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Mydin n segale2nye

Based in Kuala Terengganu Hypermarket
1. argeman ertiIicate (category BO or at least A4 argeman).
2. At least 2 years oI experience in repair and maintenance oI M&E macinery.
3. Knowledge oI air-conditioning, Iire-Iigting and reIrigeration systems and maintenance oI civil and
structural works.
4. Posses strong analytical tinking and leadersip skills.
5. Systematic and independent.
Based in HQ Subang Jaya
1. Assisting store set up team in arranging oI goods, price tagging and stock controlling.
2. Entertain customers' needs as well as oter casier as and wen required.
1. PMR / SPM certiIicate and able to work wit minimum supervision.
2. Willing to travel and stay outstation.
Based in Subang Jaya Hyper & MYDIN Bazaar, Terminal 2, Seremban
1. Ensure service level oI stock meets te expectation set.
2. Manage and control stock in te store.
3. Maintain ig standards oI stock presentation and display at selling Iloor.
4. Take care tat deliveries by suppliers are on time and te quantity delivered is te amount, wic is
1. Diploma / degree in any related Iield.
2. At least 3 years related working experience preIerably Irom retailing or wolesaling industry
Based in HQ, USJ Subang Jaya
1. Will required to undergo a compreensive two (2) years on-te job training program in retail
2. Upon completion te Iormal training, trainees will be absorbed at various division, department and
location witin te company. Te main tasks are to control and organize te day to day operation oI te
branc, in order to acieve te budgeted sale targets and Key PerIormance Indicators (KPIs) results.
1. Posses Bacelor Degree in any disciplines Irom a reputable academic institution.
2. First lass Students wit minimum PA oI 3.5 and above.
3. Fres graduates are encouraged to apply.
4. Hig level oI communication wit good command oI Englis and Baasa Malaysia.
5. Dynamic, selI motivated, Iast leaner, excellent interpersonal skills and able o work independently as
well as in a team.
6. Required candidates wit a record oI active participation in extra curricular activities and as assumed
leadersip positions.
7. Interested in long term career in retail environment.
Based in HQ, USJ Subang Jaya
1. Responsible Ior developing, Iormulating, planning, coordinating and implementing a compreensive set
oI in-ouse and external training wit good problem solving skills.
2. Prepare training materials & training Iacility according to training requirements.
3. Maintaining up-to-date training records & documents accurately & eIIectively to meet all audit
1. Diploma or Degree in Human Resource Management, Social Science or equivalent wit a minimum 2
years working experience in similar capacity, preIerably in retail industry.
2. Responsible Ior developing, Iormulating, planning, coordinating and implementing a compreensive set
oI in-ouse and external training wit good problem solving skills.
3. ood presentation skill and able to deliver soIt skills training suc as leadersip and motivational skills
to all levels participants.
Based in HQ, USJ Subang Jaya
1. Developing, Iormulating, planning, coordinating and implementing a compreensive set oI in-ouse and
external training wit good problem solving skills
2. Deliver soIt skills training to all level oI employees
3. Liaise wit training providers to ensure cost and content eIIectiveness oI programs
4. onduct Training Need Analysis and evaluation Ior training programs
5. Ability to administer all aspect oI training Iunctions includes HRDF claims and Mydin Retail Academy
Training entre
1. Diploma or Degree in Human Resource Management, Social Science or equivalent wit a minimum 3
to 5 years working experience in similar capacity, preIerably in retail industry.
2. Knowledge and experience in learning organization, organization development, knowledge
management, project management, selI-directed work team and e-learning would be an advantage.
3. ood command oI spoken and written Englis and Baasa Malaysia.
4. Able to work under tigt scedules and independently as well as a good team player.
5. SelI-motivated wit ig level oI integrity, proactive, ard working and mature wit excellence
interpersonal and communications skills.
6. Pleasant personality and able to interact wit all levels oI people.

Training Strategy Ppt 23046 - Presentation Transcript
1. Strategy Planning Training Department Mydin Moammed Holding Berad
2. Process Flow
4 Practical Vision
4 Underlying onstraint
4 Strategic Directions
4 Systematic Actions
4 Implementation Timeline
3. Vision: DeIinition
4 A mental picture oI wat te organization sould look like in te Iuture
4. New DeIinition oI Mission
4 To assist in increasing te eIIectiveness and eIIiciency oI all individuals in Mydin Moamed Holdings Bd.
4 Our measures oI success is based on te improvement oI job beaviors, job perIormance, problem solved, cost savings to
organization, product quantity, product quality, lower absenteeism, lower turnover and customer satisIaction oI te training we
5. Objective
4 TransIorm organization to acieve perIormance eIIectiveness
4 reate a joyIul and meaningIul workplace.
6. Old DeIinition oI Mission
4 To provide all types oI training support services to all employees
4 Our measures oI success is based on
Hours oI training
Persons trained
lasses delivered
Media Produced
Instructional objectives accomplised
ourse catalogs
7. TransIormation
4 Traditional Training
4 PerIormance Driven
4 (reIer to HPI Model)
8. omparison
4 Sample Mission statement
4 Measures oI success
4 Origin oI perIormance problems
4 Audience served
4 Relationsip wit organizational goals
4 Perception oI oters
4 StaII skills required
4 Potential survival in diIIicult times
9. Roles
4 Past
4 Trainer
4 Future: Facilitator (Process control) onsultant (Provide answer) Trainer (Skills, attitudes, knowledge)
10. Skills Required
4 onsulting
4 Needs assessment
4 Needs analysis
4 Data collection
4 System Design
4 Long range planning
4 ost-beneIit planning
4 Evaluation
4 Researc
4 Learning
4 Facilitation
4 Training
11. Training skills
4 Delivering Training
4 reating lesson plans
4 Media Production
4 Department Budgeting
4 ourse Sceduling
4 oordinating events
4 Developing survey, questionnaires
4 Manage external vendors or trainers
12. Old Relationsip wit Organization
4 Support Iunction
4 ost center
4 Little relationsip exists between dept activities and organizational goals
13. New Relationsips
4 Proactive Function
4 ProIit enter
4 Documented savings related to waste, turnover, deIects, and downtime
4 A ig relationsip exists wit organizational goals
14. Traditional Training Function
4 Indirect link to organizational bottom line
4 Lack oI management support
4 No relation to oter organizational Initiative
4 Lack oI respect and credibility
15. Strategic Direction
4 Learning Organization tat encompasses:
4 Improving organizational learning capabilities
4 Facilitating organization development or reengineering
4 Building team based workIorce to enance productivity
4 ultivating world class customer care
4 Upgrading operational excellence
4 Building, expanding and manage knowledge
16. Improving organizational learning capabilities
17. Organizational Learning
4 Focus on training and learning
4 Training and learning must be Iun, practical and interactive
4 Exploring new ways oI training and learning metods suc as Multisensory, NLP, Visual/Music/Multimedia, Dialogue, Facilitative
and etc
18. Learning
4 Widening learning cannels suc as accessing to internet, resource library, audio visual
4 Hold in ouse seminar, conIerence and worksop to improve convergence and divergence oI knowledge
4 Encourage Team Learning (training department)
19. Prioritize Training ourse
Focus on te Ioundation Ior Iirst year
ustomer are
Retail Training
Mercandizing Display
Supervisor Development
Team Development
HR competency training
20. Wat we do now
4 onduct Iundamental training
4 Setting up team learning
4 Applying Iacilitative and multi-sensory training
21. Wat can we do Iurter?
4 Exploring latest training metodology
4 Widening learning opportunities suc as ertiIicate Program
22. Facilitating organization development or reengineering
23. Organization Development/Reengineering
4 Function as Process Iacilitator
4 Using various Iacilitator tools suc as
HPE: PerIormance
5 Wy
Flow art
Run art
4 Needed Ior Iundamental cange due to outdated organization system (;policies, roles and responsibilities etc)
24. Wat are we doing now?
4 Renovation mental reearsal Nesan/Laurence
4 Store clearance Nesan/Laurence
4 Price ange - Laurence
4 Energy level oI asier una/Zaidi/Laurence
4 Motivational level oI employees
4 ollecting problems Iacing by employees troug customer service training- Trg Dept
25. JMI: Our Iirst client oI onsultancy
4 onduct Iield study and consulting on JMI Irom 15 t Sept onward (45 days)
4 InIormed Zaidi, te branc manager oI JMI.
4 Areas to look into:
Redesigning jobs or work tasks
Improving inIormation Ilow
Improving Ieedback to perIormer
Improving OJT (on job or oII job training)
Using structure practice (OA2)
Improving tools and equipment
Using job or perIormance aids
Improving reward systems
26. Wat can we do Iurter?
4 Facilitating te Iinal project management by doing mental reearsal Ior Hypermarket
4 AMES Ior Hypermarket
4 Examine te organization system oI SUBAN
4 Doing organization studies oI SKE and oter brances
4 Move into troubled brances to Iind root course and solutions
4 Initial projects to rescue critical area oI Mydin
27. Tings to remember
4 Water and stone
4 Human psycology
4 Positive orientated
4 Ambience
4 Beware oI people
28. Building team based workIorce to enance productivity
29. Building team based workIorce
4 Organize roup to become Team
4 Train team to be SelI Directed Work Team (SDWT) or SelI Managed Team (SMT)
4 Te move will revolutionize te industrial practice oI retail industry
4 Implement in MN ManuIacturing suc as AMD, Nestle and Komag in Malaysia
30. Wat is SDWT?
4 Empower to make decisions
4 Know eac oter jobs
4 Supervisors act as Iacilitator
4 Accountable Ior work group
4 Facilitator, team leader and team member
31. Skills needed 1/2
4 Leadersip
4 ommunication
4 Interpersonal
4 roup problem Solving
4 Peer oacing and Ieedback
4 onsensus decision making
4 onIlict management
4 Project management
32. Skills Needed -2/ 2
4 Team dynamics
4 Process Improvement
33. ange oI Perception oI Team Members
4 Accept cange
4 Try new tings
4 Take on more responsibilties
4 Held accountable
4 Take actions
4 Act in te best interest oI team
4 Take risks
4 Be open minded
34. Experiment on JMI
4 Halid
4 8 45 am
4 15 people
4 Daily meeting and discussion
4 Rest 30 minutes in aIternoon
4 Scram
35. Agenda oI Meetings
4 Motivation saring
4 Improvement projects
4 roup and individual appraisal
4 Problems and solutions saring
4 Ways to increase sales and customer base
4 Ways to upgrade customer service, grooming
4 ousekeeping and mecanizing
4 et to know eac oter activities
4 Training
36. ultivating world class customer care
37. ustomer are Driven
4 ustomer are
4 omplete JMI`s Training
4 Still no positive results. It proves my ypotesis is rigt. It is te organizational system (80) tat contribute to te 'indiIIerent oI
customer service
38. Wat are we doing now?
4 ompleted customer care training at HJMI witin six week time
4 ompleted te manual writing (Fara)
4 Training at Malacca (5 t -13 t Sept)
39. Wat can we do Iurter?
4 Weekly Iocus Floor Meeting, Daily BrieIing
4 ompetition
4 Poster
4 ustomer Survey Iorm
4 Remember customer names
4 Field study on JMI Organization System Manpower, Roles and responsibilities, Leadersip style etc..
40. Operasi Akar 2
4 Operational excellency driven Nesan
4 360 degree Ieedback Ior Leadersip style
4 Set up round Rules oI Human Relationsips
41. Upgrading operational excellence
42. Operational Excellency Driven
4 Implement ousekeeping and mecanizing display
43. Wat do we do now?
4 Training an audit SKE
4 Begin training at JMI
44. Building, expanding and manage knowledge
45. Knowledge Management
4 E Learning
4 Internet Strategy
4 Portal InIormation
4 ommunity oI Expert
4 Best Practice/Lesson-Learned Saring
4 Enlarge learning cannels
46. E Learning
4 Build learning module online Ior managers and executives to learn
4 Incorporating LMS into our recording system
4 Experimenting sort and practical topic suc as:
10 minutes learning on eIIective email writing
10 minutes learning on vendor negotiation
10 minutes learning on Englis Ior customer service
47. Internet Strategy
4 Searc inIormation Ior competitive edge
4 Teac internet searc strategy
4 Formulate internet user policy to draw boundaries oI surIing and searcing
4 Train buyers, HR, branc executive etc.
4 reate directory searc Ior relevant departments
48. Portal InIormation
4 Put up useIul inIormation on training department
4 Provide a online suggestion and Ieedback Iormat
49. ommunity oI Expert
4 ater expert Ior saring knowledge
4 ollect list oI skills, knowledge, obbies and acievement oI every employees
4 Have inIo excange session
4 Do bencmarking tours
50. Best Practice/Lesson-Learned Saring
4 Invite experts to sare suc as Victor and Halim
4 Facilitate te session to ave tangible outcome
51. Enlarge learning cannels
4 Access to Public Library
4 Access to Magazines
4 Access to Internet
4 Access to books (RM 300)
52. Wat do we do now?
4 Facilitate Halim`s session
4 ater te list oI skills Irom HR personnel
4 Doing some studies on LMS and e module
53. Wat can we do Iurter?
4 Have web presence at intranet (Oct)
4 Put up e Module online (Nov)
54. Wo do wat?
4 List down our expertise
4 Take one strategy direction to campion
4 Teac internet searc to access inIo
4 Master learning skills
4 Master Iacilitation skills
4 Master training skills
4 Set up selI manage team Ior ourselve
4 Team learning on workbook
55. Next
4 Have weekly meeting
4 Have weekly strategy discussion to generate action plan
4 Have weekly training

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