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Tara’s a Talker, Gimli’s a Galoot

Tara’s a dog who is twice as wide

As most dogs are tall.
She is anxious and scared and scary sometimes
And she talks like a human Being.

Gimli is fit, with a capital F

He runs and he jumps and he runs.
And though he is large, he’s loveable too
And sits on his humans to show it.

The two of these dogs may seem so unalike

And outwardly that much is true.
But they are best of friends and through thick and through thin
They gambol and frolic about.

See Gimli brings out the puppy in Tara

She was never able to be.
Her upbringing was ugly and harsh and unkind
And she missed out on learning to play.

And Tara reigns in the reckless abandon

That fills up Gimli’s brain.
He doesn’t see risks, or danger or fear
Especially if it involves a stick.

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