Curriculum Planning 2018-2019 (Amitava Biswas)

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Curriculum Planning and Implementation

Vivekananda College Thakurpukur

Department: Computer Science Session: 2018-2019

Name of Teacher: Amitava Biswas

Semester - 1

No. of
Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes
TH: Weighted and Non - Weighted Codes,
Digital Logic Number Systems Positional, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary September 2
(Theory) Coded Decimal (BCD), Gray Codes,
Alphanumeric codes
Number Systems ASCII, EBCDIC, Conversion of September 2
bases, 1's, 2's complement representation,
Parity bits
Single bit error detection and correcting codes:
Hamming Code
Fixed and Floating Point Arithmetic: Addition,
Number Systems Subtraction, Multiplication and Division September 1

Boolean Algebra Definition of Switching Algebra, Basic September 2

properties of Switching Algebra, Huntington's
Boolean Algebra Basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT), De November 2
Morgan's Theorem, Universal Logic gates
Boolean Algebra Minterm, Maxterm, Minimization of Boolean November 2
Functions using K-Map up to four (4) variables
Boolean Algebra Two level and multilevel implementation using November 2
logic gates, simplification of logic expressions
Combinational Design and Construction of Half adders (2-bit) November 2
Circuits & Subtractor (2- bit)
Combinational Full Adder (3-bit) & Subtractor (3-bit) using November 2
Circuits basic logic gates (OR, AND, NOT) and
universal logic gates (NAND & NOR)
Combinational Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Look Ahead (CLA) November 3
Circuits Adder, BCD Adder, design & construct 1'S &
2'S Complement Adder/Subtractor unit using 4-
bit full adder units

Combinational 1-bit, 2-bit, 3-bit and 4-bit magnitude December 2

Circuits comparator using basic logic gates
Combinational Expansion (Cascading), function realization, December 4
Circuits Universal function realization, Multifunction
Combinational Realization of simple Encoders and priority December 2
Circuits Encoders using Basic and Universal Logic
Combinational Decoder- Function Realization, BCD Decoders, December 3
Circuits SevenSegment Display and Decoders.

Combinational Parity bit Generator/Checker, Gray to Binary December 2

Circuits code converter, Binary to Gray Code Converter
Sequential Circuits Set/Reset (SR) using NAND and NOR gates, January 3
Gated S-R latches, D Latch, J-K Latch, T Flip
Flop, race around condition, Master-Slave J-K
flip flop, Clock - Duty Cycle, rising time, falling
Sequential Circuits Negative and positive edge detector circuits, January 3
edge triggered SR, D and JK flip flop, flip-flop
Conversions, flip-flops with preset/set and
clear/reset asynchronous inputs
Sequential Circuits Serial Input Serial Output (SISO), Serial Input January 5
Parallel Output (SIPO), Parallel input Serial
Output (PISO), Parallel Input Parallel Output
(PIPO), Universal Shift Registers.
Sequential Circuits Asynchronous Counter: UP/DOWN Counters, January 5
Mod - N Counters, BCD Counter (Counter
Construction using J-K and T Flip Flops)
Sequential Circuits UP/DOWN Counters, Mod-N Counters, Ring & January 5
Johnson Counters

Integrated Circuits Bipolar Logic Families: DTL, TTL NOT Gate, January 4
TTL NAND Gate, TTL NOR Gate, Open
Collector, Fan-in, Fan-out. MOS Logic Families:

Semester - 1

Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes
1-P: Digital Combinational Circuits Implementation of different functions (SOP, September 2
Circuits POS) using basic (AND, OR and NOT) logic
(Practical) gates

Combinational Circuits Study and prove De-Morgan’s Theorem September 2

Combinational Circuits Realization of Universal functions using September 2

NAND and NOR gates
Combinational Circuits Implementation of half (2-bit) and full adder September 4
(3-bit) using basic (AND, OR and NOT) and
Universal logic gates (NAND & NOR)
Combinational Circuits Implementation of half (2-bit) and Full November 4
Subtractor (3-bit) using basic (AND, OR and
NOT) and Universal logic gates (NAND &
Combinational Circuits Design and implement 1-Digit BCD adder November 2
using 7483/74283 and other necessary logic
Combinational Circuits Design 4 to 1 multiplexer using basic or December 4
Universal logic gates and implement half and
full adder/subtractor
Combinational Circuits Design and implement half and full adder December 2
/subtractor and other functions using
multiplexers74151/74153 and other
necessary logic gates
Combinational Circuits Cascading of Multiplexers January 2

Combinational Circuits Design 2 to 4 decoder using basic or January 2

universal logic gates
Combinational Circuits Study 74138 or 74139 and implement half January 2
and full Adder/Subtractor and other functions
Implementation of 1-bit magnitude
Combinational Circuits comparator using decoders (74138/74139) January 2
and othernecessary logic gates
Combinational Circuits Cascading of Decoders January 2
Combinational Circuits Study magnitude comparators 7485 January 2
Combinational Circuits Design and construct magnitude comparator January 2
(2-bit) using basic (AND, OR & NOT) and
universal(NAND/NOR) logic gates
Combinational Circuits Design a display unit using Common anode January 1
or cathode seven segment display and
Combinational Circuits Design a parity generator and checker using January 2
basic logic gates
Sequential Circuits Realization of SR, D, JK Clocked/Gated, January 4
Level Triggered flip-flop using basic or
Universal logic gates

Sequential Circuits Conversion of flip-flops: D to JK, JK to D, JK January 4
to T, SR to JK, SR to D Flip-flop
Design synchronous and asynchronous January 4
Sequential Circuits counters MOD-n (MOD-8, MOD-10) UP/
DOWN and connecting Seven Segment
Display along with decoder for display of
counting sequence
Sequential Circuits Construction of ODD/EVEN n-bit January 4
Synchronous Counter, where n is maximum

Sequential Circuits n-bit binary arbitrary sequence synchronous January 4

counter where n is maximum 4

Semester - 1

Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes
1-TH: Number Systems and Codes Number representation: Weighted Codes, September 4
Computer Non-weighted codes, Positional, Binary,
Fundamental Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary Coded Decimal
s and (BCD), Conversion of bases. Complement
notions: 1’s complement
Digital Logic
Group B: Number Systems and Codes 2’s complement, Binary Arithmetic, Binary September 4
Digital Logic Codes: Gray, Alphanumeric, ASCII,
Design EBCDIC; Single Error-Detecting and
Correcting Codes, Hamming Codes, Fixed
point, Floating point representation
Boolean Algebra Fundamentals of Boolean Algebra, Switches September 3
and Inverters, Functionally Complete Gates
(AND, OR, NOT), NAND, NOR, Boolean
Function. De Morgan’s Theorem
Boolean Algebra Min-term, Max term, Truth tables and September 5
minimization of Logic expression up to four
variables, Boolean Algebraic and K-map
methods of Logic circuit synthesis, two-level
and multi-level
Digital Electronics Combinational Circuits: Realization of AND November 2
and OR Gates using diodes and NOT Gate
using transistors
Digital Electronics Combinational Circuits: Half adder and Full November 4
Adder (3 & 4 bit), Multi-bit adders – Ripple
carry and Carry Look Ahead Adder,
Adder/subtractor, BCD-Adder
Digital Electronics Combinational Circuits: Design 4 to 1 December 3
multiplexer using basic or Universal logic
gates and implement half and full
Digital Electronics Combinational Circuits: Data December 3
selectors/multiplexers – expansions,
reductions, function realization, universal
function realization, multi-function realization

Digital Electronics Combinational Circuits: Decoders: function January 5

realization, De-multiplexer and function
realization, Encoder, Priority Encoder, Parity
bit Generator /checker, Gray Code
Generator, Code Converters, Keyboard
encoder, Seven segment display unit,
Digital Electronics Sequential Circuits: Model of Sequential January 3
computing, Difference between
Combinational and Sequential circuit, RS-
Latch: using NAND and NOR Gates, Digital
Clock – Duty Cycle, Rising time, Falling time,
Clocked Flip Flops - SR, JK, D, T, Level
Trigger and Edge Trigger, Excitation
Functions of each flip-flops, Flip-flops with
Preset and Clear
Digital Electronics Sequential Circuits: Application of Flip flops: January 4
Asynchronous Counter (UP/DOWN) up to 4
bit counter, Decade Counter, Mod – n
Counter, Finite State machine Model – State
Transition Diagram and Table, Synchronous
Counters – different mod-n counters, Ring
counter, Registers: Registers with parallel
load, Shift

Semester - 2

Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes
2-TH: Introduction Algorithms, ADT March 4
Algorithms &
Arrays One dimensional and Two Dimensional March 4

Arrays Row Major and Column Major Forms March 3

Linked List Singly, Circular April 5

Linked List Doubly Linked List April 2

Stacks and Queues Concepts of Stack and Queue; Insertion and April 4
Deletion of Elements

Stacks and Queues Array and Linked Representation: Prefix, May 5

Infix and Postfix Notation

Stacks and Queues Postfix and Prefix Expression May 5

using stack, Infix to Postfix conversion
using stack
Searching Algorithm of Sequential, Binary Search May 4

Sorting Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort July 5

Sorting Quick Sort, Merge Sort July 5

Tree Binary tree; Pre-order, In-order and Post- July 4

order traversal
Tree Binary Search Tree (BST): Creation, July 5
Insertion and Deletion

Semester - 2

Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes
2-P: Basic Structure Character set, keywords, identifiers, March 4
Programmin constants, variables and type declaration.
g with C Sample programs, preprocessor
Operators Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment, March 4
Increment and Decrement, Conditional,
comma; operator precedence and
associatively; arithmetic expression-
and type conversion. Character I/O, Escape
sequence and formatted I/O
Branching and Looping if, if-else, while, do-while, for March 3
Arrays One-dimensional and Two-dimensional, April 5
Different types of uses. String handling with
arrays – read and write, concatenation,
comparison, string functions
User defined functions Need; Call by Reference and Call by value; April 2
return values and types; nesting of functions;
Structures Initialization; arrays of a structure, arrays April 4
within structures, structure within structure
Pointers Declaration and initialization; operators; May 5
pointer arithmetics; accessing variables,
pointer & arrays, strings, functions
File handling Opening & Closing, I/O May 5

2nd Year

No. of
Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes

CMSG Overview File management system and DBMS, DBMS

PAPER – II architecture, Data Dictionary, DDL, DML, DBA September 5
(Definition and role of DBA)

GROUP C: Data Models

Data Base Network, Hierarchical, Relational Models and September 3
Management their comparison
Model Definition and properties, Keys of different September 4
Relational Data
Design ER Diagram to relational Schema September 5
Relational Data
Design Normalization (upto 3NF) November 5
Query Language
SQL – basic concepts December 5

2nd Year

No. of
Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes

CMSG SQL Creation and modification of databases

PAPER – III September 4

Data Base Insert, Delete, update operations September 5
Design and
Creating views September 2
Queries September 5
Nested queries November 5
Aggregate function November 5
Validation Correctness, Integrity December 2

3rd Year

No. of
Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes

CMSA Paper Microprocessor

- VII Programming Data movement between register-register, September 4
(Practical) register-memory, memory-memory
Gr - A Microprocessor
(Hardware: Programming Arithmetic operations on single byte, word and September 5
Microprocessor multi-byte integer, signed and hexadecimal
Programming & operands
I/O Interfacing)
Programming Ordered Arrangement of a set of operands September 2
Programming Bubble sorting September 2
Programming Sequential and Binary search November 4
Programming Block replacement and transfer November 4
Microprocessor Parity Generator December 2
Microprocessor Delay Routines December 4
Interfacing Display of Alphanumeric Characters on 7 December 2
segment displays
Interfacing Matrix Keyboard Interfacing and Identification December 4
of the keys

3rd Year

No. of
Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes

RDBMS RDBMS Introduction Database September 2
RDBMS Understanding DBMS vs RDBMS September 2
RDBMS Gone through SQL Standards, Sub languages September 2
of SQL, Difference between 10g vs 11g vs 12c
RDBMS Installation of 11g November 2
RDBMS About SQL*Plus and use of developer tool, November 2
Datatypes in Oracle, Operators in Oracle,
RDBMS Introduction to SQL: DDL, DML and DCL December 2
RDBMS Table Creation, alternation, Insertion and December 2
RDBMS Data filtering and sorting with in single table, January 2

Clauses and its types in oracle

RDBMS Integrity constraints, Built-in functions, Data January 2

RDBMS Sample assignments March 5
Front Ends Introduction to Visual Studio 6.0, Installation, March 2
Datatypes, design of layout using toolbox
Front Ends Connection with oracle and fetching data March 2
Front Ends
Sample assignments using VB and Oracle April 5

3rd Year

No. of
Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes
(Theoretical) Introduction Basic concept, File management System, September 1.5
advantages of DBMS, ANSI/SPARC
Architecture, Physical, Conceptual and
External Models
Data Base ER Diagram Entities, Attributes, Key, cardinalities,
Management aggregations, IS A/HAS A relation, Data September 1.5
System dictionary, sample designs

Data Models Relational, Hierarchical, Network September 1.5

File Organization Sequential, Indexed Sequential, Random, September 1.5
Query Languages Concepts November 1.5
Relational Algebra Projection, Selection, Set theorem, Joining, November 1.5
Relational Calculus Tuple Relational Calculus, Domain Relational December 1.5
Normalization Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms: INF, December 1.5
2NF, 3NF and BCNF
Structured Query Introduction to DDL, DML, DCL and Joining, January 1.5
Languages Integrity constraints
Elementary Basic Concepts January 1.5
concepts of
Security and

3rd Year

No. of
Paper Topic Sub-Topic Month classes

CMSG Front Ends Basic features, building objects with classes, March 2
PAPER – IV operations with objects

GROUP B2: Front Ends Class libraries, Multitasking and multithreading March 4
Programming applications
in Visual
Front Ends Software design involving forms, objects, March 5
functions, procedure and methods (43 bit
Front Ends ODBC drivers, Front and development for April 5

Front Ends MFC based multimedia applications April 5


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