Physics theory-WPS Office

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Physics theory Questions sss2

Answer question 1 and any other 4 questions

1(a)what is resonance, list at least 2 examples? Explain reverberation and how it can be reduced in
halls(1/2 mark)

(b)Diagrammatically show how images are produced using an astronomical telescope in normal
adjustment (1/2 mark)

(c)Draw ray diagrams to show the position, nature and size of the image produced by a convex lens
when the object is at these positions(I)at F(ii)between F and the C(iii)at 2F (iv)beyond 2F (2 marks)

(d)Define the following as regards to the human eye (I)spherical aberration (ii) Accomodation (iii)
Binocular vision (iv) persistence of vision (1 mark)

2(a)(I)Draw the colour triangle showing the primary and secondary colours of light(ii)explain the
formation of raindrops(1 mark)

(b)An object is 20cm from a convex lens of focal length 15cm. Calculate the position,nature and size of
the image from the lens(1 mark)

(c)(I)State the laws of refraction of light. A ray of light moves with a velocity of 3.0x10⁸ms–¹ from air
into glass of refractive index 1.5. what is the velocity of the ray in the glass? (II)What is critical angle?
Calculate the refractive index if the critical angle is 48⁰(2 marks)

3(a)(I)state the conditions necessary for total internal reflection of light to occur(II)A person suffering
from hypermetropia can not see objects beyond 75cm. What is the power of the lens that the person
must use to see objects at 25cm? (2 marks)

(b) Explain these eye defects and how they can be corrected(I) presbyopia (II) Astigmatism (III)
myopia(1 mark)

(c)State three similarities and three differences between a simple lens camera and the human eye( 1

4(a)the focal length of the objective lens of a compound microscope is 120cm while the focal length of
its eyepiece lens is 80cm. Calculate its magnifying power and the distance between the object and the
final image.( 1 mark )

(b)(I)Draw a ray diagram to show how an image is produced using a concave lens(II) Explain the
dispersion of white light, which colour is most deviated and which colour is least deviated?(1 mark)

(c)The general equation of a straight line is given as y=mx+c, what does m and c represent and hence
find m and c in these equations (I)1/f=1/v +1/u (II)V=IR (III)y=x (IV)y=ax^Π (2 marks)
5(a)(I)mention the factors that affect the speed of sound in air. (II)A radio station broadcasts at a
frequency of 750kHz. What is the wavelength of the radio wave? (c=3.0x10⁸ms–¹)(1 mark)

(b)Explain the following concepts as regards to sound wave (I)pitch(II)quality(III)harmonics (1 mark)

(c) A triangular prism has a refractive index of 1.5, calculate the angle at which a ray of light is minimally
deviated in the triangular prism(A=60⁰) (2 marks)

6(a)Explain the procedures involved in the making of a periscope (2 marks)

(b)Draw and label the human eye(1 mark)

(c)An object 18cm high is placed 24cm from a concave mirror of focal length 10cm. What is the height
of the image formed? (1 mark)

Section B(subjective questions based on SSS2 1st term, 2nd Term and 3rd Term schemes)

Answer all questions(Each question carries 1/2 mark)

1. The bending or change in direction of a ray of light as it crosses the boundary between two
media of different densities is called -----------------------
2. Mirage is caused by both -----------and ----------- of light
3. A pure spectrum of white light can be gotten by using two--------------- alongside the --------------
4. --------- colour travels in white light with the greatest speed.
5. A physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction is called--------
6. The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of the entire mass of a body by 1K is
known as ---------
7. The temperature at which ice, water and steam exists in equilibrium is called ---------. Its value is
8. ------------ occurs when the saturated vapour pressure of a liquid equals the atmospheric
9. An example of a mechanical wave which is also a longitudinal wave is --------
10. ---------------------------------------- states that if two vectors are represented in magnitude and
direction by the adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then the diagonal drawn from the meeting
point of the two vectors represents the resultant vector in magnitude and direction.

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