Family Policy Tors

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1. Introduction

A family is a basic unit of society which plays a vital role in political, cultural and socio-economic
development. Families in Botswana have been affected by environmental, economic, cultural and
political changes as well as migration patterns, impacts of the HIV/AIDS scourge and changes in
the traditional roles of women and men. The traditional extended family system is slowly
diminishing because of these changes. Another major contributor to family problems and
breakdown in family functioning is the increasing economic stress facing households. Those living
below the poverty line especially poor single parent families which are predominantly female-
headed households are the most affected. Family dysfunction sets in when poverty is combined
with environmental stress and feelings of powerlessness and frustration, resulting in social ills.

Many countries in the world are facing similar challenges that Botswana is facing to promote and
protect healthy families. To address this issue the United Nations declared the year 1994 to be
the International Year of the Family (IYF). As a UN member state, Botswana has the responsibility
to ensure the wellbeing of the family by promoting and protecting its existence according to set
guidelines. In line with promotion and protection of families, the Executive Council of the African
Union that Botswana is also a member of, adopted a Plan of Action on the Family in Africa.

In response to challenges faced by the family, Botswana realised the need to have a National
Policy for the Family. The policy is expected to provide guidance in development of programmes
which are directed towards improving the general well being of the family. It will also direct the
implementation of all family related programmes undertaken by government and
nongovernmental sector. Currently there is no clear policy guiding provision of family services in
Botswana. The situation results in uncoordinated programming and extensive service gaps from
government, private sector and civil society.

The need for a clear family policy is imperative because there are many new demands and
challenges on the evolving family. Families encounter problems such as alcohol, drug and substance
abuse; communication and relationship challenges; marital conflict; lack of preparation for
marriage, parenting challenges; family violence; lack of family and community support networks;
and family breakdown. Children are also traumatized by violence in communities. Furthermore,
many women require joining the labour market for economic reasons and relying on childcare
outside the home. The existence of the family in Botswana is compounded by the above mentioned
factors. Therefore, a review of the diverse challenges, needs and major concerns of families and
existing laws is warranted as a basis for legal and policy reforms.

2. Purpose

The purpose of the consultancy is to develop a National Family Policy that will assist the Ministry of
Local Government through the Department of Social Services to guide design and implementation
of family programmes across all sectors. The main aim of the policy is to provide families with
adequate means of support for nurturance, improved well being, and a conducive environment for

good relationships within the family. The main intention of the consultancy is to examine how well
government policies, programmes and services promote family life and protect families. The
consultancy will also examine the needs and priorities of families in a rapidly changing social and
economic environment, On the basis of the findings of assessment the consultancy will formulate a
policy framework to promote the well being of the family in Botswana.

3. Specific Objectives

3.1. To operationally define a family within the Botswana context.

3.2. To determine gaps and weaknesses in implementation of programs targeting families by

setting, location, gender disaggregation and other significant criteria.

3.3. To develop a specific and relevant National Family Policy for Botswana to guide
programming for promotion and protection of the family

4. Methodology

The national level assessment will adopt a desk review of literature and public documents, conduct
interviews and focus group discussions. Extensive travel will therefore be essential to oversee data
collection activities in the field and consult with local authorities, community leaders and members
and other relevant entities such as government ministries e.g. MLG-DSS, development agencies,
private sector and civil society organizations to gather information. The study should be:
 Representative of all Botswana regions, (North, South, East and West)
 Representative of different families (Modern and traditional families)
 Different family age group (young and old)
 Representative of various settings: Urban Areas (Cities and Towns), urban villages, rural
areas, Remote areas.
5. Specific Tasks
5(a). An assessment of the current policy situation and the status of the family in Botswana
 Analyzing socio-economic and other changes affecting the welfare of families, taking into
account available research, including reports of commissions and relevant working
groups. The analysis should also include a comprehensive review of existing legislation,
policies and regulations for the family to identify weaknesses, gaps and omissions, with
respect to emerging needs, issues and problems.
 Assess the level of access of individual families and individual members to psycho-social
support and existing programmes for rehabilitation of those suffering from alcohol, drug
and substance abuse, and other social challenges that may affect the welfare of a
 Examine the role of fathers and mothers in family life and socialization of children in
different regions of Botswana. Analyze the incidence of family violence, rape and sexual
harassment in Botswana in relation to social and legal responses towards such practices.
 Analyze the practicability of creating community resource centres on the family as focal
points for information and dissemination of activities related to the family, gender
equality, children rights and human rights.
 Analyze existing public infrastructure that is favourable to family (parks, day care
centres, sport facilities and entertainment centres), and propose investment plan for the
improvement of the said infrastructure, so that each village in Botswana has the minimum
facilities to serve family activities.
 Analyze institutional arrangements to enforce compliance with laws related to family, in
particular, analyze the creation of an office at the Attorney General’s Chambers in
charge of enforcing family laws.

 Analyze the feasibility of obtaining the commitment of churches and social clubs, private
sector, civil society, NGO’s and international partners to include family topics in their
activities, on a current basis, with view towards raising higher levels of consciousness on
the importance of the family for the future of Botswana.
 Assess the levels of pre-marital counselling and strategies that encourage marriage.

5(b). Formulate a Policy Framework and implementation Plan for the national policy

 Draft a National Family Policy /Framework D Clearly state recommendations that will
serve as a basis for developing a draft National Family Policy or Framework.
 Draft a National Family Policy/Framework including an M&E component with a focus on,
but not limited to the Plan of Action on the Family in Africa.

6. Outputs/Deliverables

 Inception report detailing methodology to be used

 Draft report on assessment of the current policy situation and the status of the family in
 Final report on assessment of the current policy situation and the status of the family in
 Draft report of a Policy Framework for the Family
 Final report of a Policy Framework for the Family

7. General Qualifications and Experience of Consultants

The Team of Consultants shall have experience and knowledge on family related issues, children’s
issues, human rights issues and have a traceable record on working on family and human right
issues. Specifically, the team should have the following:
 The Team leader should be a Family Policy Specialist with a minimum qualification of a
Master degree in a relevant Social Science field with at least 5 years experience in
research or Family policy development and analysis, programming and related issues
 Other team members should have at least 5 years’ demonstrated work experience
relating to family issues in a number of political environments, nationally, regionally and
 The Team of Consultants should be able to communicate effectively in spoken and written
 Knowledge of Setswana by at least one member of the team is a must
 Familiarity with the approach to gender issues and United Nations Instruments to the rights
of young people are an additional advantage.
 Strong analytical, drafting skills and presentation skills in a workshop environment.
 Ability to work constructively in a team and in a multinational environment.
 IT skills (use of Word, Excel, and other relevant software)

8. Duration of Assignment

The consultancy is expected to last a period of six months.

9. Management of Consultancy

Under the direct supervision of Director of Department of Social Services, Ministry of Local
Government, the consultant is expected to work closely with a Technical Working Group and

Reference Group that have been established for the purpose of conceptualizing, communicating
and managing the assignment.

10. Clarification and solicitation of documents

NACA invites you to submit two separate financial and technical proposals to be used for selecting a
contractor. The bidders shall seal the Proposals in one outer and two inner envelopes, as detailed
(a) The outer envelope or email shall be addressed to The National Coordinator, NACA,
Westgate Mall, Unit 9, Private Bag 00463, Gaborone, Botswana and, marked with
“Consultancy for Developing National Family Policy For Botswana”, and delivered to Office
Number 111.

(b) Both inner envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the bidder. The first inner
envelope shall contain copies duly marked “Technical Proposal-Original” and “Technical Proposal-
Copy”. The second inner envelope shall include the price schedule duly identified as “Financial
Proposal-Original” and “Financial Proposal-Copy”.
c) If sending by email, the financial and technical proposals should be sent as two different pdf
files. Should you require additional information please contact Telephone:
(+267) 3710314. Proposals sent by fax will be disqualified.
The closing date is Friday, 11h January 2011 (1630hrs).

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