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Investigating the Relationship Between Parents’ Satisfaction and Teaching

Quality in Mandarin Courses of International Schools, Bangkok

Questionnaire Survey

Dear Participant,
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable to our study on
patents’ satisfaction and teaching quality in Mandarin courses. Please carefully read each question and
respond based on your true feelings, There are no right or wrong answers, with the assurance that all
responses are confidential and solely for research purposes.

The following statements represent your feelings regarding teaching quality. Please indicate the degree of
your agreement or disagreement with each statement [please tick (√) the box].

Strongly Disagree 1
Dimensions Items Options
Disagree 2
Neutral 1. What is your gender? ☐ Male
3 quality 1 2 3 4 5
Perceptions of teaching
☐ Female
Agree 4
1 Objectives of the course curriculum aligned to its content.
Age 2. How old are you ? ☐ Under35
Strongly Agree
2 Learning styles are considered when designing course 5 strategies.
☐ 36-40
3 The teaching of Chinese is adapted to students’ Chinese proficiency levels.
☐ 41-45
4 Provide opportunities to use Chinese through meaningful
☐ 46-50tasks and activities.

5 ☐ Above
Provide activities that arouse students’ interest in learning 50
Grade 3. What grade is your child in ?
of theinteracts ☐ Grade 1-6
6 Teacher well with students.
Child ☐ Grade 7-9
7 Teacher knows Chinese culture well.
☐ Grade 10-12
8 Teacher teaches not only language but also its culture.
Education 4. What is your educational level? ☐ Lower than undergraduate
9 Teacher gives importance to teaching language with its culture.
Level ☐ Undergraduate
10 Techniques used by the teachers are good enough to teach the course.
☐ Postgraduate education
11 Use of multimedia in teaching (e.g., use of overhead projector, PowerPoint presentations)
☐ Other
12 Be up-to-date (e.g., using Internet and recent technologies in teaching)
13 I am satisfied with the decision to choose this course.
14 I am satisfied with the teaching quality of this course.

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