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Logic BuUdlng with String manipulation - Java 09Feb 2-3PM

1. Strine ()Oncatenatlo n

publlc clus Main{

pub Ile static void main(String argsD)
String str1• "Welcome";
String str'Z - • Java session";
String f =strl +" to "+str2;

2. tol.owerCase(J ■nd toUpperCae(J

String str1• "Welco=•;


3. substrinc()

String str'Z •"Java session";

String newstr • str2.substring(S,12);
Sys:tem.outprl ntl n( newstrJ;

4. trim()

String str2 • "Java session ";

System.outprl ntl n(s:tr2J;
System.outprf ntln(str2.trlm I));

S. Reverse strinc usinc ch■ rAt(J

String str2 • "Welcome";

String reY = •• ;
for(int I • str2.length(J-1; l>•O; 1-)
rev - rev+ str2.charAt(f);
J! ntln( rev);

6. lndexOf(I

String str2 • "Welcome";!ntln(str2.lndexOf{"e" ,2)1;
Find count of vowelJ In a Strine

Strlns str • "Good Afmmoon•;

lrrt: c=O;
for (Int I• O; I< str.length(); l++J
lf(str.t:olowerCase().charAt(l)-'a' 11 lowerCase().charAt(ll-'e ' 11
str.tolowerCase().charAt(iJ- "r 11 str.tolowerCase() .charAt[ij='o' 11
str. tol.owerCase( ).charAt(i)- ' u')

Cou.rrt of words In a senten.,.,(Strlne)

String str • "This Is a l ava code complier ";

lrrt: C•l ;
String news• 5tr.trim(J;
for (Int I• O; I< news.lengthQ; i++J
if(news.charAt(i)= ' ')


Odd/Even positioned substrl ni:

String strl • "Olgttal";

for(lnt l=O;i<5tr2.length();l=f+2)

Readlnc dm as ddmmyyyy and dlsplaylnc day, month and year

String str = "12122013";

String day• str.substrlng(0,2);

String month • str.substring(2,4);
String year • str.substrlng(4,B);

System.oo t.prlntln(m onth);
System.ou t.prlntln(y earj;

String str • "Happy Nl!w Vear";

// Crellting array of string ll!nsth

charO ch= nl!w charfstr.ll! n&th(J];

for (lnt I = O; I < str.length(); I++) {

ch[l] • str.charA!ti);

System .out.pr1nt ln(ch[l)I;



Revenc • ott1,. word by word

String str - "Happy New Vear";

Strl"lf) ns • sir.spilt(" 0 );
String nm,.••;

forjlnt f-O;f<ns.le ngth;f+t)I

for (int I • nsU).ll!ngth()-1; 1>-0; \-)


nstr - nstr + nsu].charAt(I);

nstr-nstr+" " ;

• Pri nt all odd numbers in a range (read the starting number and ending
public static void main(String[J args ) {
Scanner s= new Scanner(System. i n);
// read the range
int start• s . ne~tlnt() ;
int end = s .nextlnt (); . print In( "Printing odd numbers from "+start+ " to "+end);
//use a loop to pr1nt odd numbers
II n,2- 0 mean~ n ~seven
for ( int i =start; i <=end ; i ++){
if(~2 I• 0)
System.oirr.println(i };

Problem 2 -Solution
• Read two number and find the value of one number raised to the
power of another.
public static void main(String(] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System . in);
//read x and y
int x • scan .nextlnt();
int y • 5Can .nextlnt();
int result•l;
II x"y
for (int i~0; i <y; i ++){
result = result•x;

System . out .println(x+"""+ y+" • "+result);

Problem3 - Solution
• Read a number and print all digits in that number.

public static void &'.lin(String[ ] ~rg~} (

int n = 1234567 ;

lxtract ,he Ja,t digit of the nulllber n by n~lO
~pdnte the value of n by n/10 an1 repeat the above ,tep
t i l l n i• not equdl> too.

""'1le( 11 > O){

lnt Jlt:ll • r1Xl0;
Sy~Le11. oat.prinlln( digi L) ;
n / • 10;

Problem 4 - Solution
• Read n number using for loop and find the biggest number, smallest number
and average of all numbers.
public at■tic void 11• l11(Sl l'l11d ] •• 11•) {
Sc.inner u~n -=- nb.l Sc,1nner(Sy,te••· l r1);
I I hnw ltlil ny nrnnhP r "
int count• scan .nextinl () J
int bi3-e~ s•~ll•8> sum =0, JVg ◄;

f'or( Jnl i=-8; icc:ount; i ++H

i nt n - ._ran . nPrtln-t(}; // r,-,irJ fl"i'lrh m1,nhpr
if{i=U) Slll,lll• n; II ln1t.u1lly set the first nurr,b~•• a, !>!iallest

if(11 > bl~)H~ -n:

~•"" +-n; // -.w, '\HIii • n

Sy~ t en, . out. swl.n Lln( "'llla,;g~ l riuatJur : "+blu-t.. ~nwll e.!:. L nllll..00.,·: ..+11,1 .tl l+"' illverilge: "'.+st.1a1/,ou11l) :
Problem 5 - Solution
public static void ,nain(String[] args ) {
int aaount - 25561;
int denaain•tion_coun t •5; // l, 10, ~ , SOO, 29UO -· can ndd r -~
/ declJ~e vJriMbles to , · oru denoon1nat1or L<>unl
int _2088Count•0, _500Count• 0 , _100Count-e,_10Count =0,_l(ount •0;
l"OII -,unt
/d~vide ~ t"J ~ te d~natton end r~ctuce cNr-"d' -in.antM'
for ( lnl 1 a. e, l < \i.-..,...ii.Uu11_'-uw.nLj 1-+'"' ) (
if ( -.r,t >- 2908) {
_200'IC.,.,..t • ucunt: / 2800;
aou11r- ... a110Unt - _2eeecOU"lt .. ieoo; )
els• lf ( - >• 590) {
S80CC1#1t a MOl.inl / 580;
MDiJ"'lt .. Pol,Jlt .. _SOICOi.ln't • see; )
w• if c-, ,. tee) {
_100CCU"t -"' ~n~ / 180j
MDUTft - oP"""-"'t" .. • 100; }
WO if (-.,,t >• 18) [ .. !..r<T ru lt
_11(0<,nt • ...,..,.t / 10; Syn,.. ou< .prlntJnL280i'Caunt• ·-2088 ") ;
~ t • lf1t - 10Cou "lt • Le; } Syn•.ou< .prlntln(_~OCount♦•·- " ) ;

Sy >Leta•"'•' .p-ri11Un(_l80Cuur1l• '"•1'8 "') ;

w• Sy•tea. cH1t' .prlntln(_lOCour1tt" .... JO .. ) _;
Syn111, oi11T ,prlnt"ln( .lC01.1nt ..• 1•);
Test Your Knowledge
What will be output of the below code snippet?

int X = 1234567 ;
int C = 0 ;
while (x > 0){
Prints the number of digits I n the
X /=10; given number.
c++; Output : 7

System. out .println(c);
Test Your Knowledge
• What will be the output of below program?

int number c 12345;

int result = 0;
do {
result *= 10; Reverse the given number.
result += number% 10;
number / = 10; Out put : Result 54321
} while (number > 0) ;
System .out.println( "Result "+result) ; --~~~::.----------
Test Your Knowledge

• What will be the output of the below program?

for ( int i•l; i <• l0; i ++){

for (int j=l; j <=l0; j ++){
System. out . printf( "%2d ", i *j );
System. out .println("" );
} ~
Prints the multiplication table.
l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 4 6 8 10 1 2 14 16 18 20
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
Try It Yourself -1
• Read a number and print sum of all digits in that number.

• Example
• Input : 2030
• Output: 5

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