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we 1. Geqia sag cad aed SQ? (A) asta (B) aaea (C) aia DP) gee 2. Beqla aug cade ge ciay acc? (A) QSI8e 2G caiae qaal (B) usAI FAI? EF AAAI, (Q asi SF caw aie acarcsg aaa Gaga! (D) ‘eee! Geiisa gol aeiel ai 3. “Gade Ga ede G8 F alG @ aida Ise Sqa-sige sudan sia eal ge ase!” NF AdEa Gad AEGIA JEAIG CATIA ? ws agar (B) ane (@ gae ©) sa OSSTET/P-I set -(B) ODIA (COMPULSORY FOR ALL. STREAMS) 4, “als qaag q@ag aia qalee GEA AIA, aigemy usa egeig a6 qaao 62a aA!” “agen Gad Baeria QFE ? (ay gae ®) aggia (C) agegal (D) saa 5. Bagae’ M2 ang ac ced aria Garisa aie ? () eeage (B) @siuied (C) aeyaiaie = (D) aq. 6. “FAIAG GRIAAIF AIA!” IF QUA SIGE aria Gaa ae 61 629 ? (A) 2aeel ®) seaaie (© sAaiae @) aaaicie goa ageges aloes gq (7 G11 ad) geen aaa Fa ea AAS Gaile 626A S UIA Aye AYE! GB @aS qaigd Seear siaca ag AQ AIA GalaZe JIE case Asa GFA G eIaI6A a@rcaail M2 daial Fa alae anag ae AS UAT Giee Gael asa zise glaie AIAG AIIA GA GIS GoRgI EaSGe SEAS RIGA QCAE! AIGIG AIA AIF GAG LIA (Continued) aia 861% SIEI, BEBE gig) 6218 gi@alel AIGMIRICA eng) AIGA gsou@ ait @ OFIBER ZINA Qegug Seicaigen carer! 2862 UGE. gigigg, ¢ 98 eaiade! IEA SIE cae ado g agi gacaiaa S82 6ogga G6egRl Carica Ge Ge IIR AQT aged caricg GAAIREA ISHS ASAE, cABHAg! de aca € C821 agar calawa aAAINS AISI S699 SISIA GORE! OFA Gare? 6829 4 TIPRIEIEA CasiG ag. AHIGISIEA CBS ONS GIF GQ aicneicg 0g GIA GAS! A Fag ade ace egg! SEAM IAP 6ACE GeBID EaIEe ereagl iq SAAIAAS AACA aIgAIS e@e1 aae Saning Sisi@ia6a QeiGe egacal ais FA AIGA SR AlaIaEIgG OFei ald’ arcaei GIdIG ZaQed gee eagi 7. S608 caise seow Ge FIGAISIGA 9" G8AIS 2 (A) eidigia (B) ag SFaq AO) ease () alsaee sET-(B] 8. AUPE! AIRE Asa aie aIAe aIeIa 8 REQ? (A) 02 e291 eg ®) Faas cong (C) aa Gaia aig, (D) ale a9 coag 9. aI BI6A arcaat a1aig zagca gaa @Gig eR ? (A) 08@I ait (B) AGS dei ad (© aéagae ede at () Sag gaai sear ait 10. ale eivlael Gad 9a cainde? (A) sigaiaisa casiagl seca (B) AIgalaica eaieial eeca © algaiaica caae eaca AD) Figaiaisa geeie aid eaca 11, S@60eE FIGGA EM ale, agiaaien ? (A) Aare, eas -®B) SSA GIB, 218Se aia (©) AAGAIA, AIRS (D) @6ae emia, Eos RIE OSSTET/P-I @ (Turn over) | oot) =< yf Oat ‘qe. agar’! XB QE cee ad F 12, “Eq AG a6a, 6a Gea ase”! GPA 17. GIAIG GAA AIR GY ? age ? @) aee (A) gai aiaia ee! (B) a9 a a (B) aia eIse! (© sale a ae - C) qe ue ©) se oe = _ (D) agai qorg 2019! 13. ‘SIAR’ MF AScA gal ‘A’ @ ‘SY GRA Gee edade? 18, “ages salaey aQUalgee cael @6 alal GGaisa geet uae aa (A) AP FRIGA ‘GY GAAIG adgica”| NE GIA60 cad 99 98 (B) ae HUGA‘e’ GAsig QaATIAAGe ? (C) ‘@ aise aeig (A) siaseael D) ‘Al AGA AIG (®) si aesel 14, 6@r midi EsIIAeIa AAI! (SE!) Gace © sede aaa Gad da eal neaea i fA) 981 Oe ®) Feral 19, Gai gggg aga! casi@e ace cea (©) gat ae? @) aan (A) adele 15. ‘Gagelie” aia Gog GAG 6a!ae 7. ®) gal (A) Gaqeaeie () sana (B) Gaeazie a (oO sageae (D) seae4 @) saereie 20, ade Bai egas? cAGIES erae ced . aos ae? 16, ‘BON! Maca see GEA MIGIEI ? _ (A) aN : (A) Geaey @ * (B) aéaia © oN «C) ae @) % @) gal OSSTET/P-I @ (Continued) A~- SECTION — IT Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow (from 21 to 25), choosing the correct alternatives given, This is my prayer to you my lord Give me the strength Lightly to bear my joys and sorrows Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles And give me the strength to surrender my strength to your will with love. 21. The word, ‘trifles’ means (A) Useful things (B) Useless things fC) Meaningful things ©) Important things 23, The poet won't like to surrender (A) Before his enemies (B) Before the insolent (©) Before the powerful () Before the insolent and powerful 24, The post prays to God to give him strength to bear his joys and sorrows. It means (A) Life is a mixture of joys and sorrows Life is full of sorrows with less pleasure Life is full of pleasure with less sorrows Man cannot bear his sorrows @ (©) ®) 25. ‘Love’ for the poet means (A) A thing that bears fruit ) A thing that brings success (©) A thing that progresses in serving others Q) A thing that serves others 26. The word, ‘isle’ is pronounced as 22. The poet wants to be helpful to the ae (A) Needy niet ®) Poor ®B) fasil/ (©) Mighty @ fis (D) Honest () fisay OSSTET/P-1 © (Turn over) 27. Which letter is silent in the word ‘formal’ ? (A) 0 (B) r (© a ) 1 Look, the road the blanks) (A) is repaired (B) is repairing (©) is being repaired (D) has been repairing now. (Fill in Andrew died last week. He____ from cancer for some years. (Fill in the blanks) (A) suffered (B) is suffering (C) has been suffering (D) had been suffering 29. I would say that about 50 per cent of the houses major repairs. (és (B) © @) If Arun had asked for money, I_- 30. need needs is needing are needing 31. (A) could help him (By would help him (C) could have helped him (D) can have helped him OSSTET/P-I © geT-(B] Read the passage below and answer the questions (from 82 to 36) that follow, choosing the correct alternatives given * It may surprise many people that 4 thing like worry can be a killer. This has been proved by all medical research rt ailments, es that worry rd is a major cause of hea blot pressure, rheumatism, ulcers, skin problems, asthma and many other psychosomatic diseases, Dr. Alexis Carrel, a Nobel Prize winner in medicine, said, “Businessmen who do not know how to fight worry die young”. But so do a lot of home-makers, lawyers and ordinary clerks who do not control this evil. There are several causes of worries. The fast-paced and complicated life style that most people are leading today contributes largely to our anxieties. Shortages, fears, competitions, dissatisfaction — everything adds to the burden on our minds. Some of, these factors may be uncontrolled but most of them are within our control. According to Plato, the Greek Philosopher, “The greatest mistake physicians make is that they attempt to cure the body without attempting to cure the mind. Mind and body are one and should not be treated separately”. (Continued) 27. Which letter is silent in the word ‘formal’ ? (A) o (B) r (© a () 1 28. Look, the road the blanks) (A) is repaired (B) is repairing (@) is being repaired (D) has been repairing now. (Fill in 29. Andrew died last week. He____ from cancer for some years. (Fill in the blanks) (A) suffered (B) is suffering (C) has been suffering (D) had been suffering I would say that about 50 per cent of the houses major repairs. (4) need (B) needs (C) is needing 30. (D) are needing If Arun had asked for money, I__. (A) could help him (By would help him (C) could have helped him 31. set-(B] answer the Read the passage below and follow, questions (from 32 to 36) that ct alternatives given : choosing the corres people that @ thing It may surprise many like worry can be a killer. This has been proved by all medical researches that worry is a major cause of heart ailments, blood pressure, rheumatism, ulcers, skin problems, asthma and many other psychosomatic diseases, Dr. Alexis Carrel, a Nobel Prize “Businessmen who ung”. winner in medicine, said, do not know how to fight worry die y' But so do a lot of home-makers, lawyers and ordinary clerks who do not control this evil. There are several causes of worries. The fast-paced and complicated life style that most people are leading today contributes largely to our anxieties. Shortages, fears, competitions, dissatisfaction - everything adds to the burden on our minds. Some of these factors may be uncontrolled but most of them are within our control. According to Plato, the Greek Philosopher, “The greatest mistake physicians make is that they attempt to cure the body without attempting to cure the mind. Mind and body are one and should not be treated separately”. (D) can have helped him OSSTET/P-I © (Continued) Bmotions like futility, frustration, anxiety, r, despi worry, fe + defeat, ete. are nega: tive emotions. These affect much our mental as well as physical health, Worry specially creates high degree of tension, Many a time we find ourselves unable to concentrate due to worries. Only a cool and worriless mind functions normally and to its capacity, 32. The word ‘futility’ means (A) Usefulness (B) Uselessness (C) Carefulness ) Carelessness 33. Man can function and live properly if (A) heis free from worries (B) he doesn’t worry (© he is tension free and worriless () he cares nothing about anything 34. The main hurdles coming in the way of man’s trying to work properly are (A) Work and anxiety (B) Tension and worry (©) Tension and high blood pressure {D) Fear and effects of disease 35. This passage is about (A) A thing like worry can be a killer $B) The causes and effects of worry (C)_ The cool and worriless mind (D) ‘The fast paced life style 36, 37. 38. 39. 40. SET - According to the conclusion and findings of the medical researches, worry is the major cau; (A) Defeat and despair (B) Modern psychosomatic diseases (©) Serious ailments (D) Worry and anxiety f Lots of people cricket these days. (Fill in the blanks) (A) go into (B) goinat (© goin for ) goon for ‘There was no news; neverthless, she went on hoping’. The sentence above is a (A) Simple sentence (B) Compound sentence (C) Complex sentence D) Compound and complex sentence Priya felt very angry the injustice of the situation. (Fill in the blanks) (A) with ®) for (© about () at Which of the following is a grammatically acceptable sentence ? (A) I'm going to Bhubaneswar tomorrow. Amn’t I? (B) I'm going to Bhubaneswar tomorrow, amn’t I ? (©) I'm going to Bhubaneswar tomorrow, aren't I? ®) Lm going to Bhubaneswar. Aren’t I? OSSTET/P-I (Turn over) eS B ‘CTION - IL get-(B) ARTS GROUP — ODIA (OPTIONAL) 41. agg ag ges! (aia) sasIae aea 45, eg 6a G41 OPAIB AST Ae Eda al NaNO,(2d + AgCl(s) (A) Redox reaction (B) Displacement reaction (C) Combination reaction (D) Double displacement reaction (Continued) SCI 81, What is the coefficient of x"” in the expansion of (x— 1) (§- 2)... = 100)? (A) 5050 (B) © @) 82. What is the value of im | (o%) 2 @ 1 ®) e () et (D) None of these 83. What is the distance between the chords of contact of the tangent to the circle x” + y? + 2gx + 2fy +¢=0 from the origin and the point (g, f) ? 85. 86. sET-(B] is a tangent to the parabola (A) 1 (B) 2 ©4 (D) 3 What is the number of all subgroups of the group (%q5 +) of integers modulo 60? (A) 2 ®) 10 Ow @) 60 A vertical cone of volume V with vertex downward is filled with water upto half of its height. What is the (A) oP +f? volume of the water ? f v B) Lig? 42 ay V ®) Fe’ +f +0) > v 1[ g2+f% +0 ®) — © J —— 4 ‘| feat? oy @) tet -e i 2 Ie? ae? @ Vv 16 OSSTET/P-I (21) (urn over) Ee sET-(3) iq + tane) (+ tand) = 2, then what 87. Ifthe mean and variance ofa binomial | 91. sata i al of 0+ 0? variate X are 2 and 1 respectively, js the value then the probability that X takes g 7 value greater than 1 is A & 2 oF ay 2 4 (A) 3 (B) 5 ®) x 7 15 a 16 rk 3 © 6 © 3 88. Whatis the variance of first n natural T numbers ? ©) 3 n?41 2 92, What is the value of not 3 cot 20° — 4 c0820° ? ® 3 @ 1 @®) -1 ft (91) (2x } © 0 (D) None of these os () None of these 93, Ifa function f: [2, ) > B defined by f(x) =x? — 4x + 5 is a bijection, then B 89. Ify =4x—5 is a tangent to the curve Ae y” = px’ + q at (2, 3), then what are the values of p and q? @R @®) [L@) (A) p=2,q=-7 © [4,~) @) [5,~) 94, Ifa’ +b? +c? = 1, then what is the maximum value of abc ? @ i 90. What is the value of a for which the 3 equation x° + ax+1=0and 1 x’ +x’ +1=0 have a common root ? @®) ne (A) 2 f (B) -2 © ~ (@) B © 0 (D) None of these @)1 OssrEDEt @2) (Continued SET 95. A square is inscribed in a circle and | 98, jpRe ig a relation on a finite sot having another in a semi-cirele of same nyelamentaltthen thei finiiber ref radius. What is the ratio of the area dlatiohgtnvA is of the 1° square to the area of the a 2 2 square ? me (A) 2:5 © (B) 5:2 (D) n” (© 4:5 () 6:4 99, What are the values of 2 and yt for which the system of equations 96. What is the value of xty+2=6,x+2y + 32= 10 and fencer fay x + 2y +Az =, have no solutions ? 24 48 816 1632.00? (A) 4=3,n=10 (A) 1 (B) 4=3, 4410 (B) 2 (© A#8,u=10 3 @) 4#3,p#10 OF © 5 100. The incenter of the triangle formed by 2 the lines x= 0, y = 0 and 8x + 4y = 12 is at 97. Two finite sets have m and n elements. 11 The total number of subsets of the a (5-4) first set is 56 more than the total number of subsets of the second set. ® 0 What are the values of m and n? (A) m=7,n=6 ui © [by @®) m=6,n=8 (©) m=5,n= () (5) ©) m=8,n=7 OSSTET/P-I (23) (Turn over) me sET-(B) [__8-Sncron—mr [SGmNCE (CB7) cHHMISTRY J eo sting leaves an acid which causes 41. The most clectropositive halogen is | 46, Save : “A F pain and irritation. The acid released ig (B) Cl (A) Tartaric acid © Br (B) Citric acid () I (©) Bthanoic acid (D) Methanoic acid 42, Blements having same valence electrons ? i nes ? are placed in same group but there jg | 47. What is called are — an exception with (A) Aromatic hydrocarbo! (A) Ne (B) He (B) Alkynes (© Ar () Xe (©) Unsaturated hydrocarbons (D) Saturated hydrocarbons 43. Which of the following gases will have ; the highest rate of diffusion ? 48, Which of the following do not contain (A) 0, (B) CO, carbon-oxygen double bonds ? (©) NH, @) N, (A) Ketone — (B) Esters (©) Acids (D) Ethers 44, The potential energy of a molecule on the surface of liquid compared to one | 49. Which among the following is the inside the liquid is mass of two molecules of water ? (A) Zero (A) 5.98 x 10g (B) Smaller ®) 36g (C) The same i 188 a (©) Greater D) Ea xa. Omg 45, On increasing the concentration of | °°: £02 pei Paces in exress iu reactants in a reversible reaction, the lime water turns colourless again na ; y because of equilibrium constant will ’ (A) Depend on the concentration (A) Calcium carbonate (B) Increase (B) Calcium bicarbonate (©) Unchanged (©) Calcium chloride @) Decrease (D) Copper carbonate OSSTET/P-I (24) (Continued) Es 61. 55. OSSTET/P-I Which one of the following furnace: produce the highest temperature (A) Blast fwmnace (B) Reverberatory furnace (©) Mufile furnace (D) Electric furnace Which of the following statement is correct ? (A) Bauxite is an ore of aluminium (B) Magnetite is an ore of manganese (©) Haematite is an ore of mereury (D) Pyrites is an ore of phosphorus Which of the following alkene will give the same product when treated with HBr in presence and absence of peroxide ? (A) Propene (B) Butene-2 (C) 2-methylpropene (D) Butene-1 How many isomers does C,H,, have ? A 3 (B) 6 © 5 @) 4 The nature of bonding in CCl, and CaH, is (A) Electrovalent in both CCl, and CaH, (B) Covalent in CCI, andelectrovalent in CaH, (C) Electrovalentin CCl, and covalent in Call, (D) Covalent in both CCl, and Cal, (25) 56, 57, 58. 59. 60. SET -(B)} higher boiling point NH, has a mue than PH,, becaw (A) NH, has a largest molecular weight NH, undergoes umbrella inversion NH, forms hydrogen bond NH, contains ionic whereas PH, contains covalent bonds (B) © (D) To which block do the elements with atomic number 56 belong ? (A) s (B) p @ft Oda Which of the following atom has no neutron in its nucleus ? (A) Helium (B) Protium (© Lithium (D) Tritium Which among the following happens in an oxidation reaction ? (A) Electrons are lost (B) Electrons are gained (©) Protons are lost (D) Protons are gained To which category of reactions does the following chemical reaction belong ? NaCl(aq) + AgNO,(aq) > NaNO, (aq) + AgCl(s) (A) Redox reaction (B) Displacement reaction (C) Combination reaction (D) Double displacement reaction (Turn over) 61. 62. 63. 64. OSSTET/P-I When the xylem is surrounded by Phloem or phloem is surrounded by xylem, such vascular bundles are known as (A) Radial (©) Collateral (B) Conjoint (D) Concentric Tn which character, a monocot root differs from a dicot root ? (A) Open vascular bundle (B) Scattered vascular bundle (©) Radial vascular bundle (D) Large pith Algae are autotrophic and photosynthetic, But which of the following is parasitic algae ? (A) Oedogonium (B) Ulva (C) Ulothrix () Cephaleuros All life on earth derive its energy directly or indirectly from sun except (A) Mushroom and mould (B) Chemosynthetic bacteria (C) Symbiotic bacteria (D) Pathogenetic bacteria Which of the physiological effects is caused by gibberellic acid in plants ? (A) Apical dominance (B) Elongation of genetically dwarf plants (C) Rooting in stem cutting (D) Yellow of young leaves (26) B- SECTION - II SCIENCE (CBz) BOTANY. 66. Effect of day Jength 67. 68. 69. on flowering ig called (A) Phototropis™ (B) Photoperiodism (C) Photophosphorylation (D) Photorespiration ‘Afruit that develops from bicarpellary, syncarpous, inferior ovary and bears pappus is (A) Pome (B) Drupe (© Cypsella (D) Caryopsis The development of diploid gametophyte from vegetative cells of a sporophyte is called (A) Apogamy (B) Apospory (C) Parthenogenesis (D) Parthenocarpy Which causal organism is responsible for the disease ‘Leaf Rust of Wheat’? (A) Phytophthora infestans (B) Puceinia triticina (©) Cercospora personatum (D) Bulmeria graminis (Continued) be seT-(B) 70. Whatare the symptoms noticed in the | 74, complete set of chromosomes ‘Late Blight of Potato’ disease ? inherited as a unit from one parent (A) Orange brown pustules that are is known as raised above the leaf surface, (A) Genome (B) Allele stems and on the spikes (C) Gene pool (D) Karyotype (B) White powdery spots or patches i : i d| 75. Lenticels found during secondary on the top side of leaves an cS ea gue ti (A) Aerating pores (B) Vessels (©) Elliptical spots with light coloured io mane @)'Seale centres and reddish edges seen on the leaves 76, Photosystem II (PS Il) is concerned (D) Infection occurs on stems, tubers with ' and leaf shows numerous black 4 eed aren patches on the surface resulting (C) Photolysis of wi aon in wilting and drying of the leaf (D) Release of energy 71. When the funicle, chalaza, micropyle | 77. Blue green algae are found in lie in one and the same vertical line (A) Primary root of Cycas in the ovule, the ovule is known as (B) Stem of Cycas (A) Anatropous (©) Secondary root of Cycas ®) Orthotropous (D) Coralloid roots of Cyeas C) Amphitr (© Amphitropous 78. The pink page of ‘Red Data Book’ (D) Campylotropous indicates the description of (A) Extinct species 72, The point where the funicle is attached (B) Rare species to the body of the ovule is called (C) Endangered species (A) Chalaza = (B) Hilum (@) Vulnerable species (©) Nucleus — (D) Micropyle 79, The electron doner in bacterial photosynthesis is 78. Apuretallpeaplantcanbe differentiated (A) SO, ®) CO, from a hybrid tall pea plant by © No, ©) 1,8 (A) Measuring height ao, “Geet sain h . 7 . Plants partially overcome the (B) Gibberellin treatment disadvantage of (© Selfing and noting that all (A) Absorption Progeny are tall (B) Transpiration () Selfing and noting that all (©) Photorespiration Progeny are dwarf () Vernalization OSSTET/P-I 1) (Tum over) 82. 83. 84. OSSTET/P-I B-SECT The amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs with each inspiration and expiration is ealled (A) Residual volume (B) Vital capacity (©) Tidal volume (D) Tidal capacity Gaseous exchange takes place in (A) Alveoli (B) Bronchii (©) Bronchioles (D) Bronchus Atavism in man means A @) ©) Evolution of existing characters Appearance of new characters Appearance of ancestral characters ) Loss of some pre-existing characters An euryhaline species denotes an animal A (B) © Without osmoregulation Which lives in saline water Which has a narrow range of salinity tolerance (D) Which hasa wide range of salinity tolerance (28) TON SCIENCE (CBz) ZOOLOGY 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. SET -(B) ithe blastula found in mammals jg called (A) Blastocyst (B) Stereoblastula (© Periblastula (D) Discoblastula Polar bodies (A) Protect the egg (B) Protect the sperm (C) Ensure fertilization (D) Produce haploid cells In Whittaker’s system of classification, slime moulds are included in (A) Monera —_(B)_ Protista (©) Fungi (D) Plantae Oxysomes are found in (A) Golgi bodies (B) Lysosomes (©) Mitochondria (D) Centrosome The opening of inferior vena cava is guarded by valve in the right atrium, (A) Artio-ventricular (B) Thebesian (©) Eustachian () Mitral Ee sET -(B) 90. The human heart is 96. What is the location of ‘crypts of (A) Monogenic (B) Myogenic Licberkuhn’ ? (©) Neurogenie (D) Polygenic (A) Small intestine . (B) Liver 91. Chiasmata occur in (A) Zygotene stage Renae (B) Prophase — IT (D) Pyloric gland (©) Anaphase = II (D) Diplotene stage 97. Kidney produces a proteolytic enzyme called 92. Who for the first time coined the term (A) Erepsin (B) Renin ‘gene’? (C) Rennin — (D) Trypsin (A) Wilhelm Johannsen (B) Stanley Miller 98. In the kidney of man, the ‘loop of (C) T.H. Morgan henle’ is the part of (D) W. Batson (A) Glomerulus : (B) Collecting duct 93. Third ventricle is found in (G) Bowiten’s caiaile part of the brain. " @ Gertie (D) Uriniferous tubule ee 99. Who postulated independently the (©) Diencephalon chromosome theory of inheritance ? re (A) Bateson and Punnet . “ (B) Theodore Dobzhansky 94. Oxytocin hormone is secreted by (© Sutton and Bovery (A) Adrenal (B)_ Ovary (©) Haldane (©) Thyroid — (D) Pituitary 100. ‘Ontogeny repeats phylogeny’ is 95. Inan ecosystem, ifthe amountofenerey Populate unownes at the producer level is 100 calorie, a ne . what will be the amount of energy at (A) Recapitulation theory the tertiary consumer level ? (B) Lamarckian theory (A) 10 calorie (B) 0.1 calorie (C) Darwin's theory (C) lealorie (D) 0,01 calorie (D) Wallace theory OSSTET/P-1 (29) (Turn over) ol Ke C-SEGTION- IV LOPMENT. LSORY FOR ALL STREAMS) CHILD DEVE! » eon EDAGOGY, SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND EVALUATION set -(B) | Stimuli that increases probability of desirable responses of the learner is known as (A) Reinforcement (B) Explanation (C) Mlustrating with example (D) Stimulus variation Who formulated number of postulates which explained the intervening variables essential for learning ? (A) Kohler §B) Skinner (C) Hull (@) Tolman Which of the following statement is correct about how were Piaget and Vygotsky similar ? (A) Both say cultural differences have effect on development Both suggest development is universal Both acknowledge the role of peer interaction in development None of the above () © O) Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is associated with the theory of (A) Lev Vygotsky (B) Carl Rogers (© Jean Piaget () B.F. Skinner 101. The process of taking new information | 105, into our already existing knowledge jg mown as (A) Accommodation @) Assimilation (©) Adaptation (©) Equilibration 102, Who is known for his socio-cultural | 106. theory ? (A) Carl Rogers (B) Jean Piaget (@ Lev Vygotsky () None of the above 107. 103. Which concept was introduced in the Progressive school of Britain ? (4) School Based Evaluation (B) Formative Evaluation (©) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (D) Diagnostic Evaluation 104. Which statement is not correct about learning ? 108. (A) Ibis modification of behaviour (B) Outcomes of it provide experiences (© Itis reflex @) It affects general behavioural pattern OSSTET/P-I (66) ° (Continued) i 109. 110. 111. 112. OSSTET/P-I Learning is an association between stimulus and (A) Animal (B) Past experience (Q Response (D) Behaviour When infants think by means of their senses and motor acting is the stage of (A) Sensori motor period (B) Pre operational period (C) Concrete operational period (D) Formal operational period Each institution have its own long-term and short-term plans is known as (A) Academic planning (B) Curricular planning (© Strategic planning (D) Institutional planning Which of the following is not a pillar of management principle of Fredrick Taylor? (A) Success in the given work (B) Relationship between time and salary Respectable behaviour Difficulty level of the given @ @) work 67) 113, 114, 115. 116. 17. ser -(B) Which type of evaluation is used at the end of the course to determine students mastery on the course ? (A) Placement (B) (©) ®) Whatis th evaluation ? (A) Itrefers to the scholastic aspect (B) Itrefers to co-scholastic aspect (@) It refers to both scholastic and co-scholastic aspect It refers to continuous process Diagnostic Formative Summative ¢ meaning of comprehensive @) Which of the following theories is related to learning by consequences ? (A) Operant conditioning (B) Insight learning (©) Classical conditioning (D) Cognitive learning ‘The term schema describes (& Mental and physical actions (B) Social actions (C) Emotional actions (D) None of the above Law of readiness of learning refers to (A) Repetition of learning (B) Satisfaction of learning (©) “Ready to learn (D) Reoccur when situation is repeated (Turn over) 118, 119. 120. 121. OSSTET/P-I Learning of a child grows with the increase of age. Which condition of learning refers to it? (A) Readiness @) Maturation (©) Motivation (D) None of the above Which Thorndike’s Law is based on the laws of use and disuse ? (A) Law of effect (B) Law of readiness (Q)_ Law of exercise () None of these Which of the following is a factor which assist in the progress of learning ? (A) Significance (B) Problem attitude (C) Attentiveness (D) All of these Which of the following statement is not correct for school development plan? (Ay It is made by the concerned government. (B) It is made by the school at local level. (C) It is made for the development of school infrastructure, (D) It is made with the consultation of local community. (58) 122. 123. 124. set -(B) “Of all the different factors which influence the quality of education and its contribution to national development, the quality competence and character of teachers ame undoubtedly the most significant”. Who said it? (A) Secondary Education Commission (B) Education Commission, 1964-65 {C) National Education Policy, 1986 (D) National Education Policy, 2020 In which year the Ministry of Education was renamed as Ministry of Human Resource Development ? (A) 1982 (B) 1983 (Q 1985 (@) 1989 Which of the following is a principal academic adviser to the Ministry of Education in matter relating to school education ? (A) Central Advisory Board on Education (CABE) ® National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) © University Grant Commission (UGC) National University for Education Planning and Administration (NUEPA) ©) (Continued) Be 125. 126. 128. 129. OSSTET/P-I As per the Right to Education Act which of the following Committee is very crucial in actualising the goals ? (A) Village Level Committee {B) School Management Committee (©) Parent Teacher Association (D) Mother Teacher Association percent of total members shall constitute quorum for the Parent Teacher Association meeting. (A) 40 (B 30 (C) 50 (D) 25 Which validity of a test is established by determining whether the test items adequately sample the skills and subject matter of the course ? (A) Face validity (B) Empirical validity ©) Content validity (D) Factorial validity A pupil’s composite or average educational achievement on a battery of achievement tests of school subjects is called as his (A) Mental age (B) Educational age (@ Chronological age (D) Attainment age Which type of educational management is more important than others in the following ? (A) Authoritarian (B) Internal educational management (©) Centralised educational management External educational management @) (69) 130, 181. 132. 133. 134. ser-(B]} Which of the following is a “I” style of educational management ? (xj Autocratic (B) Democratic (C) Decentralised (D) Creative Which one is an authoritarian level of teaching ? (A) Teacher centrek (B) Child centred (C) Experience based (D) Learning centred Which statement is not correct about TLMs ? (A) It provides clarity of subject matter Helps in developing interest Develops understanding about content None of the above @) © @) Emotional response to symbolic stimuli is primarily the result of (A) Maturation (B) Learning (© Adjustment (©) Increased sensory perception Which of the following is not a factor for affecting retention ? (A) Interference (B) Reorganisation (G) Elapsed time ©) Allof these (Turn over) 137. 138. 139. OSSTET/P-I Effective teaching by and large, ig 4 function of (A) Teacher's incentive (B) @ (D) ‘Teacher's honesty Teaching makes students Jeary and understand ‘Teacher's liking for job of teaching Absenteeism in the class can be aminimised by (A) Punishing students (B) Teaching the students effectively and sincerely (©) Ignoring the fact of absentecism @) None of the above Educational management has not been drawn from which of the following discipline ? (A) Economies (B) Sociology (C) Political science (D) Chemistry , Which of the following is the first aspect of educational management ? (A) Organisation ®) Direction (C) Planning () Evaluation In which animals was the principle of classical conditioning applied ? (A) Cat (B) Rat (C) Dog 142. 143. 144, (D) All of the above (60) sET-(B] According to Pavlov’s classical i i the conditioning theory, the Unconditioned stimulus was (x) The salivation of food (B) Food (C) Bell (D) Salivation to bell .ed the interaction analysis in Education for thing effectiveness ? Who develop category system increasing the teac! (A) Ned A. Flander (B) Rayon (©) Amidon and Simon (D) Ogburn and Nimkoff Black board is a which type of teaching aids ? (A) Audio aids (B) Visual aids (C) Audio visual aids (D) None of the above Section 21 of the Right to Education Act deals with which of the following ? (A) Corporal punishment (B) Teachers qualification (C) School management committee (D) Infrastructure of the school Which is the correct sequence of the evaluation ? 1. Determine what is to be evaluated 2. Conclusion 3. Selection of Techniques 4. Collection of information @ (Continued) . set -(B} 145. Which of the pee is not 2/148. Onthestudy ofchild development, who conditions of learning ? ease oe eurisemarevman (A) Motivation connotation; which organically ties (B) Psychological safety the present with the past and directs (©) Feedback it towards the future”. (D) Abstention” (A) Arnold Gesell” (B) John Locke 146, Who developed a learning theory ; connectionism ? (C) George E. Coghill (A) Edward Thorndike (D) Donald 0. Hebb (B) Ivan Pavlov (©) John Watson 149, One who has learnt to drive a Maruti i b: di ith littl (D) Wolfgang Kohler car, drives Ambassador with little difficulty. The phenomenon illustrated 147. Caroll (1965) defined educational is called psychology as (A) Relearning @ It is the science that studies (B) Overlearning student behaviour in educational (©) Automatic learning settings. (D) Transfer of learning (B)’ The study of school learning in all its aspects. Ae | span 150. Positive transfer of training is most (© A scientific study of the life possible with stages in the development of an roe individual. (A) Similar tasks (D) An applied discipline which (B) Dissimilar tasks combines the two different fields (Q Verbal and motor tasks of education and psychology. () None of the above ee OSSTET/P-I (61) (Turn over)

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