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© 20XX JETIR Month 201X, Volume X, Issue X www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Shubham Sachan, 2 Laraib Ali, 3Aviral Gaur , 4Abhimanyu Kumar Yadav
Student- ECE BBDITM, 2 Student- ECE BBDITM, 3 Student- ECE BBDITM, 4Assistant Professor-ECE Department,
BBDITM, Lucknow, India

Abstract : The main goal of creating this robot is to monitor human activities in war zones or border areas
to prevent intrusions. Equipped with a night vision wireless camera, the robot can transmit video from these
areas, helping to prevent harm and save lives. Military personnel face significant risks when entering
unfamiliar territory, so the robot serves as a valuable tool to reduce casualties.
With its wireless camera, the robot allows for studying ground-level activity, meeting the military's needs. It
can enter enemy territory and collect data using its transmission and receiver system. The paper outlines the
idea and development method for such an autonomous robot.

Ultrasonic sensor, Arduino UNO, Bluetooth, Metal detector sensor, DC Gear Motor, GPS module, Camera
I. Introduction The world is going through some big changes in technology, politics, and especially how
countries protect themselves. With these shifts, countries are focusing more on defending their borders and
territory. This means big economies are spending more on improving their military.
A new type of robot has been developed for risky missions in war zones, which can help keep soldiers safe.
It's also useful for spying. This robot uses wireless cameras to send live video and gather secret information
about enemies.
It's equipped with Bluetooth and GPS technology to control its movements and communicate with
operators. Bluetooth helps it send data wirelessly over short distances using radio waves.
The robot can share its location using GPS and can be controlled with a mobile phone via Bluetooth. It's
powered by solar energy and can even detect landmines. This spy robot is small and has two parts: the robot
itself and a control panel. Its main job is to gather visual information from hard-to-reach areas, making it

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© 20XX JETIR Month 201X, Volume X, Issue X (ISSN-2349-5162)

useful for both scientific research and military operations. Robots like this one make dangerous tasks safer
and can replace humans in some situations.

II.Literature Survey:
Army people or entities have to face many dangers on their lives while spying on enemy or opposite
entities. To overcome these ideas for this job robot will be more suitable and will decrease the risks of loss
of human lives and can better spy illicit maneuvers of their opposite entities [1]. Before entering to any
doubtful districts we can send robot to check the status of that field so the military or army individuals don’t
need to risk their life. These types of robot will be constructed in such a way that it would have a live video
camera mounted on it so it can record the view clearly [2]. Camera will be controlled through remote by
using an android application. Nowadays there are many people who con construct an android application
without any troublance. For communication we need to use some modules, if we use Bluetooth module.
We use metal detector to detect mines in any dangerous area where human be faced a lot of problem. It can
also be used to transmit video from dangerous places and can be controlled remotely from distant places.
This robot can be used as a spy robot to collect any information, videos or any object from any dangerous
areas[3]. The robot can also be used in any rescue missions. As the size of the robot is compact it is very
easy to send anywhere without notifying anyone .
The GPS module is interface with the Arduino which sends the location coordinates of the warfield to the
android user[4]. This paper discusses the development of robot which is used for spying purposes it for to
keep an eye on people maneuvers in the battle ground or in the war days to reduce the chances of takeovers
from the enemy side. The objectives of this paper are to utilise the renewable solar energy to charge the
battery, to provide surveillance in border security areas using camera module, to detect the metallic object
and turn on the buzzer using the metal detector and to share the location of that place to the connected
device via GPS module.


Arduino Uno is a small computer board with an ATmega328P microcontroller. It has other parts like a
crystal oscillator and voltage regulator to support it. Arduino Uno has pins for connecting to devices,
including digital and analog pins, a USB port, and a reset button.
The L298N Motor Driver Module is a powerful device for controlling DC motors. It has an L298 motor
driver chip and a 5V regulator. Pins like ENA, ENB, IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4 control the speed and direction
of motors.
The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor has four pins - Vcc, Trigger, Echo, and Ground. It's commonly used to
measure distance or detect objects. The sensor works by sending and receiving ultrasonic waves [5].
The HC-05 module adds wireless communication to projects. It can connect two microcontrollers or
communicate with Bluetooth-enabled devices like phones or laptops. It has two modes: Data mode for

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© 20XX JETIR Month 201X, Volume X, Issue X (ISSN-2349-5162)

sending and receiving data, and AT Command mode for changing settings [6].The NEO-6M GPS module
helps with navigation by providing latitude and longitude data. It's reliable even in tough environments. It
connects through pins for power and communication .
A metal detector sensor detects metal objects by emitting and measuring changes in an electromagnetic field
as shown in figure1.. When metal is detected, it triggers an alert. Solar panels convert sunlight into
electricity using photovoltaic cells. These cells produce electricity when exposed to light, which can power
devices or be stored in batteries. Solar panels are also called solar cell panels or PV modules and are often
grouped in arrays.

Flow Chart of proposed method:

Figure 1: Flowchart of modeling the Warfield spying robot.

The solar panel charges the battery. Mounted on the robotic vehicle, it boosts performance by charging
the battery with its power output. The 12V battery powers the Arduino board, Buck convertor and the
Motor driver module. Here, a buck convertor converts a 12V supply into 5V supply.

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© 20XX JETIR Month 201X, Volume X, Issue X (ISSN-2349-5162)

We use the Arduino Uno board, a popular choice for electronic projects, to connect various components like
the GPS module, Ultrasonic Sensor, Servo motor, L298N motor driver, metal detector sensor, and Bluetooth
HC-05 module in our project.
The Bluetooth module communicates with the Arduino board to send commands from a mobile device. The
L298N motor driver, also connected to Arduino, controls the vehicle's motors and direction. The GPS
module sends location coordinates to the mobile.
Our robot features in Figure 2, a wireless camera that streams live video of the war field to an Android
device. The metal detector robot, controlled by an Arduino Uno, senses nearby metal using a metal sensor.

Figure 2: Warfield spying robot model


Robot spy model is effectively managed to control the robotic vehicle's movement. When the vehicle
detects metal, its LED lights up, providing a visual indication. The application displays precise location
coordinates (latitude and longitude). The solar panel on the vehicle powers it up, enhancing its performance
by charging the battery. With the wireless camera, the robot can transmit videos wirelessly, offering
confidential insights about the opposing party.

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© 20XX JETIR Month 201X, Volume X, Issue X (ISSN-2349-5162)

The spying camera is designed to capture activities in inaccessible areas like war zones or outdoor locations.
The paper outlines the Receiver and Transmitter circuit operations. Understanding how these circuits
function and relate to each other is crucial for project success.By following the right steps and methodology,
the project can be managed effectively, leading to positive outcomes. Currently, we're working on a
Wireless controlled Omni-directional monitoring robot with video support, using a webcam for monitoring.
Given the current reliance on technology and future trends, robots are becoming increasingly important in
various aspects of human activities.


[1] Jignesh Patoliya, Haard Mehta, Hitesh Patel, “Arduino Controlled War Field Spy Robot using Night
Vision Wireless Camera and Android Application”, Conference Paper, November 2015, V. T. Patel
Charotar University of Science and Technology, Changa, Anand, Gujarat, India.
[2] Priyanka Yadav, LeenaChaudhari, Swati Gawhale , “War Field Spying Robot with Wireless Night
Vision Camera”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor :6.887 Volume 5 Issue XII December 2017.
[3] Dhiraj Singh Patel, Dheeraj Mishra, Devendra Pandey, Ankit Sumele “Mobile Operated Spy Robot”
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
[4] Dr. M. J C Prasad, Somula Anusha “Remote metal detecting robot” Journal of engineering sciences
Vol 13, Issue 4, April 2022
[5] Mujiarto Bin Parsusah Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya “Design of Arduino-Based Metal
Detector Robot” Solid State Technology • November 2021
[6] Arduino controlled war field spy robot using wireless camera and Android application by Hitesh Patel
(Nov 2015)

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