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Case Analysis

1.Give the profile of the two individuals presented in the documentary:

1.1 Name: Elliot Page
1.2 Age: 35 years old
1.3 Gender: Transgender
1.4 Occupation: Canadian actor and producer

1.1 Name: Dominick Jackson or also known as Tyra Allure Ross

1.2 Age: 47 years old
1.3 Gender: Transgender
1.4 Occupation: Tobagonian American actress, author, model, and reality television

2. What are the documentary films all about. Retell and give the summary of the
documentary films using your own words.
– In the case of Elliot Page, in 2014, he came out as gay in a human right event.
When he became known, people in the industry told him that he must keep
himself hidden and not let people know his gender. So, he disguises himself and
puts on a role that is not real, so it build-up pressure on him, like how he must
dress, act, and look. All of his experiences push him to be an activist and help
those who do not have the same courage and platform as he does. So he jumps
on all opportunities for activism. He also talks about the harassment he had at
work. His life turned for the better when he accepted himself, and this is when
he found love and had several epic transformations; it is when he found his wife,
Emma Portner. In addition, her career had blossomed, and other actors and
actresses showed their support and love for him.
– In the case of Dominick Jackson, he was an active church member in his
hometown Tobago. Growing up, he was not accepted as a transgender person
by his family and community. When he was only four years old, he wondered
what and why is his genitalia like that, and he said that he didn't want it and
wanted to fix it. When he was eleven years old and about to become an acolyte,
the priest of their church sexually harassed him, but he wasn't sure if he was
penetrated. Fifteen years old Dominick Jackson left his hometown and went to
Baltimore and lived with his family. But he didn't feel that he was normal in that
household, so he left and went downtown, and this is when he was introduced
to the ballroom, and his life changed; he also found where he belonged. In the
course of finding himself, he ended up in New York; this was when he was
known as Tyra Allure Ross. He also did sex work to survive in the street, and
because he is a transwoman of color, it poses a lot of threat and risk to him
because many transwomen of color were physical abuse and, worse, murdered
by their partners. When I got divorced, this is when he engaged himself in
activism. On June 29, the date of his surgery, after surgery, he had an interview
with pose even though he still had stitches, and gladly he got the role. His life
and career after this prospered, and he found his boyfriend; he got accepted by
his family.

3. Describe the persons in the documentary. Who were these persons before and who
are these persons now.
– Elliot Page and Dominick Jackson had a rough time with their lives. Elliot Page
was forced to hide his gender so he won’t be publicly discovered as a
transwoman. He was scared, and so he was forced to put on an image that
was not real. But when he dared to stand up, his life changed for good and
blossomed both in his life and career. Dominick Jackson was not accepted and
was harassed, bullied, and raped. He lived a life that was so hard, so he did
sex work to survive. But when he got the role at the Pose, his life changed, and
his standing in the community changed. He is now a successful actress, author,
model, and reality television personality.

4. How did the persons describe their 'transition period'? Who and what are the primary
considerations in their transitions?
– Elliot Page has described his transition by coming out in public and being an
activist to help others that have no voice and platform as he does. He also
stated his experience before coming out as a transgender person. The primary
one who pushed him and supported him was his parents, especially Emma
– Dominick Jackson has also stated his experience, life, and the rough
community he lived in. He had lived his life on his own without the support of
his family, and he became an independent person with no one to lean on.
Himself is his primary consideration in his transition.
5. What are the similiraties and differences in their experiences? Use a Venn Diagram to
illustrate the similarities and differences.

6. If you were those people in the documentary, knowing all the things at risk, would you
do the same? Explain your answer by using some theories we discussed in our class.
Yes, as I have seen in the documentation, it is tough to come out as part of
the LGBTQ+ community. But if I were in their shoes, I would do the same
because it is hard to hide and present a false image in front of others. To have
genuine happiness in life, I need to do the same things as they did, come out
as who I truly am, and live life as me and not just in some disguise.

7. What are your three learning insights after watching the documentary film? Please
– First, I learned that, for you to have others' genuine support and love, you must
accept who you are because how can others support and love you if you
cannot do it to yourself? Second, true happiness is obtained when you are not
hiding your true self. Because it is more fun if you are not hiding something
and acting as you want. Third, you cannot please everyone. As I have seen in
the documentary, people will always say negative things regardless of color,
race, gender, etc., so trust yourself and the others that support you on who
you really are.

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