Celedio Eneman5-8

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This drama is about the conflicts, the wins, and the losses one experiences when working. It will follow the
story of 21st-century women who chose not to be a wife or a mother and successfully work without
discrimination or impediments.

Episode No. 5
Summary: The storyline picks up in episode 5, where Ga-
gyeong pays Han Min-gyu, who survived his
suicide attempt, a visit in the hospital. Ga
Kyeong and Han Min-gyu spoke with one
another about the incident. Han Min-gyu told Ga-
gyeong how he was frustrated and how it would
have ended if he had simply passed away.
Realistically speaking, Ga-gyeong told Han Min-
gyu that his feelings and frustrations about
people discovering his identity would never truly
go away—they would only be wiped from his life,
not from the internet. There are already articles
about him and his host bar predicament on the
internet. Ga kyeong ended the conversation by
making Han Min-gyu realize that suicide cannot
change anything and that there is nothing he can
do, and his only choice is to move forward.
Continuing back on Tammy’s situation, she was
then seen to be with Park Morgan. Park Morgan
was trying hard to keep Tammy in sane and
calmed down since Tammy is starting blame
everything on her on what happened to Han Min-
gyu and her appearing on the search rankings.
Park Morgan continues to comfort her, and their
conversation ended when Tammy decided to ask
Park Morgan to drive her back to her office at
Barro. At the same time on UNICON’s office, the
CEO of UNICON, Ms. Na In-kyeong, asked Ga-
gyeong if the issue about Tammy was her doing.
Ga-gyeong immediately denied her accusation.
The story continues at when the SERVICE
REFORMATION TEAM was conducting a
meeting regarding on what decision they should
make regarding Tammy being on the search list.
have a deep and critical conversation, had
concluded, and decided that they should not
remove Tammy on the Barro’s search rankings.
The meeting of the SERVICE REFORMATION
TEAM had ended by Mr. Brian asking Tammy if
the gossip about Tammy is true on “having a
web portal director cancelling the sponsor of a
celebrity after knowing his past”. Tammy
truthfully denied the issue. Mr. Brian then asked
Tammy to go home for the meantime to take a
rest and unwind about the situation. To avoid
checking on the issues on the internet and to
avoid fueling the stress Tammy is currently
feeling, Park Morgan insisted that Tammy should
stay the night in his house. Tammy agreed and
slept on Park Morgan’s house. The day after, Mr.
Brian is on the meeting on which he explains
why the company defended Tammy regarding
the issue. The same day, the SERVICE
REFORMATION TEAM was again shocked
when the security team found out and told them
that the search ranking was manipulated by a
third-party entity. With help of Jenny and
Scarlettt, Tammy was able to know who was
behind the manipulation of the search rankings.
Tammy found out the husband of Ga-gyeong,
Mr. Jin-woo, was the one who ordered a skilled
hacker man to manipulate and infiltrate the
search rankings which is Lee Ho-jin.

Scene Problem Summary: The SERVICE REFORMATION TEAM called a

meeting to discuss whether it was the right
decision to remove Tammy's name from Barro's
search engine or to remove the keywords related
to her after learning that she had surfaced in the
search results due to rumors that she had
canceled celebrity Han Min-gyu's sponsor after
learning of his problem about being on a host
Involve Characters: Mr. Brian
Tammy (Bae Ta-mi)
Scarlett (Social Director of Barro)
Joseph (Co-worker of Tammy at UNICON)
Ellie (Worked at UNICON’s café)
Jenny (Programming expert)
Alex (Works at Barro)
Solution After deliberating, they concluded that Barro's
search rankings should retain the name and
keywords associated with Tammy and the
rumors surrounding her. Despite Jenny and
Scarlett's rejection of the idea, Tammy insisted
that Barro shouldn't interfere with what the
internet wants to know because, like her and
Han Mingyu, they are simply the voices of the
internet. Tammy argued that it was the right
decision to keep her name visible in the search
results even though she was innocent. Mr. Brian
agreed on what Tammy explained and made the
call to no remove her name on the search
rankings. Mr. Brian, having decided not to
remove the keywords about Tammy, also
instructed the members of the SERVICE
REFORMATION TEAM to have file reports
against the article makers about tammy and to
make a statement for the Barro company
denying the gossip about Tammy.

The solution that Mr. Brian had chosen is not

only make an equal treatment of every person
appearing on the search ranking but also, he
exhibited his care and compassion for his

Scene Problem Summary: In a meeting with Barro's legal team, Mr. Brian
discussed his actions regarding the release of
statements regarding Tammy being falsely
rumored online. There are members of the legal
team who don't agree with Mr. Brian's decision
and believe it could negatively impact Barro's
reputation and image.
Involve Characters: Mr. Brian
Legal Team
Solution The proper course of action for a CEO in the
event of internal conflicts and employee
disagreements is to address the matter and
provide clarification, as exemplified by Mr.
Brian's actions. Brian believes that safeguarding
an employee from false accusations and gossip
was the appropriate decision. Mr. Brian clarified
that defending a worker against injustice won't
harm a business's reputation in any other way.

Scene Problem Summary: After receiving word from the security team that
the search rankings were being manipulated, the
once more. The team members urged that the
cyber bureau be contacted so they could look
into this matter further. After speaking privately
with Tammy and Scarlett, Mr. Brian dismissed
this idea.
Involve Characters: Mr. Brian
Tammy (Bae Ta-mi)
Scarlett (Social Director of Barro)
Joseph (Co-worker of Tammy at UNICON)
Ellie (Worked at UNICON’s café)
Jenny (Programming expert)
Alex (Works at Barro)
Solution Mr. Brian feels that the business shouldn't assist
Tammy in manipulating the search results any
longer. According to Mr. Brian, the fact that users
were aware that the search engine had been
hacked and manipulated proves that search
engines are vulnerable to hacker attacks and
keyword ranking manipulation. According to him,
that decision will not only harm Barro but the
whole web portal industry as well. The final call
of Mr. Brian is to not go any further about the
keyword manipulation. During the conversation,
Jenny was shown eavesdropping and heard that
Mr. Brian decided not to help Tammy further
about the issue. Being a professional
programmer as she is, Jenny initiated and
investigated the search word manipulation that
happened. Jenny tracked down the hacker which
was Lee Ho-jin and handed his name and
whereabouts to Tammy. Tammy, together with
Scarlett, found out who the hacker was and knew
who hired the hacker to manipulate the search

Episode No. 6
Summary: The events leading up to Scarlett and Tammy
smashing Ga-gyeong's husband Mr. Jin-woo's
car with a bat are recaptured at the beginning of
episode 6. In retaliation, the two girls broke into
Mr. Jin-woo's car, demanding that he pay a
hacker to manipulate search engine rankings.
Ga-gyeong argued with Mr. Jin-woo that what he
had done was absurd and unnecessary after
Scalet and Tammy left. Additionally, after
Scarlett and Tammy left the couple, they
conversed with one another about their
relationship with Ga-gyeong while sitting in a
gutter on the street. On this scene, the
relationship between Ga-gyeong and Scarlett
were more deepened in the story since it was
portrayed that they were close friends starting
from high school. After Scarlett and Tammy
separated ways, Tammy finds herself again
meeting with Park Morgan. During the meeting
between the two, Park Morgan notices the bruise
that Tammy got from smashing the car of Mr.
Jin-woo. Park Morgan invites Tammy again on
his house in order for him to properly treat the
wound that Tammy got. Tammy accepts the
invitation and after Park Morgan treated Tammy,
Tammy then leaves and sleep on her home. On
the next day, the normal day and operation of the
their usual business continues, the SERVICE
REFORMATION TEAM now starts on planning
for a new gimmick for Barro to beat UNICON.
The team had a back and forth share of
suggestion. Tammy wants to have a trendy vibe
within Barro that will portray “Barro is trendy, and
we will beat UNICON”. In order to do that,
Tammy suggested that having webtoon artists as
their aid would greatly help to achieve their goal.
The next scene is Matthew being seen with her
ex-girlfriend. Matthew’s ex-girlfriend said on their
conversation that she does not want to date
Matthew anymore and that she is interested on
Park Morgan (Park Morgan was the one who told
Matthew’s ex-girlfriend that he is two timing her).
The next part of the episode is when Ellie and
Tammy had a meeting with one of the top
webtoon artist of UNICON, Count Kim. The
meeting did not go well as planned since Count
Kim was showed to have a rude attitude. Count
Kim questioned the capability of the company to
support a webtoon artist while their employee
(Ellie) does not have a decent bag and outfit.
Their meeting ended and Tammy still insisted
Count Kim to join Barro. The next day, Scarlett
held a meeting regarding a soon to be released
emoticon by Barro. The meeting concluded with
having the emoticon be a Bunny pouring a sauce
to Tangsuyuk (a famous Korean-Chinese food)
instead of it being dipped. On the next day,
rumors spread Barro about the relationship of
Matthew between his ex-girlfriend and Scarlettt.
This angered Scarlett and decided to meet with
the ex-girlfriend together with Tammy which
eventually have been settled. The story then
continues to show how the complicated situation
of the family of Ga-gyeong and Mr. Jin-woo has.
This part also started to show that Mr. Jin-woo
cares for Ga-gyeong. The episode then ended
with a bonding between Park Morgan and
Tammy after Tammy suddenly starts to long for
the presence

Scene Problem Summary: In just one week, Barro's market share increased
by 1.2 percent. Their increased market sales
were also a result of their advertising campaign.
Tammy called a meeting to decide what gimmick
they should use going forward to keep up with
the growth in market share in an attempt to
maintain this winning streak.
Involve Characters: Tammy (Bae Ta-mi)
Scarlett (Social Director of Barro)
Joseph (Co-worker of Tammy at UNICON)
Ellie (Worked at UNICON’s café)
Jenny (Programming expert)
Alex (Works at Barro)
Solution Tammy saw that in order to make an impression
on people, Barro needed to project a "vibe" that
was superior to UNICO. Ellie recommended
writing more articles about Barro's rising market
sales in order to spread the idea that the
company is superior to UNICON. Tammy gave
her approval to this idea. Tammy also
recommended that the business hire the best
webtoon artists in the nation. The business
needs to adjust to the newest online trends, like
webtoons, if it wants to reach a wider audience.
At the moment, teenagers—who make up the
largest group of internet users—watch three
webtoon episodes on average every day. This
trend is what Tammy want to utilize.

The only problem about hiring web toon artists is

their loyalty to their current agencies. For
instance, the top 3 webtoon artists, Count Kim,
Jung Hee-jin, and Godori, are all under UNICON.
Tammy then decides to first have a meeting with
the current number 1, Count Kim.

Scene Problem Summary: Scarlett had called a meeting to discuss an

emoticon that Barro was going to release soon.
The decision regarding the emoji's design is
currently being made by the SERVICE
REFORMATION TEAM. The adorable emoticon
of a rabbit drizzling sauce over a Tangsuyuk is
the top pick. The emoticon depicting a rabbit
dipping a Tangsuyuk in sauce is the second one.
Involve Characters: Mr. Brian
Tammy (Bae Ta-mi)
Scarlett (Social Director of Barro)
Joseph (Co-worker of Tammy at UNICON)
Ellie (Worked at UNICON’s café)
Jenny (Programming expert)
Alex (Works at Barro)
Solution Scarlett chose to go with the first option despite
the fact that there is disagreement over how to
coat the Tangsuyuk. Scarlett chose to follow the
conversation since she was aware that the
emoticon would spark a conversation among
Tangsuyuk fans. Scarlett gave Mr. Brian the task
of writing an apology letter to the people who
enjoy dipping Tangsuyuk in sauce. Following the
company's letter of apology to the dippers, an
emoticon depicting rabbit dipping should be
released. Because of Barro's inventiveness, this
will not only sound funny but also inspire and
pique users' interest in using it.

Scene Problem Summary: Right now, 2x-1 was ranking number five in the
search results. Due to an incident involving a
battery explosion, the term "2x-1" was recently
trending. When you search for 2x-1 at first, a
mathematical equation appears; however, in
relation to the problem, 2x-1 is a model of a
laptop that belonged to the KU company and
was manufactured by Lex. The 2x-1 battery
unexpectedly burst, and a cat was unintentionally
hurt in the process. The KU company is the
owner of the laptops. Ms. Jang serves as the
chairwoman of the KU company. The KU
company makes the laptop but the battery inside
the laptop comes form a different supplier. The
primary supplier of batteries is the company
owned by Ga-gyeong’s parents. Being frustrated
about the explosion of the battery of laptop which
made 2x-1 trending on the search list,
Chairwoman Jang called Ga-gyeong’s parents to
her office to resolve and made necessary action
regarding the issue.
Involve Characters: Song Ga-gyeong
Song Ga-gyeong’s mother
Song Ga-gyeong’s father
Chairwoman Jang
In-kyeong (CEO if UNICON)
Solution Ga-gyeong's parents, who supplied the battery,
had assured the laptop's owner that they would
cover all losses resulting from the explosion.
Regarding the search rankings pertaining to the
2x-1, Ga-gyeong asserts that UNICON is unable
to manipulate them because the US has already
issued a warning about search ranking
manipulation. In an effort to reduce the spread of
2x-1, UNICON set up search results for the term
to only point to calculators and mathematical

Episode No. 7
Summary: The personal lives of the characters on the
in Episode 7. Tammy spends time with Park
Morgan, and Scarlett makes amends with
Matthew and his former girlfriend. The evening
following Scarlett and Tammy's meeting with
Matthew's ex-girlfriend, they intended to attend
the dinner party of the UNICON company's
webtoon artists and listen in. The two were able
to enter the restaurant where the dinner party is
being held, and a scene where Ga-gyeong and
Count Kim's student, webtoon artist Godori, were
conversing was displayed. Godori was somehow
frustrated on how successful Count Kim was on
his career while everyone not knowing who he
truly was. Ga-gyeong then changed the subject
and said that she wants Godori to sell the
copyright of his story because Ga-gyeong wants
to make a movie out of it. On the other hand,
Tammy and Scarlett was successful on getting
inside the restaurant, and there she saw a
numerous number of webtoon artist gathered
together on a single room. Tammy and Scarlett
sat down near Godori, Count Kim, and Jung
Hee-jin, and there, the start listening to what they
are talking about. At the table sitting together,
Count Kim asks Godori to get some drink. Godori
was not happy with Count Kim ordering him
around. In response, Godori said something bad
about Count Kim in front of the people around
them. To address the heated moment between
them, Godori and Count Kim both went outside
and started a heated moment between each
other. Out of hatred, Count Kim released his
anger by punching Godori at his face. This
moment was seen by Scarlett, and she
immediately helped Godori. Tammy saw what
happened and helped Scarlett get out of the
situation. While on the car, Tammy and Scarlett
called the police and Tammy explained that the
situation that currently happened can help them
recruit a great webtoon artist to come to Barro.
During a meeting between the SERVICE
REFORMATION TEAM, the team is now
deciding on which webtoon artist they will bring
to Barro. The next scenes were a confrontation
between Han Min-gyu and Ga-gyeong’s
husband. On this episode also, the first meeting
between Scarlett and the actor on her favorite k-
drama series Mr. Seol Ji-hwan. The episode
proceeded where Godori was asking Scarlett
and Tammy to help him to convince the people
that Count Kim was at fault and that he hit him.
Tammy agreed to help but on one condition. The
episode then ended where a condition between
G-kyeong, Tammy, and Scarlett was made.

Scene Problem Summary: The SERVICE REFORMATION TEAM was

meeting once more to decide which UNICON
webtoon artist to hire. They have to decide
between Jung Hee-jin, Count Kim, and Godori.
Involve Characters: Tammy (Bae Ta-mi)
Scarlett (Social Director of Barro)
Joseph (Co-worker of Tammy at UNICON)
Ellie (Worked at UNICON’s café)
Jenny (Programming expert)
Alex (Works at Barro)
Solution Given the unsatisfactory outcome of their
meeting and attempt to recruit Count Kim, Godori
and Jung Hee-jin are their only options. Tammy
intended to take advantage of the fact that Count
Kim had struck Godori in order to force Godori
and Jung Hee-jin to confront Barro. If Scarlett
proved to him that Count Kim was the one who
struck him, not the other way around, Tammy
would force Godori to accompany Barro. If
Godori was proven to be innocent, the reputation
of Count Kim and the UNICON will go down
which can result a bad and negative environment
inside the company. As a promotor for a clean
and healthy work environment, webtoon artist
Jung Hee-jin might leave UNICON if Tammy’s
plan worked and which it will then open a chance
for Tammy to recruit Jung Hee-jin.
Scene Problem Summary: Ga-gyeong and In-kyeong, the CEO of UNICON,
are currently having a talk. The two are debating
whether or not to put Count Kim's webtoon on
hold while the assault case is being handled.
Involve Characters: Ga-gyeong
Solution Regardless of whether the charges against him
are genuine or not, Ga-gyeong is committed to
carrying on with the Count Kim webtoon. Ga-
gyeong claims that even Count Kim was held
accountable for Godori's attack, that interest in
his webtoon will not wane, and that UNICON's
market sales will not decline significantly. Even
Count Kim, was proved to be liable, the company
simply can not let him go due to his popularity
and impact on UNICON because of his webtoon
creations. If the webtoon of Count Kim was to be
postpone, it will just fuel and worsen the situation
they are currently in.

Scene Problem Summary: At a press conference, the public's viewpoint

supported Count Kim. Because of Count Kim's
fame, a lot of people supported and believed him
when he claimed that Godori had hit him, even
though this is untrue. As soon as Tammy
realized this, she spoke with Scarlett. Scalet and
Tammy had differing opinions from one another.
Tammy proposed that they should obtain Count
Kim, but Scarlett was adamant that they should
testify against Count Kim and bring Godori to
Involve Characters: Scarlett
Solution According to Tammy's logic, since Count Kim is
more well-liked than Godori, there is only one
choice left: Count Kim. This is because, in
addition to having greater sway over public
opinion, he is also a highly skilled webtoon artist,
which is exactly what the Baroo company
needed to boost sales of. But Scarlett stuck to
her guns, saying they ought to get Godori
instead. Scarlett says that Godori was assaulted,
which strengthens the case for their assistance.
Godori is renowned for his high caliber webtoons
and is recognized for having studied under Count
Kim. Initially, Tammy insisted on her idea but
after some time, he accepts the idea of Scarlett
they both decided to help Godori.
Episode No. 8
Summary: The episodes begin with Tammy, Ga-gyeong,
and Scarlett continuing their negotiation. Ga-
gyeong rejected Tammy's suggestion that he
terminate Godori's UNICON contract.
Additionally, Ga-gyeong suggested that she
would only consent to Godori's contract
termination in exchange for Scarlett joining
UNICON. Though Scarlettt felt a strong bond
with Ga-gyeong, she turned down her offer.
Following their chat, the narrative then features
additional exchanges between Tammy and Park
Morgan and Scarlett and Seol Ji-hwan. The
Service Reformation Team is seen in the
following scene rejoicing in the success of their
recently released apology and emoji video.
Because of this gimmick, the Barro search
engine company rose to the number 1 on the
search ranking list. On the next day, someone
was raising a complain on Barro. A man was
complaining about his face being not blurred on
a map view on the Barron search engine. The
team initially decided that they will blur the face
of the man on the map view, but they will not
compensate him for the damages that his face
being unblurred has caused. Going on with the
personal life of Scarlettt, she was successfully
help the actor Jin-woo to continue operating as
an actor after being held at a hospital due to
injury. The story then proceeds with Ga-gyeong
being ordered by the chairwoman of the KU
company, Ms. Jang to post a fake article about
the affair of the recently elected President Lee
Wook-hyun. Posting the fake article was rejected
by Ga-gyeong while stating that the UNICON
does not support such acts. The UNICON is
already at risk since the manipulation of search
engine controversy and adding the fake article
might cause the downfall of the UNICON itself.
Chairwoman Jang walks out the room. One of
the most exhilarating scenes we can see from
episode 8 is the roller coaster relationship
between Park Morgan and Tammy. Although
throughout the episode we can notice that
Tammy was insisting and provokes Park Morgan
to cut oof their relationship, on the last scene pf
the episode, as Park Morgan was about to leave,
Tammy requests him to comeback and to not go.
Scene Problem Summary: Tammy is persistently searching for additional
requirements for Ga-gyeong to provide at least
one webtoon artist at UNICON in her pursuit of
webtoon artists from UNICON. When Tammy
first made her proposal, she threatened to take
Ga-gyeong to court if she didn't at least give
Godori to Barro. Ga-gyeong nevertheless turned
down Tammy's initial proposal in spite of this.
Involve Characters: Ga-gyeong
Solution As a last resort, Tammy manipulated the search
results using the information she obtained from
the hacker that Ga-gyeong's husband had
employed. Tammy persuaded her to give Godori
to her by taking advantage of Ga-gyeong's
vulnerability and her own situational dominance.
Ga-gyeong was aware that the disclosure of
information regarding the hacker's manipulation
of the search engine could have a detrimental
effect not only on UNICON but also on her
husband's family.

Scene Problem Summary: A complaint about his unblurred image on

Barro's map view was brought to Barro's office.
He was seen in the picture with another woman,
and they were near a motel. He claimed that his
wife saw the photo and is now filing for divorce
because he was unfaithful, even though his face
is not blurry. The complainant claimed that
Barro's current issues are a result of his
incompetence in image blurring. The
complainant's primary goal is to let Barro know
that he will file a lawsuit against the company if
they fail to provide fair compensation for their
Involve Characters: Complainant
Tammy (Bae Ta-mi)
Scarlett (Social Director of Barro)
Joseph (Co-worker of Tammy at UNICON)
Ellie (Worked at UNICON’s café)
Jenny (Programming expert)
chose to accept the complainant's lawsuit.
However, following a specific incident in the
narrative, Tammy had an idea and informed the
team that she would be paying the complainant
for the incident. Tammy apologized and
explained to the complainant and Scarlet why
Barro's map view wasn't working well. The
company promised to make improvements to the

The complainant was overjoyed to hear Tammy's

apology. In exchange for the compensation,
Tammy required the complainant to sign a
document stating that his wife and child would
receive the money directly from him. Alex (Works
at Barro)
Solution The agreement surprised the complainant, who
was informed by Tammy that it was required
because his wife is the one raising their child and
does not have a job.

Scene Problem Summary: Ms. Jang, the KU company's chairwoman, gave

Ga-gyeong an order. Ga-gyeong is instructed by
Ms. Jang to upload the fictitious article she sent
regarding the president-elect's affair. Given that
UNICON has already been involved in a
controversy regarding search term manipulation,
Ga-gyeong is now debating whether or not to
comply with Ms. Jang's directive.
Involve Characters: Ms. Jang
Solution Ga-gyeong was aware that the UNICON company
would fail if she carried out Ms. Jang's instructions.
Ms. Jang expresses no interest in discussing the
dissolution of UNICON during their conversation; all
she wants is Ga-gyeong's approval to publish the
fictitious article that she had sent. It is Ga-gyeong's
responsibility as the director of UNICON to preserve
the company's reputation. Ga-gyeong spent a lot of
time building UNICON, and she won't let all of her
sacrifices be in vain by publishing a phony article
about someone. At the end of the conversation
between Ms. Jang and Ga-gyeong, Ga-gyeong
reiterated that she will not post the fake article and
will not follow the order that Ms. Jang had given.

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