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Haryana Procedure for Grant of Green Energy Open Access

As required by Regulation 6 and Regulation 5 of the Haryana Electricity Regulatory

Commission (Green Energy Open Access) Regulations, 2023 the SLDC/HVPNL filed a
Petition before the HERC seeking approval of the detailed procedure for grant of green
energy open access. The draft submitted by the SLDC/HVPNL received the approval of the
HERC on 29.11.2023.

The Key Provisions of the Procedure are detailed hereinbelow -

Procedure to be read in conjunction with –

1) HERC (Green Energy Open Access) Regulations, 2023

2) Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and conditions for grant of
connectivity and Open Access for Intra-State Transmission and Distribution system)
Regulations, 2012
3) Procedure for grant of Connectivity to Intra-State Transmission System (ISTS) or
Distribution System

Nodal Agencies
i) Grid Controller of India Ltd. (formerly POSOCO) - Central Nodal Agency
(CNA) to set up and operate a single window green energy open access system for
renewable energy by Central Government;
ii) SLDC Haryana – For short term open access (up to a month)
iii) STU – For medium term (1 month to 3 years) and long term (more than 3 years)
open access and grant for connectivity to ISTS or Distribution System
iv) Haryana new & Renewable Energy Department (HAREDA) – For registration of
RE based projects

Pre- requisite for grant of open access

Prior to making an application for registration on the open access portal, all entities shall
obtain connectivity approval from the Nodal Agency for connection to the state grid (intra-
state) as per the HERC (Green Energy Open Access) Regulation 2023
Registration on Green Energy Open Access Portal (GOAR Portal)


- After obtaining connectivity

Application processing entities

i) Procedure defined by GRID – INDIA (POSOCO)

ii) Regional entity applications to be processed by RLDC within 7 days
iii) Intra – state entities applications processed by concerned SLDC

Application process

i) Concerned entity scrutinizes applications and raises defects – to be cured within 2

working days – application rejected, if not cured
ii) Deemed approval of SLDC if no defects communicated within 5 days of
application – automatically forwarded to RLDC

Term of Registration

i) Valid for 3 years

ii) Can be renewed for 3 years
iii) Renewal process to be initiated at least 1 month in advance to avoid discontinuity

Eligibility for Grant of Green Energy Open Access

For Single Consumer

i) Consumers who have contracted demand/sanctioned load of 100kW and above

ii) For a min. twelve-time blocks of 15 mins. Time interval during the day for which
customer to not change quantum of power consumed through open access

For more than One consumer

i) Group of two or more consumers of a DISCOM having contracted demand of

100kW or more and connected to distribution system at 11kV or above on
independent feeder also eligible
ii) All consumers to collectively apply through group representative
iii) All consumers to have necessary infrastructure for time-block wise energy
metering and accounting installed at their premises
iv) Individual consumers of the group shall have to separately pay the prescribed
application fee and SLDC charges. However, if all customers agree for a single
point connection they shall be treated as a single consumer

For consumers not on Independent Feeder

i) May be allowed open access subject to the condition that they agree to the system
constraints as well as the power cut restrictions imposed by the distribution
licensee serving them

Conditions to be Followed to be Eligible


i) Ineligible if declared insolvent/bankrupt/having outstanding dues for more than

two months billing
ii) Ineligible if having a case of unauthorized use of electricity/theft of electricity
pending at the time of application
iii) Consumer shall restrict the sum of his total drawl from open access and from the
distribution licensee up to the total sanctioned contract demand
iv) Maximum admissible drawl in any time block during the day shall be the
difference of sanctioned contract demand and scheduled entitlement

ABT Metering Requirements

i) Consumers and generators to install SEM/IEM/ABT Metering at injection/drawal

points at own cost
ii) Inspection/O&M/testing of metering system shall be done in accordance with
Metering guidelines & specifications of HVPNL along with provisions of CEA
(Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations 2006, HERC (Haryana Grid
Code) 2009

Application Process

i) Application to be made only through the GOAR Portal only by registered entities
ii) Nodal Agency to approve/reject application within 30 days, otherwise deemed
approval granted
iii) STOA and MTOA application shall be allowed if there is sufficient spare capacity
(without augmentation) whereas for LTOA the transmission system may be
iv) Priority given to LTOA (over STOA and MTOA) and non fossil fuel sources

Application Fees

i) STOA – Rs. 5,900/-

ii) MTOA/LTOA – 2,36,000/-
Applications for MTOA/LTOA to be accompanied with BG of Rs. 2,00,000/-
(Annexure H)

Supporting Documents

i) Connectivity Approval
ii) Copy of letter issued by Registrar of Companies (ROC) certifying name of the
Open Access Customer, in case the applicant is not a consumer of distribution
iii) Registration/NOC of project issued by Haryana New & Renewable Energy
iv) Documentary proof/certificate issued by respective DISCOM w.r.t. captive status
v) Single Line Diagram showing connectivity with the grid sub station
vi) Copy of Board Resolution/ Power of Attorney/ Authorization Letter of the
applicant certifying Name & Signatures of the Authorized Signatory (Annexure
vii) Copy of PPA or Sale-purchase agreement of Power
viii) Clearance from concerned party (with whom generator has executed PPA) for sale
of power under open access
ix) Undertakings by the applicant as per Annexure-B
x) Undertaking/ Affidavit for Acceptance of Terms & Conditions as per Annexure-F

MTOA/LTOA Agreement

i) After grant of MTOA/LTOA, the applicant shall sign an MTOA/LTOA agreement

with the concerned licensees within 90 days as per Annexure-J
ii) Agreement to be signed with STU in case LTOA is granted on transmission
system of STU
iii) Agreement to be signed with STU and all those licensees on whose transmission /
distribution system LTOA has been granted

Contents of Agreement

i) Quantum of power
ii) Date of commencement of open access
iii) Point of injection and drawal
iv) Details of Dedicated transmission line, if any
v) Letter of Credit in favour of the agency responsible for collection of
Transmission, Wheeling, Open Access Charges & SLDC Operating Charges in
line with HERC Open Access Regulation


i) Captive generators may bank power up to contract demand on payment of banking

charges and transmission and distribution losses after entering into banking
agreement with DISCOMs
ii) Banked energy shall not be permitted to be carried forwarded to next billing cycle.
The banked power shall be utilized within the same billing cycle failing which the
unutilized energy at the end of the billing cycle shall lapse, and no compensation
can be claimed. However, generators entitled for renewable energy certificates to
the extent of the lapsed banked energy
iii) Banking Charges = 8% of banked energy
iv) Quantum of banked energy permitted = 30% of total monthly consumption
v) No drawl of power during peak load hours (ToD mechanism)
vi) Banking to be carried out by DISCOMs
vii) Settlement of wheeled energy at consumer end shall be in the following order of
a) RE generation after deduction of losses.
b) Captive Power
c) Banked Energy
d) Open Access Power through Exchange / Bi-lateral transactions
e) Discom power
Charges for Green Energy Open Access

i) Transmission Charges
ii) Wheeling Charges
iii) Cross subsidy surcharge
iv) Standby charges, wherever applicable
v) Banking Charges
vi) Application fees/SLDC charges/Scheduling charges/ DSM charges/Reactive
energy charges

Time Frame for Disposal of Application

Sr. Description of activity Time frame

1 Submission of Application 0 day
2 Communication of deficiency or defect in 1st – 2nd day (within 2
the application days)
3 After completion of Application, 3rd– 5th day (within 3
forwarding the case to concerned days)
DISCOMs for consent (after removing
deficiency/defect or submission of
requisite documents)
4 Supply of consent by DISCOM to nodal 6th – 20th day (within 15
agency days)
5 Accept/Reject the application by Nodal 21st – 30th day (within
Agency 10 days)
6 Acceptance or Clarification/Change by the Within 10 days
7 Submission of LTOA agreement Within 90 days

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