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Người hướng dẫn khoa học: TS. TRỊNH HỮU TUẤN

Hà Nội, 2024

VIỆN ĐÀO TẠO SĐH Dùng cho: Các lớp cao học
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút

Họ và tên học viên: ……………………………………….. Ngày sinh: …………………….

Chuyên ngành: …………….. Lớp: …………………….. Mã học viên: …………………..


Questions 1-20: Complete the following sentences by choosing A, B, C or D
1. “What’s the price of this bag?” “…………...”
A. In US dollars? B. You have to pay immediately C. VND 50,000 D. It’s much cheaper
2. Pointing at someone to attract his / her ………… usually considered rude in most social situations.
A. approach B. attention C. signal D. assistance
3. Don’t drink to drive. The effects of alcohol can be extremely ……………in diving.
A. endanger B. endangered C. dangerous D. danger
4. While I ……………….along the road, I saw a friend of mine.
A. was cycling B. have cycled C. cycled D. am cycling
5. They worked for two hours and then they stopped ………………a rest.
A. having B. to have C. had D. to have had
6. Mrs Lien , ………………son is studying at the University of law, is a farmer.
A. whose B. who C. whom D. that
7. This is the shortest way to the city center; ……………, it is not the only way.
A. however B. although C. therefore D. while
8. Peter is not …………… to go swimming alone.
A. old enough B. enough old C. so old D. so young
9. It is our duty to care for ...........…..sick.
A. an B. the C. a D. no article
10. “Thank you for your help, Linh” “ …………..”
A. With all my heart B. Never remind me C. All it is for you D. It’s my pleasure
11. How many ………… took part in the 22nd SEA Games?
A. competitors B. competitive C. competes D. competitions
12. To prepare for the 22nd Sea Games, Vietnam carried ….an intensive program for its athletes.
A. over B. on C. up D. out
13.……………, America depends on Africa for 40 % of its oil imports.
A. Interesting B. Interestingly C. Interested D. Interest
14. The Red Cross is a…………organization whose purpose is to help people in war time and disasters.
A. commercial B. political C. humanitarian D. Military
15. Most people think it’s . . . . . . . to prepare for a job interview.
A. polite B. honest C. exciting D. stressful
16. Boys often enjoy doing things in a …………..way.
A. create B. creative C. creativity D. creatively
17. Two close friends . . . . . . . for the same job by accident.
A. provided B. admit C. reduced D. applied
18. The teacher told her students to concentrate …………..what she was saying.
A. on B. at C. to D. about
19. The earlier she leaves, . . . . . . . . . . .
A. the sooner she will arrive C. she will soon arrive
B. the soonest she will arrive D. she will arrive sooner
20. . . . . . . . . . . . the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more.
A. While B. Despite C. Although D. Because of


Questions 1-5 Circle the letter next to the correct explanation A, B, C or D

A. The librarian needs to see your books before you go

B. Make sure you take all your books with you.
C. The librarian will show you where to put your books.
D. Return your books before you leave the library.

A. You need a special ticket to travel on a Friday.
B. Supersaver tickets cannot be bought before the weekend.
C. You can save money by travelling on a Friday.
D. Supersaver tickets can be used every day except Fridays.

A. Drinks cannot be ordered at the bar.
B. This machine is not working at the moment.
C. There is a drinks machine in the bar.
D. Use this machine when the bar is closed

A. This door must always be kept locked.
B. Lock the room when it is not being used.
C. This room cannot be used at present.
D. Keep the key to this door in the room

A. Do not park in front of this entrance.
B. Only use this entrance in an emergency.
C. Permission is needed to park here.
D. Always keep this door open.

Questions 6 - 15: Read the information and then answer the questions. (Choose A, B, C or D)
Rik Mayall talks about his experiences as an actor
I've enjoyed all the parts I've played, especially people who aren't very nice, such as Alan, the
politician I played in the TV comedy series The New Statesman. Some people loved him, but there were
others who were against the programme because they thought it was wrong to make jokes about politics on
television. I haven't seen that series for years. I don't think they could repeat it because many of the jokes
were from that time. Comedy does date sometimes, though the basic idea behind the series - a self-important
person - can be true of any time.

I do a lot of film work and still enjoy playing funny characters on TV, but I prefer theatre. I need a
live audience to keep me going. If I chose a favourite part, it would be Henri in A Family Affair, a play we
performed up and down the country several years ago. It's a comedy, directed by Andy de la Tour, a good
friend of mine. It's about a family who meet to celebrate a birthday, and all kinds of things happen - things
that could happen to anyone, anywhere. That's why it's so funny.
I really liked playing the part of Henri because in some ways his character is similar to mine. Henri's a bit of
a loner and behaves very badly at times. I was delighted when the authors of the play saw it and
congratulated me, saying I was exactly as they'd imagined Henri. Although the play is a comedy, it contains
serious messages, such as how thoughtless people can be. It's very true to life and that's why I like it.
6, What is Rik Mayall’s main purpose in writing the text?
A to suggest reasons for the success of his career B to explain how he became a comedy actor
C to talk about his favourite acting roles D to describe his future work on television
7. What was The New Statesman?
A, It was a romantic film. B, It was the name of a book.
C, It was the name of a magazine D, It was the name of TV comedy series.
8, What does Rik Mayall say about The New Statesman?
A It won’t be repeated because some people were upset. B Not everyone approved of it.
C It was based on an unpleasant person he met. D He enjoys watching it again from time to time.
9, What kind of work does Rik Mayall prefer?
A performing in front of an audience B acting with his close friends
C doing comedy series for television D making films about real people
10. What is “A Family Affair” about?
A, It is about a family who meet to celebrate a birthday. B, It is about a politician.
C, It is about an actor who was very famous. D, It is about Andy de la Tour.
11, Why was Rik Mayall pleased about acting in “A Family Affair”?
A He could insist on which character to play.
B The writers of the play admired his performance.
C It allowed him to do some serious acting.
D He played a character who was very different to himself.
12, Who was the director of “A Family Affair”?
A, Andy de la Tour B, Rik Mayall C, Alan D, Henri
13, What is the relationship between the writer and the director of A Family Affair?
A, they are brother B, They are cousins
C, They are good friends D, They are classmate at school
14, What did Rik Mayall think about Henri’s character?
A, It is totally different from his. B, It is quite different from his.
C, It is similar to his. D, Rik Mayall didn’t like Henri’s character.
15, Which of the following is the best description of Rik Mayall?
A, He is a comedy actor who dislikes playing roles that are based on real life.
B, He is a well – known actor who has given up playing funny characters on TV in order to concentrate on
serious theatre.
C, He is a famous actor who played in A Family Affair because he said it reminded him of his own family
D, He is a successful actor who says that he enjoys playing characters who are unpleasant.

Questions 16-20: Read the text then choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each space
Who we are:

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural 16)....... is a specialised international agency that
was founded in 1945. Through its activities within the fields of education, social and (17),
culture and communication, UNESCO is (18)........contributing to the achievement of the Development
Goals of the United Nations Millennium Declaration, especially those (19) ......... aim to reduce the
proportion of people living in extreme (20).........., to achieve universal primary education, and to ensure
environmental sustainability.
16. A. Fund B. Association C. Organization D. Organizer
17. A. natural B. naturally C. nature D. naturalness
18. A. active B. action C. actively D. act
19. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
20. A. poor B. poorly C. the poor D. poverty
Question 1 - 5: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the original sentence. (1 point)
1. They believe that he will pass the final exam.
 He ……………………………………..
2. She was too old to carry that heavy case.
 She was so ……………………………………..
3. I have never travelled by plane in my life.
 Never ……………………………………..
4. I have fewer books than she has.
 She has ……………………………………..
5. “Who has been sitting in my chair?” said the chairman.
 The chairman wondered ……………………………………..
Question 6: (3 points)
Write an essay of around 150 words about “the subject you like best in your master course”.

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