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Grammar: (A1-A2)

Present Simple
Present Continuous
Past Simple
Future Simple
Present Perfect

Going to
I would like
Verb + ing ( love/hate/enjoy)
How much / how many
Modal verbs
Possessive case
Adverbs of frequency
Preposition of place/ of time
Much/many/a lot/a little/a few
Conjuctions (and/but/so)
Subjunctive( if+….)

To be
There is/there are
This/that – these/those
Possessives/personal pronouns
Ordinal numbers

Lexical topics:
The weather
Days/months/ seasons
Daily routines / habits
School supplies
Complete list of grammar exercises

Present tenses

A1 Present simple forms of ‘to be’ – am/is/are

A1 Present simple – I do, I don’t, Do I?
A1 Present continuous – I’m doing, I’m not doing, Are you doing?
A1 Present simple or present continuous?
A2 Present simple vs present continuous
B1 Present simple or present continuous
A1 Have got
A2 Present perfect – form and use
A2 Present perfect or past simple?
B1 Past simple or present perfect?
B1 Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
B1+ Present perfect simple or continuous

Past tenses

A1 Was/were – past simple of ‘be’

A1 Past simple – regular/irregular verbs
A1 Past simple – negatives and questions
A2 Past simple – Form and use
A2 Past continuous and past simple
A2 Past perfect
B1 Past simple, past continuous, past perfect
B1+ Narrative tenses – all past tenses
B2 Narrative tenses, used to, would


A1 ‘Will’ and ‘shall’ – Future

A1 Be going to – plans and predictions
A2 Will vs be going to – future
A2 Present continuous for future arrangements
B1 Future forms – will, be going to, present continuous
B1+ Future continuous and future perfect
B2 Future forms – expressing future time
B2 Other ways to express future – be about to, be due to, etc.
B2 Future in the past

Verb tense reviews

A2 Review of all verb tenses A2

B1 Review of all verb tenses B1
B1+ Review of all verb tenses B1-B2

Modals, the imperative, phrasal verbs, etc .

A1 Can, can’t – ability, possibility, permission

A1 The imperative – Sit down! Don’t talk!
A1 Would you like…? I’d like…
A2 Have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t
A2 Should, shouldn’t
A2 Might, might not – possibility
A2 Used to, didn’t use to – past habits and states
A2 How to use the verb ‘go’ in English
A2 The different uses of the verb ‘get’
A2 ‘Do’ vs ‘Make’ – What’s the difference?
A2 Verbs with two objects
A2 Stative vs dynamic verbs (or non-action vs action verbs)
A2 Phrasal verbs: transitive and intransitive, separable and inseparable
B1 Have to, must, should – obligation, prohibition, necessity, advice
B1 Had better… it’s time
B1 Can, could, be able to – ability and possibility
B1 Modal verbs of deduction – must, might, could, can’t
B1 Usually, used to, be used to, get used to
B1 B1 Phrasal verbs 1 – Exercises and explanation
B1 B1 Phrasal verbs 2 – Exercises and explanation
B1 B1 Phrasal verbs 3 – Exercises and explanation
B1+ Past modal verbs of deduction
B1+ Likely, unlikely, bound, definitely, probably – probability
B1+ Used to, be used to, get used to
B1+ Would and used to – past habits and repeated actions
B1+ Verbs of the senses: look, sound, feel, etc.
B2 Modal verbs – permission, obligation, prohibition, necessity
B2 Speculation and deduction – modal verbs and expressions
B2 Verbs of the senses
B2 ‘Get’ – different meanings

Conditionals, if, wish, etc.

A2 First conditional and future time clauses

B1 First conditional, future time clauses
B1+ Zero and first conditional and future time clauses
A2 Second conditional
B1 Second conditional – unreal situations
B1 First and second conditionals
B1 Third conditional – past unreal situations
B1+ Second and third conditionals – unreal conditionals
B2 Unless, even if, provided, as long as, etc. – other expressions in conditionals
B2 All conditionals – mixed conditionals, alternatives to if, inversion
B2 Mixed conditionals – If I were you, I wouldn’t have done it
B1+ Wishes and regrets – I wish / if only
B2 Wish, rather, if only, it’s time – unreal uses of past tenses


A2 Present and past simple passive: be + past participle

B1 Passive verb forms
B1 Active and passive voice
B1+ The passive voice – all tenses
B1+ The passive with reporting verbs – It is said that …
B1+ Have something done
B2 Distancing – expressions and passive of reporting verbs
B2 Passive verbs with two objects

Reported speech

A2 Reported speech – indirect speech

B1 Indirect speech – reported speech

-ing and the infinitive

A1 Verbs + to + infinitive and verbs + -ing

A2 Expressing purpose with ‘to’ and ‘for’
A2 Infinitives and gerunds – verb patterns
B1 Gerund or infinitive – do, to do, doing
B1+ Gerund or infinitive – verb patterns
B1+ Would rather, would prefer – expressing preference
B1+ Reporting verbs – admit doing, refuse to do, etc.
B2 Verb + object + infinitive/gerund – verb patterns
B2 Gerunds and infinitives – complex forms

Articles, nouns, pronouns, and determiners.

A1 A/an, plurals – singular and plural forms

A1 A/an, the, no article – the use of articles in English
A1 A, some, any – countable and uncountable nouns
A1 Much, many, a lot of, a little, a few
A1 This, that, these, those
A1 Possessive adjectives and subject pronouns (I/my, you/your, etc.)
A1 Object pronouns vs subject pronouns – me or I, she or her?
A1 Whose, possessive ‘s – Whose is this? It’s Mike’s
A2 Subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives
A2 Something, anything, nothing, etc.
A2 Much, many, little, few, some, any – quantifiers
A2 Too, too much, too many, enough
B1 A(n), the, no article
B1 Much, many, a lot, little, few, some, any, no – quantifiers
B1 All, both – quantifiers
B1 Both, either, neither – quantifiers
B1 Reflexive pronouns – myself, yourself
B1 Any, no, none – quantifiers
B1 Another, other, others, the other, the others
B1+ Quantifiers – all, most, both, either, neither, any, no, none
B2 Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns
B2 Generic pronouns – common-gender pronouns
B2 Compound nouns and possessive forms
B2 Possessive ’s with time expressions – Two hours’ walk

Relative clauses, relative pronouns and adverbs

A2 Defining relative clauses – who, which, that, where

B1 Defining and non-defining relative clauses
B1+ Whatever, whenever, wherever, whoever, however
B2 Relative clauses – defining and non-defining

there and it

A1 There is, there are – there was, there were

A1 There or it
B2 There and it – preparatory subjects

Auxiliary verbs

A2 So, neither – so am I, neither do I, etc.

B1 Question tags – aren’t you? don’t you?
B1+ Auxiliary verbs – different uses
B2 Have – auxiliary or main verb
B2 Ellipsis and substitution

Adjectives and adverbs

A1 Adjectives – old, interesting, expensive, etc.

A1 Adverbs of manner (slowly) – or adjectives (slow)?
A1 Comparative adjectives – older than, more important than, etc.
A1 Superlative adjectives – the oldest, the most important, etc.
A2 Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
A2 No longer, any longer, anymore
B1 Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
B1 Compound adjectives with numbers: ‘a two-day trip’
B1+ The … the … comparatives
B1 -Ed/-ing adjectives – adjectives from verbs
B1+ Participles as adjectives (-ed / -ing adjectives)
B1 So, such, such a, so much, so many
B1+ So, such (a), so much, so many
B1+ Adjectives without noun
B1+ Adjective order
B1+ Already, still, yet – What’s the difference?
B1+ Pretty, rather, quite, fairly
B2 Inversion with negative adverbials – adding emphasis

Conjunctions and clauses

A1 Conjunctions: and, but, or, so, because

A2 However, although, because, so, and time connectors
B1 Clauses of contrast, purpose and reason
B1+ Clauses of contrast and purpose
B2 Clauses of contrast, purpose, reason and result
B2 Discourse markers – linking words
B2 Participle clauses


A1 At, in, on – prepositions of time

A1 At, in, on – prepositions of place
A1 Next to, under, between, in front of, behind, over, etc.
A2 Prepositions of movement – along, across, over, etc.
A2 On time vs In time, At the end vs In the end.
B1 Verb + preposition
B1 Adjective + preposition
B1 During, for, while
B1 For, since, from – what’s the difference?


A1 Questions – word order and question words

A2 Asking questions in English – Question forms
A2 Subject questions, questions with preposition
B1+ Questions – different types
B1+ Indirect questions

Word order

A1 Adverbs of frequency with present simple

A1 Basic word order in English
B1+ Position of adverbs and adverb phrases
B2 Cleft sentences – adding emphasis

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