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#In Writing Task 2

There are mainly four paragraphs:
Body paragraph: -1(BP1)
Body paragraph: -2(BP2)
#Keys to get good band score
1. Relevant task response
2. Use variety of complex sentences
3. Grammar accuracy
(Don’t worry if you are making minor mistakes)

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1 . Introduction
Try to include only three lines:
 General line
 Rephrasing/Paraphrasing
 Outline/clear your position

a) General line
Take a strong key word from the statement and make a
Example: Many people today do not know their neighbours as
well as they did in the past
Here keyword is “neighbour”. So, make a sentence by using this
b) Rephrasing/Paraphrasing
Say the same thing which is in the statement by using different
(1) In case of single statement:
(i) Success comes to people because work, not because of
luck. How far do you agree?
Introduction: General Statement
[In order to succeed in life, everyone needs to face a lot of
struggle.][Some individuals advocate that there is surety of being
successful if people work diligently rather than relying on their

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[Note: There is good chance to use complex structure while


[Read full pdf in order to know how to make complex sentence

(2) In case of two statements
Should governments make decisions about people’s lifestyle, or
should people make their own decision?

[As the time changes, people also adapt new trends in order to
upgrade their lifestyle.][Some individuals advocate that decision
related to life style of people should be made by authorities,
whereas others believe that such decision must be choice of folks

Whereas: Used for showing a fact that is different
C) Outline/clearing the position
 It includes aspects of task
 It depends on type of task

(1) Discuss both views and give your opinion

Outline: This essay will not only discuss both views but my
opinion will also be highlighted while concluding this.
 Not only, but also is a complex structure

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(2) Discuss Advantages and Disadvantages

Outline: This essay will not only discuss pros associated with this
trend/notion/ approach but its cons will all be highlighted.
This trend does not only give immense benefits, but people also
face some predicament by adapting this.
Predicament: problems/troubles
(3) Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
(a) if advantages outweigh

Outline: This trend does not only have few benefits but also
carries plethora of drawbacks.

Plethora: A lot

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1. BAR
3. PIE
5. MAP


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1. More and more qualified people are moving from poor to
rich countries to fill vacancies in specialist areas like
engineering, computing and medicine. Some people
believe that by encouraging the movement of such people,
rich countries are stealing from poor countries. Others feel
that this is only part of the natural movement of workers
around the world. Discuss both views and give your own

Sample Answer

Opinions differ on whether first world countries are getting

benefits with the practice of migration of employees in their
nations, or it is only a natural process. Even though this
immigration in developed countries restrains the economic
growth of developing nations, I believe it is a natural tendency
that allows people to live a lucrative life.

The most salient reason how migration brings repercussions for

third world nations is that it ceases the advancement of
developing countries. Since skilled workers are the only hope for
any country to ameliorate the economy, their shift into other
nations means their home country remains bereft of their
contribution in terms of not only increased operational efficiency
but also further researches. For instance, if a scientist who has a
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remarkable scientific skill works for another nation, it means all

the privilege goes to a foreign country instead of the person's
home country. Therefore, this is a kind of steeling practice.

Despite the given argument, others I included assert that it is a

natural phenomenon due to the profitable opportunities
employees receive in other lands. Rather than relying on the
average pay scale, people often look for better choices to live a
luxurious lifestyle. Therefore, when other nations bestow them
with lucrative pay checks along with other amenities such as free
education and health insurances, this practice is obvious. For
example, developed countries like the USA and Canada give
employment to more than 40% of workers in every field who
belong to underprivileged lands to ensure their better livelihood.
Hence, it is a person's own choice.

To conclude, although rich countries can attain benefits from the

skilled workers of other destitute nations, I think a person's
success cannot be guaranteed unless there is a development of
personality of a person by settling in other countries.
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Computing Figuring out/calculating

2 Migration Moving from one place to another

3 Employees Workers

4 Immigration Entering into a country

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5 Restrains Limits or holds down

6 Economic Money-based

7 Tendency Habit/desire

8 Lucrative Moneymaking/profitable

9 Salient Important

10 Repercussions Negative Results

11 Ceases Stops

12 Ameliorate Reduce

13 Economy Process of people making, selling, and buying things

14 Bereft Of Without/lacking

15 Contribution Thing that's given/work that's done

16 Efficiency Wasting very little while working or producing something

17 Remarkable Amazing and interesting

18 Assert Strongly defend/strongly express

19 Phenomenon Important thing/big event

20 Relying On Depending on

21 Bestow Give

22 Amenities Facilities

23 Underprivileged Poor

24 Ensure Secure/make sure of

25 Attain Get

26 Destitute Very poor

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Even though
 Since
 Not only but also
 Instead of
 Despite
 Due to
 Rather than
 Although
 Unless

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2. Some people think that only the students who are the best
academic achievers should be rewarded. Others feel that it
is more important to reward students who show
improvements. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer
Rewards motivate everyone to increase productivity. It is a
contentious issue whether pupils with remarkable academic
grades ought to be rewarded alone, or there should be a prize
distribution among other learners too who enhance their abilities.
Although rewarding top achievers is advantageous, I believe prize
attainment evade the feeling of inferiority among learners.

Commencing with the prominent reason why elite achievers in

academics need to be bestowed with prices, it acts as an
appreciation for their excellent results. Owing to this
accomplished tribute, they not only work hard in future but also
set higher goals in their lives. Such kind of passionate attitude
renders them with a successful career in life as well as they
contribute a significant role in the nation's advancement and
prosperity. Therefore, it is crucial to reward students who
perform brilliantly in class.

Despite the given arguments, others I included, believe that

recognition is imperative for other students who show the
potential for improvement. By doing this, they will study with
adequate determination instead of considering themselves
inferior. It is quite apparent that the grasping proficiency of

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humans differs from person to person. Hence, with reward

acquisition, minority students will also make progress, albeit
rather slowly. For example, it is observed that students who lack
in studies tend to adopt a remarkably relaxed attitude towards
studies rather than concentrating precisely, this is because of no
attention by school authorities, whereas opposite results will be
achieved provided that they are being rewarded for their little

To conclude, even though appreciation is significant for a high

scorer in the exam, I think underrated students cannot do
exceptionally good unless teachers start awarding them too.

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Academic Related to school and learning

2 Productivity Working well and getting a lot done

3 Contentious Argument-causing

4 Remarkable Amazing and interesting

5 Ought To Should

6 Enhance Improve

7 Attainment Accomplishment

8 Evade Get away from

9 Commencing Beginning

10 Prominent Well-known/obvious/important

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11 Be Bestowed Be given

12 Tribute Message of thanks

13 Renders Makes/gives

14 Contribute Add/give

15 Significant Role A Big role

16 Prosperity Richness

17 Crucial Extremely important

18 Imperative Extremely important

19 Potential For Possibility of/possible happening of

20 Adequate Good enough

21 Determination Strong desire/formal decision about something

22 Considering Thinking about/when one thinks about

23 Apparent Seen/obvious

24 Grasping Grabbing/understanding

25 Proficiency Skill

26 Acquisition Purchase/getting/learning

27 Albeit Although

28 Remarkably In a surprising and interesting way)

29 Precisely Exactly/clearly

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Although
 Gerund
 Owing to
 Despite
 Rather than
 Whereas
 Provided that
 Even though
 Unless
3. Some people think students should learn more practical
courses like computer, but others think they should learn
more about theoretical courses like geography and
mathematics. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer
Opinions differ on whether tutees ought to be more cognizant
about practical education comprising computer skills, or their
study should be based on theory courses, namely geography as
well as maths. Even though theory subjects widen the
comprehension of pupils, I think practical courses are fruitful for
their future prospects.

Commencing with the most salient reason why theoretical

knowledge is imperative, it enables the students to calibrate their
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intellectual level. Since solving the mathematical equation and

studying theory not only make them shrewd but also expand their
insight, it encourages students in the future to contemplate the
situations and act carefully, primarily in decision-making. Thus,
education of such subjects is a prerequisite in life, and everyone
must indulge themselves in these studies.

Despite the given argument, others I included assert that practical

courses are far more conducive. Owing to the advancement in
technology and the prevalence of the digital world, computers
have replaced the majority of manual work. For instance, instead
of manually recording the transactions and records of customers,
every conglomerate prefers electronic gadgets for this.
Consequently, youngsters will be able to grab more career
developing opportunities in future provided that they are
proficient in practical skills encompassing computer
programming and basic computer knowledge.
To conclude, although theory course ensures the cognizant level
of a learner, I think one cannot attain a well-paid career unless the
person excels in practical skills.
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Geography The study of (or the location of) mountains, rivers, hills, etc.

2 Ought To Should

3 Cognizant Aware

4 Comprising Containing/making up

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Explanation (of why something works or happens the way it

5 Theory

6 Comprehension Understanding

7 Future Prospects Future possibilities

8 Commencing Beginning

9 Salient Important

10 Is Imperative Is extremely important

11 Calibrate Adjust (for accuracy)

12 Intellectual Thinking-related

13 Shrewd Clever

14 Insight Understanding of deep things

15 Contemplate Think about

16 Primarily Mainly

17 Prerequisite Requirement

18 Assert Strongly defend/strongly express

19 Conducive Productive/helpful

20 Conglomerate Group of companies

21 Youngsters Children

22 Proficient Skilled

23 Encompassing Including

24 Ensures Secures/makes sure of

25 Excelling Doing an excellent job

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Even though
 Gerund
 Since
 Not only but also
 Despite
 Owing to
 Instead of
 Provided that
 Although
 Unless
4. Some people say that no one should do the same job
forever, while others believe that doing the same job is
beneficial for the individual, company and society. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
Sample Answer
Opinions differentiate on whether frequent switching of a job is a
conducive practice for inhabitants, or they tend to do the one job
for an entire lifetime. Even though the change in working
ambience bestows people with sheer contentment, I think one
must do the same job in order to assure stability in life.
Commencing with the most salient reason why individuals ought
to change the workplace, it procures them with internal
satisfaction. Instead of compelling themselves too hard towards a
specific work, people can not only work progressively but also
get out of the monotonous environment of the previous job if they

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change their job. Consequently, this exciting way of doing work

will give them adequate gratification in life.
Despite the given argument, others I included asset that
employment at same place yields beneficial outcomes to the
employees in terms of job security. It is quite apparent that a
person can neither attain promotion nor become proficient in a
specific domain if there are persistent changes in a job, whereas
this issue is not associated with one permanent job. It can be
evidenced by the people who work in the same enterprise
throughout their life span and eventually become experts in that
field. Thus, in return, they contribute a lot to the company's
growth with their work efficiency and accuracy, leading to
society's development.
To conclude, although it is always intriguing to be dynamic
towards work, I think people's financial stability coupled with the
organisation's and country's prosperity can only be achieved if
there is a static job.
Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Conducive Productive/helpful

2 Inhabitants Residents

3 Ambience Atmosphere

4 Bestows Gives

5 Contentment Satisfaction and happiness

6 Assure Promise to

7 Stability Firm and steady nature/lasting nature/strength

8 Salient Important

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9 Procures Gets/obtains

10 Satisfaction Happiness (from meeting a need or reaching a goal)

11 Compelling Them Forcing them

12 Progressively More and more

13 Monotonous Boring

14 Adequate (good) enough

15 Gratification Pleasure

16 Asset Valuable thing

17 Outcomes Results

18 Employees Workers

19 Apparent Seen/obvious

20 Proficient Skilled

21 Persistent Constant/not going away

22 Associated Connected

23 Evidenced By Shown/proven true by

24 Enterprise Business/project

25 Contribute Add/give

26 Efficiency Wasting very little while working or producing something

27 Accuracy Quality of being very close to the truth or true number

28 Intriguing Interesting

29 Dynamic Energetic/changing

30 Financial Related to managing money

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31 Coupled With Joined/connected with

32 Prosperity Richness

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Even though
 Gerund
 Instead of
 Not only but also
 Despite
 Neither nor
 Whereas
 Although

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5. Nowadays, many families move overseas for job

opportunities. Some people think that this is beneficial for
the children of these families while others think children
will find it difficult. Discuss both views and give your own

Sample Answer

In present times, it is quite prevalent among individuals to

migrate abroad for work purpose. However, it is an argued issue
whether this trend is conducive for young ones, or has
repercussions for them. Although children encounter difficulty
adjusting, I believe shifting overseas is beneficial for them in
terms of their enhanced quality of life.

Commencing with the most salient reason why it is arduous for

mature children to adjust to the new atmosphere, lifestyle and
food-related choices are different from natives of another country
since they immigrate their dialect. Thus, they neither enjoy the
company of peers nor conversate properly. It is evidenced by the
study of psychologists that juveniles who endure such a problem
during the childhood phase are likely to face depression problems
that have a devastating impact on their evolution.

Despite the given argument, others I included assert that the

migration of children to foreign nations is beneficial as it helps
them to live a prosperous life. Instead of settling in any
developing land, they can live in a developed country and have

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access to amenities: good education, medical facilities and

enormous job opportunities. For instance, in Canada, pupils'
education till high school as well as medical services are
complementary, which resultantly help individuals save
exorbitant funds for the future. Hence, all the aforementioned
benefits allure people to migrate abroad for the better future of
their children.

To conclude, even though well-experienced teens face hurdles

regarding new culture, I believe the livelihood of children cannot
be uplifted unless they are facilitated with an abundance of
comforts regarding education and career.
Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Prevalent Common

2 Migrate Move

3 Conducive Productive/helpful

4 Repercussions Negative results

5 Enhanced Improved

6 Salient Important

7 Arduous Difficult

8 Natives People in a country who were born there

9 Immigrate Enter a country

10 Dialect Language

11 Evidenced By Shown/proven true by

12 Psychologists Mind doctors

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13 Juveniles Children

14 Endure last through/tolerate

15 Childhood Related to the time when a person is a child

16 Devastating Terrible and destructive

17 Evolution Change for the better, over time

18 Assert Strongly defend/strongly express

19 Migration Moving (from one place to another)

20 Prosperous Rich

21 Inhabitants Residents

22 Amenities Nice things to have

23 Enormous Huge

24 Complementary Combining in a way to make something better

25 Exorbitant Ridiculously high

26 Funds Money

27 Aforementioned Previously-mentioned

28 Allure Attraction

29 Facilitated Helped

30 Abundance Oversupply/large amount

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Although
 Gerund
 Since
 Neither or nor
 Despite
 As
 Instead of
 Even though
 Unless

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6. People in the limelight have a responsibility to set an
example for others by their good behaviour. Do you agree?
The eminent people's life is equipped with the numerous
responsibilities. However, it is an argued issue whether
celebrities hold the onus of setting an ideal impression for the
public by exhibiting a wise demeanour. I accord with the notion
since their actions are emulated by their fans as well as can be
helpful for the prosperity of the country.

Commencing with the most prominent reason, the dignity of a

nation can be upheld provided that well-known people are
ethical. Along with being popular in their nations' territories,
these famous personalities are equally admired in other nations,
which bounded them with amplified accountability. For instance,
the offensive language used by eminent players in the national
and international tournaments is often disgraced by numerous
people, which resultantly not only impact player's eminence but
the nation's reputation also. Therefore, instead of being impulsive
in such situations, celebrities must have a control over their way
of presentation.

Another worth considering reason is the imitating nature of

celebrities' fan base. Owing to their prestige and popularity in
society, they are revered and considered as role models by the
public; thus, their actions, whether negative or positive, are

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followed by the common people. It can be illustrated by the viral

photographs of Bollywood stars comprising Salman Khan, Sonu
Sood, who are great philanthropists and stimulate people to assist
the underprivileged class. Ergo, their deeds and wise behaviour
help the nation in holistic development.

To conclude, the positive image of a country coupled with the

constant growth of society cannot be ensured unless renowned
faces take the initiative of behaving well.

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Eminent Respected and Famous

2 Is Equipped With Has

3 Numerous Many

4 Onus Responsibility

5 Exhibit Show

6 Demeanour Behaviour/manners

7 Accord Agree/give

8 Emulated Copied

9 Prosperity Richness

10 Prominent Well-known/obvious

11 Dignity Self-respect/built-in worth

12 Upheld Supported/judged as correct

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13 Ethical Honest and right

14 Territories Land areas owned or controlled by someone)

15 Admired liked and respected

16 Amplified Louder/clearer

17 Accountability Responsibility for behaviour

18 Eminence Respect/high place

19 Impulsive Uncontrolled

20 Worth Considering Worth thinking about

21 Imitating Pretending to be

22 Prestige Fame/respect

23 Revered Greatly respected

24 Considered Carefully thought about/believed

25 Comprising Containing/making up

26 Philanthropists Money-givers (to charity)

27 Assist Help

28 Underprivileged Poor

29 Holistic Interested in the whole or the completeness of something

30 Coupled With Joined/connected with

31 Ensured Secured/made sure of

32 Renowned Famous

33 Initiative Effort to begin (doing something)

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Since
 Gerund
 Provided that
 Not only but also
 Instead of
 Owing to
 Whether
 Unless

7. Some people argue that technological inventions, such as

mobile phones, are making people socially less interactive.
Do you agree or disagree


Sophisticated technological advancements have saved the path of

human life drastically. However, it is argued whether discoveries
comprising cell phones have dominated people's sense of
socialization. I accord with the nation owing to the surged
working commitments and prevalence of online discussions
among people.

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Commencing with the most prominent reason, individuals tend to

live a hectic life schedule when surrounded by electronic gadgets.
Instead of relying on phones and laptops solely for operational
tasks, every type of work, be it household chores or relishing free
time, is done with the help of these technical gadgets. Thus, the
masses are reluctant to spare time to get out of the routine and
socialize with society members. Take an example of online games:
PUBG and ludo, which are used by a myriad of dwellers to attain
amusement. Egro, gadgets have left them with no time to look for
something else.

Another worth considering reason is the trend of online

conversation. Since most of the talks encompassing study
lectures, professional meetings and personal talks are conducted
online rather than face to face discussion, it makes people bereft
of natural abilities to initiate a talk with anyone. For instance,
numerous youngsters find it arduous to talk to any stranger when
they have to deal with customers at their work. Consequently, it
jeopardizes not only their career prospects but also the quality of
their life.

To conclude, even though electronic possession have become an

imperative part of life, predicaments affixed with social
interactions cannot be surmounted unless there is a meagre use
of these gadgets.

Difficult words with definitions:

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Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Sophisticated fancy (or smart)

2 Drastically Extremely

3 Comprising containing/making up

4 Dominated Ruled

5 Accord agree/give

6 Surged suddenly rushed/increased

7 Prevalence Number

8 Prominent well-known/obvious

9 Hectic very busy

10 Solely Only

11 Chore hard job

12 Relishing Enjoying

13 Reluctant To slow and unwilling to

14 Socialize With meet and talk with

15 A Myriad Of many, many

16 Dwellers Residents

17 Amusement mild happiness/interesting thing

18 Encompassing Including

19 Bereft Of totally without

20 Initiate Start

21 Arduous Difficult

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22 Jeopardizes puts in danger

23 Imperative very important

24 Predicaments difficult situations

25 Affixed Attached

26 Surmounted To deal successfully with a problem

27 Meagre poor/not enough

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Owing to
 Gerund
 Since
 Rather than
 Even though
 Unless

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8. The only way to protect the environment is at an

international level. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer

Pollution levels have been escalating at a fast velocity for the last
few decades. Concerning this, it is argued whether collaborating
at the global level is the alone effective method to combat
environmental deterioration. I discard with the nation and will
discuss my viewpoints in the upcoming paragraphs.

Commencing with the most salient reason why I think coping up

with environmental degradation issue should be done on a
national level, it helps the countries to tackle problems in an
adequate manner. Since every country has different causes from
other countries responsible for atmospheric destruction, solving
these on a national scale not only bestow the authorities to
comprehend the problem precisely but also help in implementing
the best plausible solution regardless of any outside pressure. It
can be illustrated by a country like India where the prominent
reason for skyrocketing temperature is illegal logging, whereas
this is not the case with nations like the U•S•A and Canada.
Therefore, every country's ideas of environmental conservation
are based upon their condition, which cannot offer fruitful results
if implemented on an international scale.

Another worth considering reason is the individual's indulgence

in this issue which is significant to surmount this problem. It is
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quite apparent that every person is accountable for this scenario;

therefore, solving it globally will neither restrain people from
generating environmental pollution in the future nor can help the
world to mitigate its accelerating levels at a rapid scale. For
instance, cutting down the usage of plastic bags could be an
intelligent initiative that can only be ensured if the public start
embracing such ideas on a personal level instead of relying on any
statement of global leaders.

To conclude, even though the rising level of environmental

devastation is an irreversible threat, I think this problem cannot
be mitigated unless the regime as well as the public try to settle it
within their own territories.
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Escalating Increasing

2 Velocity Speed

3 Deterioration (worsening / rusting, crumbling, etc.)

4 Discard throw out

5 Salient Important

6 Degradation insulting/worsening

7 Adequate (good) enough

8 Bestow Give

9 Comprehend Understand

10 Plausible Reasonable

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11 Prominent well-known/obvious

12 Skyrocketing very quickly rising very high

13 Conservation (protecting something from harm)

14 Indulgence Kindness

15 Accountable Responsible

16 Mitigate lessen (something bad)

17 Accelerating speeding-up

18 Rapid Fast

19 Devastation Destruction

20 Irreversible Permanent

21 Mitigated lessened (something bad)

22 Regime government in power

23 Territories (land areas owned or controlled by someone)

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Gerund
 Since
 Not only but also
 Regardless
 Whereas
 Neither nor
 Even though
 Unless
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9. Intelligence is the most important quality for a leader. Do

you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer

Leadership is quite arduous and a big obligation for any person.

Therefore, it is an argued issue whether brilliance is the most
prominent virtue that leaders must possess. I disagree with the
notion since other aspects comprising coordination as well as
morale are equally cardinal.

Commencing with the most salient reason, any enterprise can

proliferate adequately provided that the leader is communal.
Owing to the acquisition of one particular goal, it is always
required for the leaders not only to consider the concerns and
needs of the group while making decisions but also understand
them thoroughly without any conflicts. Thus, achievement of the
company's motive can be ensured, resulting in the firm at the
zenith of success. On the contrary, the dearth of coordination
means employees will neither work with dedication nor achieve
goals swiftly. Therefore, cooperation is far more imperative than
any other quality in the chief.

Another worth considering reason for my disagreement is the

requirement of self-efficacy in the leader, which is necessary to
have in any leader. It is quite apparent that the leaders are
unlikely to convince others and take risks for the potential growth
in a specific domain if they lack confidence. For instance, the
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Prime Minister of any nation must have the self-esteem to initiate

any possible action in the case of a catastrophe and national crisis
instead of being apprehensive of consequences. In this way,
civilians can have faith in their country's administrator.

To conclude, even though the intellectual level of a ruler matters

in leadership, I think the prosperity of any corporation and the
land cannot be attained unless leaders have other calibres too.
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Arduous Difficult

2 Obligation (responsibility/duty)

3 Prominent well-known/obvious

4 Virtue good thing/excellence/advantage

5 Enterprise business/project

6 Proliferate grow and spread

7 Adequately well enough

8 Communal Shared

9 Acquisition purchase/getting/learning

10 Thoroughly Completely

11 Ensured secured/made sure of

12 Zenith high point

13 On The Contrary (opposite from what's expected)

14 Dearth very low number/very low amount

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15 Swiftly Quickly

16 Imperative very important

17 Efficacy Effectiveness

18 Apparent seen/obvious

19 Self-Esteem self-confidence

20 Initiate Start

21 Catastrophe terrible event

22 Crisis serious problem

23 Apprehensive nervous about the future

24 Of Consequence that resulted/results in anything

25 Civilians people not in the military

26 Prosperity Richness

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Since
 Gerund
 Provided that
 Not only but also
 Neither nor
 Instead of
 Even though
 Unless
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10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement-

classmates have a more important influence than parents
on a child's success in school. Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.


It is argued issue whether peers are more responsible in

influencing a child's growth or parents' role is more in this. I think
parental contribution is definitely more than classmate owing to
the impairment of moral values among children by parents as
well as continuous guidance.

Commencing with the most salient reason why I consider parents

influence more, children can learn ethical values provided that
there are parents with them. Skills such as honesty, reverence,
sympathy, punctuality and management of money are
prerequisite for survival which can only be learnt while being in
the company of parents whereas these things cannot be gained
from the peers' company who do not have enough knowledge
about such values. Thus, parents influence is way more than
classmates in children's life.
Another worth considering reason is the parents selfless role in
assisting young ones throughout life regardless of time
constraints. Since parents not only correct their children at every
walk of life by monitoring them but also give them ongoing
support financially and emotionally, it helps children to
strengthen their path of success in future. For example, parents
often assist their juveniles in decision making regarding the
selection of academic streams and career goals by using their past
experiences which clearly help them to opt for the right domains

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and resultantly they reach the zenith of success. Hence, parental

influence is undeniable in children's holistic development.
To conclude, even though classmates' action makes a big impact
in children's lives, I think children would remain bereft of moral
values and support unless they are residing with their parents.

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Impairment damage/weakness

2 Moral Values ideas of how to act right

3 Salient Important

4 Ethical (honest and right)

5 Reverence (almost holy) respect

6 Prerequisite Requirement

7 Constraints Restrictions

8 Monitoring watching/supervising

9 Ongoing (happening now)

10 Financially (related to money)

11 Assist Help

12 Juveniles Children

13 Opt For Choose

14 Zenith high point

15 Undeniable definitely true

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16 Holistic (interested in the whole or the completeness of something)

17 Bereft Of totally without

18 Residing Living

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Owing to
 Gerund
 Provided that
 Regardless
 Not only but also
 Even though
 Unless

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11. Many believe that young people should spend more of

their time with their family instead of other
entertainment. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, everyone is overwhelmed with a lot of commitments.

Therefore, it is an argued issue whether youngsters ought to
allocate their leisure time more with family members rather than
involving themselves in recreational activities. I completely
accord with this notion since sparing time with family have
enormous positive outcomes.

Commencing with the most salient reason why young ones need
to be in the company of family members, it aids to strengthen the
family bonds. Owing to the generation gap, all members of the
family have diverse opinions which, occasionally, becomes the
reason for conflicts among them; nevertheless, utilization of more
spare time with family means more harmony in their relations.
Moreover, family members help young individuals in terms of
providing them with guidance. Unlike most television shows
which often mislead the juveniles towards the wrong path, family
members are experienced and always remain there with
youngsters to support them not only in decision making but also
in financial crises. Ergo, the family is far more imperative for
spare time utilization.

Another worth considering reason is the holistic growth of

youngsters that is attained while being in the company of family.
By playing more entertaining electronic games, children neither
take care of their health nor concentrate adequately on studies
whereas utilization of time with family leads them to live a

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healthy and meaningful life. For example, most of the children had
become addicted to playing blue whale game worldwide;
resultantly it made juveniles to behave aggressively and adopt
anti-social demeanour. Therefore, more time needs to be spent
with family members so that their behaviour patterns can be
supervised by elders as well as their overall developed can be

To conclude, despite the benefits of recreational activities, strong

family bonding, guidance and personality development of
children cannot be achieved until they spend more time with

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Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Overwhelmed (overloaded and surrounded by too much of something)

2 Commitments Promises

3 Ought To Should

4 Accord agree/give

5 Enormous Huge

6 Outcomes Results

7 Generation Gap (difference between older and younger people)

8 Diverse (many different kinds of people or things)

9 Mislead be dishonest to/lie to

10 Juveniles Children

11 Financial Crises major money-based problems

12 Imperative very important

13 Worth Considering worth thinking about

14 Holistic (interested in the whole or the completeness of something)

15 Attained successfully-reached

16 Adequately well enough

17 Anti-Social unfriendly and grouchy

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Rather than
 Since
 Gerund
 Owing to
 Unlike
 Not only but also
 While
 Neither or nor
 Despite
 Until

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12. Some people think that it is more important to plant

trees in open areas of towns and cities than to build more
housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer

Nowadays, the environmental problems are at in zenith and have

been becoming a pensive concern. Therefore, it is believed by the
section of people that instead of constructing a myriad of
residential areas, plantation of trees ought to be done in
metropolises as well as in small cities. I completely accord with
the notion since it will not only make surroundings extremely
exquisite but also combat the environmental deterioration.

Commencing with the most salient reason why growing trees is

imperative, it helps in cutting down the rates of accelerating
temperature. Owing to the human interventions with nature,
whether it is illegal logging or excessive use of fuels comprising
petrol, oil and gases, greenhouse emissions are skyrocketing and
causing various health issues to people. Thus, trees will help to
absorb carbon levels from the atmosphere and allow people to
live a healthy life. It can be illustrated by the capital city of India,
New Delhi, where the public is encountering all kinds of pollution
and becoming susceptible to numerous ailments ranging from

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skin irritation to respiratory problems. Therefore, trees are

cardinal to plant in cosmopolitan areas.

Another worth considering reason is the elegance of megapolises

which can be enhanced by this practice. As beautiful greenery in
the surroundings always gives an aesthetic view, people tend to
spend their spare time more at such places for the pursuit of a
soothing experience along with the peace of mind. Hence, I think
there should be more greenery rather than just an urban jungle.

To conclude, even though housing is a fundamental need of a

person, I think the quality of an individual's life cannot be
ameliorated unless environmental protection is done.

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Zenith high point

2 Pensive thoughtful

3 Constructing building

4 A Myriad Of many, many

5 Residential (where there are lots of homes)

6 Plantation (large farm with crops)

7 Ought To should

8 Metropolises big cities

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9 Accord agree/give

10 The Notion the idea

11 Surroundings (things that are near and around something)

12 Extremely very

13 Exquisite beautiful

14 Deterioration (worsening / rusting, crumbling, etc.)

15 Accelerating speeding-up

16 Interventions (actions that help bad situations)

17 Excessive too much/too many

18 Comprising containing/making up

19 Greenhouse (glass building where plants are grown)

20 Emissions (things sent out or given off)

21 Skyrocketing very quickly rising very high

22 Absorb soak up (like a towel)

23 Encountering meeting

24 Susceptible To easily able to be harmed or influenced by

25 Numerous many

26 Ailments sicknesses

27 Respiratory breathing and lung related

28 Cosmopolitan intelligent

29 Elegance rich beauty

30 Enhanced improved

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31 Aesthetic beauty-related

32 Soothing comforting

33 Urban city-based

34 Fundamental basic

35 Ameliorated helped/reduced

A variety of sentence structures used

 Instead of
 Since
 Gerund
 Owing to
 Whether or
 Rather than
 Even though
 Unless

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13. Caring for children is an important thing in society. It is

suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required
to take childcare training courses. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

Sample Answer
The challenge of rearing a child is indeed the biggest for
numerous parents. Therefore, by considering childcare
significant, it is believed whether parents ought to undergo
childcare training courses. I completely discord with the notion
since parenthood is not only a natural process but also can be
imparted through elder family members and the internet.

Commencing with the most salient reason why childcare courses

should not be obliged for fathers and mothers to attend, these
cannot cover all aspect of parenthood. As the feelings of affection,
care and liability are instinctively inculcated when people become
parents, these natural feelings ensure the holistic evolution of a
child, which cannot be imparted by any classes. Thus, such types
of courses are not imperative. Moreover, new parents do not need
to study parenthood provided that they are residing under their
elders' roof. It is quite apparent that in most of the joint families,
parents learn upbringing skills from their elders with
observation. Therefore, for such families, childcare courses are
Another worth considering reason is the burgeoning costs
associated with these classes. Instead of wasting hard-earned
money on these classes, parents can widen their horizon about

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rearing a child from the internet where there is a vast amount of

information accumulated complimentary. Consequently, they will
be able to save exorbitant funds for the future prospects of their
young ones and can enhance their quality of life.

To conclude, even though childcare courses are procured for

parents, I think parenthood is an instinctual process and can even
be learned with observation and the internet.
Difficult words with definitions:

Easier replacement

1 Indeed in fact

2 Numerous Many

3 Undergo go through

4 Discord Disagreement

5 The Notion the idea

6 Parenthood (being a parent)

7 Be Imparted be told/given

8 Salient Important

9 Affection feeling of love

(something you owe/something you're responsible

10 Liability

11 Instinctively Deeply

12 Inculcated Taught

13 Ensure secure/make sure of

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14 Holistic (interested in the whole or the completeness of something)

15 Evolution (change for the better, over time)

16 Imperative very important

17 Residing Living

18 Apparent seen/obvious

19 Futile useless/pointless

20 Burgeoning Growing

21 Associated Connected

22 Horizon (line in the distance where the Earth and sky meet)

23 Vast Huge

24 Accumulated piled up

25 Exorbitant ridiculously high

26 Enhance Improve

27 Procured got/obtained

28 Instinctual (related to gut feelings that you know are true)

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Since
 Not only but also
 Gerund
 As
 Provided that
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 Instead of
 Even though

14. Some people say that music is a good way of bringing

people of different culture and ages together. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?


Music is a common source of entertainment. It has been a

debatable issue whether music is the best method to bring people
of distinct culture as well as ages together. Even though people
who belong to different cultures come together with the help of
music, I believe that music fails to bring different age groups
Commencing with the salient point of how people of different
cultures come together, despite having different native languages,
some songs are enjoyed by all nations people regardless of
culture owing to good music. For instance, there are various
songs; Despacito, a Spanish song; why this Kalawati di, a Tamil
song; waka waka, an African song; Gangnam style, a Korean song.
These are not only popular among masses of a different culture
but also used as a source of amusement although they do not
understand the lyrics of these songs. Therefore, music is
considered a prominent one in order to remove the barrier of
culture all over the world.
Nevertheless, different age groups have difficult taste in terms of
listening to music. Elders like to listen to traditional and religious
songs according to their ages as it gives them inner satisfaction as
well as makes them happy whereas youngsters give preference to
either pop music or rock music whenever they go to any function

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became after listening to that kind of music, they feel more

energetic and forget all stress and worries due to it.
To conclude, even if every age group do not like to listen to the
same kind of music, music is one of the arts which attract the
different cultures together.

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Debatable doubtful

2 Distinct clear/separate

3 Fails To does not

4 Commencing beginning

5 Salient important

6 Various different

7 Amusement mild happiness/interesting thing

8 Lyrics (words in a song)

9 Considered carefully thought about/believed

10 Prominent well-known/obvious

11 Barrier (something that blocks or stops something)

12 Nevertheless anyway

13 Satisfaction happiness (from meeting a need or reaching a goal)

14 Energetic (full of energy)

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Even though
 Gerund
 Despite
 Regardless
 Not only but also
 Although
 Whereas

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15. . Some say that secondary schools should spend less

time on traditional subjects such as history and should
spend more time teaching communication skills and
business courses. To what extend do you agree or


It is an argued issue whether schools ought to devote less time on

conventional subjects, namely history, and utilize more time on
subjects like conversation skills and commerce or not. Although
the study of professional courses is demanding in the corporate
world, I believe subjects including history make people more
cognizant as well as help in exploration.
Commencing with the most salient reason, traditional subjects aid
students in widening their horizon. Since it enables them to know
about their ancestors' life including sacrifices of numerous
freedom fighters for the sake of the nation, histories related to
renowned places, defeats and victories from wars, it eventually
not only make them more educated but also guides children from
repeating past mistakes. For instance, the historical achievements
of India's Martyr Bhagat Singh can only be known by reading
subjects like history, which inculcates the sense of patriotism in
every indigenous and influence youth towards the right path.
Another worth considering reason for my disagreement is the
requirement of every subject to procuring basic knowledge.
Rather than focusing on a particular subject, every subject needs
to be taught in schools since pupils cannot scrutinize their
interest towards one specific field until they allocate equal time in
studying in all subjects. Hence, every subject is cardinal to study.

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Despite the given arguments, interpersonal skills are preeminent

in order to compete in a job-oriented domain. An expansive pool
of skilful employees is being required by every co-operation
owing to the advancement in every field. People who lack these
skills are barely able to get jobs. Thus, individuals who are career-
oriented must have these skills.
To conclude, even though soft skills are cardinal to be employed
in a prestigious company. I believe students will neither get
knowledge about history nor comprehend their interest unless
there are all subjects along with traditional subjects to study in

Difficult words with definitions:

Easier replacement

1 Devote give/reserve

2 Conventional Ordinary

3 Utilize Use

4 Commerce (the buying and selling of goods)

5 Corporate (related to big business)

6 Cognizant Aware

7 Exploration exploring things

8 Salient Important

9 Horizon (line in the distance where the Earth and sky meet)

10 Ancestors family members who lived very long ago

11 Numerous Many

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12 For The Sake Of for the benefit of

13 Renowned Famous

(someone who dies or suffers a lot rather than gives up what he or

14 Martyr
she believes in)

15 Inculcate Teach

16 Patriotism country-loving

17 Indigenous native (to)

18 Worth Considering worth thinking about

19 Procuring Getting

20 Scrutinize closely examine

21 Allocate set apart and distribute

22 Interpersonal Skills ability to get along well with others

23 Preeminent famous/powerful

24 Prestigious famous/respected

25 Comprehend Understand

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Although
 Gerund
 Since
 Not only but also
 Rather than

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 Until
 Despite
 Owing to
 Even though
 Neither nor
 Unless
16. . Having a good University degree guarantees people a
good job. To what extent do you agree?

Sample Answer

Edification is necessitated to thrive in this contemporary world. It

is often argued that if students have a qualification degree from
an eminent university only then they can get the best job. I agree
to some extent that a high level of education is important to settle
down the career; however, other things are also important which
will be discussed in this essay.

Admittedly, a good qualification degree is important to have a

high-level job. As each person is struggling hard in this
competitive world to have an excellent position in the work field,
only those person stands out who acquire a great amount a
specified subject knowledge through 3 to 5 years education
program. Not only this, companies and the government sector
also put a precondition among individuals to have a job, they
should possess at least a bachelor's degree. Therefore, to have a
prosperous career and a better standard of living, people should
have a good university degree.

Nevertheless, I believe that mastery of soft skills also plays a

pivotal role. These are communication and intellectual skills. For
the former one, if people are incapable of co-operative and
communicate with their peers at the job, their study is of no

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worth because profits cannot be achieved alone. For other skills,

employees who are having good academic qualifications must be
logical thinkers too. They should take decisions considering all
the facts that benefit employers and companies where they work.
Problem-solving, for instance, should be done by such employees
in such a way that includes their studies as well as their rational
skills. Hence, along with higher education, these skills are
necessitated too.

In conclusion, although I believe to a certain extent that

professional or higher studies are vital to have a job, students
cannot get a good job unless they soft skills as well.

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Edification Teaching

2 Necessitated required/resulted in

3 Thrive grow and do well

4 Contemporary World modern world

5 Eminent Respected

6 Admittedly (in a true way)

7 Acquire buy/own/receive

8 Sector part/area

9 Precondition (something that must exist before something else can happen)

10 Prosperous Rich

11 Pivotal Important

12 Intellectual thinking-related

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13 Incapable (unable to do something)

14 Rational clear and sensible

15 Vital very important

A variety of sentence structures used

 Argued
 Not only but also
 Nevertheless
 Although
 Unless

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17. In many countries, prison is the most common

solution for crimes. However, many think that better
education is the most effective way to prevent people
from committing further crime. To what extent do you

Sample Answer

Nowadays, criminal activities are common sights to be

witnessed. Therefore, it is often argued whether bestowing
offenders with education is a superior alternative to restrain
them from recommitting the crimes, instead of imprisonment.
Although jail is significant in some cases, I believe education
will not only solve their problem of unemployment but also
guide them properly.

Commencing with the most salient reason why educating is a

good way to mitigate this problem, it helps criminal to solve
their money related problems. Owing to the dearth of
education, miscreants are unable to do any work, which leads
them to adopt illegal ways to earn money and fulfil their basic
needs; however, with proper education, they will be able to
meet certain criteria of getting a job. Hence, their livelihood
can be enhanced. Another worth considering reason is the
achieved guidance by the criminal. Since there are many
people who are either misguided or brainwashed by the evil-
minded people, providing them with proper counselling

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means helping them to distinguish between rights and

wrongs. For example, minors are often ensnared by the bad
company especially by the people who are obstreperous by
nature which stimulate them to adopt anti-social demeanour.
Therefore, their mindsets cannot be changed unless there is
an education in their life.

Despite the need for study, there are some cases where
custodial sentences are prerequisite. It is widely
acknowledged that for some heinous crimes such as murder,
sexual - assault and assassination lockups are the only way to
control the further actions of criminals as well as to teach
them lessons. This can be best exemplified by the split
personality disorder criminals. For them, education is no
means, only a way to get out of the bars and commit the crime
again. Consequently, severe punishments are required for
such cases.

To Conclude, education can yields criminals with the benefits

of work opportunities and counselling except in the case of
mentally unwell offenders who commit serious crimes.

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Committing doing/performing

2 Bestowing Giving

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3 Offenders law-breakers

4 Alternative other choice

5 Restrain Them stop them

6 Imprisonment (state of being locked in a prison)

7 Salient Important

8 Mitigate lessen (something bad)

9 Dearth very low number/very low amount

10 Miscreants bad people

11 Criteria judging requirements

12 Brainwashed (a victim of force and tricks that changed his or her mind)

13 Distinguish Between tell the difference between

14 Ensnared Trapped

15 Obstreperous Disobedient

16 Anti-Social unfriendly and grouchy

17 Demean Insult

18 Sentences legal punishments/times spent being punished

19 Prerequisite Requirement

20 Acknowledged admitted/recognized/responded to

21 Heinous truly awful

22 Assault Attack

23 Assassination Murder

24 Consequently as a result

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25 Severe Extreme

26 Can Yield can produce

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Instead of
 Not only but also
 Gerund
 Owing to
 Since
 Unless
 Despite

Our monthly batch 😍 double reading daily 😍 individual

guidance every Saturday 😍 Time management class every

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18. .In many countries, the proportion of older people is

steadily increasing. Does this trend have positive or
negative effects on the society?

Undoubtedly, advancement in medical science has been proved as
a boon for accelerating the life expectancy of people. Owing to
this, the burgeoning rates of the senior citizens' population can be
observed in most nations. I consider this trend a constructive one
due to its enormous benefits comprising responsible citizens,
prosperous livelihood and assistance to youngsters.

Commencing with the most salient reason why it is beneficial for

society to have elders, they play a vital role in making a society a
better place to live. Since most parents have hectic life schedules,
there is no impartment of moral values in young ones unless
there are grandparents with them. Grandparents enlighten them
with every aspect of life, whether by setting examples in front of
them or verbally describing things. Consequently, it renders
society with not only responsible citizens in the future but also
makes them more sensitive towards others. Moreover, attainment
of happiness is another positive aspect of having elders in the
home. Instead of living life idly, elders tend to involve in minor
household works and share responsibilities too, which bestow
adults with a relieved and pleasant life.

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Another worth considering merit is the wisdom handed down to

the youngsters by the elderly. As older people have a plethora of
real-life experiences, it often renders solace in seeking advice
from older people. For example, retired citizens can adequately
guide society's youngsters by sharing their experiences, such as
how to overcome the crisis of poverty and what kind of initiatives
one should take while setting up goals. Youngsters can also get
benefitted from the preceding mistakes done by elders. This
awareness can be conveyed either by using social networking
sites, or by forming groups with neighbours. Hence, society can
gain a myriad of benefits from older minds.
To conclude, positive aspects of society, including conducive
environment of society, pleasure and constant guidance, can be
ensured provided that more older citizens are in the country.

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Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Undoubtedly Definitely

2 Boon Advantage

3 Accelerating speeding up

4 Life Expectancy (how long a person is expected to live)

5 Burgeoning Growing

6 Senior Citizens older people

7 Constructive Helpful

8 Enormous Huge

9 Comprising containing/making up

10 Citizens people (who lawfully live in a country, state, etc.)

11 Prosperous Rich

12 Assistance Help

13 Salient Important

14 Vital very important

15 Hectic very busy

16 Impartment giving/communication

17 Moral Values ideas of how to act right

18 Enlighten Teach

19 Verbally (by speaking/related to speaking)

20 Renders makes/gives

21 Attainment Accomplishment

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22 Idly in a lazy way

23 Bestow Give

24 A Plethora Of lots of

25 Solace Comfort

26 Seeking looking (for)

27 Advice (opinions about what could or should be done about a situation)

28 Adequately well enough

29 Crisis serious problem

30 Poverty Poorness

31 Initiatives attempts (to begin something new)

32 Preceding previous/coming before

33 A Myriad Of many, many

34 Aspects Of parts of

35 Conducive productive/helpful

A Variety of sentence structures used

 Owing to
 Due to
 Gerund: v1+ing
 Whether
 Not only but also
 Instead of
 As
 Either or
 Provided that

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19. .Fast food restaurant and supermarkets fund schools to

promote their products. Is it positive or negative?

Sample Answer
Nowadays, the marketing of products has been done through a
diverse range of sources. However, it is argued whether paying
money to educational institutes for the promotion of instant food
items from restaurants is a constructive or destructive approach. I
consider it as a negative development since it does not only affect
students' health but also impacts the budget of families.

Commencing with the most salient reason how this practice has
counter-productive results, it stimulates children to eat junk food
items excessively. Since these packaged meals contain amino
acids, salts, fatty acids can become susceptible to various health-
related ailments such as cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure
and primarily obesity. It can be illustrated by the research done
by the 'Health Sever Centre' in New Delhi. It revealed that most
learners who are morbidly obese consume oily snacks during
their unsupervised periods when they are in schools. Therefore,
schools should neither promote such kind of business nor allow
learners to eat unhealthy addictive meals in schools.

Another worth considering reason is the increasing instability in

family budgets. Children can be targeted easily, and under the
influence, they tend to buy these things in bulk instead of
purchasing rationally; thus, they demand money from their
parents, and they are left with financial strains. Moreover, the

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future of the children will also get affected. It is apparent that no

one can attain the zenith of success unless a person knows the
significance of money management in their life. Hence, schools
ought to prohibit such kind of practices, at least on their premises.

To conclude, health deterioration of youngsters coupled with

stability in family finances can only be ensured provided that
schools took reasonable steps in stopping unethical practices like
fast food promotions.
Difficult words with definitions:

Easier replacement

1 Diverse (many different kinds of people or things)

2 Constructive Helpful

3 Salient Important

4 Excessively extremely (too much)

5 Susceptible To easily able to be harmed or influenced by

6 Ailments Sicknesses

7 disease of the heart and blood vessels

8 Primarily Mostly

9 Obesity (being very overweight)

10 Morbidly Obese extremely overweight

11 Addictive (something that's impossible to stop doing or using)

(quality that shows weakness because important things aren't

12 Instability
steady or strong)

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13 Financial Strain money shortage

14 Apparent seen/obvious

15 Zenith high point

16 Significance Importance

17 Premises (reasons for doing or saying something)

18 Deterioration (worsening / rusting, crumbling, etc.)

19 Stability (firm and steady nature/lasting nature/strength)

20 Ensured secured/made sure of

21 Unethical (dishonest and wrong)

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether or
 Not only but also
 Gerund
 Since
 Neither nor
 Instead of
 Unless
 Provided that

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20. In many countries, very few young people read
newspapers or follow the news on TV. What do you think
are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Sample Answer

Despite the Ubiquity of national and international news around

information media, youngsters are taking a meagre interest in
procuring news from newspapers and television. Although
surging life commitments as well as the obsolete nature of these
sources are the prominent reasons for this trend, I think rational
steps taken by the authorities can be helpful to combat these

Commencing with the most salient reason why young individuals

intend not to get news from newspapers and television, they
encounter hectic life schedules. Since they remain occupied with
their obligations, whether these are related to professional or
personal life, it reduces their time of doing some extra activities. It
can be illustrated by the lives of inhabitants who are restricted to
8 hours or more of work to meet their materialistic needs. They
often face the paucity of time in exploring other news of the
surrounding. Nevertheless, mitigating working hours coupled
with accelerating revenues can only be a way to surmount this
problem as it will curtail the overwhelming burden of people
related to earning money. Thus, youngsters will not only be able

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to relish their leisure time but also can remain updated about the
happenings of the world by reaching newspapers.

Another worth considering cause is the availability of previous

day news on printed media. Instead of giving them access to
instant updates like electronic media: Google, Youtube, and social
networking sites do, newspapers and televisions often bring up
the news of the past day. Consequently, young people's
predilection is decreasing towards it. Nonetheless, by making
young ones mindful regarding the benefits of reading newspaper
like comprehending vocabulary and writing skills, they can be
encouraged to read news from such type of media. This can be
achieved by the concerted efforts of parents and teachers.

To conclude, in spite of the cause associated with the negligible

interest in reading news from printed media, youngsters can start
taking an interest in it provided that regime, teachers and parents
are doing effective endeavours towards solving this problem.
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Ubiquity very widespread and well-known nature

2 Meagre poor/not enough

3 Procuring Getting

4 Surging suddenly rushing/increasing

5 Obsolete no longer useful/no longer used

6 Prominent well-known/obvious

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7 To Combat The to fight the

8 Salient Important

9 Encounter Meet

10 Hectic very busy

11 Obligations responsibilities/duties

12 Inhabitants Residents

13 Materialistic Selfish

14 Paucity Shortage

15 Accelerating speeding up

16 Revenues money/money income

17 Surmount get on top of/win

18 Curtail Stop

19 Overwhelming Burden very heavy load

20 Relish The enjoy the

21 Leisure fun/relaxation

22 Predilection Preference

23 Mindful aware/careful

24 Comprehending Understanding

25 Concerted Effort real effort

26 Negligible very, very small

27 Regime government in power

28 Endeavours To tries to

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Despite
 Although
 Gerund
 Since
 Whether
 Not only but also
 Instead of
 In spite of
 Provided that

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21. .Rich countries are becoming richer while poor

countries are getting poorer. What is the cause of this?
What could be done to solve this problem?

Sample Answer

With time, affluent nations are becoming more wealthy, whereas

third-world countries' development is being on halt. Even though
uneven wealth allocation and illiteracy are the contributing
factors of this concern, considerable measures taken by the
regime can be conducive to combat this issue.

Commencing with the most prominent reason why this scenario

is happening, corruption is the primary culprit behind it. Instead
of investing funds in economic sectors comprising expanding
industries and conducting thorough research on technical
advancement as wealthy nations do, most political leaders from
underprivileged countries tend to use public taxes for their own
benefits, whether it is for their privileges or procuring lucrative
life to near and dear ones. Thus, civilians always remain bereft
from any growth in terms of their increased revenues. Another
worth considering reason is the illiteracy of people who are in
power. In enormous countries, the public elects leaders who
either have no interest in thoughtful resolution or have no
comprehension regarding the plausible solutions of serious
menaces. Thus, incapability of taking required steps leave the
deprived countries to live a miserable life; meanwhile, in wealthy
lands, adequate meetings are conducted by the intellectual
authority members, even on minor subjects.
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Despite the given causes, reinforcement of stringent laws against

venal practices could be the effective solution to this predicament.
The government ought to make such a system where people
neither dare to bribe money from the innocent public nor use
public money for their own benefits. This can be achieved by
executing persistent supervision on people who have the
privileges of serving citizens. Additionally, first world countries
should bestow monetary aid to the impoverished countries to
stabilise their condition. In this way, underprivileged lands can
reinvigorate their economies without impacting the economy of
wealthy nations.

To conclude, although there are numerous reasons affixed with

this widening gap between well off countries and impoverished
countries, I think this ramification cannot be surmounted unless
there are rigorous laws and financial assistance for emerging
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Affluent Rich

2 Wealthy Rich

3 Allocation setting apart and distributing

4 Illiteracy (inability to read and write)

5 Contributing Factors (things that add things to other things)

6 Considerable (large/relatively large)

7 Regime government in power

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8 Conducive To good for

10 Prominent well-known/obvious

11 Scenario picture/situation

12 Corruption (dishonest actions that ruin your trust)

13 Primary first (or most important)

14 Culprit guilty person (or thing)

15 Underprivileged Poor

16 Procuring Getting

17 Lucrative Moneymaking

18 Bereft left without

19 Revenues money/money income

20 Enormous Huge

21 Comprehension Understanding

22 Plausible Reasonable

23 Menaces dangerous and threatening things

24 Deprived (not having something important)

25 Miserable terrible (and very unhappy)

26 Intellectual thinking-related

27 Despite (even though there is the existence of)

28 Reinforcement something that strengthens or adds support

29 Stringent Strict

30 Venal dishonest (with money)

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31 Predicament difficult situation

32 Bribe (pay money to someone to get a favor)

33 Achieved (accomplished or gained with effort)

34 Persistent (constant/not going away)

35 Monetary money-based

36 Impoverished very poor

37 Reinvigorate give new life/energy to

38 Economies (processes of people making, selling, and buying things)

39 Impacting Affecting

40 Affixed Attached

41 Ramification Result

42 Surmounted got on top of/won

43 Rigorous difficult/strict/high quality

44 Emerging newly-visible

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whereas
 Even though
 Gerund
 Instead of
 Whether or
 Either or
 Despite
 Neither or
 Although
 Unless

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

22 .Many people believe that high levels of violence in

films today are causing serious social problems. What
are these problems, and how could they be reduced?

Sample Answer

The amount of proliferating violence in movies has led to a surge

in the social menaces of society nowadays; however, this was not
the case a decade ago. Even though lack of tolerance among
youngsters as well as the psychological disturbances are the
leading problems among all, concerted endeavours of parents and
regime can be helpful to combat these issues.

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Commencing with the most salient problem, the sense of bearing

power has declined among people. As these aggressive movies
show anti-social demeanour, even on minor problems, people,
especially ardent movie lovers, tend to imitate their actions and
apply their lives. Thus, their aggressive behaviour does not only
cause problems for themselves but also society occasionally. It
can be exemplified by observing the surroundings where it is
often common to see children beating each other over small
things and are likely to become miscreants in the future.
Nevertheless, persistent supervision of parents on the watching
patterns of their children can be the only way to solve this issue. It
can be achieved either by limiting the screening time of young
ones or making them cognizant of the repercussions of watching
violent content. Hence, a conducive environment of society can be
Another worth considering issue of this practice is the destructive
impact on children's mental sanity. Since many juveniles are very
sensitive or innocent, telecasting such scenes can make them
vulnerable to live freely in society and can inculcate fear in their
minds. However, restricting the age limit of watching these
movies can be helpful to resolve this issue. Government need to
ensure that minors should not access these shows. In this way,
children will be less likely to get affected by this and can thrive

To conclude, although the rampant behaviour of youngsters

coupled with disturbed mental health are the main impediments
of violent films, these can be solved provided that the government
and parents make efforts by imposing restrictions

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Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Proliferating growing and spreading

2 Surge sudden rush

3 Menaces dangerous and threatening things

4 A Decade ten years

5 Psychological Mental

6 Concerted planned-together

7 Endeavours attempts/tries

8 Regime government in power

9 To Combat The to fight the

10 Salient Important

11 Anti-Social unfriendly and grouchy

12 Demean Insult

13 Ardent loving/loyal

14 Imitate pretend to be

15 Miscreants bad people

16 Persistent (constant/not going away)

17 Screening (examining and testing so a decision can be made)

18 Cognizant Aware

19 Repercussions Results

20 Juveniles Children

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21 Vulnerable To able to be hurt by

22 Inculcate Teach

23 To Ensure That to make sure that

24 Thrive grow and do well

25 Rampant widespread and growing

26 Impediments Obstacles

A variety of sentence structures used

 Even though
 Gerund
 As
 Not only but also
 Either or
 Since
 Although
 Provided that

23 Do you agree or disagree with the following

statement- classmates have a more important influence
than parents on a child's success in school. Use specific
reasons and examples to support your answer.
Sample Answer
It is argued issue whether peers are more responsible in
influencing a child's growth or parents' role is more in this. I think
parental contribution is definitely more than classmate owing to

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the impairment of moral values among children by parents as

well as continuous guidance.

Commencing with the most salient reason why I consider parents

influence more, children can learn ethical values provided that
there are parents with them. Skills such as honesty, reverence,
sympathy, punctuality and management of money are
prerequisite for survival which can only be learnt while being in
the company of parents, whereas these things cannot be gained
from the peers' company who do not have enough knowledge
about such values. Thus, parents influence is way more than
classmates in children's life.

Another worth considering reason is the parents selfless role in

assisting young ones throughout life regardless of time
constraints. Since parents not only correct their children at every
walk of life by monitoring them but also give them ongoing
support financially and emotionally, it helps children to
strengthen their path of success in future. For example, parents
often assist their juveniles in decision making regarding the
selection of academic streams and career goals by using their past
experiences which clearly help them to opt for the right domains
and resultantly they reach the zenith of success. Hence, parental
influence is undeniable in children's holistic development.

To conclude, even though classmates' action makes a big impact

in children's lives, I think children would remain bereft of moral
values and support unless they are residing with their parents.

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Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Impairment damage/weakness

2 Moral Values ideas of how to act right

3 Salient Important

4 Consider think about/believe

5 Ethical (honest and right)

6 Reverence (almost holy) respect

7 Punctuality (always being on time)

8 Prerequisite Requirement

9 Assisting Helping

10 Constraints Restrictions

11 Monitoring watching/supervising

12 Financially (related to money)

13 Assist Help

14 Juveniles Children

15 Opt For Choose

16 Zenith high point

17 Undeniable definitely true

18 Holistic (interested in the whole or the completeness of something)

19 Bereft Of totally without

20 Residing Living

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether or
 Owing to
 Gerund
 Regardless of
 Not only but also
 Even though
 Unless


24 More and more people today are buying and
driving cars, which has a positive impact on the
economy but can hurt the environment. Do the
advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Sample Answer
There is a tendency among the proliferating number of
individuals to own an automobile for driving. Although this trend
is optimistic for a nation's economy, its repercussions on the
environment are also of concern. I believe surging pollution as
well as the dearth of fuel resources are the prominent demerits of
this trend that override any of its merits.

Commencing with the most salient benefit associated with the

acceleration of cars, it helps the nation to grow. In order to
facilitate car owners with various comforts, whether these are
related to car maintenance, or the need for a driver, more human
resources will be required in car agencies. It can be best
illustrated by observing the elevation in vacancies for private car

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drivers on job finding websites in India, accessed by assorted job

finders. Therefore, it is a testimony of the nation's development in
terms of creating more job opportunities with the help of cars.

Despite the given benefits, one of the prominent setbacks of this

phenomenon is the burgeoning pollution rate. Owing to the
emission of toxic gases from cars, the quality of air is
deteriorating. Thus, people are not only becoming vulnerable to
breathing problems such as asthma but also encountering the
problems of inflated climate temperature. Another worth
considering drawback of this trend is the possibility of
extermination of fuels. With the escalating number of cars, more
fuels such as petrol and diesel are required to cite the crisis of fuel
paucity, eventually to be suffered by the forthcoming generations.
Therefore, the drawbacks as mentioned earlier cannot be solved
unless there is less usage of cars.

To conclude, even though private cars are beneficial for the

nation's economy, I believe problems attached to this approach,
including environmental degradation and fuel scarcity, can be
solved provided that there is a limitation on the increasing
number of car usage.
Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Economy (process of people making, selling, and buying things)

2 Automobile Car

3 Optimistic positive-thinking

4 Repercussions Results

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5 Dearth very low number/very low amount

6 Prominent well-known/obvious

7 Salient Important

8 Acceleration increasing speed

9 Proliferate grow and spread

10 Human Resources (workers in general/hiring, training, and firing department)

11 Assorted Mixed

12 Testimony statements (in court)

13 Phenomenon important thing/big event

14 Burgeoning Growing

15 Toxic Poisonous

16 Deteriorating breaking down/getting worse

17 Vulnerable To able to be hurt by

18 Asthma breathing disease

19 Encountering Meeting

20 Escalating Increasing

21 Cite refer to

22 Crisis serious problem

23 Paucity Shortage

24 The Forthcoming the upcoming

25 Degradation insulting/worsening

26 Scarcity (having very little of something important)

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A variety of sentence structures used

Owing to
Not only but also
Even though
Provided that
25 With the fast pace of modern life, more and more
people are turning towards fast food for their main
meals. Do you think the advantages outweigh the
Sample Answer
With the advancement in modern lifestyle, people's predilection
towards junk food has been surging. It is an argued issue whether
it is a constructive or destructive trend. I think the negative of this
trend, including health hazards and lacking cooking skills among
individuals, override any of its positives.

Commencing with the most salient advantage, processed food

bestows inhabitants with many conveniences. Instead of
dedicating a myriad of time to cooking food at home, people can
either order food from eateries, or can make instant items at
home, such as Maggi. Consequently, it helps them to save an
abundance of time that could be utilised for other meaningful
works, whether it is pursuing the hobby, or spending quality time
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with family members. This can be best illustrated by people who

are occupied with eight or nine hours of work commitments and
often cannot spare some time for themselves. Therefore, they can
gain benefit from eating packed food items.

Despite the given merit, one of the drawbacks of this practice is

the health problems affixed to it. Since to enhance the shelf life of
such foods diverse range of preservatives and emulsifiers are
amalgamated with them, it makes people susceptible to enormous
chronic diseases. Moreover, junk food items always lack
nutritious value and are rich in sugar, amino acids as well as
cholesterol level, which not only cause obesity in people but also
make their body full of deficiencies. Therefore, a person cannot
become healthy unless there is less usage of processed food.
To conclude, even though ready-made food offers ease to
individuals, its drawbacks comprising increased health risks
overshadow its advantage.
Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Predilection To desire to

2 Constructive Helpful

3 Hazards dangers/risks

4 Salient Important

5 Bestows Gives

6 Inhabitants Residents

7 A Myriad Of many, many

8 Abundance (oversupply/large amount)

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9 Drawbacks (bad results or effects)

10 Affixed Attached

11 Diverse (many different kinds of people or things)

12 Preservatives (chemicals that stop things from rotting)

13 Amalgamated combined/united

14 Susceptible To easily able to be harmed or influenced by

15 Enormous Huge

16 Chronic Diseases long-lasting sicknesses

17 Obesity (being very overweight)

18 Deficiencies (not having enough of something)

19 Comprising containing/making up

A variety of sentence structures used

 Whether
 Gerund
 Instead of
 Either or
 Despite
 Since
 Not only but also
 Unless
 Even though

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

26 Nowadays, it is easy to apply for and be given a

credit card. However, some people experience problems
when they are not able to pay their debts back. In your
opinion, do the advantages of credit cards outweigh the

Since the momentous shift can be witnessed in people's money
transaction patterns, having a credit card is the obvious thing for
financial transactions in recent times. Related to this, it is argued
whether using plastic money have more positive or negatives.
Even though there are a few undesirable ramifications affixed
with this practice, I think its merits override any of its setbacks.

Commencing with the most prominent predicament, this practice

may put people in debt. Owing to having effortless access to
money, some people become habitual of extravagant lifestyles
and tend to spend money beyond their earnings, which makes
them reluctant to reimburse the bank's money. Thus, banks
declare them as defaulters, and they are unable to access bank
services in future.

Despite the given disadvantage, one of the predominant benefits

of this trend is the convenience associated with paying bills.
Instead of carrying actual money, people can carry their cards
along with them, which not only bestow them with ease of
shopping regardless of place and time but also for instant online

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transaction to anyone, be it professional or personal. Thus, the

masses scarcely encounter any difficulties and can expend freely.

Another worth considering advantage is the attained security. As

the secret pin code is required to access the credit card, one does
not have to worry about robberies and theft activities like paper
money. Ergo, people can have relief from such kind of

To conclude, although being a defaulter is the major impediment

of this approach, I think people can have gratification as well as
security of money provided that they have credit cards.

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Momentous very important

2 Financial (related to managing money)

3 Ramifications results/consequences

4 Affixed Attached

5 Prominent well-known/obvious

6 Predicament difficult situation

7 Habitual Constant

8 Extravagant Fancy

9 Reluctant To slow and unwilling to

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10 Reimburse pay back

11 Predominant most important

12 Bestow Give

13 Scarcely Hardly

14 Encounter Meet

15 Expend use up/pay out

16 Attained successfully-reached

17 Robberies (crimes of taking things by force)

18 Apprehension worry (about the future)/capture

19 Impediment Obstacle

20 Gratification Pleasure

A variety of sentence structures used

 Since
 Whether or
 Even though
 Gerund
 Owing to
 Despite
 Not only but also
 Regardless of
 Although
 Provided that

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

27. The development of tourism contributed to English

becoming the most prominent language in the world.
Some people think this will lead to English becoming the
only language to be spoken globally. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of having one language in
the world?

Sample Answer:

Owing to the expansion of tourism, the English language has

become significant among all nations. Related to this concern, it is
argued whether the emergence of one language brings
advantages or disadvantages. Although this trend has few merits,
its demerits including the paucity of diversity and knowledge are

Commencing with the most prominent benefit, there will be no

linguistic barrier provided that one universal language is spoken
by all. Instead of relying upon any language translator software or
person, people will be more likely to express themselves freely.
Consequently, it will not only boost the brotherhood among
countries but also broaden their horizon. Another worth
considering advantage is the gained convenience in trade. Despite
being excellent in a certain domain, individuals cannot get success
due to their limited customer base in their region only; however,
this issue of business expansion can be solved with the
availability of one language only. Thus, a trouble-free business
can be run with the language.

In spite of the given advantages, one of the salient disadvantages

of this phenomenon is the dearth of cultural identity. Since every
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dialect reflects the culture within it is being spoken by the people,

the popularity of one language means there will be no enthusiasm
among tourists to experience something different. In other words,
the ability to distinguish people from others through their
language will completely disappear. Moreover, the dominance of
one language will be responsible for the loss of history. It is
widely acknowledged that there are numerous languages that
specifically portend certain phases of history, whereas with one
language generations to come neither will be able to have the
reminiscence of past events nor can learn something from them.
Therefore, there will be a great loss of knowledge accumulated in
one particular language.

To conclude, even though this trend has incredible benefits, its

drawbacks comprising loss of unique identity as well as
knowledge cannot be overlooked.
Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Prominent well-known/obvious

2 Globally around the world

3 Expansion (act of something getting bigger, wider, etc.)

4 Emergence coming into view

5 Paucity Shortage

6 Diversity (many different kinds of people or things)

7 Undeniable definitely true

8 Linguistic language-based

9 Barrier (something that blocks or stops something)

10 Brotherhood (close emotional bond between men/organization of men)

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11 Horizon (line in the distance where the Earth and sky meet)

12 Salient Important

13 Dearth very low number/very low amount

14 Dialect Language

15 Enthusiasm excited interest (in something)

16 Dominance Control

17 Numerous Many

18 Portend Predict

19 Reminiscence Memory

20 Accumulated piled up

21 Comprising containing/making up

22 Overlooked (ignored/didn't notice/looked at)

A variety of sentence structures used

 Owing to
 Whether or
 Although
 Gerund
 Provided that
 Instead of
 Not only but also
 Despite
 In spite of
 Since
 Whereas
 Neither nor
 Even though
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28 . In some countries, most people prefer to rent

their homes rather than buying them. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of renting a home?

A paradigm shift can be observed in people's residential

preferences. Therefore, in the section of nations, the majority of
people tend to live as tenants instead of purchasing their own
houses. This essay will not only discuss the enormous benefits
attached to it but also elaborate on the undesirable ramifications.

Commencing with the most salient merit why most of the

populace prefer renting their houses, it offers them more
flexibility. Rather than being in one place permanently, people can
relocate very often whether for the business purpose or the
pursuit of education. Consequently, living in rental apartments
bestow them with easy mobility. Another worth considering
advantage is the affordability factor. Owing to burgeoning real
estate costs, everyone cannot afford to buy a house; nevertheless,
dwelling in a rental house means one has to invest less amount of
money. Resultantly, it helps to enhance the quality of people's life
by saving their exorbitant funds which can be invested in more
imperative sectors such as future career, health and education.

Despite the given advantages, there are disadvantages also. One of

them is the dearth of freedom experienced by people. Everyone
has a different lifestyle, but in renting houses they have to adjust
themselves according to the owner's conditions. For instance,
most of the owners do not allow tenants to come late at home or

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keeping pet which restrains inhabitants to live their life

wholeheartedly. Moreover, maintenance is also a pressing
concern. People are neither permitted to do modifications of the
rental house nor any repairing. Thus, tenants cannot do anything
unless the owner is willing to do so.

To conclude, although ease in relocation coupled with cost-

effectiveness are the inevitable benefits of this trend, setbacks
including lack of independence as well as timely repair cannot be
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Paradigm Shift (change in the way people think)

2 Residential (where there are lots of homes)

3 Tenants (people or businesses who occupy a house, office, etc.)

4 Enormous Huge

5 Elaborate On explain details about

6 Ramifications results/consequences

7 The Populace People

8 Bestow Give

9 Mobility ability to move around

10 Affordability (ability to be easily paid for)

11 Burgeoning Growing

12 Dwelling house/living

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13 Enhance Improve

14 Exorbitant ridiculously high

15 Imperative very important

16 Dearth very low number/very low amount

17 Restrains limits (or holds down)

18 Inhabitants Residents

19 Wholeheartedly Completely

20 Modification Change

21 Coupled With joined/connected with

22 Cost-Effective (producing a lot for a given amount of money)

23 Inevitable Unavoidable

24 Overlooked (ignored/didn't notice/looked at)

A variety of sentence structures used

 Instead of
 Not only but also
 Gerund
 Rather than
 Owing to
 Despite
 Neither nor
 Although

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29 In some countries, owning a home rather than
renting one is very important for people.
Why might this be the case?
Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Sample Answer

Paradigm shift regarding residential preferences is a common

sight nowadays. Instead of renting a house, people prefer to own
Even though enjoyment of freedom is the causative factor behind
this phenomenon, I consider it as a destructive approach.

Commencing with the most salient reason people always want to

have their house, it bestows them to live with complete
independence. Since people are not only allowed to do
modification of their house as per their requirement but they can
also live with their own terms and conditions without any
landlord interruptions, it makes them happy, and they tend to
enjoy their livelihood with more satisfaction. For example, most
of the owners restrain their tenants from having a pet at their
house, whereas this is not the case with a person's own house.
Therefore, the predilection of buying one's own house has been
accelerating among the public.

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Despite the given arguments, I believe it is a negative growth due

to burgeoning costs of real estate costs. One has to invest
exorbitant funds when buying a home which may put people in
debt: however, living in a rental house means there are neither
huge investments nor costly monthly instalments. Consequently,
people can save massive amounts if they live on rent rather than
buying a home, which can be utilised in far more imperative
sectors such as education, medication and future career.

To conclude, although access to freedom is the pre-eminent

advantage of living in a person's own house, I think people cannot
tackle financial strain unless they stop paying beyond their reach
to purchase a house.

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Paradigm Shift Change in the way people think)

2 Salient Important

3 Bestows Gives

4 Modification Change

5 Restrain Limit/hold down

6 Tenants People or businesses who occupy a house, office, etc.

7 Predilection Preference

8 Accelerating Speeding up

9 Burgeoning Growing

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10 Exorbitant Ridiculously high

11 Massive Huge

12 Imperative Very important

13 Sectors Parts/areas

14 Medication Medicine

15 Pre-Eminent Famous/powerful

16 Financial Strain Money shortage

A variety of sentence structures used

 Instead of
 Even though
 Gerund
 Since
 Not only but also
 Whereas
 Despite
 Neither nor
 Rather than
 Although
 Unless

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

30 .Over the last few decades, the media has promoted
the image of young, thin woman as being ideal. What
problems has this caused? What solutions can you
suggest to this issue?

With the onset of the 21st - century, slim young females as being
impeccable have been advertised by the media, whereas this was
not the case a few decades back. Even though decreased self-
efficacy among heavier woman and health issues are the affixed
predicament of this, rational steps taken by the authorities can be
fruitful to solve this.
Commencing with the most prominent issue, the sense of
confidence has declined among other ladies because slim women
are considered perfect. Since most people disgrace women with
massive body mass, whether it is a workplace or society, it
inculcates the inferiority complex. As a result, they become
reluctant to live wholeheartedly and unable to attain the zenith of
success in their life. Another worth considering ramification
associated with this trend is becoming vulnerable to health
disorders. Instead of eating wholesome diets, females tend to
consume less nutritious meals and even ingest weight loss pills,
which resultantly not only make them susceptible to diseases but
also lower their stamina with the passing time. Hence, myriad
problems are encountered by women with this trend.

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Despite the given impediments, one of the pre-eminent solutions

to this problem is accepting body weight the way it is. Rather than
disseminating the information about being slim is immaculate,
producers and directors ought to hire modules having heavy body
mass with the fittest body. This will stimulate women to be happy
with their outlooks and work upon being fit in that appearance
regardless of succumbing to the pressure of making a thin body.
Moreover, there should be ongoing awareness about the counter-
productive outcomes of eating less or consuming pills. Campaigns
as well as the internet can work well to surmount this issue.

To conclude, although the dearth of self-esteem coupled with

health hazards are the possible ramifications attached to this
scenario, I think these menaces cannot be solved unless people in
power try to consider it as a problem.
Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Impeccable Extremely clean/excellent

2 Efficacy Effectiveness

3 Affixed Attached

4 Predicament Difficult situation

5 Rational Clear and sensible

6 Prominent Well-known/obvious

7 Massive Huge

8 Inculcate Teach

9 Reluctant To Slow and unwilling to

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10 Wholeheartedly Completely

11 Zenith High point

12 Vulnerable To Able to be hurt by

13 Wholesome Healthy/good

14 Ingest Eat

15 Susceptible To Easily able to be harmed or influenced by

16 Stamina The ability to work hard for a long time

17 Myriad Many

18 Encountered Already-met

19 Impediments Obstacles

20 Pre-Eminent Famous/powerful

21 Disseminating Spreading around

22 Immaculate Extremely clean

23 Succumbing Giving in

24 Outcomes Results

25 Consuming Using/eating/drinking

26 Campaigns Series of actions to reach goals

27 Dearth Very low number/very low amount

28 Self-Esteem Self-confidence

29 Hazards Dangers/risks

30 Ramifications Results/consequences

31 Menaces Dangerous and threatening things

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Whereas
 Even though
 Gerund
 Since
 Whether
 Instead of
 Not only but also
 Despite
 Rather than
 Regardless of
 Although
 Unless
31 In some parts of the world, it is becoming popular
to research the history of one's own family. Why might
people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative

The concept of genealogy is a common sight to be witnessed and

it is becoming a prevalent practice among some countries areas to
discover about their ancient family background. Even though
thrill as well as garnered awareness that one is supposed to have
while this exploration process are the causative reasons of doing
this, I consider this trend as destructive one owing to the
superiority complex that might occur in people who belong to the
privileged background.
Commencing with the most salient reason why individuals tend to
search family history, it aids them with immerse amusement.
Since it is always a firm factor to know about the lifestyle of
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ancestor whether they lived a lucrative life or belonged to any

noble class, it filled their souls with some sort of contentment;
thus, people tend to trace back their lineage. Another worth
considering reason is the attainment of enormous knowledge
with this exploration. Instead of trying new things without being
fully aware, the masses can learn the lessons from their
forefathers' past mistakes, failures or gained achievements.
Hence, knowing about one's family is a curious thing among the
inhabitants to achieve success in their life.
Despite the given arguments, I believe it is a negative
development due to the increased superiority among some
people. This can be best exemplified by the people who belong to
some noble class background. Rather than considering
themselves equal to all, these people tend to discriminate against
others and demand special treatment. Therefore, to ensure
equality and brotherhood, such kind of researches should not be
To conclude, although involved fun coupled with gaining
cognizance about family background are the prominent causes of
this trend, I believe prejudice in society cannot be mitigated
unless there is no exploration of the family bloodline.
Easier replacement

1 Genealogy Study of the history of a person's family

2 Prevalent Common

3 Ancient Very old

4 Garner Gather

5 Exploration Exploring things

6 Causative Related to one thing being directly responsible for another

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7 Superiority Quality of being better than everything else

8 Occur Happen

Enjoying a lot of special treatment, money, and other advantages

9 Privileged
in life

10 Salient Important

11 Immerse Put underwater/surround by something

12 Amusement Mild happiness/interesting thing

13 Lifestyle Way of living

14 Ancestor Family relative or thing that existed long, long ago

15 Lucrative Moneymaking

16 Contentment Satisfaction and happiness

17 Lineage Family

18 Attainment Accomplishment

19 Enormous Huge

20 Inhabitants Residents

21 Discriminate Against Unfairly treat

22 Brotherhood Close emotional bond between men/organization of men

23 Cognizance Understanding

24 Prominent Well-known/obvious

25 Prejudice Unfair, pre-decided bad opinions

26 Mitigated Lessened (something bad)

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A variety of sentence structures used

 Even though
 Owing to
 Gerund
 Since
 Whether
 Instead of
 Despite
 Due to
 Rather than
 Although
 Unless

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

32.Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of

leisure activity in many nations for young adults. Why is
this? Is it a positive or negative development?


The activity of doing shopping has been becoming renowned

among youngsters across several nations. I will not only discuss
the reasons for this phenomenon but also highlight whether it is a
constructive or destructive trend.
Commencing with the most salient reason why youngsters remain
frequent at shopping stores, they find thrill in the exploration of
numerous options. Owing to the bulk in manufacturization,
people can have a myriad of options about one thing which
stimulate them to be in such places very often. It can be illustrated
by the increasing range of brands of mobile phones and other
electronic gadgets. Adults have a strong predilection about these
things and exploring new features of such gadget which is a type
of amusing thing for them. Another worth considering reason for
these procurements is the earning capacity of individuals. Due to
the availability of enormous funds, people are more likely to feel
satisfaction from materialistic things. Thus, things are purchased
by them whether they need it or not.
Despite the given causes, I think it is a negative development
owing to its counter-productive results on the environment. It is
widely acknowledged that people have to throw away their old
possessions in order to make the room for new ones; thus, the
waste generation of every person is accelerating at a fast velocity
which is a deteriorating thing for entertainment. Moreover,
people are indulging in the habits of overspending due to this
practice. Instead of buying things according to their needs, people
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tend to do irrational buying either by unbalancing their budget or

by borrowing money from others. Consequently, they may end up
getting into debt which is not at all good for their livelihood.
To conclude, even though a variety of options as well as
overwhelming wealth are causative factors of this trend, I think
the probability of environmental destruction coupled with a
surging consumerist world cannot be tackled unless shopping is a
requirement-based activity.
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Leisure Fun/relaxation

2 Renowned Famous

3 Several More than two, but not a lot of

4 Constructive Helpful

5 Salient Important

6 Exploration Exploring things

7 Numerous Many

8 A Myriad Of Many, many

9 Predilection Preference

10 Amusing Slightly funny

11 Worth Considering Worth thinking about

12 Procurements Purchases

13 Enormous Huge

14 Materialistic Selfish

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15 Acknowledged Admitted/recognized/responded to

16 Possessions Things people own

17 Accelerating Speeding up

18 Velocity Speed

19 Deteriorating Breaking down/getting worse

20 Indulging In Doing/participating in

21 Irrational Weird (because of wrong thinking)

22 Overwhelming Very big/very strong

23 Probability Chance

A variety of sentence structures used

 Not only but also

 Whether
 Gerund
 Owing to
 Due to
 Despite
 Instead of
 Either or
 Even though
 Unless

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33 .Nowadays many countries have very cosmopolitan
cities with people from all over the world. How can the
government ensure that all these people can live
together harmoniously?

Sample Answer
In recent times, settling down in foreign lands is a common sight
to witness that no megapolises are left without immigrants.
Therefore, in order to strengthen brotherhood among
multicultural people, the government can not only make stringent
laws but also can disseminate awareness coupled with making
synonymous provision for all.
Commencing with the most salient measure of how a peaceful
environment can be attained in a multicultural society, authorities
can impose rigorous rules and regulations among people. Since
people from diverse cultures, religions and casts live together in
many societies in this scenario, chances of prejudices and
discrimination always accelerate. Thus, for preventing such
situations from occurring, there is a need for laws and violation of
these laws should mean either imprisonment or exorbitant fines.

Another worth considering fact that could be helpful to create a

conducive environment is the ongoing knowledge about
international culture and history among students. Instead of only
covering the nation's historical facts, schools ought to introduce
others' history too. Consequently, it would lead to making
children discern the significance of other cultures, and they will
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neither humiliate other cultures' people nor demand special

treatment for them. Moreover, allocating all resources, whether
basic household amenities such as utility bills or professional
vacancies, should be done regardless of caste, religion, and
culture. Hence, an impeccable society of heterogeneous people
can be achieved without any aversion against each other.
To conclude, even though people are migrating to other
megacities at high velocity, I think harmony among different
cultures can only be ensured provided that the regime is
legislating stringent laws and imparting cultural knowledge and
facilitating people with equivalent opportunities.

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Ensure Secure/make sure of

2 Harmoniously Well

3 Immigrants People (who enter a country)

4 Brotherhood Close emotional bond between men/organization of men

5 Stringent Strict

6 Disseminate spread around

7 Coupled With Joined/connected with

8 Synonymous The same thing/sounding the same

9 Salient Important

10 Attained Reached

11 Impose Force (by law)

12 Rigorous Difficult/strict/high quality

13 Regulations Rules

14 Diverse Many different kinds of people or things

15 Prejudices Unfair, pre-decided bad opinions

16 Discrimination Unfair treatment based on skin color, age, etc.

17 Accelerate Speed up

18 Occurring Happening

19 Imprisonment State of being locked in a prison

20 Exorbitant Ridiculously high

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21 Conducive Productive/helpful

22 Discern See

23 Significance Importance

24 Humiliate Embarrass

25 Allocating Giving-out

26 Impeccable Perfect/excellent

27 Heterogeneous Group of different things mixed together

28 Aversion Disgust and hatred

29 Megacities Huge cities

30 Velocity Speed

31 Regime Government in power

32 Imparting Giving

33 Facilitating Helping

34 Equivalent Equal

A variety of sentence structures used

 Not only but also

 Gerund
 Since
 Instead of
 Neither nor
 Owing to
 Provided that

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1. The bar chart below shows the number of tourists who
travelled to Australia in 1995 and 2005.

Sample Answer

The given bar graph depicts the count of tourists who visited
Australia from the US, the UK and Japan over a decade, whereas
the linear representation compares the information about two
types of holidays they had.

It can be vividly seen that the maximum number of tourists

visited Australia from Japan, having (15,00,000) in 1995 followed
by UK tourists with 800,000. The least number of tourists was
from the US, which was less than 600,000 in 1995. Probing ahead,
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the same number of tourists was 15,00,000 in 2005. In contrast,

the number of tourists from Japan was 10,00,000 in the same

Moving towards line graph, in 1995, the number of backpackers

was around 250,000, while tourists who were staying at the
resort were near around 17,00,000 in 1995. After that, both
showed an increasing trend up to 2000; the figure for stay at
resorts was 25,00,000 whilst backpackers were approximately
7,00,000. After that, the number of backpackers and staying at
resorts revealed an opposite trend until last year and reached the
same point (10,00,000).

Overall, even though the number of tourists visiting from the UK

and the US was almost identical in 2005, a declining trend can be
noticed in the count of tourists staying at resorts from 2000 to

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

2. The graph below shows the differences in wheat
exports over three different areas.

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Sample Answer:

The given line graph depicts the information about the wheat
exports over three different parts of the globe namely Australia,
Canada and the European community from 1985 to 1990.

It can be vividly seen that in 1985, 15 million wheat was exported

by Australia whereas approximately 17 million tonnes was sold
by the European community. After that, an opposite trend was
noticed in the case of both countries. Australia showed a slight
increase up to 1986 and figure was at almost 16 million tonnes.
Thereafter, a drastic fall was noticed in the case of wheat
exportation by Australia till the end, which was more than 10
million tonnes. In contrast, a slight decline was observed in the
wheat export process by the European community and for the
next two years, it remained stable at 15 million tonnes. In the last
two years, a sudden rise was witnessed in the sale of wheat, a
figure reaching more than 20 million tonnes.

Moving towards the rest of the information, the wheat

exportation process started by Canada was near about 19 million
tonnes in the initial year and in 1988, the figure reached to peak
point (25 million tonnes). After 1988, there was a dramatic drop
to 14 million tonnes in the wheat selling process. In the final year,
wheat exportation figure went up and was less than 20 million

Overall, the fluctuation was noticed in all the given countries

except Australia whereas an overall decline was observed in the
wheat selling procedure

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

3. The pie charts below show the average household
expenditures in Japan and Malaysia in the year 2010.

Sample answer:
The information about the expenses of an average household
in Japan and Malaysia in 2010 is depicted by pie charts.

It can be vividly seen that expenditure on housing was 21% in

Japan; however, in the case of Malaysia, it was the highest
(34%). The utilization of money on food was almost a quarter
(24%) in Japan whereas it was 3% more in Malaysia. Probing
ahead, a difference of 10% was observed in the expenses of
transport in both the given countries: Japan and Malaysia, as
the figure of Japan was 20% as opposed to the figure of
Malaysia (10%) in the transport sector.

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Moving towards the rest of the information, the least money

was spent on the health care field by both nations, which was
6% and 3% respectively. In the sector of other goods and
services, the expenditure of Japan was 29% while it was less
by 3% in Malaysia.

Overall, the least money was invested by Japan on health care

whilst most of the utilization of money was on housing by

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

4. The table displays a trend concerning the amounts
of fast food consumed in Melbourne.

The information about five different types of junk food eaten in

Melbourne in 2005 and at present along with predictions for
2025 is depicted by the table.

It can be clearly seen that in 2005, utilisation of hamburger was

40 units; however, it decreased by 2 units in the present time
whereas it is estimated to reach 51 units in 2025. Probing ahead,
a difference of 2 units was observed in the case of fried chicken in
2005 and in the present scenario which was 35 units and 37 units
in 2005 and present respectively, whilst it is predicted to increase
by 10 units in contrast to past two decades.

Moving towards the rest of the information, even though exactly

same units of fried rice and noodles were consumed by
Melbourne people in 2005 which were 6 units, the consumption

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of noodles is 1 unit less as compared to fried rice at the present

period {8units}. Also, it is assumed that by 2025, the equal units
of fried rice and noodles would be consumed by Melbourne
people, 9 units. Probing further, in 2005, usage of the salad was 5
units and presently it is 15 units while it is expected to incline
almost thrice (41) in 2025.

Overall, consumption of hamburger is at the peak in three given

years whereas gobbling of noodles is least in throughout the

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

5. The diagram below shows the plan of a library in
2001 and 2009.

Sample answer:

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Sample Answer:

The given maps compare the changes that took place on the
ground floor of the library over a period of eight years.

It can be vividly seen that learners can enter the library from the
south direction. Beside the entrance, there was the librarian's
desk while stairs on the right side of the entrance in 2001.
However, all these places remained at the same place in 2009.
Probing ahead, the left wall of the ground floor was divided into
two parts: self-help and history books in 2001 whereas, after 8
years, there were four more sections of books added naming
fiction, kitchen, law and economics.

Moving towards the rest of the information, the opposite side of

the entrance was covered by fiction in 2001 whilst it was replaced
by a children's area in 2009. Tables were placed in the middle of
the ground floor which were square; however, these were
converted into a rectangular shape. Even though the count of
tables decreased from 8 to 4, more students could sit there in
2009 due to an increment in its size. In the east direction,
newspapers and periodicals were located but it was altered into
films and DVDs section whilst computers were placed beside this
section in 2009.

Overall, the area of tables was widened in the ground floor of the
library as well as more variety of books were introduced as
compared to the previous year.

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6. The picture below shows the process of making smoked

Sample Answer

The given pictorial representation illustrates the procedure of

preparing smoked fish.

It can be vividly seen that in the first stage, fishes are caught by
fishermen by using nets. After that, fishes are not only frozen but
also thawed. After completing this stage, fishes are kept in
freshwater for five minutes and cut into an open environment. In
the subsequent stage, these are kept in a container for 30 minutes
in which saltwater as well as yellow colouring are added to it.
Following this, fishes are smoked for 30 minutes. After smoking,
fishes are packed in the packing box, and these are transferred for

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cold storage purpose. In the last step of this procedure, smoked

boxes are distributed to the supermarket for selling purpose.

Overall, it is a lengthy process and needs to be done carefully. If

any step is missed, the whole procedure would be halted.

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7. The diagram below shows how ethanol fuel is produced

from corn.

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Sample Answer
The given diagram illustrates the procedure of
manufacturing ethanol fuel from corn.

It can be vividly seen that corns are picked by hands from

the farm then these are not only stored but also milled in
order to keep them fresh. In the subsequent stage, some
water is added in the milling process as well as cooked for
exactly 4 hours. In the next stage, the process of making
ethanol is quite long as it needs to be fermented for
approximately 48 hours before separating from the liquid
and solid by the product. In the following stage, purifying
ethanol fuel from the liquid part starts and is kept for 5
hours for this procedure. In the last second stage, purified
ethanol fuel is stored in the containers and delivered to
the market for sale.

Overall, it is a lengthy process and needs to be done

carefully. If any step is missed, the whole procedure would
be halted.

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

8. Charts A and B show the share of the UK and Australian
cinema market in 2001 and cinema admission in the UK
and Australia from 1976 to 2006.

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Sample Answer

The given bar graph depicts the origin of films which were
screened in Australia and the UK in 2002 whereas the linear
representation illustrates the number of cinema attendants in the
UK and Australia between 1976 and 2006.
It can be vividly seen that less than 80% of movies were released
in the UK theatres in 2001 which were produced by the USA
whilst 10% less US films were shown in Australian theatres. A
difference of almost 16% was witnessed in UK films shown in
both the given theatres as the percentage of UK theatre was 21%
opposed to Australian theatres (less than 10%). Probing ahead,
only 1% of Australian films were observed in native theatres;
however, 9% more Australian films were broadcasted in UK
cinemas. The proportion of other films released in Australia and
UK cinemas were less than 20% and 3% orderly.

Moving towards line graph, in 1975, 100 million Britishers

watched movies in cinemas whilst almost 30 million Australians
saw films in theatres in the same year. With some fluctuations, the
Australian movie watchers number reached over 80 million after
three decades. On the contrary, the count of British cinema
attendees dropped to less than 60 million from 1977 to 1985.
After that, it went up steadily with some minor fluctuations up to
2000, and the figure for British attendants was at 140 million.
After half a decade, the number of cinema attendants reached a
peak point (less than 160 million).

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KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Overall, Australian and British theatres were dominated by US

films during the given period. However, Britishers went to movie
theatre more as compared to Australians from 1976 to 2005.

9. The chart below shows the amount of money per

week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph
shows the trends in the consumption of fast foods.

Sample Answer

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

The given bar graph depicts the information about the weekly
expenditure of British people on three fast food items in 1990
whereas the line graph illustrates the consumption of these items
from 1970 to 1990.
Overall, the maximum money was spent on hamburger by the
high income group while the upward trend was observed in the
consumption of all the fast-food items except in Pizza.
It can be vividly seen that less than 20% of the money was utilised
on fish and chips as well as pizza by the high-income group;
however, it got double in the case of hamburger (just about 40%).
The highest expenditure on the hamburger was more than 30%
by the average income group followed by fish and chips with 25%
and the least money was spent on pizza by the same group which
was more than 10%. Unlike other income groups, most of the
money spent by the low-income group was on fish and chips that
was almost 17% whilst the least expenses was on hamburger and
pizza by same income group accounting around 15% and 5%
Moving towards the line graph, in 1970, utilization of fish and
chips was around 100 units while consumption of pizza was three
times more in the starting year. After that, even though an
opposite trend was noticed in both the items: fish and chips as
well as pizza, after a decade, equal units of both items were
consumed which was recorded as 220 units. Thereafter, usage of
fish and chips skyrocketed and reached a peak point (500 units)
from 1980 to 1990; however, consumption of pizza remained
stable at approximately 200 units till the end. Probing ahead, in
1970, minimal consumption was of hamburger and then it
increased steadily up to 1985 just above 100 units, and dramatic
rise was witnessed in the consumption of hamburger (around 300
units) till the end.

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)


10. The charts below show the results of a survey of
adult education. The first chart shows the reasons
why adults decide study. The pie chart shows how
people think the costs of adults education should be

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

The given bar chart represents the causes of why adults

decide the study whereas pie chart shows the methods
.how cost of adult education need to be divided.
It can be clearly seen that double the proportion of adult
citizens decided to study owing to this interest in subject
in contrast to the senior individuals who enjoyed learning
as well as opted to improve their prospects of
promotional, (20%). The difference of 3% corn be seen in
the rate of adults who studying to meet people as
compared to those who believed to get opportunity to
change their job i.e. 9% and 12% orderly. Only 22% of
adults pursue studies since it is helpful for their current
jobs whereas 38% of dwellers take tutoring sessions to
gain qualifications.
Morning ahead, it is analysed by adults that 40%
individuals ought to share the cost for each course which
is 5% more than that paid by employers. Only 25% of total
cost should to paid by taxpayers.
Overall, most of adults decided to study due to this
interest in subjects whilst maximum cost for each course
is take individuals.

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)


11. The diagram below shows the main reasons
workers chose to work from home and the hours
males and females worked at home for the year

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Sample Answer

The given bar graph depicts the main reasons for male and
female workers who chose to work from home whereas the table
illustrates the information about the duration of work per week in
It can be vividly seen that the main purpose of work from home
was to save money for both males and females, which was 45%
and 42% respectively. 24% of males did the job from home to
become more productive; however, the percentage was less than
half of males in the case of females (11%). 26% of females worked
from home for easier child care and the proportion was six times
more than males.
Moving towards the table, only 3% men worked under 10 hours
while maximum females (74%) did work from home for the same
duration. 22% of females gave more preference to work from
home in 10 to 30 hours in a week than males (16%). Probing
ahead, for over 30 hours, the majority of males liked to work from
home in comparison with females as the figure of males was 81%
opposed to females (6%).

Overall, the main motive of work from home for both genders was
to save money whereas males had an extended duration of work
every week than females.

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

1. You are going on a short training course at a college in
Greenmount, Northern Ireland. You need somewhere to
live while you are there. Write a letter to the
accommodation officer at the college. In your letter:
-Explain your situation
-Despite the accommodation you require
-Say when you will need it.

Sample Answer
Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to seek your help regarding the
arrangement of a place to live for a short period in Northern
Ireland. I am working as a software developer in a multinational
company, and my organization wants me to learn an advanced
level of programming in Java. Therefore, I have enrolled in
Greenmount college.

As a matter of fact, I am looking for a one-bedroom with an

attached bathroom, kitchen and living room equipped with all
furniture and essential household possessions in an apartment.
Apart from this, having internet access is also a prerequisite to
avoid any inconvenience.

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

I require this accommodation from the 1st of June. Even though I

intend to arrive in this city five days before the 1st of May, I will
be staying in the hotel during these days. So, Kindly make
provision of this type of accommodation for me.
I am hoping for a prompt response.
Yours faithfully,
{Full name}
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Accommodation change (to help someone)/place to live and sleep

2 Despite (even though there is the existence of)

3 Seek look (for)

4 Regarding (related to/looking at/thinking about)

5 Multinational huge company

6 As A Matter Of Fact Actually

7 An Attached a political helper

8 Equipped Prepared

9 Essential extremely important

10 Possessions (things people own)

11 Prerequisite Requirement

12 Kindly kind/nicely

13 Prompt Response response (with no waiting)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

2. You recently visited a local restaurant with your family

and had a very good meal. Write a letter to the editor of a
local newspaper. In your letter:
Explain where the restaurant is
Describe what you ate in the restaurant
Say why you would recommend the restaurant to others.

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Sample Answer
Dear sir,
I am writing this to express my gratitude as well as happiness
towards the restaurant where. I have lately visited along with my
family to have a meal. It is a newly built restaurant situated on the
outskirts of the city Amritsar.
Concerning the served meals, we ate butter chicken, pasta and
ice-creams for the dessert. Apart from that, I also had one
complimentary dish of South Indian cuisine, which was incredibly
I am suggesting this restaurant to others since the food was not
only luscious but also above the conventional hygiene levels.
Moreover, it was very cost-effective, and the staff was also very
amiable by nature.
I hope others also Dine-in there and enjoy the feasts.
Yours faithfully,
{Full name}
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Recently (not very long ago)

2 Gratitude Thankfulness

3 Situated Located

4 Outskirts outer areas

5 Concerning The about the

6 Cuisine Food

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

7 Luscious Delicious

8 Conventional Ordinary

9 Hygiene (keeping yourself/something clean)

10 Moreover more than that

11 Cost-Effective (producing a lot for a given amount of money)

12 Amiable Friendly

13 Feasts food-based celebrations

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

3. You are going to take a short holiday in Singapore, and you

want to rent a holiday apartment while you are there.
Write to the tourist information office. In your letter:

- Explain what you need

- Say when you plan to be there
- Ask for information about prices.
Sample Answer
Dear sir,
I am writing this letter to seek your assistance regarding finding
an apartment on rent for a short period in Singapore during my
stay there. Concerning the accommodation type, I need a small
apartment with one kitchen, bedroom with an attached bathroom
and a living room equipped with all household possessions.
In terms of my stay, I am going to arrive in Singapore on the 20th
of this month. Even though it is a three-week holiday, I could also
expand it for one week more if I would enjoy it.
I would be highly grateful to you if you give an account of the
expenses of the apartment along with additional expenditure that
can incur related to the apartment. Since I do not have a fixed
budget, something enjoyable would be appreciated.
I am waiting for your response.
Yours faithfully,
Kawaljit Kaur

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Seek look (for)

2 Assistance Help

3 Regarding (related to/looking at/thinking about)

4 Concerning The about the

5 Accommodation change (to help someone)/place to live and sleep

6 An Attached a political helper

7 Equipped Prepared

8 Possessions (things people own)

9 Grateful Thankful

10 Additional added/more

11 Expenditure Expense

12 Incur get/cause

4. Your local council is closing the children's playground in

your locality as not many children visit the park. Write a
letter to the council requesting not to close it. Include the
following in your letter:

-How important is the playground for children

-Why don't children go to the playground
-What can be done to bring children back to the park.

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Sample Answer
Dear sir,
I am one of the residents of the XYZ community and writing this
letter to request you to drop the idea of closing the playground
where young ones play. The reason why the availability of
playground is imperative is two-folded. It not only helps children
to be healthy both physically and mentally but also acts as a good
socialization medium for them with their peers.

I think the paucity of playing equipment as well as careless

attitude of workers in taking care of this ground are the major
problems why children do not feel encouraged to visit here.
Moreover, due to the garbage in the surrounding areas, children
are taking a meagre interest in visiting this place.

Concerning the solution of these issues, you need to impose strict

rules on caretakers in order to do maintenance of the ground
regularly. Additionally, the arrangement of playing equipments
will work as enthusiasm among juveniles as every child loves to
play with them.

I am hoping for a positive response from your side.

Yours faithfully,
Kawaljit Kaur

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Difficult words with definitions:

Easier replacement

1 Council (group of people who advise or govern)

2 Locality Place

3 Is Imperative is extremely important

4 Mentally (related to the mind and brain)

(causing people or animals to interact with others so they're more

5 Socialization

6 Paucity Shortage

7 Attitude (point of view/way of behaving)

8 Moreover more than that

9 Meagre poor/not enough

10 Concerning The about the

11 Impose force (by law)

12 Additionally Also

13 Enthusiasm excited interest (in something)

14 Juveniles Children

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

5. Write a letter to your local library suggesting something

they could do to improve their facility. In your letter
-A recount of a poor experience you had
-What you feel the library should change
Why you feel the library needs alternation
Sample Answer
Dear sir,
I am one of the frequent visitors of your local library and writing
this letter to express my discontent regarding my recent few
visits to this library. Concerning the problems, the books were not
adequately catalogued, and a technical glitch with the computer
left me with squandering plenitude of time. Moreover, chairs and
tables were also not arranged appropriately. When I complained
to authorities present out there, they started showing me
impudent behaviour.
I believe there are a myriad of things that require change. Most
importantly, you need to impose rigorous rules for visitors in
terms of charging fine to avoid the havoc created by them.
Additionally, there should be a satisfactory investigation, either
weekly or monthly, so that the behaviour of authorities can be
These amendments are a prerequisite to be implied as it will not
only attract more visitors for the pursuit of reading but also be
beneficial for the library's prestige in society. I hope you will be
meticulous about these concerns in future.

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Waiting for prompt action.

Yours faithfully,
{Full name}:
Easier replacement

1 Recount (remember and retell)

2 Alternation change (from one thing to the other)

3 Discontent Unhappiness

4 Regarding (related to/looking at/thinking about)

5 Concerning The about the

6 Not Adequately not acceptably

7 Glitch Problem

8 Squandering Wasting

9 Moreover more than that

10 Authorities people in charge

11 Impudent Rude

12 A Myriad Of many, many

13 Impose force (by law)

14 Rigorous difficult/strict/high quality

15 Havoc Destruction

16 Additionally Also

17 Satisfactory Acceptable

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

(act of asking questions and trying to find the truth about

18 Investigation

19 Regulated Controlled

20 Amendments Changes

21 Prerequisite Requirement

22 Implied Suggested

23 Beneficial Helpful

24 Prestige fame/respect

25 Society (community of people/all good people in the world)

26 Meticulous careful/very clean

27 Prompt Action action (with no waiting)

6. You wish to study at a foreign University. Write a letter to

the university. In your letter you should ask about:
-The accommodation and fees
-Possible scholarships
-The qualifications required for acceptance.

Sample Answer
Dear sir,
I am writing this letter to inquire about some details related to
the enrollment as well as provisions provided by your university
for the student.

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

It would be really valuable to me if you can inform me about the

accommodation whether it is being provided in university or not.
Moreover, what are the possible expenditures that one has to
incur while studying here in the computer science domain?
Regarding students’ ease, I want to know if the university bestows
students with any kind of scholarships. If there is any scholarship
program, what are the criteria for becoming liable to that
I want to get enrolment in bachelors of computer science; thus,
knowing the required experience as well as education to get
admission in this is direly important for me. Therefore, kindly
send me all details of these procedures as mentioned earlier.
I am waiting for a prompt response.
Yours faithfully,
{Full Name}
Easier replacement

1 Accommodation change (to help someone)/place to live and sleep

2 Scholarships (money given to good students to help pay for college)

3 Required needed/demanded

4 Inquire Ask

5 Provisions (legal rules/food and supplies)

6 Provided By given by

7 Being Provided being given

8 Moreover more than that

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

9 Expenditures Expenses

10 Incur get/cause

11 Regarding (related to/looking at/thinking about)

12 Bestows Gives

13 Scholarship (sum of money given to help pay for college/school learning)

14 Criteria judging requirements

15 Liable To possibly going to

16 Bachelors (unmarried men)

17 Thus this way

(act of letting someone enter/speaking the truth about something

18 Admission

19 Direly in a terrible, serious way

20 Kindly kind/nicely

21 Mentioned talked about/said

22 Prompt Response response (with no waiting)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

7. You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time

evening course. You now find that you cannot continue the
course. Write a letter to your tutor. In your letter:
-Describe the situation
-Explain why you cannot continue at this time
-Say what action you would like to take.
Sample Answer
Dear sir,
I am Kawaljit Kaur, one of the students of the evening batch in the
computer science course and writing this letter to inform my
sudden exit from this learning program. As I am working from 9
am to 5 pm, and I have to attend classes at 6 pm, it is becoming
hectic for me now.
In the context of my problem, I am finding difficulty with timing.
Even though I return home 30 minutes before the class, I do not
even have a little time to rejuvenate myself during this process,
which is affecting my health.
I think quitting the course is the only viable solution to solve this
problem since it will allow me to have some time with myself.
Despite being passionate about learning to code, I have to leave
my study.
I hope you will understand my problem.
Yours faithfully,
Kawaljit Kaur

Difficult words with definitions:

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Tutor teacher

2 Hectic very busy

3 Context big picture

4 Rejuvenate make young again

5 Viable doable/possible

6 Despite (even though there is the existence of)

7 Passionate emotional (in a good way)

8. You are looking for a part-time job at a football club. Write

a letter to the manager of the football club. In your letter.
# Introduce yourself
# Explain what experience and special skills you have
#Tell him/ her when you think you could start
Dear Sir,
I am ABC and writing this letter for applying for a part-time job at
your club for the post of football coach. I have been living in this
city for the last three years for the acquisition of a degree from
the prestigious university of this city. Therefore, I am looking for a
part-time job to oversee my expenses.
Concerning the garnered experience, I have played this game not
only at the college level but also have been selected for the state
and national level. Moreover, I have adequate knowledge about
every aspect of this game ranging from rules regulations to

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

playing with smart tricks. Ergo, I deem myself suitable for the
position of coach.
As a fact of joining, I can commence from any time whether it is
tomorrow or week. Apart from this, I am ready to work for extra
hours at weekends. Hope you will like my credentials and hire me
for a job.
Hoping for a positive response.
Yours faithfully,
{Full Name}
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Acquisition purchase/getting/learning

2 Prestigious famous/respected

3 Concerning The about the

4 Garner Gather

5 Moreover more than that

6 Adequate (good) enough

7 Regulations Rules

8 Deem think of/consider

9 Suitable Good

10 Commence Begin

11 Credentials (written proof of identity, education, etc.)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

9. Work is being done on the street where you live. The noise
is disturbing you. Write a letter of complaint to your local
council. In your letter;
# Introduce yourself
# Explain what the problem is
# Suggest solutions to the problem.
Sample Answer:
Dear sir,
I am one of the dwellers of the 'Professor Enclave' colony and
writing this letter to express my resentment regarding the
disturbing noises of construction work on my street. I am working
as a software engineer and tend to work at night time. I have been
living in this city for the last ten years along with my family
Concerning the problems, loud noises associated with hammer
work, the persistent usage of machinery causes exasperation.
Even though all the work is being performed in the day time when
people are at work, the situation is worst for children, elders and
those who work from home.
I think appointing more manpower is a good way to surmount
this issue. Since the work is considerable, doing it with more
labour will not only help in accomplishing the work early but also
bestow people with the ease of commuting.
Hoping for prompt action.
Yours faithfully,
{Full Name}

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Council (group of people who advise or govern)

2 Dwellers residents

3 Colony (group of people or other living things)

4 Resentment anger (over being mistreated)

5 Regarding (related to/looking at/thinking about)

6 Concerning The about the

7 Associated connected

8 Persistent (constant/not going away)

9 Exasperation extreme irritation

10 Elders older (people)

11 Appointing (assigning to a position)

12 Surmount get on top of/win

13 Considerable (large/relatively large)

14 Accomplishing completing

15 Bestow give

16 Prompt Action action (with no waiting)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

10. You play a team sport with some friends. Last week a
member of the team had an accident and was not able to
play with you at the weekend. You decide to write to him in
hospital, telling him about the match. Write a letter to your
friend. In your letter:
- Tell him which team won
- Describe the condition on the days
- Say how you felt about the match.

Sample Answer
Hi Kamal,
How're you? Hope you're hale and hearty. I was highly distressed
to know about your sudden accident. However, I'm writing this
letter to tell you about the last match which you missed.
You'll be delighted to know that our team has won the match.
Even though the match was equally competitive from both sides
of the team, our team played exceptionally good at the last stage
and won that match.
On the day of the match, the weather was extremely pleasant as it
was not too much cool. Nevertheless, both the teams were in a
reflective mood owing to the stress of winning. Moreover, the
audience was full of exuberance/vitality and was applauding
throughout the time to motivate players.

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

I was very contented and happy about the match except for the
fact, you were not there. I missed you a lot. Otherwise, it was
good. I know you'll also be delighted to know about our victory.
Hoping for your speedy recovery.
Your friend,
Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Accident (sudden unplanned bad event/crash)

2 Hale Healthy

3 Hearty Warm

4 Distressed upset (in bad shape)

5 Exceptionally Very

6 Extremely Very

7 Nevertheless Anyway

8 Reflective (mirror-like/related to carefully thinking about past events)

9 Owing To because of

10 Moreover more than that

11 Exuberance extreme excitedness

12 Applauding clapping/supporting

13 Motivate (give a reason to do something)

14 Contented satisfied and happy

15 Speedy Quick

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

11. Write a letter to your friend about a job opportunity you

came across that they might find interesting. In the letter,
you should:
-Give some details about the job.
-Mention how you came across the job opportunity.
-Explain why you feel the job would be suitable for your friend.

Sample Answer
Hi Kawal,
How're you? Hope you're as fit as a fiddle. You'll be over the moon
to know that I got to know about one job which might be suitable
for you. Since you have pursued your degree in computer science,
this job relates to this domain. You'll be required to do website
designing in HTML.
Actually, I was at my relative's house last weekend. While
conversating with my uncle, I came across the information that
my uncle's friend intends to set up a business of readymade
garments. He needs an online website designer to flourish his
business. At that time, I only thought about you for this purpose.
I think it would be an impeccable job for you owing to your
garnered experience in this field as well as your interest.
Moreover, you'll be expected to achieve not only fat pay checks
with other perks but also flexible timing.
Hope you'll consider this proposal.
Your friend,
{First name only}

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Mention talk about/say

2 Suitable good

3 Pursued chased after

4 Required needed/demanded

5 Garments articles of clothing

6 Flourish wave/grow/decoration

7 Impeccable extremely clean/excellent

8 owing to because of

9 Garner gather

10 Moreover more than that

11 Achieve (accomplish or gain with effort)

12 Consider think about/believe

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

12. You and a friend have both been accepted to a study

abroad program in Paris, France. Write a letter to your
friend. In your letter:

-Congratulate him/her for also being accepted

-Ask him/her if he/she would like to be your roommate.
-Discuss the possible activities that the two of your could do
Sample Answer

Hi KB,

How're you? I hope you're as fit as a fiddle. I'm over the moon to
know about your acceptance to study 'Masters in Business
administration' in Paris with me and want to congratulate you. I
was really desiring this thing to happen.

In the context of accommodation, I intend to rent a single

bedroom apartment and have no issues if you're willing to share
the abode with me. Even though the place will not be quite
spacious, it'll definitely aid us in saving expenditures that may
incur while living alone in a conurbation.

Since I know you're a fitness freak, I've thought to join either yoga
classes or swimming lesson in our free time. Moreover, every

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

weekend, we'll go for grocery shopping and will have some fun
time. Not to forget about group studies to get desired marks.
Excited to be your room partner.
Your friend,

Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Abroad in other countries

2 Administration management

3 Context big picture

4 Accommodation change (to help someone)/place to live and sleep

5 Abode home

6 Spacious big

7 Expenditures expenses

8 Incur get/cause

9 Conurbation group of cities

10 Moreover more than that

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

For Android users:

For iOS users:

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

13. You will move to a new city for work. You know some
people who live there. Write a letter to one of your friends.
In your letter:
Ask him for help finding accommodation.
Tell him where you would like to live.
Tell him the type of place you are looking for.

Sample Answer
Hi Komal,
How're you? Hope you're hale and hearty. You'll be over the
moon to know that I'm intending to move to your city for my new
job. Since I've never been to this city, it'd be beneficial to me if
you could assist me in finding accommodation.
Concerning the area to live in, I want to live in such a place with
easy access to all the amenities, whether it is a transportation
service or grocery stores. Moreover, the area needs to also be
equipped with security services encompassing surveillance
cameras and security guards.
In terms of the apartment, I want a small place comprising one
bedroom with an attached bathroom, a kitchen and a living room.
You know I'm not a fan of spacious homes. However, the abode
must facilitate the comforts such as hot water and a friendly
Waiting for your response.
Your friend,

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Accommodation change (to help someone)/place to live and sleep

2 Hale Healthy

3 Hearty Warm

4 Beneficial Helpful

5 Assist Help

6 Concerning The about the

7 Amenities (nice things to have)

8 Moreover more than that

9 Equipped Prepared

10 Encompassing Including

11 Surveillance Cameras video cameras (for recording people)

12 Comprising containing/making up

13 An Attache a political helper

14 Spacious Big

15 Abode Home

16 Facilitate Help

14. An Australian friend is coming to visit you, and it will be

his birthday during the visit. Write a letter to your friend.
In your letter:
-Say how you feel about the visit
-Suggest what you could do on his birthday

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

-Ask what he thinks of your ideas

Hi Komal,
How're you? Hope you're as fit as a fiddle. I'm tremendously
ecstatic to know about your plan of visiting at my abode next
week. It's been years since we met last. I must say my words are
just incapable of exhibiting my exuberance level.
The fact that your birthday also falls in the week of your visit has
upheaval my excitement. Even though you intend to stay for one
week, I've made a myriad of plans in order to ensure our proper
amusement. I've planned a one-day excursion out of the city as
there are numerous options to celebrate your special day, ranging
from five-star hotels to exquisite serene views of nature.
I know your desires also matter since it's your big day. If you've
any other plan, then share it freely. I'll arrange the party as per
your convenience. So, your vindication is very necessary.
Eagerly waiting for your response.
Your friend,
Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Tremendously hugely

2 Ecstatic extremely happy

3 Abode home

4 Incapable (unable to do something)

5 Exhibit show

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

6 Exuberance extreme excitedness

7 Upheaval big change/big changes

8 A Myriad Of many, many

9 Ensure secure/make sure of

10 Amusement mild happiness/interesting thing

11 Excursion trip

12 Numerous many

13 Exquisite beautiful

14 Serene calm

15 Vindication proof of innocence (or being right

15. You celebrated your birthday with some friends last

week in a restaurant. It was a great success. You and your
friends enjoyed the evening very much. Write a letter to
the restaurant to thank them.
- Mention the food and the atmosphere
- How was the service
-Suggest any improvement to make things better.

Sample Answer
Dear sir,
I am one of the recent visitors of your restaurant and writing this
letter to express my pleasure as well as gratitude towards the
service of your hotel. Food provided by your staff members was

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

not only delicious but also was above the normal standards.
Moreover, the surrounding ambience was very soothing in terms
of music and all calmness.
All staff members, including waiters, receptionist and
housekeepers were exceptional in their jobs. They had made all
the provisions of the party beforehand whether it was related to
food or adornment. Additionally, proper hygiene levels were also
maintained by them.
Everything was impeccable except the parking lot. Since the
parking lot was not quite spacious, we ended up parking our
vehicles on the roadside which was a matter of worry. I think you
need to allocate more space for this too. I hope you will consider
my suggestion carefully and bring changes.
Once again thank you for your incredible service.
Yours faithfully,
{Full Name}
Difficult words with definitions:

Difficult word/phrase Easier replacement

1 Mention talk about/say

2 Gratitude thankfulness

3 Provided By given by

4 Normal (usual/ commonly and regular/ healthy)

5 Moreover more than that

6 Ambience mood/quality

7 Soothing comforting

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

8 Calmness (a quiet, relaxed mental state/quiet, pleasant weather)

9 Exceptional (excellent/very unusual)

10 Provisions (legal rules/food and supplies)

11 Beforehand ahead of time

12 Adornment decoration

13 Additionally also

14 Hygiene (keeping yourself/something clean)

15 Impeccable extremely clean/excellent

16 Spacious big

17 Allocate set apart and distribute

18 Consider think about/believe

19 Incredible amazing

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

KB IELTS (+91 7889132424)

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