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Giza Governorate

Time: 2hr Biology

6th Oct administration
Science inspection
Choose the correct answers
1- Which of the following Compounds must be a part of the
purifying liquid components in the artificial
kidney device 7?
a- Ammonia b- Car bond oxide C- urea d- glucose
2- A person was injured in on accident with amnesia which of the following brain lobes may
be affected?
a- Occipital lo be b- Temporal lo be C- Frontal lo be d- parietal lo be.
3- What is the result of decreasing the number of leaves in some desert plants?
a- The rate of photo synthesis increases
b- The lenticular transpiration decreases
C- The stomatal transpiration decrease
d- The pulling up of water increases.
4- which of the following structures are found in Mimosa plant and similar to the action of Joints in
a- Leaflets
C- The primary rachises
b- Pulvini d- the Scondary rachises
5- inthe opposite figure what's the difference beta the structure of liquid in part (1) and in part (2)
a- presence of haemoglobin
b- presence of urea
C- presence of glucose
d- Presence of mineral Salts.

6- Which of the following do you expect to be absent after the neuron exerts a high activity?

a- Neuroplasm c- Nissil's granules

b- Mitochondria d-Golgi bodies.
7- What's the biological process that expresses the flowers blooming in some
plants at daytime and their
closure at night?

a- Respiration b- Photosynthesis C- excretion d- sensation.

8- which of the following structures its absence Causes hair dryness?

a- hair muscle b- fat gland c- Sweat gland d- Melanin substance considered responsible for keeping the body balance with the help of the inner cars and body
a- Cerebellum b- thalamus C- ponsvaroli d- hypothalamus
10- In Human the number of the cranial nerves Connected to the
brain is.........
a- one Pair b- 5 pairs. c-8 Pairs d- 12 paris.
11- Which part of the nerve fiber could the potential difference of the
nerve cell be measured through it?
a- Neurolemma b- schwann cell c- Myelin sheath. d-Ranvier's node
12- Which of the following graphs represents the relationship between the diameter of the nerve fiber and
the speed of the nerve impulse (Y)


(a) (b) (c) (d)

13- Which of the following is not excreted through the stomata of leaves?
a- 02 b- Co2 C- pure water d- mineral salts.
14- When does the rate of transpiration increase through the day?
a- in the morning b-at noon C-in the evening d-at night.
15- What will happen at exposing the tip of the stem for light from one direction after several days?
a- the plant stop growing c- the stem Curvates towards light.
b- the stem grows vertically without curvature 2 d-the stem Curvates away from light.
16-Which of the following is considered the functional Unit of the nervous system?
a- Nerve cell b-Schwann cell c- Glial cell d- Nerve
17- Which of the following organs in human represents the first in defense line against microbes ?
a- Kidneys b-Lungs C- skin d-liver
18- The opposite graph illustrates a nerve cel that is exposed to a stimulus, the action potential of the
membrane of this cell equals
a- 90 C- 100 potential difference (mV)
b- 110 d- 120 4

19- Aperson is skating on snow, which of the following physiological properties take place to the blood
capillaries and rate of sweating to his respectively
a- diliate ldecreases. - Constrict/decreases.
b- dilate increases d- Contrict/ increases
20-If a Cut in the nerve fiber or dendritest nerve cell, the following contribute in compensating the cut
a- Nissil's granules c- Neuroplasm
b-Terminal arborization d- Neuroglial Cells.

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