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Cell structure and function in bacteria

^ cause of endotoxic

Gram positive Gram negative

Cell wall - Thick - Thinner
- Peptidoglycan composed of N- - Peptidoglycan only - Outer membrane: lipopolysaccharide (LPS) +
acetylglucosamine (NAG) and - Teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid proteins + phospholipids
N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM)  Act as antigen for serological - LPS: toxic = endotoxin (endotoxic shock)
- Made in cytosol and classification.  Pyrogenic (induces fever)
transported by carrier molecule:  Substrates for autolytic enzymes  Activate macrophages and complement.
bactoprenol  Bind + supply Mg to cell.  Mitogenic for B-lymphocytes
 Anchor underlying cell membrane  Induces interferon production.
 Causes tissue necrosis and tumour
- Periplasm: gel-like matrix of nutrients
- Peptidoglycan

Structures external to cell wall

Structure Function
Fimbriae and pili - Hair like appendages - Bind to surfaces e.g. mucosal surfaces.
- Pili: cell conjugation (transfer of genetic material from
one bacterium to another)
Flagella - Long, thin whip like appendages - Movement towards or away from stimuli
- Can vary in number: One to hundreds - Immunogenic (evokes immune response)
Capsule - Made of polysaccharides - Evade phagocytosis.
- Virulence factor
- Resist detergents.
- Strongly antigenic
Structures internal to cell wall
Nucleoid - DNA coiled.
- lies in cytoplasm attached to cell
- Lacks histone proteins (basically
Cytoplasmic membrane - Phospholipids and proteins - Active transport
- Site for respiratory chain components
Mesosomes - Invagination of cell membrane - Respiratory activities of the cell
Ribosomes - 70S - Protein synthesis
Cytoplasm - Fluid-like (same as eukaryotes)
Endospores - Spherical - Helps withstand:
- identified by Schaeffer - Bacterial DNA  High temps
Fulton stain = green - Ribosomes  Desiccation (drying)
- High concs of dipicolinic acid  Chemicals e.g. detergents


Solution Identify
Gram stain Crystal violet iodine stain - Gram positive bacteria’s thick peptidoglycan
cell wall traps the stain = purple
- Gram negative doesn’t = pink

Acid fast Red dye carol fuchsin - High content of mycolic acid in acid fast
- Mycobacterium
Endospore staining Malachite green - Stain penetrates endospores
(Schaffer-Fulton) Counterstain: safranin

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