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SCOLIOSIS a. Look: Shoulder asymmetrical, 7.

Musculosceletal state of UE (brief aja)

ANAMNESIS Mammae asymmetrical 8. Gait
1. Identity: age, job b. Feel (-) Supine
2. Chief complaint: asymmetrical back, hump, pain c. Move: HyperlaxityObjective 9. Musculosceletal state of LE:
3. Time of 1st diagnosis scaleBeighton scale a. Look
4. Therapy 3. Trunk posture, look, feel LATERAL b. Feel
a. Surgery a. Look: Forward head, Hyperkyphosis, c. Move: LLD, laxity of
b. Rehabilitation : exercise Shoulder protracted/rounded, Hip genu/MCL/LCL/ankle, ROM
c. Orthosis : braceused flexion, Knee flexion1 side knee d. MMT Trunk flexor
since ..., ...hours/day, side effect flexion on LLD, Genu recurvatumin e. Refleks
d. Home program hyperlaxity, Flat foot 10. Special test:
5. Progressivity b. Feel: Spasm of serratus anterior, a. Thomas test
6. Time of menarche shoulder muscle, pect mayor b. SLR  Bragard confirm
7. Limitation in activity/ADL c. Move: Shoulder Prone
a. Ambulation protractedflexible/stiffness? 11. MMT Extensor
c. Restriction in job/school/leisure a. Look: Hairy patch/skin dimple,Low 1. Activity/participation:
d. Playing hairline/webbed neck, shoulder a. Ambulation
e. Sport asymmetrical, alignment vertebra... b. ADL
f. Risk of fall conveks to..., body arm c. Restriction in job/school/leisure
8. Other complain: distancemeasured from epicondylus d. Playing
a. dyspnea when climbing stairs/run 100 med-waist, ankle valgus/varus e. Sport
m/doing activities/etc b. Feel : confirm alignment vertebra, f. Risk of fall
b. fatigue spasme of upper trapezius, rhomboid, 2. Impairment:
c. pain parathorakal, dan paralumbal muscle, a. Limited chest expansion
d. neurological deficit: numbness, pelvic obliquity b. Low endurance
weakness, bladder/bowel c. Move : plumbline, Special test c. Exercise intolerance
9. Environmental factor: family, accessibility at 5. Special test d. Contraction of knee flexor/pectoralis
home, financial, insurance a. Adam forward bending major
10. Personal factor: work/school, psychological test+Waterpass/scoliometer: hump/rib e. LLD
problem, hope prominence on the right/left side with f. Balance
height ... cm (7⁰ in scoliometer=20⁰ in g. Hyperlaxity
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (patient undressed) x-ray 3. Psychosocial problems
Standing b. Schober testdr Peni said no need to
1. Vital sign, nutrition perform because it doesnt tests the REHABILITATION GOALS
2. Trunk posture, look, feel ANTERIOR lateral dimension (necessary in AS) Adolescent
6. Chest expansion
1. Evaluation of scoliosis structure by scoliosis a. Aerobic activities (including sport)
serial x-ray: b. Respiratory training
a. Erect c. To improve exercise capacity and
b. Lateral bending right-left respiratory muscles function
c. Supine
d. Lateral
e. Pelvis
2. Control curve progression
3. Relieve the pain/other complain
4. Improve joint mobility
5. Evaluation and maintenance of respiratory
1. Evaluation of scoliosis structure
2. Relieve the pain/other complain
3. Improve joint mobility
4. Evaluation and maintenance of respiratory

1. X ray of scoliosis
2. MRI
3. Spirometry: If a thoracic scoliosis exceeds 50–
60°decreased VC
4. 6MWT

SSE (Scoliosis-specific exercise)

1. EDLF (Elongation, Derotation, Lateral Flexion)
2. Latihan menjauhi Pad
3. Schroth exercise:
a. 1. Axial elongation
b. 2. Deflexion
c. 3. Derotation
d. 4. Rotational Breathing
e. 5. Stabilization
5. Respiratory exercise

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