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Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-


Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Document History
Date Revision Reason for Author Reviewer/ PMF PTE PS Owner

16/10/23 0 First draft A.S.

28/12/23 1 Emission A.S./M.L. Z.A. /S.R.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Document History....................................................................................................................................2
Part I – General Information....................................................................................................................5
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................6
1.1. Scope of the Document..........................................................................................6
1.2. Project Overview....................................................................................................6
1.3. Location of the Project...........................................................................................6
1.4. Objectives...............................................................................................................6
1.5. Outline of Existing Facilities..................................................................................6
1.6. Scope overview/summary......................................................................................6
1.6.1. General................................................................................................................6
1.6.2. Equipment List....................................................................................................7
1.7. Interfaces................................................................................................................8
1.7.1. Interfaces with Plant Electrical supply................................................................8
1.7.2. Interfaces with Control supply............................................................................8
1.7.3. Interfaces with Other system...............................................................................8
2. Nomenclature/Abbreviations............................................................................................9
3. Project Level Requirements / General Design Considerations.......................................11
3.1. Standardisation Requirements..............................................................................11
3.2. HSSE & SP...........................................................................................................11
3.2.1. Health & Human Factor Engineering (HFE)....................................................11
3.2.2. Process Safety...................................................................................................12
3.3. Key current equipment parameters.......................................................................12
3.4. Material Selection.................................................................................................13
3.5. Operations & Maintenance...................................................................................13
3.5.1. Mode of operations...........................................................................................13
3.5.2. Maintainability..................................................................................................13
4. Site & Engineering Data.................................................................................................14
5. Process system................................................................................................................17
5.1. Process and Instrumentation Diagrams................................................................17
5.2. Design basis..........................................................................................................17
5.3. Main technical risks..............................................................................................18
5.4. Power Generation.................................................................................................18
5.5. Instrument and Tool Air.......................................................................................18
6. Utility systems.................................................................................................................19

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

7. Interfaces / Tie-ins...........................................................................................................20
8. General/Common Facilities & Systems..........................................................................21
8.1. Facility Layout......................................................................................................21
8.2. Civil/Structural/Architectural...............................................................................22
8.2.1. Structural Improvement....................................................................................22
8.2.2. Civil Works.......................................................................................................22
8.3. Instrumentation & control....................................................................................22
8.3.1. Automation, control, and optimisation..............................................................22
8.3.2. Instruments........................................................................................................22
8.4. Mechanical engineering........................................................................................22
8.4.1. V-1901 Inspection.............................................................................................23
8.4.2. New nozzles in V-1901.....................................................................................23
8.4.3. New in line mixer M-1902................................................................................23
8.4.4. Piping................................................................................................................23
8.4.5. Venting..............................................................................................................24
8.5. Electrical...............................................................................................................24
8.5.1. Frequency converter..........................................................................................24
9. Standards, Codes and Regulations..................................................................................26
9.1. Standards Philosophy...........................................................................................26
9.2. Selection of Engineering Standards......................................................................26
9.3. Selection of Specific Standards for the project....................................................26
10. Further study...................................................................................................................27
Appendix A. P&ID................................................................................................................................28
Appendix B. DRAWINGS....................................................................................................................29
Appendix C. List....................................................................................................................................30
Appendix D. Equipment Data sheet......................................................................................................31

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Part I – General Information

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

1. Introduction
1.1. Scope of the Document

This document contains the BfD (Basis for Design) reactor revamping to improve control safety
process and warranty operativity on the unit known as Shellvis (V-1901) to be able to keep producing
lube oil in Tarragona LOBP.

1.2. Project Overview

The Shellvis unit has been operative for over 30 years, currently works to produce BC SL 2006,
S8551 and LUBAD.
In Tarragona LOBP is the only reactor that complies with the production of these products.

1.3. Location of the Project

The Shell TARRAGONA LOBP is an existing Lube Oil Blending plant (LOBP) located in the
industrial area of LA CANONJA near the city of Tarragona in Spain.

1.4. Objectives

Provide the basis for design to warranty the operativity of the Shellvis unit and its installations.
Newton Ingenieros is the company involved in the development of the project in Bfd and BDEP

1.5. Outline of Existing Facilities

Tarragona LOBP produces lubricant products with the operation activities including raw material
(base oils, additives, packaging) storage and consumption, blending follows the formulation approved
from Regional Products Management, filling into packed products of different sizes (small pack,
pails, drums and IBC), warehouse and logistic (inbound/out bound).
All operation process and quality follow Shell Lubricant Quality System and HSSE management
system to ensure all operation activities are safe for people and environment.
Packed products are stored in the warehouse according to pack-sizes and dispatch per customer
orders. facilities that the project ties-into.

1.6. Scope overview/summary

The Equipment called Shellvis (V-1901) is currently used as a reactor for the production of BC SL
2006, S8551 and LUBAD at the CPDL plant in Tarragona.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

The purpose of this project and document is to describe the necessary actions to ensure the integrity of
the equipment, as assets, to guarantee its long-term operability and security, within the production and
operation lines of the CPDL and introduce those improvements identified and feasible.

This document describes the Basis for Design for the future phase of BDEP engineering and
execution for the total integrity of the asset.
Description of current facilities:

The current operation of the reactor is manually, through local operation using panel CP-1901, located
in the Shellvis building.

1.6.1. General

Main actions included are:

 Main unit:
o Verify the mechanical integrity of the vessel and its jacket.
o Add new nozzles to improve process control.
o Replace the insulation

 Associated equipment:
o Replace in-line mixer
o Verify integrity in tank mixer

 Instrumentation and control:

o Replace existing instrumentation and add new one to improve process control.
o Add new signals to Adasoft Control System and integrate to PLC.
o Add frequency converter or soft started to rotating equipment (mixers and pump) to
improve performance.
o Replace automatic valves and add new ones in lines to storage tanks and in the
flushing line.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

o Improve steam control.

o Replace raw materials flow meter and add steam flow meter.

 Piping:
o Apply pipping modifications to replace flow meter and the in-line mixer.
o Replace steam and condensate lines and install new flow meter in steam line.
o Replace vent duct.

 Civil works
o Adequation of foundation for new in-inline mixer.
o New grating floor in underground level.
o Replace grating floor in stairs to underground level and improve handrail.

 Electrical:
o New wiring for existing and new elements.
o Installation of frequency converter.

1.7. Interfaces
1.7.1. Interfaces with Plant Electrical supply

To ensure safety during execution of electrical works the electrical supply of the Shellvis area must be

1.7.2. Interfaces with Control supply

The Adasoft system must be stopped to integrate the new process system associated with the
modifications in the Shellvis area.

1.7.3. Interfaces with Other system

Other potential interfaces to be considered are the connection to general utilities system such as
steam and air, the Shellvis area can be isolated without causing interference with other plant process.

The interference to consider then is the installation of the proper shut-off valve in each system.

1.7.4. Interfaces with storage

The connection of Shellvis system with the storage facilities must be mechanically and from operation
perspective isolated and planned.

All elements include in the load of raw material, additives and recipe must be disconnected.
All elements included in the transfer of finished production to storage facilities must be also isolated.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

These operations will be planned accordingly with plant operation and productions.

1.7.5. Interfaces with plant productivity

As stated previously, all isolation t¡of the Shellvis equipment and auxiliars must be planned and
executed in accordance to plant’s production and operation management.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

2. Nomenclature/Abbreviations

Main abbreviations of application are:

DN Diameter Nominal. The DN prefix indicates the nominal diameter of a piping system
component in millimetres
DP Design Pressure
DT Design Temperature
HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study
HEMP Hazards and Effects Management Process
HSSE Health, Safety, Security and Environment
PRS Portfolio Requirements Specification

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Part II – Design Basis and Design


Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

3. Project Level Requirements / General Design Considerations

3.1. Standardisation Requirements

PRS design requirements will be applied.

Main chapters and requirements to consider-



3.2. HSSE & SP

3.2.1. Health & Human Factor Engineering (HFE)
Sound engineering to be used, most hardware is standard, so no additional complexities expected.
HFE Requirements for the PRS
1. The following HFE design principles shall be met.

1.1 Operability
The layout of the facility or equipment shall allow for efficient and safe access during the operation thereof
under all normal, upset/emergency, and weather conditions.
The placement and orientation of all valves, controls and displays/instruments, including local control
panels, shall be appropriate to ensure safe and effective viewing, reach, and operation by personnel.
1.2 Maintainability
Equipment requiring maintenance shall be able to be worked on efficiently and safely without removal of
many other items such as piping, motors, etc., by providing adequate space and lay down areas for all
anticipated activities.
Doors, gates and access hatches shall be provided and configured to facilitate ease of maintenance.
1.3 Emergency Egress
All areas of the facility and equipment requiring access shall be able to be evacuated from safely under
normal and emergency conditions.
1.3.1 Walkways on packaged units or on vessel access platforms (e.g., tanks and pressure vessels)
between the vessel piping or other obstruction and guardrail shall be 700 mm (28 in) minimum in width.
1.3.2 Walkways other than on packaged units or vessel access platforms shall be 900 mm (36 in)
minimum in width with additional width required for operating aisles or stretcher accessible routes from
any location in or on a structure or building.
1.4 Manual Materials Handling

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Manual lifting, pulling, pushing, and carrying of equipment, with respect to the biomechanical and
physiological capabilities and limitations of the personnel shall be addressed during design.
Associated needs include the availability of mechanical lifting aids for assisted lifting and appropriate
storage or placement of lifting aids for safe reach and effective operation.
1.5 Communication/Labelling
There shall be clear communication of information and equipment identification, including effective
viewing, reading, and understanding of instructions, signs, labels, and operations and maintenance manuals.
1.6 Work Environment
Environmental factors under the control of the project regarding noise, lighting, vibration, and proximity to
hot, cold, hazardous, and contaminated equipment or areas shall be addressed.
2. Standards
Where there are no specific local regulations pertaining to walking and working surfaces or
means of access to machinery, the following ISO standards shall apply.

2.1 ISO 14122-1:2016 Safety of machinery -- Permanent means of access to machinery --

Part 1: Choice of fixed means and general requirements of access
2.2 ISO 14122-2:2016 Safety of machinery -- Permanent means of access to machinery --
Part 2: Working platforms and walkways
2.3 ISO 14122-3:2016 Safety of machinery -- Permanent means of access to machinery --
Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails
2.4 ISO 14122-4:2016 Safety of machinery -- Permanent means of access to machinery --
Part 4: Fixed ladders
2.5 ISO 11064-3: 2013 Ergonomic design of control centers – control room layout
2.6 ISO 11064-4 :2013 Ergonomic design of control centers – layouts and dimensions of
2.7 ISO 11064-6:2013: Ergonomic design of control centers – Environmental requirements of
control centers.

3.2.2. Process Safety

In order to avoid risks and damages in the process of executing the actions described, the HSSE Study
is developed. The HSSE study is a document that identifies the risks existing at the time of carrying
out the work, analyses them and proposes measures to avoid, mitigate and/or eliminate them.

Thos document also includes all internal safety rules and recommendations of the CPDL.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

3.3. Key current equipment parameters

Some elements of the equipment are to be replaced and renewed

The new instrumentation to be installed in the V-1901 are key equipment for safety. Main information
to be considered is:

Equipment Parameter Notes

V-1901 - Level LAH- High Alarm Level To be replaced
LAL- Low Alarm Level To be replaced
V-1901 - Temperature V1901-TT-03 New
Temperature transmitters
V-1901 External Coil TC-1901-01 Temperature To be replaced
Control Valve
TT-1901-02 Temperature

Table 3.3. Key equipment parameters

The set points must be established during BDEP development and taken in considerations in order to
design the new process control.

3.4. Material Selection

Carbon steel is the standard material for existing equipment and piping in Tarragona LOBP.

3.5. Operations & Maintenance

Same operation and maintenance staff will operate the installations.

3.5.1. Mode of operations

Currently the Shellvis is operated and controlled locally, from its own control system.
Through this project, it is planned to design and implement the necessary improvements to:

1- Maintain local control, thus allowing total control and operability in the local.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

2- Integrate the Shellvis into the control system of the plant, thus allowing the control and operability
of the Shellvis from the main control system of the CPDL.

To achieve this objective, the following has been planned: replacement of instrumentation. laying of
new cabling and peripheral elements for communications. Expansion and integration into a
centralized control system.

3.5.2. Maintainability

The aim of the project is to improve the operability and functionality of the Shellvis, and to extend its
useful life.

To this end, provision has been made for the replacement of the weakest elements, the reinforcement
of existing elements and the repair and/or total replacement of elements with wear or damage.

All the elements will be easy to maintain and access, isolables if necessary with the appropriate
isolation and safety measures

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

4. Site & Engineering Data

CPDL Shell Tarragona is in moderate climatic and seismic data area. Especial attention to seismic
data for this project.
In order to perform design and calculations (thermal stress of pipes, mechanical design and
calculation of supports etc) some data must be considered:
The filtration skid and complete hardware scope will be located inside. (Ambient conditions).
Very high temperature: > 35ºC
Sumer temperature > 30ºC
Winter temperature > 5ºC
Very cold temperature < 0ºC (MDMT* at -10 degC C conservative for outdoor
equipment and piping)

*MDMT = minimum design metal temperature

High rain 50-100 mm/day
Normal rain data 5-10 mm/day 10% of days.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Normal wind 12 km/h
High wind 60km/h
Maximum wind for calculations purposes is 120 km/h

For civil works foundations, category V of seismic activity must be considered.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

5. Process system

This section describes the existing utility services on-site and the changes required as part of this

5.1. Process and Instrumentation Diagrams

These can be found attached:

In the P&ID are represented the equipment, lines, and instrumentation to be replace, installed as new
and to kept.

5.2. Design basis

Table 5.2 contains the main design/operational parameters.

Static equipment:
Description Data
Product/ Service Lube Oil
Capacity 12m3
Operational Volume 10m3
Storage Temperature 120ºC
Working Pressure (max/normal/min) 0/0,27/0,3barg
Wall thickness 6mm
Bottom thickness 8mm

For the V-1901, it is to be inspected to check its mechanical integrity. In addition, new nozzles to be
implemented to improve process control.

Rotating equipment:

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Power Comments
Pump P-1901 11kW Existing, to add frequency
In-line Mixer M-1902 15kW Replace, with frequency
In-line Mixer M-1903 45kW Existing, with frequency
For the rotating equipment, frequency converter needs to be installed to optimize the equipment
In addition, the in-line mixer must be replaced due to equipment performance reduction. The new
equipment is in the plant warehouse.

5.3. Main technical risks

Main operational risks identified:

1) In case of the temperature control system, the product inside the V-1901 could cool down,
increasing viscosity and damaging the final product.
2) In case of in-line or in tank mixer failure, the final product would be damage.

Main risks due to the improvements implementation:

New equipment- Main risk is potential lack of training of operators leading to a maloperation.
New nozzles- Main risk is potential lack of training of operators leading to potential wrong

5.4. Power Generation

Currently the power comes form an existing cabinet that is part of the existing power distribution and
control network.

In the development of the project, main power supply is maintained.

Main change is the installation of three new frequency converters in the MCC and from there new
electrical cable to feed the rotating equipment.

5.5. Instrument and Tool Air

No changes are planned.

There is already instrument air in the area to give supply to new pneumatic valves.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

6. Utility systems

No new utilities system to be employed.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

7. Interfaces / Tie-ins

Tie-in related to this installation are:

 Electrical connections for new frequency converters.
 Isolation of mechanical connections:
o Boiler to be stopped during Steam tien-in.
o Compressed air to be temporary stopped.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

8. General/Common Facilities & Systems

8.1. Facility Layout

Lay-out basis and separation distances must follow the Human Factor Engineering requirements:
HFE Requirements for the PRS
3. The following HFE design principles shall be met.

3.1 Operability
The layout of the facility or equipment shall allow for efficient and safe access during the operation thereof
under all normal, upset/emergency, and weather conditions.
The placement and orientation of all valves, controls and displays/instruments, including local control
panels, shall be appropriate to ensure safe and effective viewing, reach, and operation by personnel.
3.2 Maintainability
Equipment requiring maintenance shall be able to be worked on efficiently and safely without removal of
many other items such as piping, motors, etc., by providing adequate space and lay down areas for all
anticipated activities.
Doors, gates and access hatches shall be provided and configured to facilitate ease of maintenance.
3.3 Emergency Egress
All areas of the facility and equipment requiring access shall be able to be evacuated from safely under
normal and emergency conditions.
1.3.1 Walkways on packaged units or on vessel access platforms (e.g., tanks and pressure vessels)
between the vessel piping or other obstruction and guardrail shall be 700 mm (28 in) minimum in width.
1.3.2 Walkways other than on packaged units or vessel access platforms shall be 900 mm (36 in)
minimum in width with additional width required for operating aisles or stretcher accessible routes from
any location in or on a structure or building.
3.4 Manual Materials Handling
Manual lifting, pulling, pushing, and carrying of equipment, with respect to the biomechanical and
physiological capabilities and limitations of the personnel shall be addressed during design.
Associated needs include the availability of mechanical lifting aids for assisted lifting and appropriate
storage or placement of lifting aids for safe reach and effective operation.
3.5 Communication/Labelling
There shall be clear communication of information and equipment identification, including effective
viewing, reading, and understanding of instructions, signs, labels, and operations and maintenance manuals.
3.6 Work Environment
Environmental factors under the control of the project regarding noise, lighting, vibration, and proximity to
hot, cold, hazardous, and contaminated equipment or areas shall be addressed.
4. Standards
Where there is no specific local regulations pertaining to walking and working surfaces or
means of access to machinery, the following ISO standards shall apply.

4.1 ISO 14122-1:2016 Safety of machinery -- Permanent means of access to machinery --

Part 1: Choice of fixed means and general requirements of access
4.2 ISO 14122-2:2016 Safety of machinery -- Permanent means of access to machinery --
Part 2: Working platforms and walkways

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

4.3 ISO 14122-3:2016 Safety of machinery -- Permanent means of access to machinery --

Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails
4.4 ISO 14122-4:2016 Safety of machinery -- Permanent means of access to machinery --
Part 4: Fixed ladders
4.5 ISO 11064-3: 2013 Ergonomic design of control centres – control room layout
4.6 ISO 11064-4 :2013 Ergonomic design of control centres – layouts and dimensions of
4.7 ISO 11064-6:2013: Ergonomic design of control centres – Environmental requirements of
control centres.

8.2. Civil/Structural/Architectural
8.2.1. Structural Improvement

A grating floor must be built to improve safety in the underground level, and the stair steps are to be
replaced as well as the handrail update. All these changes are proposed for safety of the operators
working in the area.

8.2.2. Civil Works

A new bench for the inline mixer is required.

8.3. Instrumentation & control

8.3.1. Automation, control, and optimisation

Local control for the new elements will be installed during this project. FEED contractor will develop
the Automation and control architecture. Basis will be semi-automated line up of the Shellvis process
(no manual valves, except for maintenance and isolation). This philosophy is selected, that increased
automation and integrate with a more central plant control system.

8.3.2. Instruments

A draft list of elements has been development with elements to be replace and new ones to be added,
to improve process control.

8.4. Mechanical engineering

8.4.1. V-1901 Inspection

The Shellvis V-1901 shall be inspected by NDT test. According to the report result the vessel shall be
repair or could continue operations.
For this work the thermal insulation must be removed and replaced for new one.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Quality control tests to be carried out:

Weld test-
- Visual inspection.
- RX
- Non penetrant Liquids.
Integrity test-
- Hydraulic test at design pressure

8.4.2. New nozzles in V-1901

To improve process control new nozzles temperature and radar level are to be built to the equipment.

8.4.3. New in line mixer M-1902

A new in line mixer is already in the plant warehouse, the scope includes the installation of the new
equipment, including piping modifications and civil works.

8.4.4. Piping

All valves (manual and automatic) are to be replaced for new ones. For lines to be modified heat
insulation to be replaced.

Raw materials line

To replace the existing flowmeter in the raw materials line, the piping is to be modified.

Recirculation line
To replace the existing in line mixer the recirculation must be modify.

Steam and condensate lines

Steam and condensate piping is to be replaced, including control valve and elements as filter, manual
valves among other. Also, a new flowmeter to be installed to have a better control of steam

Storage lines
Manual valves to be replaced for automatic.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Aire flushing line

the flushing valve is to be replaced for automatic valve.

8.4.5. Venting
The venting duct, connected to the air extraction motor of the V-1901, it is to be replaced due to bad

8.5. Electrical

8.5.1. Frequency converter

New frequency converter to be installed for rotating equipment.

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Part III – Regulations, Standards,

Specifications and further study

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

9. Standards, Codes and Regulations

9.1. Standards Philosophy

Local and national legislation will prevail, then the PRS. International standards and best practices
will prevail above other Shell standards (DEPs).

9.2. Selection of Engineering Standards

PRS, February 2018, requirement will be followed as engineering standards. FEED
Contractor must validate and indicate if other Engineering standards are applicable to this project.

9.3. Selection of Specific Standards for the project

Specific standards for these projects are:

ISO 4406  Cleanliness level required
ASTM D892  Foaming analysis method (maximum 30/0)

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

10. Further study


Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Appendix A. P&ID

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Appendix B. DRAWINGS
Plant Lay outs

Mechanical drawing

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Appendix C. List

Instrumentation List
Signal List

Basis for Design – Asset integrity Shellvis V-1901 project

Appendix D. Equipment Data sheet

In line mixer data sheet


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