art made up of three properties: hue, value, and intensity.
• Hue: name of color
• Value: hue’s lightness and darkness (a color’s value changes when white or
black is added)
• Intensity: quality of brightness and purity (high intensity= color is strong and
bright; low intensity= color is faint and dull)
Textur An element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as if they might feel
e if touched.

Artistic Principle
- It pertains to the artist’s artistic view of how he/she created the art. It is also the
perspective of the artist.
Rhythm A principle of design that indicates movement, created by the careful
placement of repeated elements in a work of art to cause a visual tempo or
Balance A way of combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a
work of art.
● Symmetry, in which both sides of a composition have the same elements
in the same position, as in a mirror-image, or the two sides of a face.
● Asymmetry, in which the composition is balanced due to the contrast of
any of the elements of art. For example, a large circle on one side of a
composition might be balanced by a small square on the other side
● Radial symmetry, in which elements are equally spaced around a central
point, as in the spokes coming out of the hub of a bicycle tire.

Emphasis It is when the artist creates an area of the composition that is visually
dominant and commands the viewer's attention. This is often achieved by
Contrast Is the difference between elements of art in a composition, such that each
element is made stronger in relation to the other. When placed next to each
other, contrasting elements command the viewer's attention. Areas of contrast
are among the first places that a viewer's eye is drawn. Contrast can be
Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

achieved by juxtapositions of any of the elements of art. Negative/Positive

space is an example of contrast. Complementary colors placed side by side is
an example of contrast. Notan is an example of contrast.
Proportion A principle of design that refers to the relationship of certain elements to the
whole and to each other.
Gradation A way of combining elements by using a series of gradual changes in those
elements. (large shapes to small shapes, dark hue to light hue, etc)
Harmony A way of combining similar elements in an artwork to accent their similarities
(achieved through use of repetitions and subtle gradual changes)
Variety A principle of design concerned with diversity or contrast. Variety is achieved
by using different shapes, sizes, and/or colors in a work of art.
Movement A principle of design used to create the look and feeling of action and to guide
the viewer’s eye throughout the work of art.

Principles of Contemporary Philippine Art Form

Abstract Expressionism

- It is a principle in which artist applies/perform his/her art in a manner that

expresses emotions and feeling in a spontaneous way.
Kinetic Art

- It is a principle in which artist creates the art that is movable.


- It is a principle in which artist believe that less is more.

Feminist Art

- It is a principle in which aims to empower women and achieve equality to their

opposite gender.
Graffiti Art

- It is a principle in which usage of spray paint and wall is necessary.

Body Art
- It is a principle in which an artist use his/her body as the medium for his/her art.

- It is a principle in which an artist creates an image of near-reality to depict his/

Street Art

- It is a principle in which the artist’s motivation is the day to day life in the art

Different Art Forms In The

Elements Principles
- Unity
- Lines
Spoliarium by Juan Luna - Variety
● It currently hangs in the main gallery - Shape
- Balance
at the ground floor of the National - Light
Museum of Fine Arts in Manila, and is - Emphasis
- Value
the first work of art that greets visitors - Rhythm
upon entry into the museum. The - Color
- Scale
picture recreates a despoiling scene in - Visual
Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

- Proportion
- Realistic

a Roman circus where dead gladiators

are stripped of weapons and garments.

Musical Instrument

- Rhythm
- Dynamics
- Sound
- Melody
- Harmony
- Physical
- Tone color
● A Kolitong is a bamboo polychordal construction
tube zither from Bontok, Kalinga, - Texture
Philippines with six strings that run - Form
parallel to its tube body. The strings
are numbered from one to six, from
lowest to highest pitch. The body acts
as the instrument's resonator.

- Lines - Symmetrical
Oblation - Shapes Balance
- Light - Equally
- Color Proportion
- Texture - Realistic

● The Oblation (Filipino: Pahinungod,

Oblasyon) is a concrete statue by
Filipino artist Guillermo E. Tolentino
Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

which serves as the iconic symbol of

the University of the Philippines. It
depicts a man facing upward with arms
outstretched, symbolizing selfless
offering of oneself to his country.


- Color
- Lines
- Shapes
- Volume/ - Aesthetic
● Terracotta is the term normally used
for sculpture made in earthenware,
and also for various utilitarian uses
including vessels (notably flower pots),
water and wastewater pipes, roofing
tiles, bricks, and surface embellishment
in building construction.


- Lines
- Shapes
- Volume/
Mass - Proportion
- Light - Balance
- Color
- Texture
● A recurring character in Saprid’s works
is the Tikbalang, an anthropomorphic
horse of fable. This half-horse,
humanoid hybrid — a mythic creature
deeply rooted in Philippine culture and
tradition — has made numerous
appearances in the iconic sculptor’s

Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

E. Abstraction
The elements of art are the basic components of art-marking. It is impossible to
create a work of art without using at least one of the seven elements of art namely,
line, shape, form, value, space, color and texture. In order to be successful in art
creation, an artist must be able to intelligently use the elements of art. Artwork can also
be analyzed according to the use of the elements in a work of art.

The principles of art generally deal with the way the elements of art are
composed within the work of art. So, the principles of art typically deal with
composition. The principles tend to be more fluid than the elements meaning that
opinions vary on what the principles really are. Creativity is the process of bringing
something new into being and it requires passion and commitment. While unity is to
create elements that support each other and all work together toward a common goal.
Through these things it will lead us to emphasize the concept and theme and helps to
communicate the message of an art to the viewer.

IV. Application
The class will work as one and create a visual art through different items
seen in their bag. The artwork shall be able to express the individuality and
unity of the class. They have to work as a whole because one for all, all for

Artistic Principles 2 5 8
Artistic Elements 2 5 8
Creativity 1 2 3
Unity 0 1 2

Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

V. Post-Test

Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

Module 4
Elements and Principles of Contemporary Art Form

I. True or False. Write True if the statement is True and False when the
statement is false.
______1. Artistic Elements, It pertains to the visual quantity of the art.

______2. Artistic Principle is a principle in which artist applies/perform his/her art

in a manner that expresses emotion and feeling in spontaneous way.

______3. Abstract Expressionism it pertains to the artist’s artistic view of how

he/she created the art

______4. Minimalism is a principle in which artist believe the more is less.

______5. Feminist Art is a principle in which aims to empower women and

achieve equality to their opposite gender.

______6. Graffiti Art is a principle in which usage of wet paint and floor is

______7. Body Art is a principle in which an artist use his/her body as the
medium for his/her art

______8. Hyperrealism is a principle in which an artist creates an image of near

reality to depict his/her art.

______9. Street Art is a principle in which the artist’s motivation is the day to
day life in the ghetto.

______10. Kinetic art is a principle in which artist creates the art that is movable.

II. Direction: Choose the correct answer.

11. Art movement that originated in 1970’s that aims to empower women.
A. Mysoginist Art C. Feminist Art
B. Womenist Art D. Masculinist Art
12. Element of Contemporary Art Form that concern on the thing that the art
A. Artistic Principle C. Material
B. Subject Matter D. Artistic Elements
13. Principle of art that uses machines and objects moving
A. Environmental Art C. Digital Art
B. Kinetic Art D. Abstract Expression
14. Element of art that pertains to the artist’s artistic point of view
A. Artistic Principle C. Material
B. Subject Matter D. Artistic Elements
15. Principle of Contemporary Art that depicts less is more
A. Microism C. Macromalism
B. Minimalism D. Maximalism

16. Principle of Contemporary Art Form that uses spray paint and wall as medium.
Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

A. Live Art C. Internet Art

B. Graffiti Art D. Street Art
17. Element of Contemporary Art Form that concern on the thing that the art
A. Artistic Principle C. Material
B. Subject Matter D. Artistic Elements
18. Principle of art that captures artist’s spontaneous emotions
A. Environmental Art C. Digital Art Abstract
B. Feminist Art D. Expression

19. Principle of Contemporary Art that pertains to drawing or painting that show
near-reality picture
A. Hyperrealism C. Faux-Realism
B. Realism D. Absurdis
20. Principle of Contemporary Art Form that uses real human body as medium.
A. Body Art C. New Media Art
B. Post-minimalism D. Installation Art

Division of Parañaque, PNHS - Baclaran, S.Y. 2017 - 18, K to 12 Senior High School, 2 ndt Semester, Contemporary Arts

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