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What is industrial revolution?

In general, it can be said that the ans :- massive change that came in the production system, where machines
replaced human labor, is what we call the Industrial Revolution. However, there were some conditions for the
Industrial Revolution to occur, such as:

(1) Large-scale investment of capital to establish big factories

(2) Widespread application of technology to modernize the production system

(3) An increase in the migration of people from villages to cities

(4) The replacement of land ownership with paper money (or financial transactions)" 5)Collective production
replaced the family production process

About the partition of Africa:

ans :- From 1851 to 1914, European colonial powers scrambled to establish their dominance over Africa. By
1914, they had occupied 90% of the continent. There was competition among European powers to colonize
Africa, but the Berlin Conference established that no country could claim any part of Africa without the consent
of others. However, European powers ignored this rule and occupied various regions of Africa, dividing the
continent among themselves.

France occupied Senegal, Mali, Chad, Guinea, Congo, and Ivory Coast. Italy occupied parts of Somalia and
Eritrea. Britain established colonies in Natal and the Orange River region, later naming it the "Union of South
Africa". Belgium formed the Congo Free State. In this way, European powers partitioned Africa, establishing
colonies for their own interests."

Causes of first world war

ans:-1) Insatiable nationalism

2) Radical nationalism

3) Colonial and Commercial Rivalry: In the late 19th century, intense competition began between the
European powers for colonial and commercial dominance. England and France led the way in colonization as
the Industrial Revolution took place earlier, but later colonial rivalry began when Germany jumped in to

4)Military Competition- The military competition which started between the European countries in the period
before the First World War can also be said to be the cause of the World War. As Germany began a naval rivalry
with England, which was recognized as a naval competitor, it gradually began to go to war.

5) Coalition of opposing states:- From 1871 AD to 1914 AD, European countries were divided into two opposing
camps. On the other hand, Germany and Austria made the Tripower Pact (1882) with that list. On the other
hand, England was formed with France and Russia in the Tripower Alliance (1907).

6) Balkan crisis:- The Balkan crisis was largely responsible for the First World War when Austria occupied Bosnia
and the people there jumped into the Slav movement under the leadership of the Serbs, and already the
relations with Austria deteriorated, thus creating the background for the war in the Balkan region.
7 )Direct cause:- On June 28, 1914, Prince Ferdinand of Austria was killed by a member of a terrorist group
called "black hand" when he came to visit Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. This incident is known as "Massacre in
Sarajevo". Unwilling to comply, Austria invaded Serbia on July 24, starting World War I.

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