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Name:____________________ Teacher: Yeymy Pacompia Chirinos Grade: 5to “____”Name:____________________ Teacher: Yeymy Pacompia Chirinos Grade: 5to “____”
Trying to get in shape? The BeFit makes your goals
more manageable by tracking your exercise, activity What is a mind map
patterns, and diet. This remarkable product tells time
and helps you use your time well! When you’re researching a subject, note taking sometimes gets out of ________. You can end
up with pages of scribbles, which are often more confusing tan helpful!
Product features
Making a mind ______ instead is a great way to ________ your thoughts more productively.
• It’s portable and goes with you everywhere, so it gives you a reliable and complete picture Mind maps are also called spary diagrams, ________ diagrams or spidograms, because of
of your daily activity. how they look.
• The BeFit is dependable: It performs perfectly even during your most intense workout! The ______ comes from autor and __________ consultant Tony Buzan, who brought this
• The BeFit comes in a variety of colors, so it is always fashionable. tool into the mainstream. ________ mind maps are two dimensional in ________, they show
Product reviews you the “shape” of subject, the relative _________ of each point, and how the facts relate to
each other.
-Fitgurl2018: I started using a BeFit as a practical way to help me lose weight… I love
Being able to see all of this on just one sheet of _________ helps you review ________
quickly and efficiently; ________ it more effectively; and improve your creative __________
-NotSoSure: A lot of people are excited about this product, but it’s not very affordable.
It’s too much money!
Once you’ve learned how to _______ mind maps, you’ll wonder how you ever managed
-SaveYour$$!: This is not as durable as they say… I wore mine to the beach, and now it
without them!
doesn’t work!
So how do you draw one?
A: Read the ad above. Pay attention to the words in blue. Check (✓) True or False. - First, ______ the subject you’re exploring in the _________ of the page, and draw a
If something is… _______ around it.
When you think of a major subdivisión of the topic, or an _________ related fact,
1. affordable, it’s expensive. 5. durable, it breaks easily.
draw a line out from the circle.
2. remarkable, it’s not special. 6. portable, you can carry it easily.
- Label these lines with subheadings. As you explore each subdivision, you’ll uncover
3. practical, it’s useful and logical. 7. reliable, you can trust it.
4. manageable, it’s difficult to control. 8. fashionable, it is in style. new levels of information. Draw ________ out to represent each new facto or
B: Answer the questions with a partner. - Eventually, you’ll have a diagram that shows _______ coming off subject
“branches”. Some of these may relate to each other. If they do, draw lines
1. What do you like about the BeFit? _________ them to show the ___________.
- To keep your mind map clear and ______ to read, use single words and simple
2. Would you ever use a product like this? Why or why not?
- You may also find useful to use ______, symbols or _______ to help you interpret
your maps more effectively.
C: Look at the next ítems and write a sentence using used to…/didn’t used to… + adject.
So, if you do any form of research or note taking, try experimenting with mind maps. They’ll
help you _______ how all the components of your topic fit ________, and you may make
________________ ________________
some connetions you wouldn’t have thought of ____________.
________________ ________________
________________ ________________ M
___ ___ O
________________ D
________________ ________________

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