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Southern Christian College

College of Teacher Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 2

Corinth (07:30 - 08:20)
May 09, 2023

At the end of the discussion, the learners should be able to:
a. define that area is measured by equal sized squares;
b. specify the importance of measuring an area in everyday life; and
c. find the area of a given figure using square-tile units.


A. Topic: Measuring Area
B. Reference:
C. Materials: Chalk, PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aid, Worksheets

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
1. Prayer

“Everybody stand, put your hands together, (Standing)

and let us pray”
“Dear God, help me spend today with a
smile on my face, love in my heart, joy in
His grace, and my thinking cap on all day”

Amen” “Amen.”

2. Greetings

“Good morning, grade 2! It is nice to see “Good morning, teacher! It is nice to see
you!” you, too!”

3. Energizer

“Let us dance first before anything else to

check if you have a full energy this morning”
“Let as dance altogether as I play the
downloaded energizer from YouTube”

(Playing the video) (Dancing)

“Great! You may now take your seats” (Sitting)

“Ready for a new lesson in Math?” “Yes, teacher, we are ready”


4. Checking of Attendance

“Kindly look at your seatmates and “None, teacher”

say “Hi”, who is/are absent/s this

“That is great!”

“5 claps for everyone!” (Clapping)

5. Setting Standard

“Can you still remember our class rules?” “Yes, teacher”

“Can you recite those rules, Zion” Zion: “These are our class rules;
participate actively, behave, listen and
follow directions, raise our hand before
speaking or leaving, and show respect at
all times”

“Correct! Can you follow those rules, kids?” “Yes, teacher we will”


6. Review

“Children, can you still recall the topic we

have discussed last week?” “Yes, teacher”

“Good! What was it?” (Raising their hands)

“Toni” Toni: “Last week, we have discussed about

measuring time and comparing and
estimating lengths, teacher”
“Great! Can you now tell and write the time “Yes, teacher”
using analog and digital clocks?”


“Nice! Look at the clock I have, what time is

it on this clock?”

“It is 08:20, teacher”

“Correct! Write the correct answer on the Scarlete: (Writing on the board)
board, Scarlete”

“Thank you, Scar!”

“I have here a folder, if we are going to (Raising their hand)

measure the length of this folder, what
measuring tool should we use?”

“Can you tell the class, Shelvinnia what Shelvinnia: “Upon measuring the length of
measuring tool should we use?” a small object, we should use a ruler as our
measuring tool. Since, the folder you have
right now, teacher is a smaller object, we
should use a ruler”
“Well said, Shelvinniia!”

“Absolutely correct! We should use a ruler as

our measuring tool in measuring smaller and
shorter objects such as folder, pencil, book, (Listening)
clip, and other smaller objects”

“Now, if we are about to measure the length

of a folder using a ruler, what unit of (Raising their hand)
measure should we use?”

“Will you tell us, Miles” Miles: “When using a ruler to measure
objects, the unit of measure we should use
is centimeter or cm”
“Very good, Miles!”
“When using a ruler as our measuring tool, (Listening)
the unit of measure we should use is
centimeter or cm”

“Understood?” “Yes, teacher”


1. Motivation
“I have downloaded a video from YouTube
which can help us understand more about our (Listening)
topic this morning”

“Are you ready to watch and listen?” “Yes, teacher we are”

“That is great! Watch and listen attentively

while the video is playing. We will be having
a group activity later on”

(Playing the video) (Watching and listening to the video)

“Have you learned something from the video “Yes, teacher”

you have watched?”

“That is nice! Now, let me know if you have

really learned something from it”

“We will be having a group activity, you “Yes, teacher”

want it?”

“I will be dividing this class into 6, there will

be 3 members per group. 1st row will be
group 1, 2nd row will be group 2, 3rd row will
be group 3, 4th row will be group 4, 5th row
will be the group 5, and the last row will be
group 6 or the last group”

“Here are your materials for this activity,

select a leader to lead your group. You have (Listening)
3 minutes to finish your task”

Rules for this activity:

- work well with your group mates
- cooperate
Group Activity:
Directions: With a group, count the
unit squares in each figure.

Scoring Rubric:

Teamwork: 50%
Figure 1
Time Management: 50%

Total: 100%

(Working with a group)

___ square units

Figure 2

___ square units

“All done?” “Yes, teacher”

“Exchange your work with other groups, let

us check your answers”

“Let us count the square units from Figure 1” (Counting)

“How many square units are there in Figure “There are 24 square units in figure 1,
1?” teacher”

“Correct! How about in Figure 2? Let us (Counting)

count altogether”

“How many square units are there in Figure “There are 15 square units in figure 2
2?” teacher”

“Very good! All groups got the correct “Yes, teacher”


“Great! 5 claps for everyone!” (Clapping)

“How was your 1st activity?” “It was good, teacher”
“What you did was you counted the pieces of
square tiles that fill the whole figure which is
related with our topic this morning”

“We will be dealing with figures,

measurement, and square units”

2. Presentation
“Before we proceed, here are the learning
objectives for this lesson”

At the end of the period, the grade 2 pupil

should be able to:
a. define that area is measured by equal
sized squares; (Listening)
b. specify the importance of measuring
an area in everyday life; and
c. find the area of a given figure using
square-tile units.

“This morning, we will be learning more

about measuring area”

“Are you ready to listen?” “Yes, teacher”

“What did you do with your activity earlier?” “What we did was we counted the square
units of each Figure”
“Correct! We counted the small squares in
each area which are called square units”

“We are using the area to measure each type (Listening)

of figure or shape”

“Now, what is this called area? Any idea?” (Raising their hand)

“Will you tell us your idea about what we Abby: “Area is measured in square units,
call area, Abby” teacher”

“Great idea!”

- Is a space inside a 2D shape.
- Amount of space inside the object.

Square units
- Smaller squares that fit inside the (Listening)
bigger shape or figure.
- Little squares that fill the whole
shape or figure.

Example 1:
Shape/Figure: rectangle

square unit

Area=_____? (To look for its area, we

should count the square units)

“Let us count the square units altogether” “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
“Thank you, class! Therefore, the area of this
figure is 15 unit squares”

“Am I too fast, class?” “No, teacher”

“Too slow?” “Absolutely no, teacher”


Example 2:
Shape/Figure: square
Square unit

Area=____ square units

“How can we identify the area of this “We can identify the area of that figure by
figure?” counting its square units, teacher”

“Absolutely correct! Let us count the square “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9”

units altogether”

“Very good, class! This means that the area

of this figure is 9 square units”

“Did you get it, class?” “Yes, teacher”

“Any question?” “None, teacher”

“Get ready as we have our individual board

3. Application

Board Work: Individual activity

Directions: Find the area by counting
the number of square units. Each
is equal to 1 square unit.

Area= ____ square units

“Who wants to try first?” (Raising their hands)

“Dino, write your answer on the board” Dino: (Writing on the board)

“Is his answer correct, class?” “Yes, teacher”

“Very good, Dino! The area of the first

figure is 9 square units”

Area= ____ square units
(Raising their hands)
“Who wants to answer next?” Leerah: (Writing)
“In front, Leerah”

“Is she correct, grade 2?” “Yes, teacher. The area of that figure is 25
square units”

Area= ____ square units
“Gab, try to answer this one” Gab: (Writing on the board)

“That is correct, Gab! The area of that figure

is 8 square units”

Area= ____ square units

“Who wants to answer this one?” (Raising their hands)

“Jaycob, on the board” Jaycob: (Writing on the board)

“Children, is his answer correct?” “Yes, teacher. The area of that figure is 15
square units"

Area= ____ square units

“Identify the area of this figure, Sophia” Sophia: (Writing on the board)

“Correct answer, Sophia! 5 claps for (Clapping)


“Measurements continue to play an

important role throughout everybody's life”

“For example, building a house and to know

how much paint to buy to cover a wall” (Listening)

“Any question, grade 2?” “None, teacher”

“I have your worksheets here to test your

understanding about the topic we have
discussed. Read the directions carefully. You
have 5 minutes to finish this activity.”

Name: Date:
Section: Score:
Directions: Give the area of shaded
figure in the grid.

___ square units

2. (Answering)
___ square units

___ square units

___ square units

___ square units

“Done answering?” “Yes, teacher”

“Exchange your worksheet with your

“Write corrected by”

“Let us count altogether the area of each (Counting)

shaded figure in number 1”

“The area of each shaded figure in number 1 “5, teacher”


“Correct! How about in number 2?” “9, teacher”

“In number 3?” “The area of each shaded figure in number

3 is 9”
“In number 4?” “The area of each shaded figure in number
3 is 13, teacher”

“Correct! How about the area of each shaded “9, teacher”

figure in number 5?”

“Very good! Count the correct answers and

write the score”

“Give back the worksheet to the owner”

“Who got a perfect score?” (Raising their hands)

“Awesome! 5 claps for everyone” (Clapping)

“Pass your worksheets in front”

4. Generalization
“Have you learned something this morning, “Yes, teacher”
grade 2?”

“Great! You have learned that we can find

the area by counting unit squares”

“Show me your happy face if you have (Smiling)

learned something this morning”

“Again, how do we get the area of a figure?” “We can get the area of a figure by
counting unit squares”
“Is measuring an area important in our life?” “Yes, teacher”

“How?” “Measuring an area can help us in building

a house and to know how much paint to
buy to cover a wall”
“Well said!”

Activity 1
Directions: Draw a figure of a given area.

1. _____________ Area= 4 square units

2. _____________ Area= 6 square units

3. _____________ Area= 8 square units

4. _____________ Area= 10 square units

5. _____________ Area= 12 square units

Directions: Create two different shapes that have an area of 12 square units. Use different
colors for each shape.

Prepared by: ROSEL N. SORIA

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by: JIMMY L. ESCANAN, JR., LPT

Cooperating Teacher

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