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1. Who is the main character in the film?

Give the following details:

1.1 Name (Given name and the name she gave herself);
1.2 Age;
1.3 Gender;
1.4 Civil Status; and
1.5 Occupation.
– Her name is Bree or Sabrina Claire Osbourne, former known as Stanley Chupak,
her age is around 35 years old. She is a transexual woman, single and her
occupation is server/dishwasher at a café.
2. Describe the main character in the film. What are the gender roles that she portrays?
How does she cope with the norms of the society? How does she handle stress? How
does she behave?
– She is elegant, has good posture, has good value, smart, and has affirmation. She
portrays in the film a transsexual woman and a man. She cope-up with the social
norms with blending in with it, also she doesn’t want to stand out. She always calls
her friend, which is her psychologist to rant his problems, and the things that
stresses her. Her behavior is gentle, soft spoken, and formal.
3. The main character, was at first, not allowed by her psychologist to undergo the
surgery. What was the reason? Explain this thoroughly.
– Because when he was going to have her surgery, there is a young man that called
her that is at jail, for shoplift and a suspicious white powder. Her psychologist didn’t
allow her to undergo the surgery because her psychologist think that she must fix
it first. Furthermore, she thinks that Bree Osbourne is still not complete inside, so
that she needs to resolve first the issue at hand.
4. How did she react after finding out that she has a son? Did this influence her decision
to undergo the operation? Explain.
– She was shocked at first and he told it to her psychologist, also she didn’t want the
young man to be acquainted to her. She refuses that she has a son, when she is
still Stanley Chupak, but it didn’t affect her decision to undergo the sex
reassignment surgery. Her decision to have the surgery still stand.
5. Describe her son in terms of behavior. Explain his behaviors based on his experiences
and by using some gender theories that you learned in our class. What do you think are
the factors that contributed to the gender issues of his son? Elaborate.
– Her son is a carefree, stubborn, gentle, and is do not discriminate people base on
gender. Based on his behavior, I must say that he is a pansexual, since he can do
sexual activity with different kind of gender. The most influential factor that
contributed to his behavior is that his stepfather is raping him, and engaging with
sexual act with him. So, I think that it is the main factor why he is like that and
behave like that.
6. What are the reactions of the significant people in the main character's life when they
found out that she's going to have an operation? Did their reactions and opinions influence
the main character's decision? Explain.
– Her family’s reaction is that I think her father and sister is alright with it or is being
neutral since they don’t have much to say to her in the film. While her mother
doesn’t want it and told to her that it is just a mistake, and she is just lost, so she
must go to church and reflect on her decisions. Her son is okay with her doing the
operation, and for me I think that he supports her in her decision.
7. Do you think gender reassignment should be legalized here in the Philippines? Explain
your answer by presenting factual pros and cons of this matter (laws and other scientific
– For me I think that it should be legalize. The advantage of it is that it helps an
individual to be complete and to be reborn as what genitalia they want. For me it
is just like doing plastic surgery, since when an individual does plastic surgery it
can cure their psychological problems, according to Charles T. Slack, MD (2019).
He said that is can help them cure their anxiety, social phobia, goal attainment,
self-esteem, etc.… The disadvantage of it is that the community will discriminate,
hurt, and bully them. So, it is hard to leave in a country like Philippines that doesn’t
acknowledge this kind of things.
8. What are your three (3) learning insights after learning all about gender reassignment
and watching the film? Start your statement by saying 'Before learning all about gender
reassignment and before watching the film, I used to think that (insert thought). After
learning all about gender reassignment and after watching the film, I now think that (insert
– Before learning gender reassignment and before watching the film, I used to think
that people that want to undergo with this kind of surgery only wants it for pleasure,
to be complete, and to fully call themselves a woman. After learning gender
reassignment and after watching the film, I now think that gender reassignment is
not just for pleasure because if you undergo this surgery, you won’t feel any
pleasure at all.
– Before learning gender reassignment and before watching the film, I used to think
that when you do sexual reassignment you just cut it off and shape it like a vagina.
After learning gender reassignment and after watching the film, I now think that it
is hard to have this operation, since you will undergo so much phycological test,
and it is not just cutting the penis off, it is more than that. So, it is hard to have this
kind of operation.
– Before learning gender reassignment and before watching the film, I used to think
that transexual person receive a lot of hate, discrimination, act of violence, etc.…
After learning gender reassignment and after watching the film, I now think that
there are lots of people who love and acknowledge them as a woman and not
based on what sex organ they have.

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