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ime : 1.30 Hr Which is not an off (a) English (b) Chinese (©) French (@) Japanese ‘She first earth surmmit was held at (b) Rio de Jai (a) Buenos Aires J (©) Dar-es-Salaam (4) None of these For which word, the letter ‘G" Spectrum”? (a) Global (c) Generation CTBT stands for (a) Continued Test Ban Treaty (b) Continued Test Based Treatments (c) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (@ Commercial Test Based Tariff In which year was the Indian Space Ri Organisation (ISRO) founded? (a) 1967 (b) 1969 (©) 1970 (a) 1974 ‘Who has written the book “Two Lives’? (@) Salman Rushdie (b) Shiv Khera (c) Vikram Seth — (d) Arundhati Roy Who was the first woman to win the Jnanpith Award? (a) Mahadevi Verma (b) Amrita Pritam fe vata De) Asbapucna Devi was the first Indian to z cia qualify for Olympics? (b) PT Usha (c) Karman Malleshwari is) Jyotirmayee Sikdar term ‘double fault” is associated wit (@) Baseball (b) Golf py (0) Tenis (@ Bridge Cup is related with which sports? (b) Golf (d) Cricket civil servant of the Union has been used in ‘2G (b) Government (a) Google esearch L_AWAR N the Comptroller-C 16. 17. 18, ig, 20. — @)AlI of these In Indi presents a detailed a Government Account (a) year (b) six months (©) three months _(d) month Which ofthe following taxes are levied and coli, by the centre but their net proceeds are transferred to ‘a (a) Expenditur (b) Additional duties of exci (c) Stamps and registration (d) Taxes on advertisements Which one of the following is not an examp) lytical rev (0 the Finance Ministry (ax tax and gift n lieu of sales Indirect tax? (a) Sales tax (b) Excise duty (©) Custom duty _(d) Expenditure tax What is the most commonly used substance fluorescent tubes? (a) Sodium oxide and Argon (b) Sodium vapour and Neon (©) Mercury vapour and Argon (d) Mercury oxide and Neon Increasing the charge on the plates of a capaci means (a) increasing capacitance (b) increasing the potential difference between ts plates i (©) Both ‘a’ and °b’ (@ None of the above In case the President wishes to resign, to wh he to address his resignation “ae (@) Chief Justice of India (b) Secretary of Lok Sabha (©) Vice President (0) Prime Minister is the maximum age limit pre postofthe President of India? (@) 58 years (b) 60 years e 62 years !) There i is $59 maximum age lini liabilities of i .2 denomination and abov () Reserve 7 (©) State aoe ae o-Practice Sets 2. yp. 23. Inwhich partof the eye lies the pign the colour of the eyes of a person? iat decides (a) Corner (©) Choroid @lris (@) Vitreous body Facal Policy is relatedto poy (a) money supply in the economy (b) regulation of the banking system (©) planning for economic development @ government's revenue and expenditure Which one of the following is not the sourc revenue of Central Government? badd (a) Income Tax (b) Corporate Tax (c) Agriculture Income Tax (d) Excise Duty The chemical part of the ¢ cal art ofthe de that absorbs light and {a) neon (b) a chromosphere (c)aphotochrome (d) a pigment Panchromatic photographic film is sensitive to (a) light of red colour (b) light of yellow colour (0) light of violet colour (@ the entire region of the visible spectrum Which of the following is not an obective of Fiscal Policy in India? (a) Full employment (b) Price Stability (©) _ Equitable distribution of wealth and incomes (d) Regulation of international trade Which one of the following is not a quantitative credit control measure of a Central Bank? (a) Bank Rate Policy (b) Open Market Operations (c) Cash Reserve Ratio ~(@ Moral Suasion In which market structure is the demand curve of the market represented by the demand curve of the (@)__ Perfect competition Mixed Farming’ means Sowing of both cash and food crops Sowing of two or more crops in the same field ing of two or more plants in alternate 1 f cattle and agriculture f the following is deducted fron NNP to 3 32, 33, 34, 35. 36. By, 38. aon 23 (a) Indirect tax (b) Capital consumption allowance (c) Subsidy (qd) Interest The first Woman Governor of a State in free India was (a) Mrs, Sarojini Naidu (b) Mrs. Sucheta Kriplani (©) Mrs. Indira Gandhi (d)_— Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit Which of the following does not come under the preview of the Election Commission? (a) — To conduct the election of PM of India (b) To conduct the election of President of India (©) To give recognition to Political Parties (@) To assign election symbols to the Political Parties Which of the following is not associated with Parliament? (a) Prorogue (b) Adjournment (c) Dissolve (d) Dismiss Which is a Permanent Institution? (a) Family (b) Political Party (©) RedCross (d) UNO Which one of the following is a hindrance to liberty and independence? (a) Centralization (b) Decentralization (©) _ Privatization (@) Nationalization The principle due to which circular patches of light is seen under a tree during day time, is similar to that of image formation by @ (a) concave lens (b) _ pinhole (©) photographic camera (@) convex lens A browser is a software (a) _ to find out computers in a LAN (b) to log into a computer in a LAN (c)__ to search for web pages in internet (d)__ None of the above In MS-Word, Replace option comes under the soot (a) View (©) Insert CPU refers to @) (b) File q@~— Bdit 10 - Pracg, = <3, In cricket, a run taken when the bay hatsman without touching his bat ort " () bye (d) _ bosie {a) Lisa Raymond (b) Lucie Hradecky (d) Serena Will “ arbor e he cannot be used to detect (oLiNa North-South direction Se ee ess Khel Ratna Awards Committee? Sushil Kumar Aslam Sher Khan pointed as the head of Ry, arity of a magnet strength of a magnet © direction of magnetic field . g 43. In which medium, velocity of sound is maximum ae gest ec Des psa ie « (a) Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore sour following oa (oy Fs 1951-56 48. Asiatic lion is now (b) Second 1956-61 (a) critically endangered (c) Third 1961-66 () endangered (@) Fourth 1966-71 cet wit 57. Theordinary and maximum tolerance )_wibsabie by human being is (a) 50 db to 70 db (b) 60 db to 80 db (©) 65 db to 75 db (d) 70 db to 85 ab An economic theory is a/an 46. The natural environment refers to {@) the living organisms and non-living objects ‘or factors in an area undisturbed by human 58. actty, (@) axion —(b the atmosphere ina forest. Propositio & ental mo fret age hypothesis (d) feel yori Indian Speci a s (@ the atmosphere ofan area-a forest, lake or mi ial Economic Rules amendmen an ocean. teat ie (a) 2000 (b) 2002 (c) 2004 (4) 200 ne emmptin foffee.can result 60. Provisions of citizenship in ae deiciency ea applicable in ie (a) 1950 (b) 1949 (c) 195 , 1 (d) 1952 ata the title of Sardar’ or Ballabh Bh tma Gandhi (b) Vinoba Bhave 40 - Practice Sets Which one of the following is not a sec 66s leh on ing is not a sect of (a) Mahayana (b) Hinayana © ae (@)_—Theravad was the viceroy, ae when Delhi became the capital (a) Lord Curzon (6) Lord Minto (©) Lord Hardinge (d) Lord Wavell Who established the Indian Civil Liberties Union in 1936? (a) () 67. Subash Chandra Bose Bal Gangadhar Tilak (© Jawaharlal Nehru (@ Rajendra Prasad Which of the following was established first? (a) Banaras Hindu University (b) University of Bombay (©) Aligarh Muslim University (@ University of Allahabad The first Indian Satelite Aryabhatta was launched in (@) 1972 (b) 1975 (c) 1977 (4) 1979 One Astronomial unit is the average distance between : a) Earth and the Sun b) Earth and the moon ) Jupiter and the sun 4) Pluto and the sun . OF the four locations mentioned below the higherst inside temperature will be attained in the pressure cooker operated with the pressure value open : a) at sea level ) at the top of Mt. Everest o) at a place in a valley below sea level ) 70000 Me amnary and 1at ly of ® year. A pone 9) 000 on ir, the amount he would have gained The face viaue of & in the mameral 45 26 interest is: a) R000 8 we 120 Rs. 121 00 (488000 Wee iz (Rs. 123 61 1a. She difference bestween simple and 561 he ocd to wes 1m * sine ts compounded annually om & " Prt money for 2 years at 4% annum i: os 2 Dee ot sum (in Rs.) is eae = (a) 62500) 630 1098 (©) 640d) 650 4 jeg avin fem is 15 Satis 60% inerease in. an amount in ¢ simple interest. What will be the compound et vt 0 Bim g 28 Sf Re. 12,000 after 3 years at the same rat pene 6 = eS (a)Rs. 2160 (b) Rs. 3120 § WA-BH2:SandB:C=4:5,thenC:Aisequal to: (c) Rs. 3972 Hifeer ts) 6040 pes Bias. 16. By selling an article for Rs. 100, one gai ; Then, the gain per cent is 6 Ir0% mi ofisthesameas 20% ofy, thenx:yisequal (a) 9% Re 10% O12 wast oSaA — A10:1 1 7 2 15% (@ None of thees 2 aly pas 5% expressed asa fraction is: 17. By selling an article for Rs.100, one loses R ged; 1 Then, the loss per cent is o2 ot @t 3 2 1, a 4 @ 115% 9 C07 (@ None of these e392? (0)2 (0m (02 can do a pigee of work in 30 days while B can doit 2 ‘many days can A and B working 18. Bon 0° CoS 4 (©) 16 (@) 1.6 19. idx Vis =? a Rae Movs 5 (a) \30 anes eam in 8 hours and another Cay ro eit the taps are open x=625 15. Let P=Rs. 100. Then, S.1. Rs. 60 and T = 6 years. (ee 1006 Now, P=Rs. 12000, T = 3 years and R= 10% p.a. 10% pa 1 mys w= (3535 = C1.= Rs.| 12000 (tf 100 oth to nish the work = 22° aay 331 py both to Sai ian = Rs 12000%-255 )= 3972 16, S.P.=Rs. 100, gain=Rs.10 <. C.P.=(S.P.) - Gain) = Rs.90. + Gain % = (avo }n=115% 90 17. SP. =Rs.100, loss = Rs. 10 CP.= (SP) + (Loss) = Rs.110 — 10 - Pract, 8 13x19 fam 36 8 1s ter =n, then y= 200700? ‘5a rime taken by 2nd man tet = 0.02, then vx 200 x6 13x19 19, fdvi5 = vi0x1s = Vi50= v2 Re fe -=——=9—7h 5x 56 1 20, Par filled by inlet in| hour = f 1g, Relative speed = 45 +55 Part empited by outlet in 1 hour = 76 _ 90 lan/h 5 (t_t)at = 90x = 25m/s Net fling in 1 hour = | 576) 16 rs ‘Time taken to fill the tank = 16 hours. pistance to be covered = 132 + 118 = 259, Te) Time taken to cross each other 21 Netbing how” (2-3)"5 5, 10s ‘Time taken to fill the cistern = 6 hours. 25 22. Lossprent = “P21? 1% 21. 23, CP of 200kg of sugar ‘Suppose, r be the radius. far =49%33x24 = Rs.(80x13,50+120%16) 3x? 93 a es xT? x3x11x2? x37 z ante x2x11 ; r=3x7=2lem CP of kg of ugar = = 28. 3Men=4 Women =Rs, 15 . 1 Men = 4 Women To gain 20% sp 15x20 5 100 | 7Men+ 5 Women = Rs. 18 per kg 4 7x4 ( ie 5} Women 40 - Practice Sets LOM = 11x5%7.= 385 HCF 11 SS=11x5 T7alx7 LOM = 11x5x7= 385 HCF 11 > gas 30.) @ 2 @ 3 by “ @) 38. © 36. @) 37.) 38. ) 40. al. = 14y=3x (14) +(3)' _ 205 (14) -(G) 187 £ ty t4x+4y+8=0 => (x° +4x+4)+(y? +4y+4)=0 => (x+2)' +(+2)' =0 =(a+byx0=0 $0, a +b? =0 45. Average of all even number __ Ist number + last number 3 2+100 _ 102 2 2 (where 2 is the Ist and 100 is the last even number) 46, Average of ‘n' even numbers =n+1=50+1=51 47, The coumpound interest of the sum would be =51 4x4 (440428 rise 8.16% of the sum (for the given period) Hence, the total amount to be paid would be (100+8. 16)% of the sum. 8000 x108.16 100, 48, Total C.L. at the end of two years would be = Rs.8652.8 3x3 3+3+—— = 6.09% S00 of the sum_ where as the total simple interest at the end of two years would be 3+3=6% of the sum. Hence, Rs.730.80 is 6.09% of the sum and ‘we have to find out 6% of the sum. Required simple interest = Oe 6 = Rs.120, 49.50% (x— y)=30% of (x+y) 5(x-y)=3 &+y) Sx—Sy=3x+3y 2x=8y Ss y=Sx100= 25% afx y 2 50. 50%+50%+50% of 50% 100%+25%=125%. KS programme, we should, first of all (a) allot more time to the teaching and learning of physical activity (b) decide on the number of activities to be taught (©) employ qualified instructors (d) increase the teaching load of instructors pirection (Q. 11 to 15) : Identify the underlined part of. speech, choose the correct answer. 11. The burglar disappeared with the cash. (a) transitive verb (b) intransitive verb (c) linking verb (d) auxiliary verb 12.The director told the actors, “Do your best, and we'll bea hit.” (a) transitive verb (b) intransitive verb (©) linking verb (d) auxiliary verb 13.He would tell me if he thought we were in danger. (a) transitive verb (b) intransitive verb (©) linking verb (@) auxiliary verb 14.His ability to concentrate is legendary, (a) transitive verb (b) intransitive verb (©) linking verb (@) auxiliary verb 15. The campers hid inside the cabin when they saw the bear. (a) transitive verb (b) intransitive verb (©) linking verb (d) auxiliary verb Directions : (Ons. 16 - 25) : Find the errors and justify your answers. 16. He was sleeping (a)/ in his room when a thief (b)/ entered into his house (c)/ and took away a lot of things, (d) 17. Inher concluding speech (a)/ she said almost nothing (b)/ worth listening to. (c)/” No error (d) ‘twas apparent. for (a)/ everyone present (1))/ that if ‘the patient did not receive (c)/ immediate medical aid 1)/ he would (1i oposed me (a)/ that we should go to the Disco then have (c)/ dinner at a restra. (d) {a)/ to be a little liaison (1.))/ among 0 groups of the society. (4) ll as Rita/ (B) is playing/(C) in/(0) the un/(B) has/(C) been arrested/ (D) by No Error. (B) no relevance/(C) to the ‘No Error. need (C) if she will be/ which is nearest in meaning to the word given in cap 26. STAMINA (a) Eagerness (b) Intensity (c) Energy (d) Endurance 27. TENTATIVE (a) Final (b) Provisional (©) Current (a) Unreliable 28. COMBAT (a) Fight (b) Quarrel (c) Feud (d) Conflict 29, AMBITION (a) Expectation (b) Goal (c) Desire (d) Aspiration 30. FATIGUE (a) Sweating (b) Tension (c) Drowsiness (d) Weariness Directions : (Ons. 31-35) : From the given word the one which is opposite in meaning to the word g capitals. 31. AGONY (a) Fear (b) Eestasy (©) Bliss (d) Pleasure 32. LEAP (a) Immerse (b) Sink (c) Plunge (d) Fall 33. FORBID (a) Permit (b) Provoke (c) Celebrate (d) Appreciate 34, RELIGIOUS (a) Sinful (b) Immoral (c) Atheistic (d) Secular 35. CRITICISE (a) Flatter (b) Analyse (c) Appreciate (a) judge Directions (Q. 36-40) - Different parts of eac following sentences are given in a jumbled form in proper order). The jumbled parts are number answer choices, different arrangements of the parts are mentioned. Pick up the correct answ in order to make a proper sentence. 36. (1) tall claims (2) of patriotism (3) to notwithstanding his (5) he turned out (6) trait A. 412536 BB. 412635 Cc. 412563 iD. 412356 37. (1) deserted city (2) was the (3) sad (4) si the (6) how. A. 632145 B. 632451 €. 631452 D. 632541 38. (1) any cost (2) house at (3) a new (4) sh must. * A $4132 10 - Pra Direction 19. 41-45 Sentan 660) . pote . Precio np aaneny awe ies end: 4 od ‘ arent . 1 sats ws wets 0 re # > we ym : how to detrei) how to deve hat jg toward) sone of Gove | Wk yoo os r . 4. Pheawe kindly dome » frvour a @ way 0) why a (hw { taittilly (4) plensetor Landy We spoiling your future these da Saponing if you fi, wht wil vox 3 @) wes (b) ar a) sapponingtior if) (H) very o (dha De iesbonte 59. The meeting held yesterda ) Geewhere (6) very (a) has (b) was. (0) Kindly (@) newer (©) had @ have Directions (Q. 46 t0 $5) : Fill in the blanks mark ewmnabie 60 Ram Babu with his friends ar andes iets 4% Tate___untbretla on _rainy day (@) was (6) were (©) had (@) have Directions (61 to 65) : Correct the mistake the use of verbs in the sentences named below 61. Measles have broken out in the town (@) had (b) has been (©) havebeen (d) has ‘The Arabian Nights’ are an interesting book sl = ) is ©) are (@ were Five miles are not a long distance @ is ©) are @) were Tues are a big amount (>) is @ was cas S123 (1) immediately (2) must be (3) att patient (5) the A $4312 Cc. $4231 (1) hungry (2) told A 451230 B. 48312 Cc 45231 D. 45321 Directions (Q. 41-45) : Correct the mistakes relating 10 the use of adverbs in the following sentences °- 41. _ Its nothing else than pride. (a) elsewhere (b) else but (c) kindly (@) never ‘Chameli does not know to drive a car. (a) howto driven(b) how to drive (©) howto drove(d) none of these Please kindly do me a favour. (a) honestly (b) truely (©) faithfully (4) _ please(or kindly) ‘Supposing if you fail, what will you do? (a) supposing/(or if) (b) very (©) _ 00 @ eer I shall be nmuch glad to meet er. (a) clse where (6) very (©) kindly (d)_ never Diese (0.46085); Fllin the blanks wth suitable articles. jended to (4) 9 Bp. $4123 D. $4213 7 ) me to (3) 1 Hooked (4) my sister (5) 4a 45. 46. Take_____umbrella on rainy day. f@) a (b) an (©) the (d) 47. Sie wilt ean nee @ a Om (c) the we ak, O, mmrotiie es 4 (&) an (c) the 8. Hemtwnds__ "350°" i a ®) an (c) the ictal ba auee Ones 0) an 3 © ™ _ @ none of these Zolege Pai theatre has been built at our @ a () © the - @ 52. Mount Everest is aes Himalayas, ——""#hest Peak in Oma ) an (Ot 0) ees 10 - Praca, m iy tiger and i, cat family “lon go-PF aye (>) an @ the (A) none of these : 54, Idriveat speed of 50 kilon te os (b) an ‘ (the (A) none of these 5. One of the students write ; __blackboard oan met () an @ the (A) none of these 0 Directions (Q. 56-60) : Fill in the blanks six, auxiliari 36 This lesson _ ht in th yesterday. i vas (b) were (had (have $7, Why_____You not learn your lesson y, (@ was (b) were pues (© did (d) have nee 58, You spoiling your future these «a, # (a) was (b) are ro (© had (have 59, The mesing __ hed yesterday, i (a) has ) was (© had @ have B 60. Ram Babu with his friends, yesterday. — (@ was () were 14. (© had (@ have Directions (61 to 65) : Correct the mistakes ro the use of verbs in the sentences named below 75. 61. Measles have broken out in the town, (@) had (©) has been (©) havebeen (d) has pir 62, ‘The Arabian Nights’ are an interesting boo, Y&™ (@) was ) is F us © 63. ie Ee ee (pels arent a long distance oa is : ca Oy ie . Ei a Se ropes are a big amount Ott m ® ae P : Gs) aitcreriemeee @ is © Te oe e 2s (Q. 66 0.70): Fill in vn aoe ean + Fill in the blanks with corres 6. 1e verbs given in brackets. 80 @ ae) in Delhi for five years (©) have been living SS a practice Some We) nome of {i the moment the child we am ny) tn the ee ° will play playing (4) none of oA tel ou sendy about oa (b) have told (4) nome of these study (by thas study (4) studys ‘none of these She (P85) the post office on her way to ppasses(b) will pass pedo Gs T1079). ie acureeh 3 + Correct the errors relating to pase ofprepositions in cach ofthe fo pea had to travel ata naa in (b) into © won (@ on 12. She isnot in home. @ in bat ov @ on +3, Sugar sells in ten rupees per ke @ om (b) into © upon @ at 74, She was married in the age of twenty. @ (©) into ae (d) on 75, His father is at Japan. @ om (b) into upon @ in © pirections (Q. 76 - 80) : Insert the correct tense of the werb given in brackets against each sentence. 76, [waited for her until she (come). ~ @ comes(b) came © coming —(d)_—had came home. ——(@ continues (b) continued (©) _iscontinuing(é) had continued 18, Wherever theres eoa, you (vill) find iron. will is (can). (b) (@ cou il (tell) him. at Directions (Q. 81 - 88)» Dyferene parts of wach of the Jollorwing comences are grven im a pambhed form (ie mot in proper coder) The pumbhed parts are numbered Im the mewn chences. different arveensgements of the jumbed parts are mentioned. Pick wp the correct answer chotee __——_{study) hard, you will secure a firet (continue), I stayed at inorder to make a proper cemtence s (C1) tall claims (2) of patriotism (3) to be a (4) not ‘with standing his (S) he tured out (6) traitor A. 412836 B. 412635 C. 412863 D. 412356 $2. (1) devertest city (2) was the (3) sad (4) sight (5) of the (6) how. A 632145 B. 632451 €. 631482 D. 632541 3. (1) amy cost (2) house at (3) a new (4) shift to (5) 1 rst A S4132 B. 54231 C. $4321 D. S4123 $4. (1) immediately (2) must be (3) attended to (4) patient (5) the. A S4312 B. 54123 $4231 D. 54213 85. (1) bungry (2) me that (3) I looked (4) my sister (5) Directions (Q. 86 to100) : Each of the following sentences ‘are divided into four parts - A, B, C and D. One of the arts is incorrect. Pick out the none of the parts is incorre’ told. A.45123 B. 45312 D. 45321 Cc. 45231 part which is incorrect. If your answer will be Eie No Error. 86. (A) Sita as well as Rita/(B) is playing/(C)in/(D) the room./(E)No Error. 87. (A) Many aman/(B) have/(C) been arrested/(D) by the police (E) No Error, 88. (A) These facts have/(B) no relevance(C) to the ‘matter/(D) at hand/(E) No Error. 9, (A) I shall help her/(B) in need/(C) if she will be! (D) loyal to me./(E) No Error. 90. (A) had told him yesterday/(B) that I did nou(©) find him/(D) at home./(E) No Error. 91. (A) Itis/(B) as good or/(C) perhaps/(D) better than that.(E) No Error. 92. (A) I deny the/(B) allegation that(C) less people! (D) are buying our books./(E) No Error. 93, (A) The children ran/(B) away/(C) seeing the tiger! (D) in terrible fear.(E) No Error. 94. (A) This is only/(B) the first parts(C) the book/(D) consists four parts/(E) No Error. 95. (A) She is fond to read/(B) the j magazine (B) No Error, 10 -Practic, { a he roo (D) fell on my Head (1) y has oF/(C) courg y from A) The plane was) stro) hn 99, (A) Nothing/(B (1) completely destrayed/(E) No Error : 1p) than her iliness/(E) No, 07 (ANT imended to reach PamatB) as 308M) 4 (A) She congratulated me FOr/(1) my Grecesst(C) i/(D) the examination (1, \," Nop not/(D) sooner than you/(E) No Error A) Passing by tho damaged hae (C) © OE ODIA

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