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Original Research Paper

I. Title Page

A. Research Paper Title

B. Author(s) Name(s)

C. Institutional Affiliation(s)

D. Contact Information

II. Abstract (200-300 words)

A. Research problem/question

B. Methodology

C. Key findings

D. Main conclusions

E. Implications

III. Keywords (5-7 relevant terms)

IV. Introduction (600-800 words)

A. Background of the research topic

B. Problem statement

C. Research questions or hypotheses

D. Significance of the study

E. Brief overview of relevant literature

F. Aims and objectives of the research

G. Structure of the paper

V. Literature Review (800-1000 words)

A. Theoretical framework

B. Review of pertinent studies

1. Historical context

2. Current state of knowledge

3. Contradictions or gaps in existing research

C. Positioning of the current study within the literature

VI. Methodology (600-800 words)

A. Research design

B. Population and sampling

C. Data collection methods

1. Instruments (surveys, interview protocols, etc.)

2. Procedures

D. Data analysis techniques

E. Ethical considerations

F. Limitations of the methodology

VII. Results (800-1000 words)

A. Presentation of findings

1. Quantitative results (with relevant statistical analyses)

2. Qualitative results (with themes or categories)

B. Tables and figures (with captions)

C. Patterns and trends in the data

D. Unexpected findings

VIII. Discussion (800-1000 words)

A. Interpretation of results

B. Comparison with previous research findings

C. Theoretical implications

D. Practical implications

E. Strengths and weaknesses of the study

F. Unanswered questions and future research directions

IX. Conclusion (300-400 words)

A. Restatement of research problem and major findings

B. Contributions to the field

C. Recommendations based on the findings

D. Concluding remarks

X. Acknowledgements (50-100 words)

XI. References (formatted according to the required citation style)

XII. Appendices (if necessary, not counting towards the word limit)

A. Supplementary materials

B. Raw data

C. Detailed statistical analyses

D. Sample instruments (e.g., questionnaires, interview guides)

Additional Notes:

1. Adjust the word counts within each section as needed to meet the overall 4000-6000 word
requirement while maintaining appropriate proportions.

2. Ensure that all tables and figures are relevant, clear, and properly labeled with informative
captions. Remember that these captions contribute to the total word count.

3. Citations should be used throughout the paper to support claims and situate your research within
the existing body of knowledge.

4. Maintain a clear, objective, and scholarly tone throughout the paper.

5. If the research involves human subjects, ensure that you discuss how ethical approval was
obtained and how informed consent was managed.

6. Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, and formatting consistency.

7. Follow any additional specific guidelines provided by the target journal or conference.

8. Consider having colleagues review your paper for feedback before submission.

9. Make sure the abstract accurately reflects the content of the full paper and can stand alone as a
summary of your research.

10. Double-check that all required elements (from title to references) are included in the word count
and that the total falls within the 4000-6000 word range.

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