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design project reflection:

I. Title Page

A. Design Project Title

B. Designer(s) Name(s)

C. Supervisor(s) Name(s)

D. Institution/Studio

E. Date of Completion

II. Abstract (150-250 words)

A. Design challenge overview

B. Target user/audience

C. Key design objectives

D. Brief description of final design

E. Main innovations or unique features

III. Keywords (5-7 relevant terms)

IV. Introduction (400-600 words)

A. Context of the design project

B. Problem or opportunity statement

C. Design brief and objectives

D. Target user profile

E. Project constraints (time, budget, materials, etc.)

V. Design Research (600-800 words)

A. User research findings

1. Interviews or surveys

2. Observations

3. Personas development

B. Market analysis
1. Existing products or solutions

2. Competitive analysis

C. Inspirational precedents

1. Case studies (Image 1: Inspirational precedent)

2. Mood boards or style guides

VI. Conceptualization and Ideation (600-800 words)

A. Brainstorming techniques used

B. Initial concepts

1. Sketches and diagrams (Image 2: Early sketches)

2. Low-fidelity prototypes

C. Concept evaluation and selection

1. Criteria for assessment

2. User/client feedback

D. Refined concept

1. Detailed sketches or 3D models (Image 3: Refined concept visualization)

VII. Design Development (800-1000 words)

A. Iterative prototyping

1. Medium-fidelity prototypes (Image 4: Prototype evolution)

2. User testing results

3. Design modifications based on feedback

B. Material and manufacturing considerations

C. Sustainability and ethical design choices

D. Final design

1. High-fidelity prototype or final product (Image 5: Final design)

2. Technical specifications

3. User interface/experience (if applicable)

4. Packaging or presentation (if relevant)

VIII. Critical Reflection (600-800 words)

A. Evaluation of the design against initial objectives

B. Analysis of user/client feedback on the final design

C. Discussion of design trade-offs and justifications

D. Reflection on the design process

1. What worked well

2. What could be improved

E. Personal growth as a designer

F. Project's contribution to the field of design

IX. Conclusion (300-400 words)

A. Summary of the design journey

B. Key learnings from the project

C. Potential for future iterations or product extensions

D. Broader implications of the design (social, cultural, environmental, etc.)

X. Acknowledgements (50-100 words)

XI. References

A. Literature sources

B. Image credits (if using external images)

C. Software or tools used

XII. Appendices (optional, not counting towards word limit)

A. Detailed user research data

B. Additional sketches or 3D renders

C. Manufacturing or assembly instructions

D. Sustainability analysis

E. Cost breakdown (if applicable)

This outline is structured to showcase the design thinking process, emphasize visual documentation
of your project's evolution, and critically reflect on both the outcome and the journey. Remember to
integrate at least five high-quality images that best represent key stages of your design process,
ensuring they are well-captioned and referenced within the text. Adjust the word count for each
section as needed while staying within the 3000-5000 word limit.

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