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Southern Christian College

College of Teacher Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH-Health 2

Corinth (10:15 - 11:05)
May 09, 2023

At the end of the discussion, the learners should be able to:
a. identify the go, grow, and glow foods using pictures;
b. generate the importance of go, grow, and glow foods and good eating; and
c. classify foods as go, grow, and glow.
A. Topic: 3 Basic Food Groups
B. Reference:
C. Materials: Chalk, Laptop, Visual Aid, Worksheets, Pictures

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
1. Prayer

“Let us all stand as we pray” (Standing)

“Dear God, help me spend today with a

smile on my face, love in my heart, joy in
His grace, and my thinking cap on all day”

Amen” “Amen.”

2. Greetings

“Good morning, Grade 2! I am glad to see “Good morning, teacher! We’re glad to see
you again!” you, too!”

3. Energizer
“When I say ‘GRADE 2’ you say



“Great! You may now take your seats” (Sitting)

4. Checking of Attendance

“Who is/are absent/s this morning?” “None, teacher”


5. Setting Standard

“Can you still remember my class rules?” “Yes, teacher”

“Can you recite those rules, Gab” Gab: “These are our class rules; participate
actively, behave, listen and follow
directions, raise our hand before speaking
or leaving, and show respect at all times”

“Correct! Will you follow those rules, kids?” “Yes, teacher we will”


6. Review

“Kids, can you still recall the topic that we

have discussed last week?” “Yes, teacher”

“Good! What was it?” (Raising their hands)

“Savvy” Savvy: “We have learned about home and

community safety last week, teacher”

“Correct! Can you enumerate the hazardous Summer: “The hazardous area at home are
areas at home, Summer?” kitchen, stairs, and bathroom, teacher”

“Well said, Summer”

“How can we avoid accidents at home, Mathew: “We can avoid accidents at home
Mathew” by not playing in the kitchen area, not
leaving toys on stairs, and being careful
with our steps”
“Who can tell me what hazards in the (Raising their hands)
community we may experience?”

“Izaac” Izaac: “In our community, we may

experience natural hazards such as floods,
landslides, and more. We can also
experience human-cause hazards such as
human intent, crimes, and other violent

“Correct! Our community may bring us

“There are things we can do to prepare for an (Raising their hands)
emergency. What are those?”

“Can you tell us, Natalia” Natalia: “We can prepare for an emergency
by preparing an emergency kit, planning
ahead, and being informed”
“Great idea!”

“Also, we have to be vigilant”


1. Motivation

Name and Label The Food

“As you can see, I have 3 boxes on the table
named GO, GROW, and GLOW”
“I also have pictures and objects of different
foods. I will call some of you to name each
food and to place each with its correct

“Are you ready?”

“Thumbs up if you are ready”

“Name and label the food, Sophia” Sophia: “That is a slice of bread and it is
an example of GO foods”
“Very good! Put the picture inside the GO

“Name and label the food, Jaycob” Jaycob: That is a fried fish and it is an
example of GROW foods”

“Well said. Jaycob! Put the picture in the

GROW box”

“Leah, name and label the food” Leah: “That is a banana, it is an example of
GROW foods”

“Correct! Put the object in the GROW box”

“Name and label this, Rovin” Rovin: “That is a cereal, teacher. That is
called as GO food”

“Put the picture in the GO box”

“Label and name this, Steve” Steeve: “That are eggs, egg is a GROW

“Nice! 5 claps for everyone” (Clapping)

“Bread and cereals are examples of Go

foods, fish and eggs are examples of Grow (Listening)
foods, and Banana is an example of Glow
“What we did is related with our topic this
morning. We will be learning the foods we
“Based on the activity you had, what do you (Raising their hand)
think will be our topic this morning?”

“Can you share your idea, Scar” Scar: “Based on the activity we had, I can
say that we will be learning about Go,
Grow, and Glow food”
“Correct! We will be discussing that one
later on”
“Are you excited to learn?” “Yes, teacher”

2. Presentation
“Before we proceed, here are the learning
objectives for this lesson”

At the end of the period, the grade 2 pupil

should be able to:
a. identify the go, grow, and glow foods
using pictures;
b. generate the importance of go, grow,
and glow foods and good eating; and (Listening)
c. classify foods as go, grow, and glow.

“This morning, we will be learning more

about 3 Basic Food Groups which are Go.
Grow, and Glow foods”

“What do you think are these group of (Raising their hands)


“Will you share your idea, Ayyas” Ayyas: “These are foods that helps our
body become healthy and strong”
“Good idea, Ayyas!”

“Eating a balanced meal can have many

healthful benefits”

“What type of food you usually eat during (Raising their hands)

“Scarlete” Scarlete: “Before going to school, my

mother prepares me foods such as eggs and
milk for breakfast”
“That is nice! Eggs and milk are good for our
health, those are examples of Grow foods”
Go, Grow, and Glow foods
- These are food that can provide the
proper amount of important nutrients
for our body.
- It can also help us lose weight, boost (Listening)
our health, and reduce our risk of
getting sick.

“The food that we eat could be grouped

according to their functions”

“These groups are classified into what?”

“Correct!” “Go, Grow, and Glow foods, teacher”

Go foods
- It gives us energy.
- These help us run, jump, and play all

“Will you give me an example based from

the activity we have, Zion”
Zion: “Cereals is an example of Go food,
“Very good, Zion!” teacher”

bread cereals rice


corn sweet potato pasta

“Can you site other food that primarily Miles: “Spaghetti and beans, teacher”
provide carbohydrates, Miles”

“Very good!”
Grow foods
- Food that make your body grow.
- Body building food.
- Foods rich in protein and calcium.

“Can you site other example, Abby” Abby: “Eggs and milk, teacher”
“Absolutely correct!”

meat fish nuts

seafood eggs milk

tofu chicken cheese

Glow foods
- Glow food can help in making our
body work well.
- We eat these foods in order for our
body to have vitamins and minerals.
- These are rich in vitamins and
minerals that help us have healthy
skin, shiny hair, and sparkly eyes.

“Can you show me your sparkly eyes, kids” (Showing)

“Thank you, kids”

- fruits such as avocado, papaya,
mango, and banana

- vegetables such as squash, eggplant, (Listening)

and carrot

“Who among you here loves to eat these (Raising their hands)
“Very good! It will help you make your body
work well”

“What groups of food can help us strong and “Go, Grow, and Glow, teacher”

“Very good!”

“Go, Grow, and Glow foods should be part (Listening)

of the daily meal because they provide the
body with the nutrients needed to stay

“These are called Everyday food”

“We also have Sometimes food”

chocolates popcorn jam

“Do you eat most of the food from each “Yes, teacher”
group every day?”

“Which food should you eat less?” “Sometimes food just like chocolates, jam,
and more”

“Correct! Which food should you eat more?” “The everyday food such as fruit,
vegetables, cereals, milk, and more”
“Absolutely correct!”

3. Application

Activity 1
Directions: With a group, classify each
picture according to their functions.

Scoring Rubric:

Teamwork: 50%

Time Management: 50%

Total: 100%

(Working with a group)

“Done classifying the pictures?” “Yes, teacher”

“Okay, let us check”

“Group 1 leader, please tell us what pictures Group 1 leader: “Cereals, rice, and bread
you pasted on Go foods” are Go foods, teacher. These foods can
give us energy”

“Very good! Are all groups have the same

answer with group 1?” “Yes, teacher”

“Great! Group 2 leader, can you enumerate Group 2 leader: “We have fish, nuts, and
the pictures you have pasted on Grow foods” eggs, these foods will make our body

“Correct! Group 3 leader, kindly enumerate Group 3 leader: “Fruits like mango and
the pictures you pasted on Glow foods” papaya and vegetable like carrot are
examples of Glow foods. All of these can
help us make our body work well”

“Well said! 5 claps for all” (Clapping)

Activity 2
Directions: Write T if the statement is true
and F if the statement is false.

____1. Go foods like gives us energy.

____2. Go, Grow, and Glow foods are
considered as sometimes food.
____3. Glow foods help to us to have
healthy skin. (Answering)
____4. Chocolates, jam, and popcorn
are considered as everyday food.
____5. Eating a balance meal can help us
lose weight, boost our health, and
reduce our risk of getting sick.

“Are you all done?” “Yes, teacher”

“Pass your paper forward”

4. Generalization
“What have you learned this morning, kids?” (Raising their hands)

“Summer, kindly tell us your learnings this Summer: “This morning, I have learned
morning” that chocolate bars, jam, popcorn, and
butter are considered as sometimes food”

“Yes it is. How about Abby, can you tell us Abby: “It is important to eat healthy foods
your learnings this morning” such as vegetables, fruits, eggs, nuts, fish,
rice, and milk, it helps us have a healthy
and strong body”
“Well said! You should start eating healthy
foods that can make your body grow, can
help you have a healthier skin and hair, and (Listening)
can give you more energy to run, walk, and

“Everybody say Go, Grow, Glow!” “Go, Grow, Glow!”

“One more!” “Go, Grow, Glow!”


Directions: Encircle the correct answer.

1) Go foods
2) Grow foods

3) Glow foods

Directions: Answer Think and Learn on your book on page 286.

Prepared by: ROSEL N. SORIA

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by: JIMMY L. ESCANAN, JR., LPT

Cooperating Teacher

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