Mitosis Vs Meiosis

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Mitosis Meiosis

Purpose The purpose of mitosis is cell growth, repair, and The purpose of meiosis is the production of gametes
asexual reproduction. for sexual reproduction.
It produces 2 daughter cells that are genetically It involves the reduction of chromosome number by
identical to each other. half, leading to genetic variation in the offspring.

Number of divisions One division, resulting in the formation of 2 daughter Two divisions: meiosis I & meiosis II, resulting in
cells the formation of 4 daughter cells.

Chromosome number Remains the same in daughter and parent cell Halved in the daughter cells (haploid) compared to
(diploid). parent cells (diploid).

Genetic variation Produces genetically identical daughter cells to the Genetic variation introduced through crossing over,
parent cell, so no genetic variation introduced. independent assortment, and random fertilisation,
resulting in genetically diverse daughter cells.

Synapsis and Crossing over No synapsis or crossing over. Synapsis occurs in meiosis I, where homologous
chromosomes pair up and form tetrads.
Crossing over, the exchange of genetic material
between homologous chromosomes, can occur at this
stage, contributing to genetic diversity.

Number of daughter cells 2 daughter cells, each with the same chromosome 4 daughter cells, each with half the chromosome
number as the parent cell. number of the parent cell.

Occurrence Occurs in the somatic (non-reproductive) cells Occurs in the germ cells (cells that give rise to
throughout an organism’s life for growth, repair, and gametes) during the formation of sperm and eggs for
asexual reproduction. sexual reproduction.

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