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A student takes two pots M and N. He puts plant waste in Pot M and plastic products in pot N .

He puts both the

pots in an open area for 3 to 4 weeks and observes that the content in the pot M is converted into manure while
the content in Pot N remained same. What can be likely reason to produce manure in pot M ?

Q1. A farmer grows maize plants in two consecutive seasons in his field 1. Another farmer at the same time grows bean plants in one season and
maize plant in the next season in field 2. Which field will likely have soil with high nutrients for growth of new plants in the third Season and

Field 2 is likely to have soil with higher nutrients for the growth of new plants in the third season.

The reason for this is crop rotation. Crop rotation is a farming practice where different crops are grown in a specific sequence over time in the same field.
It is done to improve soil fertility, manage pests and diseases, and enhance overall crop yield. Beans are known as nitrogen-fixing plants, which means
they have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form that enriches the soil.

Why is it recommended to wash fruits and raw vegetables before eating them

Pesticides are sprayed on fruits, vegetables and spices to prevent the attack of insects and pests. If the fruits or
vegetables are consumed without washing, pesticides can enter the body, causing serious health problems. Hence, it is
strongly advised to wash the fruits and vegetables before consumption.

The plants grow fastest if we add fertilizers in the soil but if we add money or plants grow but at slower rate give

The decomposed plant and animal waste in

manure add humus to the soil, but fertilizer doesn't have this ability. The soil and plants slowly absorb manure because
it's insoluble in water. Fertilizers dissolve quickly in water and boost plants almost instantly.
Which kind of irrigation is highly effective in dry regions?

Seeds need to be sun dried before storing. Why?

Seeds need to be sun-dried before storing as it allows to reduce moisture from them and hence prevent bacteria growth
which increases their lifespan otherwise they lose the capacity of germination and we are not able to grow them or keep
them for the next harvesting season.

How do fertilizers affect the growth of plants?

The more fertilizer a crop receives, the faster it grows. We know if a crop is provided with too little fertilizer, plant
growth response is poor; but if fertilizer rates are excessive, plant growth slows and there is a potential for root damage
or death from high fertilizer salts.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic manures

Advantages :

•In addition to releasing nutrients, it improves soil structure

•Increases water holding capacity

•Slow in action hence very difficult to over fertilize plants

•No risk of forming toxic build up of chemicals

•Renewable, biodegradable, eco friendly


•Slow in action, microbes required to release nutrients microbes require moisture, so seasonal
variation may affect

•Nutrient ratios are unknown

Advantages of applying fertilisers to the land:

It increases crop yield and improves poor quality land.Manure improves soil texture, recycles
nitrogen and introduces essential bacteria.Pasture is improved so animals fatten up quicker.Once
marshland is drained, fertilisers can help reclaim that land for pastureCrops grow faster –
particularly when hybrid seeds are used.

Disadvantages of using artificial fertilisers:

Crops grow better, but so do weeds. Therefore herbicide sprays are required too.Better quality
plants attract insects so pesticides may be needed.Excess nitrogen from fertilisers gets into water
supplies, causing fish to die.Chemicals need to be used safely. In poorer countries in particular,
farmers can
damage their health by applying fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides incorrectly.Artificial
fertilisers, applied without organic additions, do not improve soil structure.

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