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2, FEBRUARY 2022 863

Field-Effect Transistor Based on MoSi2N4 and

WSi2N4 Monolayers Under Biaxial Strain:
A Computational Study of the
Electronic Properties
Nayereh Ghobadi, Manouchehr Hosseini , and Shoeib Babaee Touski

Abstract — The electronic properties of a field-effect tran- piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity is very attractive to expand
sistor with two different structures of MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 the practical application of 2-D materials [15], [16].
monolayers as the channel material in the presence of Single-layer MA2 Z4 (M = early transition metal, e.g., Mo,
biaxial strain are investigated. The band structures show
that these compounds are semiconductors with an indirect W, and Nb; A = Si or Ge, Z = N, P or As), is a family of mate-
bandgap. Their band gaps can be adjusted by applying rials with covering semiconducting, metallic and magnetic
in-plane biaxial strain. In the following, the variation of the properties [17]–[19]. A single layer MoA2 Z4 is composed
energies of the valleys and corresponding effective masses of an M–A sub-layer sandwiched between two A–Z sub-
with respect to the strain are explored. Finally, the strained layers. Researchers predicted high lattice thermal conductivity
MoSi2 N4 or WSi2 N4 are used as the channel of a p-type
FET and the corresponding current–voltage characteristic is of 440 and 500 W/mK [20], and elastic modulus of 487 and
explored. The results show that this FET has an ION /IOFF ratio 506 GPa for a single layer of MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 which
larger than 106 and sub-threshold swing (SS) in the range of have made them attractive 2-D materials. Synthesizing with a
96–98 mV/dec. The ION /IOFF ratio of these compounds with large size of 2-D MoSi2 N4 [21], the excellent ambient stability
respect to strain are compared. of it [21], [22], besides the large theoretical electron/hole
Index Terms — Biaxial strain, field-effect transistor, mobilities (up to 270/1200 cm2 /(Vs) which are near to six
ION /IOFF ratio, MoSi2 N4 , sub-threshold swing (SS), WSi2 N4 . times larger than those of monolayer MoS2 ) creates a bright
and versatile future for this material [21], [22]. MoSi2 N4 and
I. I NTRODUCTION WSi2 N4 have an indirect bandgap with the values of 1.73 and

T WO-DIMENSIONAL materials are being widely studied

from 2004 with the successful experimental isolation of
graphene [1]. Graphene with full-sp2 carbon atoms exhibits
2.06 eV, respectively [17], [23]. This range of bandgap makes
them promising candidates for potential optical applications in
the visible range. This family has a pair of valley pseudospins.
the remarkable electronic properties [2]–[4], however, absence Therefore, these materials have suitable valleytronic proper-
of an energy gap seriously precluded its exploitation in ties to be applied in multiple information processing in the
electronic applications [5], [6]. Efforts to create an energy future [24].
gap in graphene were ineffective [5], [7], [8], and research It is expected that MA2 Z4 family demonstrates potential
studies extend into other 2-D materials, such as the transition applications ranging from electronics, optoelectronics, pho-
metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) [9]–[11], indium selenide [12], tonics, spintronics, catalysis to energy harvesting [20]. With
indium telluride [13], and phosphorene [14] with appropriate sandwiching a TMD-type MZ2 monolayer into InSe-type
energy gaps. The design of new 2-D materials with attractive A2 Z2 in MA2 Z4 monolayers, 12 different structures have been
achieved [18]. It has been reported that α1 and α2 constructions
Manuscript received November 27, 2021; revised December 19,
2021; accepted December 21, 2021. Date of publication January 10, of MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 are the most stable structures [18].
2022; date of current version January 24, 2022. The review of this It has been shown that this material can withstand strain
article was arranged by Editor G. L. Snider. (Corresponding author: values up to 19.5% [25]. The effect of biaxial strain on
Manouchehr Hosseini.)
Nayereh Ghobadi is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, the electronic properties of these stable constructions as the
University of Zanjan, Zanjan 45371-38791, Iran. channel material of a FET has not been explored. Therefore,
Manouchehr Hosseini is with the Department of Electrical Engi- in this work, we have investigated the electronic properties
neering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan 65178-38695, Iran (e-mail: of α1 and α2 constructions of MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 in
Shoeib Babaee Touski is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, the presence of in-plane biaxial strain with first-principles
Hamedan University of Technology, Hamedan 65169-13733, Iran. calculations. In the following, we use a ballistic analytical
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at model as the top-of-the-barrier model to assess the dc per-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2021.3138377 formance of the double-gate field-effect transistor (DGFET)

0018-9383 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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based on single-layer MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 under biaxial

strain [26], [27].
Some details on the ab initio calculations of the electronic
properties in the presence of strain are discussed in Section II.
In Section III, the effects of biaxial strain on the electronic
properties have been explored and dc performance of the
DGFETs based on these materials have been investigated
in Section IV. Finally, concluding remarks are presented in
Section VI.


In order to investigate the properties of MoSi2 N4 and
WSi2 N4 monolayers, density functional calculations are per-
formed using the SIESTA software [28]. The generalized
gradient approximation (GGA) with the Perdew–Burke–
Ernzerhof (PBE) [29] functional is employed for the exchange-
correlation term. It is well known that the hybrid functional
Heyd Scuseria Ernzerhof (HSE06) may give a more appro- Fig. 1. Schematic of MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 with (a) α1 - and
(b) α2 -configurations. (c) Configuration of the studied DGFET with
priate gap. However, the calculations show that HSE06 over- MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 NN4 as the channel.
estimates the MoSi2 N4 gap [21]. The experimental value for
MoSi2 N4 monolayer gap is 1.94 eV, and the calculated gap at the top of the barrier along the channel. USCF is calculated
using PBE and HSE06 are 1.744 and 2.297, respectively [21]. by the following equation:
So, it has been found that the GGA gap is closer to the
experimental value than HSE06 one and it is more suitable for q2
USCF = −q(αG VG + α D VD + α S VS ) + N (5)
MoSi2 N4 . A Monkhorst–Pack k-point grid of 21 × 21 × 1 is C
chosen for the unit cell. A double-ζ plus polarization basis- where C is equal to C G + C D + C S (the parallel combination
set is used and the energy cutoff is 200 Ry. The total energy of the gate, drain, and source capacitances) and N =
is converged to better than 10−5 eV. The structures are fully N − N0 . αG/D/S represents the controllability of the self-
relaxed until the force on each atom is less than 0.02 eV/Å. consistent potential by the corresponding terminal and is equal
To avoid interactions in the normal direction, a vacuum region to C G/D/S /C . (αG  α D , α S ).
of 30 Å is added. To visualize the atomic structures, the This procedure can be done iteratively to find the exact
XCrySDen package has been used [30]. The in-plain biaxial values of the carrier density and self-consistent potential. After
strain is defined as ε = (a − a0 )/a0 , where a0 and a are the that, the drain–source current density can be obtained by the
equilibrium and deformed lattice constants, respectively. The difference of the fluxes from the source and drain contacts
effective mass of the carriers is calculated using the following [13], [26].
equation [31]:
m ∗ = h̄ 2 / ∂ 2 E/∂k 2 . (1) III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
Two different configurations of MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 have
Here, h̄ is the reduced Planck constant, E and k are the energy
been reported to have the lowest energy [18]. However, the
and wave vector of conduction band minimum (CBM) and
energy difference between these two structures is small. The
valence band maximum (VBM).
schematic of MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 with these two con-
The electronic properties of the DGFET with strained
structions, α1 and α2 , have been shown in Fig. 1. A MoN2
MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 as the channel material are investigated
sub-layer is sandwiched between two SiN sub-layers. In the
through the top of the barrier model. In this model, at first, the
α2 -structure, these three sub-layers are exactly placed over
nonequilibrium (N) and equilibrium (N0 ) electron densities are
others, whereas two SiN sub-layers have shift respect to MoN2
evaluated using the density of states according to the following
sub-layer in α1 -structure. The configuration of the studied FET
is sketched in Fig. 1(c). A monolayer MoSi2 N4 or WSi2 N4

1 +∞ and a high-k thin-film HfO2 have been used as the channel
N = D(E) f (E − E f )d E (2) material and gate dielectric, respectively.
2 −∞
N0 = N0S + N0D (3) The structural properties of these four materials are reported
in Table I. The lattice constants of these four materials
where are in the same range and are compatible with previously
 +∞ reported works [18], [21]. However, α2 -structure demonstrates
N0S/D = D(E) f (E − E FS/D + USCF )d E. (4) a slightly lower lattice constant than α1 one. On the other
hand, the cohesive energies are also in the same range,
E FS and E FD denote the Fermi levels of the source and drain whereas α1 demonstrates lower cohesive energy and is more
contacts, respectively, and USCF is the self-consistent potential stable. In addition, WSi2 N4 has a lower cohesive energy than

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Fig. 2. Two-dimensional energy map of the conduction and valence bands for all compounds. The first brilloiun zone is indicated for both conduction
and valence band of α1 -MoSi2 N4 .

Fig. 3. Band structures of MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 with α1 - and α2 -configuration. The projected density of states are plotted alongside of its
corresponding band structure.

TABLE I M-valley with an energy close to K -valley. On the other

L ATTICE C ONSTANT ( A ), THE M − N (dM−N ) AND Si-N (dSi−N ) B OND hand, the VBM is located at -valley, whereas the energy of
K -valley is close to -valley and contributes to the VBM. The
OF M O S I 2 N 4 AND WS I 2 N 4 M ONOLAYERS contours around -valley are isotropic and circular, whereas
K -valley demonstrates anisotropic behavior and is close to
The band structures along the high symmetry points for four
compounds are depicted in Fig. 3. The CBM is located at
K -valley in all compounds, whereas in α2 -structures, the
energy of M-point is close to CBM, especially for α2 -WSi2 N4 .
On the other hand, the VBM is placed at -point and the
energy of K -point is close to VBM. The corresponding
MoSi2 N4 . The thickness of these compounds is approximately projected density of states (PDOS) are plotted beside the
the same and α2 -configuration has a higher thickness. Finally, band structures. PDOS demonstrates that both conduction and
the buckling height of the SiN sub-layer demonstrates a higher valence bands are highly comprised of the d-orbitals from
value in α2 -configuration. Mo or W elements. In addition, the p-orbitals of N atoms
A two-dimensional map of conduction and valence bands in also contribute to the conduction and valence bands. The
the first Brillouin zone for all compounds is plotted in Fig. 2. p-orbitals of Si atoms have an influence on the higher energies
It is obvious that the CBM is located at K -valley for all these in the conduction band and do not contribute to the CBM
materials. However, WSi2 N4 displays a local minimum at and VBM.

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Fig. 4. (a) Band gap variations as a function of in-plane biaxial strain for four compounds. (b)–(e) Energies of the valence band valleys as a function
of the biaxial strain for Γ-valley (EV ), K -valley (EK ), and M -valley (EM ).

The electrical properties of these four monolayers are listed

in Table II. The bandgap of α1 -configuration of MoSi2 N4 is
1.748 eV that is in good agreement with previous results
[18], [21]. However, α2 one has a higher bandgap as 1.954 eV
that is approximately 0.2 eV higher than α1 . The bandgap
of α1 -WSi2 N4 also is 2.129 eV that is close to the previous
reported values [18], [21]. The bandgap increases to 2.41 eV
for α2 -structures that is 0.3 eV larger than its α1 -configuration.
The results prove that α2 constructions demonstrate a higher
bandgap. As one can see, the CBM and VBM are located
at K - and -valleys, respectively. The effective masses of
important valleys in the conduction and valence bands are
reported in Table II. In the valence band, the effective masses
of -valley in different directions are approximately the same,
whereas K -valley demonstrates various effective masses along
different directions. Previously, we have observed in Fig. 2
isotropic and anisotropic contours around - and K -point,
respectively. -valley demonstrates a higher effective mass
with respect to K -valley that is compatible with the cor-
responding band structure. In addition, α2 -structures show
larger effective masses along with its higher bandgap. For
example, the effective mass of α1 -MoSi2 N4 in the -valley
is 1.31 m0 , while increases to 1.6 m0 for α2 one. Although Fig. 5. Hole effective masses as a function of strain at two effective
valleys (K and Γ). The effective masses of Γ-valley along Γ to K (mvΓ→ K)
α2 -structure contains the higher effective mass, this configura- ,∗ v,∗
and Γ to M (mvΓ→ M ), and effective masses of K -valley along K to Γ (m K→Γ )
tion shows lower anisotropicity at K -valley. For instance, the and K to M (mvK,∗→M ) are plotted.
effective masses of α1 -WSi2 N4 are 0.728 and 0.569 m0 and for
α2 -WSi2 N4 are 0.797 and 0.727 m0 along K →M and K → 
paths of valence band, respectively. The difference between the
effective masses along different paths for α1 - and α2 -structures four compounds and their electronic properties are explored.
are 0.16 and 0.07 m0 that proves α2 -structure demonstrates First of all, the band gaps of these four materials with respect
lower anisotropicity at K -valley. to the strain are presented in Fig. 4(a). The band gaps of
The biaxial in-plane strain has been known as a powerful all compounds show a maximum at a compressive strain
tool to modify the electrical and electronic properties of between −2% and −4%. Then, the band gaps decrease under
2-D materials [31], [32]. The biaxial strain has been applied to compressive and tensile strains. The strain value is swept

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Fig. 6. Current–voltage characteristic of DGFET with MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 as the channel material under biaxial strain.

from −15% to 15%. While the bandgap of α1 -MoSi2 N4 range of strain and only shows anisotropic effective mass at
closes under a tensile strain of 15%, the bandgap is higher large compressive strain, where it does not contribute to the
than 1 eV at a compressive strain of 15%. Under compressive VBM. The effective masses for both MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4
strains lower than −5%, the band gaps of all compounds behave similarly. However, WSi2 N4 demonstrates a little lower
are approximately the same, whereas the band gaps exhibit effective mass.
different values on the other side of the maximum point. The The electronic properties of the DGFET with strained
band gaps also decrease more rapidly at low tensile strains and MoSi2 N4 and WSi2 N4 as the channel material are investi-
the α1 -structures show the lowest band gaps in large tensile gated through the top of the barrier model. These materi-
strains. als indicate p-type behavior at experiment results and here,
It has been reported in the experimental works that mono- a p-type FET (pMOS) is also investigated. Drain current
layer MoSi2 N4 demonstrates a p-type characteristic [21]. (IDS ) versus drain–source voltage (VDS ) is drawn in Fig. 6.
In this regard, the valence band (hole) properties are inves- IDS increases at small drain voltages and it saturates around
tigated in the following. For clarifying the behavior of the VDS = 0.1 V. Then, IDS continues to increase with a small
valleys, the energies of the effective valleys in the valence slope. Drain current is also investigated under different values
bands with respect to strain are plotted in Fig. 4(b)–(e). Three of strains. The equilibrium condition and large compressive
valleys (, K , and M) participate at the valence band. The strains demonstrate the lowest and highest current in the
VBM is located at -valley in the tensile strain, whereas α1 -structures, respectively. On the other hand, the large tensile
K - and M-valleys also contribute to the VBM of α2 -structures and the compressive strain demonstrate the lowest and highest
at the large tensile strains. At these strains, the M-valley current for the α2 -structures, respectively. The equal energy of
is dominant and two other valleys also contribute VBM. K - and -valleys at equilibrium state for all structures results
- and K -valleys on valence band possess the close energy at in the highly effective mass and small current.
small compressive strains while the K -valley is dominant at The drain current as a function of gate voltage for different
compressive strains. Similar to the large tensile strains, three strain values is shown in Fig. 7. For better understanding,
valleys contribute to the VBM of α2 -structures at the large the drain current is studied at both linear and logarithmic
compressive strains. scales. The linear scale clarifies the on-current performance
The hole effective mass has been explored under various and follows the IDS –VDS behavior. The on-current, off-current
strains. The effective masses of these two valleys versus strain and ION /IOFF ratio for four compounds are obtained in the
are reported in Fig. 5. Two K - and -valleys, contribute to the range of 2000–2200 μA/μm, 10−3 μA/μm, and 2.0-2.2 ×
VBM in the most range of strain. The K -valley exhibits the 106 , respectively. These values are comparable with FETs
lowest effective mass at compressive strains and one can find based on the other 2-D materials, such as MoS2 [33], [34],
from Fig. 4 that the VBM is located at K -valley in this strain phosphorene [34], InSe [35], and graphene nanoribbon [36].
range. The values of the K -valley effective masses increase The steep rising of the current in the sub-threshold region is
as the strain changes from compressive to the tensile regime. obvious from the logarithmic scale and results in a small sub-
In addition, in α1 structures two different paths at K -valley threshold swing (SS). The four compounds indicate similar SS
demonstrate different effective masses, whereas these two in the range of 96–98 mV/dec. Indeed, the SS is controlled
paths possess the same value for α2 ones. The difference of two by the FET structure more than channel material.
effective masses in α1 structures increases with a rise in the One of the most important parameters of the FETs is
strain and K -valley shows more anisotropy for tensile strains. ION /IOFF ratio. The ION /IOFF ratio is over 106 for nowadays
At the same time, the effective mass of -valley decreases technologies. The obtained ION /IOFF ratio versus biaxial strain
with the strain and becomes the lowest effective mass at tensile for all four compounds are plotted in Fig. 8. All curves
strains. At the tensile regime, the VBM is located at -valley. demonstrate a minimum at small compressive strains close
The -valley demonstrates isotropic effective mass for a wide to the equilibrium condition. At these strains, both K - and

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Fig. 7. Drain current versus gate voltage of studied DGFET under different values of strains in two linear and logarithmic scales.

K - and -valleys, respectively. The α2 -configurations demon-

strate a higher bandgap along with larger effective masses. The
-valley demonstrates equal effective masses along different
directions, whereas K -valley has anisotropic effective masses.
The band gaps and effective masses can be tuned by in-plane
biaxial strain. All compounds show a maximum value of
bandgap at compressive strains between −2% and −4%.
Afterward, the bandgap decreases for both compressive and
tensile strains. Finally, the current–voltage characteristic of
p-type FET with MSi2 N4 as the channel has been explored.
IDS increases at small values of VDS until its saturation around
VDS = 0.1 V. The ION /IOFF ratio is larger than 106 and
SS is obtained in the range of 96–98 mV/dec. Furthermore,
bi-axial strain can effectively modulate the current–voltage
characteristic of DGFETS. The ION /IOFF ratio with respect to
strain demonstrates a minimum at small compressive strains
Fig. 8. ION /IOFF ratio as a function of strain for DGFETs with studied close to equilibrium condition for all materials. -valley is
compounds as the channel material.
dominant over tensile strains and controls the current. The
-valley possess the same energy that results in a high reduction of the effective mass of -valley at tensile strains
effective mass. This high effective mass leads to a small increases the on-current and ION /IOFF ratio.
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