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1.On that day, when I left, I had been in England for four years.

2. After dinner I went into the living room and saw that she was crying.

3. We often went to the bar to drink before dinner.

4. When she opened the door, she pretended that we weren't there and went to her room.

5. He wrote a letter, put it in an envelope, left it on the table and left (went?)

6. Malfoy had finished all the work by the time his friend returned

7. The police decided that the criminals had lied before

8. The wind was blowing outside, he opened the box

9. Chris's car crashed because he was driving too fast. He had drank a lot of wine before the accident.

10. Great Britain announced war on Germany on September 3, 1939, after Germany had attacked Poland
two days earlier.

11. One day I was walking on the beach when suddenly Bonnie ran away

12. Bobbie knew that Dan didn't want to come back home but she also knew he had no choice

13. The rain had stopped and the stars were shining in the dark sky

14. When I arrived at the party, everyone started dancing

15. She was crying because she lost her favorite book

16. She had just finished dinner when the guests arrived

17. While I was studing, my friends were plaing outside

18. After breakfast he went for a run

19. Mary opened the door very slowly, viewed the room carefully, and entered. The window was open

20. The window was open and curtains were тріпотіли? the wind. Obviously, someone left in a hurry

Sara was always valuing an old medallion that her grandmother presented her. The medallion, a family
heirloom, had passed down from generation to generation. It was made from gold and contained a very
small, complex portrait of Sarah's great-great-grandmother. She wore it every day, believing it to bring her
good luck.

Once upon a time Sara was preparing for a ceremonial event at the town hall. When she dressed, she
noticed that her medallion had disappeared. Паніка почалася, коли вона обшукала свою кімнату. She
had placed it on the dresser а few minutes before.
«Where can it be?» - she thought.

While she was looking for her medallion, phone rang. It was her best friend Emma.

«Are you ready for the gala evening?» - Emma asked.

«No. There is no my medallion» - Sara exclaimed.

Calm down. When was the last time you saw him? - Emma asked.

I put in on a dresser when I put on. А зараз його немає - Sarah explained.

Emma arrived at Sarah's house in a few minutes. They searched the entire room together, but found
nothing. Sarah was getting more and more worried.

«I can't lose him, Emma. He is very valuable to me». - she said with tears in her eyes.

At that moment, Sarah's cat, Woos, jumped out of bed. It started to play with something shiny under the
bed. Emma bent down and pulled out the medallion. «Look what Wооs found»– she said. Sara felt relief.
She hugged Emma and took the medallion, attaching it around the neck.» Thank you, Woos» - she laughed.
«And thank you Emma».

While she was going to the gala- evening, Sara couldn't restrain from smile. The medallion was returned to
its place and she learned to be more careful with her inhereted things. At the gala evening, Sarah shared
the story with her friends, all the time she was touching her medallion to remind herself of its importance.
It was a night she would never forget



Leather, damaged, worth, special.

Genuine, belonged, inherited, cool.


Iron, denim, plastic, gold, stone, steel.


Diamond, rubber, cotton, wood, silver, glass.


1.A or c?





I had finished or finished?, tried, was watching, I have never made, arrived, met, was camping, blew,
realised, did not want

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