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GRAPH THEORY  Is the simple graph that contains exactly one

edge between each pair of distinct vertices.

 Applied by the Swiss mathematician Leonhard
Euler to solve an old recreational puzzle in the *The degree of a vertex is the number of edges
early eighteen centuries. attached to it*
 Referred to as the “geometry of position”
 Used to analyze and solve a variety of
problems, such as determining whether or not it  In a simple graph, it can be partitioned into two
is possible for a vehicle to traverse all trails disjoint sets such that every edge in the graph
exactly once and return to the starting point connects a vertex (so that no edge connects
without repeating any trail in a trip. either two vertices or two vertices)
 A generalization of the simple concept of a set  is the graph that has its vertex set portioned into
of points called vertices or nodes, and line two subsets of m and n vertices, respectively
segments or curves called edges that connect There is an edge between two vertices if and
the vertices. only if one vertex is in the first subset and the
other vertex is in the second subset.
*A subgraph is a subset of a given graph*
 A loop is an edge whose endpoints are equal
i.e., an edge joining a vertex to itself is called a EULER CIRCUITS AND PATHS
 helped solve the Bridges of Königsberg
MULTIPLE EDGES puzzle, a path that uses each edge of a graph
exactly once and ends at the starting vertex is
 Two or more edges joining the same pair of
called an Eulerian circuit.
 f a connected graph had exactly two odd
SIMPLE GRAPH vertices, it was possible to use each edge of the
graph exactly once but to end at a vertex
 A graph with no loops and no multiple edges. different from the starting vertex. Such a path is
 Can be directed or undirected graph called an Eulerian path.
 Set of vertices and set of edges that are
ordered pair of elements  Is a path that uses each edge precisely once. If
PATH such a path exists, the graph is called
 An alternating sequence of vertices and edges
*A graph is connected if there is a path connecting TOUR
all the vertices*
 Is a closed path or circuit that uses each edge
*If a path begins and ends with the same vertex, it precisely once. The path may cross through
is a closed path or a circuit/cycle* vertices more than once. For an Euler circuit to
exist, the degree of each vertex in the graph
*Two vertices are adjacent if there is an edge
must be even. Hence, such a graph is called
joining them*
*If every pair of vertices of a graph are adjacent,
the graph is complete*

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