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This drama is about the conflicts, the wins, and the losses one experiences when working. It will follow the
story of 21st-century women who chose not to be a wife or a mother and successfully work without
discrimination or impediments.

Episode No. 13

Scene Problem Summary: On the verge of discontinuance of KU group

connection with Director Song’s Parent Company
Involve Characters: Chairwoman Jang, Director Song.
Solution Director Song parents proposes a real estate gift
agreement to chairwoman jang that will act as
damage control and to hold on to power.

Scene Problem Summary: Director Song was suspended and chance to be

kicked out of Unicon
Involve Characters: Director Song and American Unicon
Solution Director Song managed to have a meeting with
Unicon America representative and was able to
clear her name and exposed the current CEO of
its wrongdoings.
Scene Problem Summary: Government was about to manipulate the
rankings as the meeting between current leaders
of both unicon and barro is agreeing
Involve Characters: Kevin VP of Barro, Ms. Na CEO of Unicon and
Chairwoman Jang, Director Song, CEO Brian
Solution Director Song met CEO brian and pleaded to go
back to barro and replace Kevin the VP. Whilst
on Unicon, Ms Na was removed from CEO
because shes a spy.

Episode No. 14
Summary: The Return of Brian CEO of Barro and Appointment
of Director Song Ga Gyeong as CEO of Unicon.

Scene Problem Summary: Destroying CEO Song image

Involve Characters: Ms. Na Chairwoman Jang CEO Song
Solution CEO Song talked to Ms. Na as she was ditched by
chairwoman jang. She acquired Miss Na to serve her
at Unicon.

Scene Problem Summary: Barro made to top ranking again as they launched a
new feature.
Involve Characters: Tami and the team. CEO Song
Solution CEO Song held a meeting and told the members to
stay grounded and don’t panic as Unicon users will

Episode No. 15
Summary: Finally, Barro was able to beat Unicon at market

Scene Problem Summary: Barro tops Unicon at market share

Involve Characters: CEO Song and the Unicon Team
Solution CEO Song calmly ordered the team and
explained to them that barro is really on top that
time and they were at top for ten years. The
target market shifted to barro as barro is light
and comedic approach. She then emphasized
that the difference is manageable and Unicon’s
identity is different from barro. Unicon is elegant
and sophisticated.

Scene Problem Summary: President and the government wants to influence the
Involve Characters: President, Speaker, CEO Song CEO Brian and Tami
Solution Tami declines the proposal and stands firm with what
is right and just. Whilst CEO song as a business
woman herself might consider the proposal but on a
higher offer and for Unicon’s security.

Scene Problem Summary: Government passed electricity bill to compensate

barro and unicon and agree to their terms.
Involve Characters: Tami and the barro team
Solution The team proposes to post on their website the
government’s offer and policy for the public to know.

Episode No. 16
Summary: Government is on a bad image as both barro and
unicon opposes the retrievement of personal data of
its users

Scene Problem Summary: CEO Song, Scarlet and Tami held press conference
and cited the 5 code of ethics for web portals
Involve Characters: CEO Song, Scarlet and Tami President and Speaker
Solution The president explained live on media that it was a
miscommunication between him and his speaker.
That the speaker was the manipulator and not doing
his job good.
Scene Problem Summary: CEO Song insists of Alimony to be paid by
Chairwoman Jang for her abuses and
Involve Characters: Chairwoman Jang and CEO Song
Solution Chairwoman Jang proposes Gagyeong to move
out of korea and pursue her dreams. CEO song
declined the offer as she wants alimony not
some manipulation technique again by Jang.
And proceeded with the hearing.

Scene Problem Summary: KU Group is exposed of manipulating rankings during

the election
Involve Characters: CEO Song and the KU Group
Solution Chairwoman Jang ordered her man to bring her
CEO Song if she shows in the hearing but CEO
song went on live tv to expose KU group.
Chairwoman Jang pulls her last resort by calling
the editor in chief and invites for a hiking. Hiking
with the EIC means that Chairwoman Jang will
use her money and give to EIC as payment for
damage control for the whole KU Group. Bribery

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