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Advanced Business Communication

Semester End Examination MSc(H& HA)
Advanced Business Communication

1) The Johari windowpane that denotes information that an individual knows about himself but is
unknown to others is called ___Hidden Pane_______.
2) Crisis communication enables organizations to organization to effectively communicate during an
emergency situation.__

3) The rational Adult Ego state remains invested in __here and now___ while thinking and taking
4) The reading skill that is used to read any text swiftly and rapidly to get a gist of the information is
__skimming and scanning______

5) __An email or Electronic Mail_____ is a store-and-forward method of writing, sending, receiving

and storing messages over the internet.

6) A process in which managers and supervisors talk to their teams for exchanging information and
ideas is known as __Downward Communication_______

7) ___Groupware_____ is a software that enables supervisors to manage workflow via individual

computers, allows several people within the organization to keep track of projects, manage
deadlines and much more.

8) A ‘Distributive Approach’ to Negotiation is based on the premise that _one person succeeds only
if other person looses____

9) A written record of the business conducted in a formal meeting is called__MoM minutes of


10) Policy Briefings deal with ____Changes in systems or routines, new deadlines, holiday staffing
arrangements, pension arrangements, Health & Safety, etc.__ topics.

11) Teacher-student interactions fall into _Classroom_ zone of Proxemics.

12) Reading a textbook for understanding concepts, theories is __Intensive_____ reading

13) __Scanning__ is a type of reading used to identify typographical errors in a printed text.

14) A PR manager reached maximum public through the __Press Release or Multimedia_____
channel of communication.

15) “Yay”!!!, “Woo-hoo” – making non speech sounds and expressing emotions is a characteristic of
_The Child__ ego state in TA.

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Advanced Business Communication
16) __Notices__ is a written communication that conveys the date, time and venue for a meeting to
participating members.

17) When an organization exploits its customers to gain unfair profit or information it is
__Organizational__ crisis.

18) High context cultures follow a __polychronic perception__ concept of time as a way to

19) Organization name, start & end time of meeting, location of meeting, date; these are parts of the
_Header__ in an agenda.

20) BCC in email writing refers to Blind Carbon Copy

21) Official Circulars are internal communication documents sent by __Head or senior members of

22) Post crisis analysis is important to understand_formal analysis of what was done well, what
could be done better next time and how to improve various elements of the crisis response

23) Non -verbal communication through the use of touch is known as __Haptic Communication_.

24) The best possible approach that creates a sense of having achieved value in Negotiation is
___Win Win position for both parties__.

25) The 3 major components of a meeting are __Notice, Agenda and Minutes____

26) The planned and sustained efforts to establish and maintain goodwill between an organization
and its public is known as __Public Relations_

27) Identify the type of transaction in the following dialogue:

Manager:’ This report that you have made is pathetic!
Subordinate: “I’m very sorry. I will change it right away”.
THIS IS Critical Parent to Adult Transaction

28) Reading for pleasure, improving one’s general knowledge is known as_Intensive Reading___

29) The ego states of Transactional Analysis are _Parent Adult and Child Ego State_________.

30) Notices, as a form of official communication, are sent to the participant members _long before_
the meeting.

31) Identify a barrier to Cross-cultural communication:_Body Position and Movements, Values and

32) Minutes of the meeting are mostly recorded by _Secretary___ of the company.

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Advanced Business Communication
33) The use of body movements such as head, arms, posture etc. as a form of communicationis
known as___Kinesics____

34) The written briefing details from the CEO or board which will be passed on to every employee at
every Team Briefing meeting __Core Brief_____

35) In Transactional Analysis, sarcasm is said to be a ____psychological____ form of transaction.

36) Specific behaviours towards others that an individual learns on the basis of certain assumptions
made very early in the life are known as __The life positions____

37) A mother/father- figure type personality that seeks to keep a child personality happy and safe is
known as __Nurturing Parent___in Transactional Analysis.

38) The PR manager must have ___Effective Public Relation____ skills for media and public

39) This is a list of items to be discussed in the meeting __Agenda___.

40) A daily briefing should not last for more than __15 or 20____ minutes.

41) Circulars written and circulated by institutions containing matters of public interest, welfare are
known as __Public Circulars____.

42) The ___Body__ of the agenda lists the actual business to be transacted during the meeting.

43) ‘Blind Spot’ in the Johari window indicates _____information that I do not know about myself but
of which the group may know__ about me..

44) The acronym IM in technology-based communication stands for __Instant Messaging____

45) Cross cultural communication is described as __is a process of creating and sharing meaning
among people from different cultural backgrounds using a variety of means. The term cross-
cultural communication is used interchangeably with intercultural communication at times._____.
46) The 4 stages of negotiations are __Preparation, Opening, Bargaining and closing phase___

47) The ___Adaptive__ child state changes oneself to fit into the world around them.

48) ___Video___ conferencing system allows the participants to clearly understand other’s

49) Non-verbal communication with eye movements is known as ___Oculesics_____

50) Software errors or server breakdowns that result in customers not being able to access
company’s products/services is called__Technological____ crisis.

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Advanced Business Communication

51) A Notice about upcoming meeting is distributed to _ all the prospective participants____ within
the organization.

52) The full form of PDA is __Personal Digital Assistant_______.

53) The 2 components of an ideal agenda of meeting are ___Header and Body_____.

54) The curious and explorative child state who always likes to try something new is known as
__The Little Professor__ in Transactional Analysis.

55) Looking through the table of contents/Index and turning straight to a specific piece of information
is known as __Scanning_______.
56) A method for improving the quickness in reading without reducing the comprehension or
understanding is _Speed Reading_____.

57) When a response to the stimulus is from a different state other than the ego state invited, it is
known as ___Crossed____ transaction.

58) A fundamental unit of social action - physical, verbal or non-verbal, that shows recognition of
another person is known as ___Stroke___ in Transactional Analysis.

59) During official meetings, the first topic to be discussed on the agenda is __Important Tasks____.

60) Personnel Crisis occurs when ____an internal stakeholder of the organization is involved with an
illegal or unethical scandal that impacts the company's reputation_.
61) The __Opening Phase___ stage involves both negotiating parties presenting their case to each
other and setting the tone of the negotiation.

62) Individuals for whom life often seems filled with despair and hopelessness and negative thoughts
may lead to destructive and violent behaviour are said to be in __I am not Ok you are not Ok__
life position.

63) Dress codes, gifting, degree of formality are examples of ___Protocol__ factors that influence
cross-cultural negotiations.

64) Messages that we indicate with our voice – pitch, tone, speed – to communicate with others is
known as ______________ in non-verbal communication.

65) Genuine compliments such as “I love you”, “You are a wonderful human being” – are considered
_____________ strokes.

66) A separate written brief prepared by each team leader, for his or her own team, containing local
issues relevant to that team is __________________.

67) A document to record questions arising in a briefing either immediately or at a later stage is
known as _______________.

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Advanced Business Communication
68) Sub-vocalised reading is __________

69) _______________ is a positive impact of Technology Based Communication.

70) The Life Position “I’m OK, You are OK – is based on ______________ ego.

71) Negotiations where parties communicate in ways such that neither’s needs are met are

72) The closure phase of negotiations includes

73) Which of the factors affect inter-cultural negotiations?

74) Out of the following examples, identify Kinesics:

75) Oculesics, as non-verbal communication, is a study of:

76) Chronemics is the study of ______ as a part of non-verbal communication.

77) Cultures that accept multitasking, traditional values, social status, face-to-face communication,
use ______ perception of time.

78) Concept of sequential time, to-the-point communication, Instant messaging, and strict deadlines
is acceptable in cultures with _______ perception of time.

79) The study of space between people as a non-verbal communicator is known as _______.

80) 2 people holding hands/ standing side by side/hugging each other will be __________ zone in

72) Intimate zone is a space range of __________ feet in study of proxemics.

73) Spatial distance maintained between relatives, friends is known as ____ in proxemics

74) _______ is a technology based system that allows for the callers message to be received in their
own voice, without any intermediary distortions.

75) The use of mobile phones offers the advantage of ________

76) A machine that scans a printed page, converts it to a signal and transmits over telephone lines to
a receiving printer machine is ___________

77) A collection of computer programs that acts as an interface between the hardware and user

78) McAfee, Avast, Norton, are examples of ___________

79) The tech based communication tool – PDA, is known as

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Advanced Business Communication
80) _______ is a software application required to gain access to information on websites on the

81) Zoom, Webex, GoogleMeet, are examples of __________ conferencing systems

82) _______ allows several people to use same software to create documents, manage projects,
keep track of deadlines

83) Team briefings are based on which of the following principles?

84) A quick talk on monthly successes, achievements and failures is a part of ________ briefings

85) Talks on promotions, transfers, liaison with other departments, special jobs are part of ______

86) A written brief made by team leaders, supervisors containing departmental/sectional concerns

96) Which of the following is a benefit of effective reading

87) Inability to progress beyond a thought, expression or word while reading is known as _____

88) Regression as an obstacle to reading means ____

89) A combination of sight reading with internal sounding of words as if spoken is _________

90) Passages based on history, geography, politics that require the reader to infer and answer
questions are _________

91) The purpose of a ________ is to keep general public aware of events, dignitary visits, CSR
activities etc done by the organization.

92) Creating a press release involves following the golden rule of answering the 5 W’s

93) Circulars containing relevant information sent to partners and shareholders are ________

94) _______ is a commonly used tool of communication meant for fewer recipients within the

95) “Everyone knows I am tall, have a sweet tooth and live close to my workplace” statements like
these form a part of ____________ quadrant of Johari window.

96) Things about me that I don’t know and others don’t know as well are a part of _______ quadrant
of Johari window.

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Advanced Business Communication
97) The Unknown quadrant of the Johari window _________ as we share information about
ourselves and learn through feedback.

98) Transactional Analysis states that ‘Parent’ ‘Adult’ and ‘Child’ are the ____________ of our

99) The ________ ego state tries to make the Child do as the Parent wants them to do with either a
benevolent or malicious intent.

100) Statements such as – Those clothes don’t suit you, I don’t like when you are sarcastic – are
considered as ______ strokes

101) Individuals with self-confidence and an ability to face challenges effectively are said to be in
____________ life position

102) Individuals with constant urge to impose their superiority on others, or to play victim and blame
others for their misery are said to be in _________ life position.

103) Individuals with inferior self-worth, low self-esteem, who often “people-please” and put others
above themselves are said to be in a _____ life position.

104) Circulars with factual content consisting of introductory, closing paragraphs like business letters
are called _________

105) A formal interaction between 2 or more people of an organization, meant for discussion of one or
several pre-defined topics is ________.

106) Minutes of the meetings are written ____________ the meeting

107) A communication tool that possesses features such as emails, multimedia, internet, games,
calendar, calling is ____________

108) The acronym WAP in tech-based communication stands for ________

109) Efficient readers imbibe which of the following qualities?

110) Cultivating active interest in reading helps reduce

121) __________ is a barrier to effective reading as the focus shifts to articulation of words and
expressions than understanding them.

122) The use of a dictionary turns into a reading obstacle when

123) Reading a topic given by the teacher and then answering questions on it requires _________

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Advanced Business Communication
124) A reading method that focusses on readers diverse thinking and knowledge for text appreciation
is ____________

125) A method of capturing an ’image’ of a page to be read for faster comprehension and retention is
known as

126) A reading method that enhances reading pace without compromising retention is known as ____

127) Objective and neutral toned passages based on Biology, Chemistry etc., that pose factual
questions are ___________

128) Passages that require reader to infer information based on writer’s mood, opinion on stock-
markets, economics, finance etc. are ___________

129) Passages on celebrities, sports and leisure are _______

130) Passages that require reader to understand themes and sub-themes, writer’s imagination and
creativity through their written language are ____________

131) Stories of my personal life, my fears and worries that I may not share with others are placed in
___________ quadrant/pane of Johari window

132) A hidden talent of mine, that surfaces during group based communication activity which neither I
nor anyone else knew of is ___________ in the Johari window.

133) The façade decreases through _____________ in order to improve group communication.

134) Seeking and remaining receptive to group feedback about oneself will reduce the ____________
quadrant/pane of the Johari window

135) ________ is said to be a system of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that influence our external
and internal communication.

136) “There, there”. “Don’t you worry”. “It will all be ok”. “I will take care of you” – are statements made
from ___________ ego state

137) “I told you not to do that!’, “Come here right now”, “If you don’t listen I will…” – are statements
made from _________ ego state

138) When one is able to make a decision logically, with an open mind, without any prejudice, one is
said to be using the _______ ego state

139) “Let’s try something new”, “Have you ever wondered...?”, “What if we do this instead?” … -
statements often made in _________ ego state

140) When an individual at times complies to others demands and at times can undermine authority
figures; is rebellious and insecure – behaviour stems from ___________ ego state

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Advanced Business Communication
141) Person A - “Can you help with this task?’
Person B – “I’m already overburdened with work! Why don’t you ask him to do it?”. This is an
example of _________ transaction

142) Person A - “Lets skip the presentation and go out!”

Person B – “Sounds great! Where should we go?”. This is an example of _________ transaction

143) Employee – “Sorry, I won’t have the document ready by tomorrow’s deadline”.
Supervisor – That’s ok. I have been thinking of assigning that task to Bob anyways.” This is an
example of _________ transaction

144) __________ is a channel of communication intended to reconcile differences between parties

and to settle conflict jointly.

145) A win-win approach of negotiation is also known as ___________

146) A compromise approach of negotiation occurs when _______

147) Public relations, as a management function is all about

148) Rumors and partial truths can be put to rest in organizations by _________

149) An individual’s clothing, jewelry, uniform, accessories are examples of _________ as a part of
non-verbal communication

150) Identify the applications of the internet ___________

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